Wednesday, August 19, 2009




Protesting over an end-use monitoring deal with the USA, the opposition parties on 21 July, 2009 staged a walk out from the Parliament. Due to the growing military might of China, India might be seeking the support of the USA.

China and India vowed to further trade ties. They set a target of $60 billion by the end of 2010.The people must be allowed to discuss the pros and cons of strengthening trade ties with China at the cost of the security of India.

The IMF approved a $ 2.6 billion loan to Sri Lanka on 27 July, 2009. Some countries also are helping Sri Lanka in the name of the Tamils.

Militant people killed two soldiers in the Chhattisgarh State on 26 July, 2009.

The first meeting of the Empowered Group of Ministers set up to fix the price of the 3G spectrum was postponed on 27 July, 2009. Apparently, some members are considering the suggestion of the present writer in this matter.

The Chairman of a big Indian private Company on 28 July, 2009 alleged that the Government was indirectly helping a gas Company of his brother to reap a profit of over Re.50,000 crore through a wrong Production Sharing Contract (PSC).

Despite several Budgets, the Government has no money to give old age pension. It has no money to build roads, ports or air ports. It has no money to exploit the natural resources. It has no money to fill up the regular vacancies. No State Government has extended the Sixth Central Pay Commission benefits to their employees in full. No State Government has implemented the UGC Pay Scales to the College Teachers. But the Government is allowing a boy to take Re.50,000 crore from a natural resource!

A Pay Commission on 28 July, 2009 recommended a three-fold salary hike for judicial officers. It is consistent with this work.

China on 29 July, 2009 agreed to place a US dollar deposit with the central Bank of Sri Lanka. It was to strengthen long term economic ties between the two countries.

Militant people killed two police personnel in the Orissa State on 31 July, 2009.

The CBI on 31 July, 2009 arrested the son of a former Union Minister for accepting a bribe of Re. 1 crore.

A private Hotel Company acquired the main iron gate of the erstwhile Madras Prison. The Company plans to exhibit it in its Hotel.

All old structures must be protected. Recently, Germany shifted an old church to a new location to enable coal mining. India also must consider similar ways to protect old structures. The road side inns and load carriers are vanishing daily. A few that remain must be protected. The big stones removed from old bridges could be kept in a nearby place for public viewing.

180 Members of Parliament on 31 July, 2009 requested the Prime Minister of India to take action against a Union Minister for making an unsuccessful attempt to contact a judge of the Madras High Court in connection with a case.

The National Security Council (NSC) met on 1 August, 2009 to discuss the sudden infiltration of China in Arunachal Pradesh. The deliberations were not published.

The newspapers on 3 August, 2009 reported that Russia was building a nuclear reactor in Myanmar under international safeguards. The Government did not reveal this before signing the agreement. Though late, India must persuade Russia to abandon this project. Russia would hesitate to do anything inimical to India.

There were also reports that North Korea was helping Myanmar to make a nuclear bomb within five years. North Korea also must be requested to desist from giving any nuclear know- how to Myanmar.

The present writer underwent an operation for six hours on 6 August, 2009 to remove an outgrowth from his head. Evidently, the people must take up this work.

India on 6 August, 2009 paid $1 million to Sri Lanka for upgrading the air base in the Tamil area of Sri Lanka. India is even now giving money without getting anything in return.

India is not giving the reason for giving military training to the Tamils. However, it must be noted that Sri Lanka had permitted Pakistan Air Force planes to refuel at Colombo during the liberation war of Bangladesh. In order to take vengeance on Sri Lanka, India convinced the Tamil boys that power flowed from the barrel of the gun and instilled them to fight for their rights. Assuring all supports, India gave military training to them in 14 camps. India thus exported terrorism to Sri Lanka. In the parlance of to -day, it was cross border terrorism. Obviously, the Tamils - quite unwittingly- responded to the security concerns of India.

A permanent naval base for China in Sri Lanka is far more dangerous than a temporary refueling facility extended to Pakistan.

India and China on 8 August, 2009 decided to hold the year of friendship with China in India.

Anything could be achieved through true friendship. China should have handed over the territories captured by force to India. China did not do so. It should have carried out the border talks with sincerity. But it is not doing so. China is even entering Arunachal Pradesh intermittently. Therefore, there cannot be true friendship with China now.

The New Indian Express on 11 August, 2009 said that a Chinese strategist –through his blog-wanted his country to break India into 20-30 States.

In this connection, it must be noted that this writer is publishing this work in a blog. But the newspapers are covering up this. When a man in China puts something in a blog, the newspapers are discussing it. The reason is that some Union Ministers might have wanted to give the 3G spectrum and the public sector BSNL to the States. This would make the State Governments financially sound. The manipulators cannot relish this. One way to prevent this is by disseminating similar news.

The President of Sri Lanka on 10 August, 2009 said that some South Indians were supporting the Tamils.

The militant people killed a man in the Kashmir State on 12 August, 2009. On the same day, army killed three militant people in the Orissa State.

The CBI on 13 August, 2009 arrested a cargo official and a clearing agent for bribery at Chennai port.

The President of India on 14 August, 2009 said that the public fund meant for welfare schemes should not be pilfered out by corrupt practices. She considered an enlightened citizenry as the greatest asset of the nation.

The Union Government on14 August, 2009 disclosed its intention to sell the 49 per cent residual share of the BALCO to Sterlite Company.

It must be reiterated that a guideline devised by the Union Cabinet in 2001, disqualified Sterlite from buying the shares.

The Naval Chief of Staff on 13 August, 2009 said that China had been encircling India by building strategically located dependency ports in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

India is revealing this only now. Evidently, China is antagonizing India deliberately. India must request China not to build ports in the neighboring countries of India. The President of India could utilize her visit to China for this. At the same time, India must request the neighboring countries not to give any naval base to China.

Sri Lanka on 13 August, 2009 signed two development projects worth $ 350 million with the Exim Bank of China. The New Indian Express on the same day said that China had been wooing Sri Lanka by developing a special type of relationship with its Buddhists.

The media now said that the Government was contemplating to sell the shares of the public sector Oil India Company very soon to garner Re.3000 crore.

A newspaper on 14 August, 2009 said that the initial public offer (IPO) of the public sector NHPC that started on 7 August, 2009 was subscribed 24 times. The NHPC got about Re.6000 crore by selling 10 per cent of its shares. In this matter, the Union Government rejected the consistent demand of this writer to reserve the shares for the people of various States. The sale - in the present manner - would undermine the unity of India. Therefore, the sale is out and out unconstitutional.

After selling the shares worth about Re.60,000 crore for Re.6000 crore, the Prime Minister on 15 August, 2009 declared that the act of taking special care of the deprived sections of the society could not be considered as appeasement! One or two other leaders did not talk anything but, as usual, danced with the poor people. Naturally, the sale went unnoticed.

The people of Kerala would not have bought shares worth even Re.10 crore. Many other States are similarly related. In this way, the assets 0f all States in the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) could be alienated without any difficulty. The Union Ministers from various States did a great disservice to their own people in this matter.

If a referendum were conducted for the above matter, the Government might get the support of the 90 per cent of the people. 90 per cent of the Members of Parliament would follow suit. The Supreme Court also would support the Government. Yet, the Government of India should not think like this. Then only the people would survive. The FREEDOM of the people is similarly related. However, the Government is not amenable to any reasoning.

Army on 16 August, 2009 killed a leader of a militant organization in the Kashmir State.

Addressing a joint Conference of the Chief Ministers and Chief Justices, the Prime Minister of India diverted the attention of the participants to the pending cases.

The Chief Justice of India played a complementary role to the Prime Minister in the above meeting. He did not utter a word for the FREEDOM of the people. Therefore, the people might not get FREEDOM during the tenure of the present Chief Justice of India.

Monsters are not amenable to any reasoning. This is what the sages say.

The facts from 21 July, 2009 to 18 August, 2009 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 19 August, 2009 through email. They are being separately sent to the President through ordinary post as usual. The web site: is also being updated.