Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Letter No.594

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 593 letters submitted to the President of India.
The present man submitted to the President of India that the Chief Justice of India rigs the elections with the help of the media.
The act of controlling the public mind and rigging the elections is a heinous crime against all Indians.
The Supreme Court of India has now overtaken the 12 January 2018 four judge judgement. This action is in conflict with the Constitution of India and the Common Law.
This shows that the Supreme Court of India rigged the last three elections to the Indian Parliament wholesale.
The confiscation of the assets of the newspapers, periodicals and the TV channels is the smallest punishment for defeating Articles 19 and Articles 39.
In order to ensure a free and fair election in future, all owners and board of directors of the newspapers and the TV channels must be kept in prison.
Then the Government and the judges will not be frightened by freedom.
But the Supreme Court of India says, “We will strange you”.
It has been said that the ‘most important difference between civilization and savagery is the willingness of civilized men and nations to submit their differences of opinion to a factual test’.
The Supreme Court of India is not ready for it.
It simply takes unilateral decisions that are in conflict with their own law.
Therefore, it has no right to exist.
When it is customary and legitimate for the judges of the Supreme Court of India to destroy, amend, add or re-write to the Constitution of India, what the Constitution of India ought to provide to the Indians?
If nothing short of an injunction would protect the Constitution, the President of India has the power to exercise it. The only condition is that such an injunction should survive open market inspection.
V. Sabarimuthu

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Letter No. 593

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 592 letters submitted to the President of India.
There are reports that the Supreme Court of India functioned normally on 29 January 2018. Apparently, they agreed to enforce the award of the President of India.
If a judge cannot punish the big offenders, he should not punish the small offenders.
The act of controlling the public mind to rig elections is more heinous than the act of committing a murder.
Every manager and every Board of Director of the newspapers and the TV channels should have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the above offence. They escaped punishment because the Chief Justice India functioned as the chief rigging master of India.
Now, they must obey the award of the President of India as they are not against the essence of the Constitution of India.

Addressing the joint sitting of the two houses of Indian Parliament, on 29 January 2018, His Excellency the President of India described Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the architect of the Constitution of India and said that his Government would give food and water to the people.
The President of India can accept the salute of the armed forces, address the joint sitting of Parliament and live in the Presidential Palace. However, these are not the important duties of the President of India.
The Constitution of India authorizes the President of India to interpret and apply the Constitution of India.
At the same time, it denies him the power to amend, change or rewrite the Constitution of India.
The amendments to the Constitution are not actually, amendments but are – in the parlance of law – Filling the Gaps – only.
The President of India must remain as the President of India in the Presidential Palace and not as a slave of the ‘We’ in the ‘We will strange you’ policy.
The Government of India must carry out the suggestions present in the 593 letters and all other concrete suggestions of the people all over India in the coming budget. If there is any conflict between the suggestions of the people and the policies of the Government of India, one that is closest to the essence of the Constitution of India would prevail.
This is letter No. 593
V. Sabarimuthu
30 -1-2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Letter No. 592

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 591 letters submitted to the President of India.
The President of India must note that the Article 19 and the Article 39 of the Constitution of India together forms the essence of the Constitution of India.
On the other side, the Chief Justice of India clones judgements. Just as he clones judgements so as he clones elections.
It is pertinent to recall that in his judgement in the disproportionate assets case against Ms. JayalalithaaJudge John Michael Cunha said that “a heady mix of power and wealth was the bottom line of the case”. He opined that corruption by public servants occupying higher positions encourages those in lower positions to indulge in such illegalities.
It is clear that the late Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Miss. Jayalalithaa, should not have been the first accused in that case.
The first accused was those occupying higher positions.
The Prime Minister of India, the learned judges of the Supreme Court of India and the President of India and ultimately the people occupy higher positions.
There is no meaning in sending Miss. Jayalalithaa or Miss. Sasikala to jail after keeping the bigger offenders in the “Paradise’.
This concept applies to Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav and all other similar offenders.
The remedy is the Constitution of India.
The last letter was sent to all newspapers all over the world including one or two newspapers in India. The entire world concealed it.
Therefore, a worldwide conspiracy exists to deny freedom to Indians.
Even if the President of India. the learned judges of the Supreme Court of India, Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers and all political leaders say “We don’t strange you”, the “We will strange you” policy would prevail.
One cannot put the blame on anyone - the Prime Minister of India included.
India is not a ‘free’ nation.
The ‘We” in the ‘We will strange you’ policy rigs the elections and rules the nation.
Therefore, the past practices and the conventions would not solve this problem.
This is letter No.592
V. Sabarimuthu

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Letter No.591

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 590 letters submitted to the President of India.
       The learned judges of the Supreme of India have no power to amend, modify or rewrite their judgement.
In view of the 12 January 2018 four judge judgement of the Supreme Court of India, the present Chief Justice of India cannot constitute a bench.
However, the Chief Justice of India has some residual powers.
After a judgement, it is customary for the judge to stay his own order in order to enable the convicted person to obtain a stay from the higher court. That power is usually called residual power.
On 12 January 2018, a four judge bench of the Supreme Court of India declared that the Chief Justice of India cloned some judgements. 15 days have passed. Yet the Chief Justice of India has not denied the allegation and the court remains paralyzed. The judgement shows that the Chief Justice of India cloned some acquittals or convictions through the aid his confidantes. As it is a criminal offence, the next senior most judge might have taken charge as the acting Chief Justice of India.
As the people are the ultimate judges in this matter, it is the duty of the acting Chief Justice of India to tell the present state of the Supreme Court of India to people all over India through a proper and adequate press release.
The acting Chief Justice of India must choose a course that does the least violence to the judgement of a reasonable man.
In this matter, the President of India shall not induce the learned judges of the Supreme Court of India and the Government of India to commit more and more illegalities.
The following is quoted from the Constitution of India.
"The Indian Constitution is first and foremost a social document, and is aided by its Parts III & IV (Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy, respectively) acting together, as its chief instruments and its conscience, in realizing the goals set by it for all the people."[Note 7][62]
The Constitution's provisions have consciously been worded in generalities, though not in vague terms, instead of making them rigid and static with a fixed meaning or content as in an ordinary statute, so that they may be interpreted by coming generations of citizens with the onward march of time, to apply to new and ever-changing and demanding situations, making the Constitution a living and an organic document.[63] Justice Marshall asserts: “It is the nature of (a) Constitution that only its great outlines be marked”. It is a document intended “to endure for ages” and therefore, it has to be interpreted not merely on the basis of the intention and understanding of the framers but on the experience of its working effectively, in the existing social and political context.
For instance, "right to life" as guaranteed under Article 21,[nb 1] has by interpretation been expanded to progressively mean a whole lot of human rights[nb 2]
In the conclusion of his Making of India's Constitution, Justice Khanna writes:
"If the Indian constitution is our heritage bequeathed to us by our founding fathers, no less are we, the people of India, the trustees and custodians of the values which pulsate within its provisions! A constitution is not a parchment of paper, it is a way of life and has to be lived up to. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and in the final analysis, its only keepers are the people."[67

As the present man fairly and adequately represent the people of India and as the last election was rigged by the present Chief Justice of India - consistent with the Preamble, Fundamental Rights and the essence of the Constitution of India- the President of India is directed to carry out the following award.
1.  The assets of all registered newspapers, TV channels and periodicals in charge of disseminating news and views would become Government property from today the 28th January 2018 and their management must go to the closest voluntary organization by distance. Every owner is free to register for new newspapers, TV channels and periodical and run them under a different name and by hiring new employees. This is due to their conscious failure to discharge their fiduciary responsibility to the nation and for contributing their share for rigging the elections.
2.  All natural resources must go to the State Governments with immediate effect.
3.  All Public Sector Undertakings or their shares must be apportioned among the States with immediate effect.
4.  All employees – public sector and private sector – will  come under a Generalized Pension Scheme (GPS) with effect from 1-4- 2018 consistent with the income tax paid by them.
5.   All people above 60 years, all handicapped and all widows will get a pension of Re. 1000 per month from April 1, 2018. 
6.  As the male members of the judiciary failed to discharge their constitutional responsibility, all judicial vacancies will be apportioned among the males and the females in the ratio 1:1 with immediate effect.
7.  As bulk buying involves big commission, buying and selling must be carried out in pieces. All contract works are similarly related.
8.  The Government must remain in a state of readiness to reserve the foreign exchange reserves of the Government of India among the States and the Union Government in the ratio 1:1.
9.  The Government must remain in a state of readiness to hand over the Satyam Computers to Mr. Ramalinga Ragu.
10.       The Government must remain in a state of readiness to release all economic offenders subject to the confiscation of all their assets. Similarly, the Government must remain in a State of readiness to release all other offenders after the completion of 20 years of jail term.  
11.       The Government must remain in a state of readiness to substitute raids with supervision with the concurrence of the private entities
12.        All seats in the IITs IIMs, IIFT, Union Government services must be reserved among the States equitably with immediate effect.
13.       NEET must be postponed by 6 years.
14.       The Government must remain in a state of readiness to select judges based on their date of birth seniority as High Court Judges. The State Government will select the judges through State Public Service Commission.
15.       All the four judges responsible for the 12 January 2018 judgement can resume their duties immediately subject to the acceptance of this award. They must remain in a state of readiness to function as life-time judges as a partial reward for their selfless service to the nation. All other judges shall resume their regular duty subject to the approval of the above mentioned four judges. This to give life to the nation consistent with the Constitution of India. The judges shall not take any unilateral decision to defeat the essence of the Constitution of India.
16.       The present man will continue to remain in the present position subject to the approval of the people.
17.       The President of India must study the award. He must compare his award with this award. The award closest to the essence of the Constitution of India would prevail. The present Government must carry it out under the direction from the Supreme Court of India. In order to sort out any difficulties the officials can meet the present man with the permission of the Government of India.
18.       The award of the President of India will be final and his award cannot be questioned for errors in law or facts so long as the award is consistent with the essence of the Constitution of India.
19.       All conflicting judgements must be interpreted with reference to the Constitution of India and this letter, and the Constitution of India would ultimately prevail. All others must be discarded.
20.       The President of India must release this award to the media immediately.
This is letter No.591
V, Sabarimuthu

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2. One more books published

My readers
I have added the following one more book through

.  A Madonna of India  Mrs. Pratibha Patil and the Indian Presidency Volume 1

 The Volume 2 of the above book will be published very soon.
Another book titled Pranab Effects   Mr. Pranab Mukherjee and the Indian Presidency Volume 1 also will be published very soon.
V. Sabarimuthu

I have published the following books through the

1.    Atomic structure

2.    The Chemistry of the Transition Elements.
3. Atoms, Ions, Environment and Reactivity.

4.    ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This book demolishes the core area of English Grammar and supplies a new one.

5.    A NEW ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR THE BEGINNERS. This book enables the readers to get a wonderful idea about English Grammar. It is a new grammar unknown to the English language. English grammar cannot be explained without this book.


7.    MOMEMTOUS MONTHS: The rule of Mr. H.D. Deve Gowda, Prime Minister of India.




11. A MADONNA OF INDIA Mrs. Pratibha Patil and the Indian Presidency

Paper backs are available for books Nos. 5, 9, 10 and 11
Other books are available in the kindle version. 
All books will be converted into paper backs very soon.