Tuesday, June 28, 2016




The Government of India decided to merge the State Bank of Travancore (SBT) with the State Bank of India. The media reported this on 20 June 2016
This is an unconstitutional decision. Further, it is an act of corruption. The reasons were given earlier.
As usual, India cheats the people of their assets, seats and rights.

A former union minister, on 20 June 2016, questioned the patriotism of the present Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He leveled some charges against him. The media gave wide publicity to his statements. This is just to conceal the charges leveled against him by the present writer earlier in this work.
Following the precedent, someone prone to condone the manipulations would be made the Governor.
However, none linked to the Provident Fund shall be appointed for this post.

On 23 June 2016 the UK voted ‘to leave” the European Union (EU). In the referendum, 51.9 percent voted to leave and the rest wanted “to remain”.
Prime Minister of England Mr. David Cameron described the result as “a leap into the dark”.
Evidently, he is ignorant of the way to lead England and the world at large.
Naturally, he asked his party to find a new leader within three months.
The referendum was a farce. The reasons were given earlier.
Notwithstanding the above, it must be stated that England partially restored its identity through the so-called Brexit.
It must now bring freedom to the British and the people all over the world.

The gold prices in India increased by Re.100/- per gram on 24 June 2016. The manipulators ascribed this to the referendum in England.
India transmitted the money in the Provident Fund and Pension Fund to the manipulators. The recipients mint money by trading in gold.
To keep the money in the hand of the manipulators is an act of corruption. Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi is ignorant of this. Therefore, he proclaims that his Government is above corruption.

The Union Government would auction the spectrum very soon. The media sparingly reported this on 24 June 2016.
This is out and out unconstitutional. The reasons were given earlier.
As usual, Prime Minister Mr. Modi cheats the people of their seats, assets and rights.

The Union Government, on 25 June 2016, decided to merge four or five nationalized banks  to create a giant bank.
This is also an out and out unconstitutional decision. The reasons were given earlier.
Further, it is an act of corruption. Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is ignorant of this.
The manipulators, therefore,  exploit his ignorance.
This is the condition that exists in England.
This is letter No. 512
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 28 June 2016.

28  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Friday, June 17, 2016




          The Government of Tamil Nadu, on 16 June 2016, announced its decision to take over the marketing of rare earth minerals and granite.
          It must be mentioned that the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Ms. Jayalalithaa, said before the election that she would do certain things not mentioned in her election manifesto.
          Though it is very late, it is a decision taken in good faith. This would make the people’s life happy.
          If the Public Private Partnership (PPP) is eliminated from some more key sectors, the state would get a huge income.
          However, the decision has the potential to bring an economic change in India.
          She might have taken this decision even without this work. But, as she follows this work, the present man considers this as an achievement of his work.
          Hereafter, the ruling class might disown her; and some of her foes might support her. As the ruling class is very powerful, she would have to use her intelligence for survival.
          The timing of the decision must be noticed.
          Her disproportionate assets case is before the Supreme Court of India.
          Disproportionate assets are not a virtue. But many possess this. If the reports are correct, even some union ministers-present and past- possess more assets than her. There are many other facets to this problem.
          Anyhow, the developments show that the good exists and there exists a way to escape from the predicament.

          This is letter No. 511

This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 17 June 2016.

17  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 


Thursday, June 16, 2016




          The Government of India, on 15 June 2016, decided to sell 32 sick Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
          This is an unconstitutional decision. The reason was given earlier.
          The decision is consistent with the statement that India cheats its people of their assets, seats and rights.

          The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, said that he would put an end to nepotism, lawlessness corruption and communalism. THE HINDU reported this on 14 June 2016.
          What he said is consistent with the charges leveled against the system by the present man.
          As the Supreme Court of India conceals this work even now, it cheats the people of their rightful justice.

          The US Senate, on 15 June 2016, defeated a bill that sought a special status for India.
          This is the repercussion of 10 standing ovations and 69 clapping interventions that Prime Minister of India Mr. Modi got in the US Senate.
          However, the media does not highlight it.
Mr. Modi said that Shivaji is an inspiration for him. He added that Shivaji did not rule his country.
The meaning is not a clear one.
However, Mr. Modi is unfit to hold power because he misuses it.
Similar conditions prevail in England.
This is letter No. 510
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 16 June 2016.

16  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Monday, June 13, 2016




          On 12 June 2016, THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS, published an article titled “Decoding Modi’s world dominance” by Mr. S. Gurumurthy.
          Gurumurthy said that Mr. Modi did not apply for the US visa but he royally entered the US as India’s Prime Minister. He observed that never in its diplomatic history with India was the US ever embarrassed as much as when it had to roll out red carpet to the very person it had ostracized for a decade.
          Earlier Mr. Modi had royally entered Buckingham Palace as India’s Prime Minister to the total embarrassment of the Queen of England. The Queen had not paid a visit to India to declare open the Delhi Commonwealth Games.
          It must be noted that Mr. Modi  entered these places not due to his merit but due to the power of his promoters.
          Further, Gurumurthy said that India’s stature and influence today match China’s.
          It must be again noted that the foreign exchange reserve of China is ten times higher than that of India.       
He, further, said:
1.                                     Mr. Modi got 10 standing ovations and 69 clapping interventions during his address to the US Congress on June 12, 2016.
2.                                     Many Congressmen queued up for his autograph.
3.                                     Modi delivered an extempore speech.
4.                                     His rallies abroad were well attended by Indians.
5.                                     He is tactically moving out and conquering the world.
6.                                     Wall Street Journal said, “Leader wins warm reception from US law makers.
7.                                     Modi has emerged as the chief strategist for India.
8.                                     He U-turned the world in his favour.
9.                                     The CNN said that Modi’s journey to global stardom was no accident.
10.                                The New York Times said that he had puzzled many.
11.                                The Telegraph of the UK highlighted how Modi transformed himself from pariah to rock star world leader.
12.                                In 2015, US President Obama wrote an article titled “Modi and I” in the Time magazine. He saw Modi’s journey from poverty to prime minister as India’s rise.
13.                                British Prime Minister David Cameron described Modi as the most popular man on planet.
14.                                Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin praised Modi as a reputable political leader.
15.                                The Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Abbott hailed India under Modi as the “emerging democratic super power in Asia”.
16.                                The global media baron, Rupert Murdoch, described Modi as “the best leader with best policies since (India’s) independence.
17.                                The pictures of the prime minister with the major world leaders like Barack Obama in the US, Angela Merkel in Germany also create an image back home that Modi is a world player promoting India as a global power.
Based on the above and many other points, Gurumurthy said that Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi is among the tallest world leaders.
Similar views by various writers permeate the world.
In contrast, the present man says that Mr. Modi  is unfit to hold power.
If it is factually correct, the people must have a chance to know this view also. This does not happen.
But The New Indian Express, in the same article, says that that Modi needs no seer to tell him that in all democracies the popularity of a leader with the people is the real test.
What the newspapers and the TV channel say is news for the people. Here, the private opinion appears as public opinion. Therefore, Mr. Modi is very popular.
The views by the common people are not news for the people. They go down as individual opinions.
 If a man has a few TV channels and newspapers, he can air his views through them subject to the overall supervision by the ruling class.. His individual views then become popular views. He could be construed as a leader.
But Modi owned no newspaper or TV channels. His contribution to national life also was not a significant one. Yet, the media all over the world had been discussing him long before he seized power at the centre.
Why did the media discuss him and not the views of the present man?
The reason is simple. It is profitable to them. Mr. Modi considers this as his merit.
After assuming power as the Prime Minister of India Mr. Modi proved tellingly that he is unfit to hold power. All right thinking people going through this work would agree with this.
This is the condition in England.
This is letter No. 509
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 13 June 2016.

13  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016




          The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, addressed the US Congress on 8 June 2016.
          He spoke in English. He spoke so fluently that even many Englishmen might have envied at his English.
          However, it appeared more like an elocution competition rather than a speech by a responsible prime minister.
          Though the people all over the world have no Freedom to know men and matters, Mr. Modi said that liberty and freedom are the two bonds between the two countries.
          Further, he mentioned many facts and drew certain sentiments with an eye on applause. At one time, he applauded his own words.
Indeed, the members applauded virtually all his sentences.
Curiously, some TV channels were seen giving his speech a few seconds ahead of his.
However, it would add to his reputation. This is an added danger to Indians because the Indian ruling class passes power into unfit hands.
This happens in England also.

This is letter No. 508

This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 9 June 2016.

9  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016




Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi met the President of the USA, Mr. Barack Obama, in the White House on 7 June 2016
The joint statement had 50 points. The first paragraph touched everything that India lacked. It is given below.
“Marking their third major bilateral summit, the leaders reviewed the deepening strategic partnership between the United States and India that is rooted in shared values of freedom, democracy, universal human rights, tolerance and pluralism, equal opportunities for all citizens, and rule of law”.
India’s duty to the USA was mentioned earlier in this work.
However, the first paragraph is an ambiguous one. It gives the impression that there is freedom, democracy, equal opportunity and human rights in India.
India actually cheats 1000 million people of their assets, seats and rights in the pretext of democracy. The USA should have revealed this to its people before the visit of Mr. Modi.
It did not do so.
Therefore, the USA admires duplicity.

This is letter No. 507

This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 8 June 2016.

8  June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Monday, June 6, 2016




          Prime Minister of England Mr. David Cameron, on 5 June 2016, claimed that an EU exit would put “a bomb under our economy”.
          The discussion on referendum in England proceeds with the assumption that there is freedom and democracy. This is far from the truth.
          England must declare freedom to its people. Then only the best would rule.
          This does not happen now.
          This affects the quality of the leadership in many other countries like India.

This is letter No. 506

This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 6 June 2016.

6 June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 


Saturday, June 4, 2016




          Some trucks laden with imported cement were detained in Tamil Nadu in India for not paying Sales Tax. Some newspapers reported this on 3 June 2016.
          The exporting countries had given huge commission to some Indian companies. It was mentioned earlier in this work.
          In this matter also India cheats its people.

          Twenty four people, a Superintendent of Police and a police man included, died in a gun battle in the Utter Pradesh State in India on 3 June 2016. The police had gone there to evict the members of a cult from a 270 acre plot.
          One person - in a TV Channel- attributed the incident to the large scale unemployment.
Another person told the same TV channel that he had been sending letters for three years regarding this cult. According to him, the government and the media had been concealing his letters.
It must be noted that the ruling class groom many people as political figures. These leaders are similar to the cult figures. Such leaders cannot survive in an atmosphere of Freedom. So it conceals any people making concrete contribution to the national life.

Coal Minister of India Mr. Piyush Goyal, on 3 June 2016, said that the States would get Re. 3.34 lakh crore in the next 25 years from coal alone.  
If the coal is in the public sector, the States would get ten times more.
The income from other minerals is several times higher than this amount.
Now the difference goes to Panama or it is being transferred from one place to another in trucks during the elections.
India can be right in transmitting the public assets to the private parties, only if it can show this work to the people.
It does not do so.
This is the reason why India cheats its people of their assets.

The ruling class comprises owners of the newspapers and the TV channels. The entire system is under its control. It is the permanent in the changing governments.
It blocks the flow of knowledge to the people just to gain monetary advantages.
It reports its men alone to the people with any continuity. Therefore, the people do not know their own men.
This is not democracy.
This is the condition that prevails in England.
Therefore, England shall not hesitate to tell this truth to its people even if it is an unpleasant one.

This is letter No. 505

This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 4 June 2016.

4 June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016




          Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi, on 2 June 2016,  said that his government is dedicated to the poor. He added that the poor, and not the rich, are dependent on the Government.
Further, he said that the BJP is synonymous to development.
The present man repeatedly says that India cheats 1000 million people of their rights in judiciary, civil services, medicine, engineering, wealth and legislature on a new scale.
The reasons were given in different chapters. It is a human rights problem.
If Mr. Modi believes that he does good things, he can defend his position.
He does not do so.
Either he is ignorant of the things that happen under his rule or he deceives the people deliberately.
India grows little by little due to the hard working hands. But for the people like him, it would have seen far greater growth rate.
But he is popular because the people have no liberty to know men and matters.
The people believe that the British culture imparts morality.
If England denies Freedom to its people to know what the Queen or a common man does for the people, the other countries cannot be expected to give Freedom to their people. The power will always remain in the hand of the people willing to misuse it.
This is letter No. 504
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 3 June 2016.

3 June-2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India.