The lorry owners had been demanding the Union Government to affect a decrease of Re. 10/- per litre for diesel. During the talks held on 12 December, 2008 the Government turned down their demand. Therefore, they confirmed their decision to go on an indefinite strike from 20 December, 2008.
The copies of the last two emails, among many others, were sent to the Chief Justice of Supreme Court and the Election Commission of India.
The Prime Minister on 12 December, 2008 said that terrorist acts were a crime against humanity. He considered terrorism as a threat to democracy.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. Gordon Brown, came to India on 14 December, 2008 on an unscheduled visit. He extended the cooperation of England to control terrorism. He might have utilized the visit to convey the desire of the Queen to give FREEDOM to 1000 million people. In fact, he wanted to talk many things to the people of India. But he could not. However, he managed to utter the words “financial terrorism”. His words went unnoticed. Anyone going through this work would agree that the words were harder than the word – manipulation – present in this work. He might succeed in giving FREEDOM to Indians. However, future alone would prove or disprove this conclusion. At Pakistan, on the next day, he did not talk about financial terrorism but said that three fourth of terrorisms in Britain originated from Pakistan.
Her Excellency the President of India on 16 December, 2008 reiterated that the fruits of development must reach all parts of India. On the next day, the President requested the Government to allot a huge amount to trap solar energy. Evidently, the President is doing something to augment public investments and to curtail financial terrorism. But her words did not reach the mind of the people. In fact, the people remember what one or two prisoners recently talked and not the words of the President.
The High Court, Delhi on 17 December, 2008 admitted a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) that alleged arbitrary auctioning of 3G spectrum by the Union Government. The petition said that the decision was unfair and against public interest. A nine judge Bench in February 2007 said that all laws could be scrutinized. But the writ petition, apparently, is to extract a judgement in favour of auctioning using the three judge Bench BALCO judgment.
Some political parties alleged that there were huge commissions – about Re. ten thousand crore to Re. one lakh crore- during the previous allotment of spectrum.
In this connection, it must be stated that when there is a chance to get Re. ten thousand to Re. one lakh crore as commission, all men would not reject it. Therefore, there shall be no room for any commission. This had been given as one of the ten points in the first letter dated 1-6-2001. But it was ignored.
The Union Government on 18 December, 2008 said that the prices of petroleum products would be reviewed before 5 January, 2009. Accordingly, the lorry owners called off their strike. The Government relented presumably due to the last email. The Constitution does not permit any private party to take unethical profit.
Three militants and a soldier were killed in an encounter in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State.
The Government of India on 19 December, 2008 disclosed through a Tamil TV channel that the military commanders of India and some other countries attended a meeting in Sri Lanka. It is now clear that the fire that kills the Indian fishermen and the Sri Lankan Tamils originate from an external source. The fire does not come out of the mind of the Indian leaders at all. No escape. No political leader has disclosed this till date. There is no use in blaming Indian political leaders at all in this matter. Now, the Union Government could request the power that exists above it to settle for a political solution so that the refugees might go back.
The Prime Minister of India on 20 December, 2008 exhorted the scientists to use technology to counter terrorism.
The Union Government on 23 December, 2008 announced its decision to auction 100 oil and 26 coal exploration blocks in February 2008. The Government could do so only if there were dearth of funds.
The Union Government said that action would be taken to prevent dumping of Chinese goods in India. The people believe that India allows the dumping just to enable three or four private parties to export their iron ore to China. As a result, a number of small industries in India have perished. Now, India could revive the sick industries or produce import substitution products under the public sector route only if the present beneficiaries were ready to forgo their market.
The Pope on 25 December, 2008 said that the world would fall apart due to greed.
The militant people on 25 December, 2008 killed four persons including a retired Army personnel and his nephew in the Jharkhand State of India. None in India condemned it presumably because the people would come to know that the Indians kill Indians only to oppose the mining policy of India. A change in the mining policy would add to the happiness of Indians.
The Union Government on 29 December, 2008 deferred the auction of the 3G spectrum by 15 days. By this time, the participants would come to an understanding to apportion the spectrum among them. In fact, they know several ways to corner the spectrum. The Government should not hand over public treasure of, say, Re. one lakh crore, to get Re. ten thousand crore just because there were no takers.
The Union Government now sanctioned about Re. twenty five thousand crore for widening roads. It is consistent with this work. But the Government should have allotted at least the surplus money of the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
The Union Government on 26 December, 2008 directed the PSUs to invest 30 per cent of their surplus funds in the stock market through the aid of mutual funds. Ridiculing the people, the Government, on the next day- based on a new calculation- said that 800 million people in India were living under Re.20/- per day and 230 million people under Re.9/- per day.
The profit of the PSUs is the life blood of Indians. The direction to give this money to less than ten individuals is an unconstitutional one. The reasons had been given earlier in this work. The money given must be recovered forthwith.
The exact amount that would go out of the PSUs is known to the President only. A rough calculation would show that the amount would be sufficient to pay salary to all Union Government employees for the next three years. The Government need not borrow money. It should, at least, use the surplus money for public investments. Further, no man from Kerala, J&K or North Eastern States would be benefitted. Therefore, it would adversely affect the UNITY of the Nation.
England is not giving money like this. Instead, it is borrowing money for public investments. In fact, it is nationalizing the private banks. Even the USA is not following this path. It is giving money to sick industries only as loan. Non repayment or closure might lead to nationalization.
It is pertinent to recall that the then Prime Minister of India in May 1994 depicted democracy as “the mask of the real wielders of power”. He decried the tendency to cut corners for benefits. He wanted the genuine votaries of the system to sit up and think. He said this during his only famous speech delivered at Washington D.C. The speech had been written by him only. He would not have meant the democracy that prevailed in the USA or any other country. He meant Indian democracy only. Therefore, the concept that the leaders intrigue against the nation to remain as rulers is not an invention of the present writer. He knew the trick and became the Prime Minister. The present Prime Minister also used the same method to occupy the chair. It took seven years for a man in the street to discover the meaning of his words.
The present decision to invest public money in the stock market clearly confirms that the Indian democracy is the mask of the real wielders of power. One of the options before the President is convening a Round Table Conference (RTC) of the Cabinet Ministers, political leaders, judges, Election Commissioners and other prominent personalities to give FREEDOM to the people after the removal of the mask. It would restore rule of law. Then only, the will of a citizen, as it is and not as it is manipulated, would prevail. However, half hearted steps will have no yield.
Not withstanding everything, there must be a total surrender to duty. A man should not think about anything other than his duty. Then only a man would be able to do his duty. This is what the sages say. Therefore, the President should surrender totally to duty. Then only the people would realize the importance of a President. Incidentally, this is the democratic way to become the President of India.
The entire work comprising 101 chapters was updated in the website: howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 31 December, 2008.
The facts from 12 December, 2008 to 31 December, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 1 January, 2009 just to enable her to fulfill the purpose of the President.