Sunday, April 25, 2010


The Defense Minister of India on 16 April, 2010 said that the Government would not commit the army against the militant people without consulting the army top brass.
The Prime Minister of India on 17 April, 2010 said that ups and downs keep happening in politics.
A newspaper on 17 April, 2010 said that the Congress Party was suffering from internal chaos.
A Union Minister said that some corporate salaries were obscene.
Her Excellency the President of India on 17 April, 2010 –in vain- said that a large number of pending cases in courts were an issue of concern.
A newspaper on 19 April, 2010 said that China won a $1.5 billion contract from the Orissa State. The paper advised that India could import hardware from China and export software.
In this connection, it must be noted that China is illegally selling its finished products in India. A number of Chinese items do not contain the country of make. At the same time, China has arrested 21 Indians for smuggling diamond.
The Union Home Minister on 19 April, 2010 declared that army would not be used against the militant people.
Had the armed forces been used, the air would have been filled with patriotic songs, death news, coffins, gun salutes, gallantry awards and posthumous awards. The army officers prevented this. In this matter, the army officers –due to their knowledge- are situated in the mode of goodness.
The Home Minister, further, said that the militant people killed 211 innocent people during 2009. As this work remains concealed, they do not know that they could achieve their objectives without killing innocent people.
If the Government could spend $16 billion – the gain of a boy from one gas field alone - more for the conversion of highways into freeways every year, at least one lakh human lives could be saved from road accidents. Therefore, the Government could use the armed forces to take over the natural assets from the private parties rather than commanding them to use lethal weapons against the people.
Furthermore, the Home Minister said that the militant people would not allow anyone to write “lengthy articles” if they happened to come to power.
In this connection, it must be stated that the people are hearing the holy words of the Home Minister only.
A leader could stand before the people after thieving $100 billion. But he shall not do so after concealing a work of this kind. In fact, the leaders lose their reputation mainly because they conceal this work. In this way, the Home Minister has forfeited his moral and constitutional right even to show his face to the people.
In online news, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) on 20 April, 2010 reported the view that China was exporting value-added goods to India and importing raw materials. The report said that India was allowing Chinese economic invasion. This report was based on the Business Standard dated 16 -4-2010.
The present writer has been pointing out this for the last several years. But the media suppressed this. In order to take away the credit, the media is now attributing this to others.
The above ISP, on the same day, said that army was losing over $ 2.5 billion every year through over-invoicing of defense deals. The ISP said that this piece of information had the potential of ending the careers of some army officers.
The other newspapers and TV channels did not publish the above news. However, the army officers might have noticed it.
One message was that the army officers must be contented with what they get and they must turn a blind eye to the conversion of public assets into private assets. Any violation of this principle would provoke the media to give wide publicity to such news.
It is said that a wrong shared is half right. Therefore, if the army officers committed a public wrong, others also could follow suit. This is the other message.
The Prime Minister of India on 21 April, 2010 said that militancy was the result of under-development. He added that the objective of the Government was inclusive growth. Tomorrow, the Prime Minister would attribute the militancy to the anti-national policy of the Government to transmit the ores to foreigners and others.
A leader of the principal opposition party –due to obvious reasons - also talked of inclusive growth.
The Prime Minister of India, further, asked the civil servants to use information technology to fight corruption and for equity. The words of the Prime Minister must be interpreted in the light of his decision to hand over about $ 67 billion from the Provident Fund (PF) to two or three boys for safe keeping.
The militant people killed a postman in the Chhattisgarh State on 21 April, 2010.
A leader of a non –political organization said that the Government must accept responsibility for the killings.
A Union Minister on 22 April, 2010 disclosed that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was probing the 2G spectrum auction. The CBI had not revealed this to the media. This shows that the beneficiaries bought the CBI along with the 2G spectrum.
No one has given a reply to the allegation leveled against the army officers by Business Standard on 16 April, 2010. It is a challenge to the Government. The Government must give an answer. Any refusal would go down as revenge. There is a suspicion that the Government supported the Business Standard.
It is said that a man situated in a mode of goodness gradually goes upward to the higher planets.
The facts from 15 April, 2010 to 22 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 23 April, 2010.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 7 April, 2010. A meeting of the Union Cabinet ensued on 8 April, 2010.
The Cabinet decided to spend about $ 1.5 billion for the developments of a few roads. This is an answer to the poor budget allocations mentioned in the last email.
However, the Cabinet decided to go ahead with the 3G spectrum auction. The Government auctioned the spectrum in the past. Thus a woman leader did a great public wrong in this matter. Now she quickly adds a few more little ones. The leader believes that this would make the auction constitutional. Alternatively, the Cabinet is exploiting her ignorance.
The Supreme Court and a High Court cleared some writ petitions pertaining to the auction on the penultimate day. The courts did a great harm to the people by approving this policy. Now, they are adding a few more little ones. The courts also believe that the new additions would make the auctions an ordinary business. Further, the courts did not publish the arguments. Therefore, the writ petitions might have been mock cases. The Supreme Court –like the present Prime Minister of India – is situated in a mode of passion in this matter.
The Cabinet, further, decided to sell 10 per cent shares of the public sector Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL). A woman leader did a great public wrong by selling the shares unconstitutionally. Now she forced the Cabinet to add quickly a few little ones. Alternatively, the Cabinet is exploiting her ignorance in this matter also.
It follows that if someone said that the act of giving the Provident Fund to a private party is unconstitutional, she would give it to a few more people. The Pension Fund also would suffer like this.
The Government on 8 April, 2010 said that the militant people wanted to overthrow the established authority of the Government through armed liberation struggle.
The Government now wanted to use the Indian Army and the Air Force to eliminate the militant people. However, the Chief of the Army Staff said that any use of lethal weapons in jungles would lead to the death of Indian citizens only. The Chief of the Air Staff also expressed similar views. This prompted the Union Home Minister to resign from his post. The Prime Minister did not accept the resignation. Even the principal opposition party stood by him.
The above woman leader directed the Government to use the armed forces to eliminate militancy. As it did not materialize, she decided to quit politics for good. In sympathy with her, the Union Minister offered to resign. Alternatively, she did not do anything in this matter and the Government alone exploited her ignorance. In fact, at one time, she would accept responsibility for this. At another time, she would say that she was oblivious of everything.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Home Minister had said that the success of a leader depends upon his staying power. Therefore, he wanted to quit the Cabinet only because the whole edifice of manipulation was crashing down. The future alone would prove or disprove this conclusion.
The Union Government started the 3G spectrum auction on 9 April, 2010.
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) approved the above auction. The duty of the CVC is detecting acts of corruption. Now, it is becoming a super body to approve all acts of big corruption.
The Prime Minister of India now wanted the leaders to offer practical suggestions to tackle inflation. He did not say whether inflation is good for the country or not. But, he expressed his willingness to obey others in this matter.
The militant people killed two people in the Bihar State on 11 April, 2010.
The Union Government on 12 April, 2010 decided to seek legal mandate from a court to settle a dispute between the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). The Government had been rejecting the role of the courts in economic matters. Now, the courts suit the requirements of the Government.
Now, a leader of the principal opposition party, for the first time, prefixed the word socio-economic with the word reforms. As the armed forces are changing, the leaders, apparently, are also changing.
The media is now discussing the pros and cons of using the armed forces to eliminate militancy. Some say that the Indian Army and the Air Force should become lethal legends. Some others say that the objective should be achieved through socio-economic changes. A few others prefer a mean path. Anyone going through this work would say that the armed forces have lighted fire.
It is said that a man, who lights no fire, performs no duty.
The facts from 7 April, 2010 to 14 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 15 April, 2010.

Friday, April 9, 2010


The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 April, 2010.
The Prime Minister of India left for the USA on 4 April, 2010. The public sector TV channel showed this on the same day. However, he returned to New Delhi on the midway. This could be discerned from the fact that he was seen in New Delhi on the next day. This shows that he had to return in the fallout from the above email. This is the observation of this writer. But, there is no way for the people to know this.
The militant people killed 11 army personnel in the Orissa State on 4 April, 2010.
A Union Minister now invited the militant people for talks. He described them as cowards. But, he considers the concealment of this work as an act of bravery.
India on 4 April, 2010 said that Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) with China was politically not possible. India cited the trade deficit with China as the reason. It must be noted that the trade deficit with China was $ 8 billion during 2008. It was $16 billion during 2009 in a bilateral trade of $60 billion. However, anyone going through this work would agree that the email submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 April, 2010 triggered this development.
A Union Minister on 4 April, 2010 said that the ships needed for Indian Navy would be built indigenously. This is a reply to the above email.
In a shocking incident, the militant people killed 78 paramilitary personnel in the Chhattisgarh State on 6 April, 2010.
Had a FREE election been conducted, such incidents would not have occurred. This is not a false accusation. The Supreme Court should have asked the Election Commission the reason for not conducting a FREE election. But the Supreme Court is not opening its eyes.
Despite the email sent on 3 April, 2010, the mock auction of the 3G spectrum went off smoothly on 5 April, 2010. Some newspapers reported this on 6 April, 2010. Thus, unless otherwise prevented by this work, the auction would take place on 9 April, 2010.
In this connection, it may be recalled that before Independence, Native High Court Judges could cancel the decisions of the English Judges. They could ask them for explanations. At the same time, even a Munsif decided cases according to his opinion.
Now, an industrialist submitted in the Supreme Court that his brother was getting a profit of about $ 16 billion every year from a gas field. It was a startling revelation. This clearly indicated that the private companies had been concealing their real profit.
It may be recalled that the Chief of an Indian Information Technology company is still languishing in jail for the insufficient disclosure of the loss suffered by his company. For this, he was divested of his company. It was later transmitted to another company.
Anyone would tell that the non-disclosure of the profit of a company is far more serious than the above offence. Therefore, the Supreme Court should have activated the intelligence agencies and ascertained the approximate profit of the companies from the natural resources within four or five days. If his submissions were prima facie correct, the Supreme Court should have attached all the visible assets of such companies. But, neither did the Supreme Court choose to verity it nor did it ask the competent authorities the reason for not filing even a FIR.
Though it is a digression, it must be stated that this pattern could be observed in all Courts. When a petitioner –as in the C.C.284/97 in the Padmanabhapuram Court, Tamil Nadu State - says to the doctor that he “sustained an injury due to attack by one known person”, the Judge should have the courage to ask the police the reason for arresting two persons. When such things come to the notice of the Superior Judges, they should have the authority to know the reason for such prosecutions. But nothing happens.
Coming back, as the Courts are impervious to all arguments, less than ten companies that exploit the natural resources use their unlimited wealth to:
1. Acquire assets abroad besides depositing the money in different countries.
2. Deposit the money in the numbered accounts of the susceptible Judges of the Supreme Court, Union Ministers and officers including the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
3. Keep the media.
4. Buy the shares of the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
5. Buy assets all over India.
6. Usurp the infrastructures in the name of Public Private Partnership (PPP).
7. Do different businesses to spread the money.
8. Manipulate the stock exchange and financial institutions.
The consequences are:
1. Denial of FREEDOM.
2. Rule the nation using hired men.
3. The public assets become private assets.
4. Depletion of foreign exchange.
5. Creation of militancy, internal disturbances, turmoil and strife.
6. Poor Budget allocations and consequent poverty.
7. Destruction of entrepreneurs that depend on industry for development.
It is true that majority of the judges of the Supreme Court are either shareholders or partners of private companies. Such judges could have functioned as detached judges in the supreme national interest and proved themselves worthy of the confidence of the people. But the people have been discerning the symptoms of great attachment only.
It is said that a man must get education while he is in the “mode of goodness”.
The facts from 3 April, 2010 to 6 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 7 April, 2010.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


A leader of the Congress Party on 27 March, 2010 said that the Government must be sensitive to the demands of the common man. The title of Chapter 91 of this work is “SENSITIVITY”.
Mrs. Melindda French Gates came to India to start a programme to bring down the unacceptably high infant death rates in the UP and Bihar States. If the Government had used public assets for public welfare, infant mortality rates of India would not have warranted her visit.
Some men, wearing caps made of cotton cloth, presented a yarn making machine to a leader of the Congress Party. The newspapers all over India showed this photograph to create an illusion about the leader. The use of this kind of machine had been recommended to stop the import of cloth from England. India is now exporting raw materials only to import finished products from China. In reality, their leader is permitting this. But they are not aware of this.
The Chief Justice of India on 28 March, 2010 said that the judges were encountering situations that were neither contemplated by the legislature nor discussed in the judiciary. He pointed out that the judges would have to go beyond the plain reading of statutes and the submission made by the counsel. He wanted the legal practitioners to possess an elementary knowledge about political science, sociology, economics, history, philosophy, commerce, international trade, intellectual property, natural resources and natural sciences. This is to solve various cases.
In this connection, it must be noted that that this work is a blend of all the above. Hereafter, the syllabus of the law course might include all the above subjects. This a positive side effect of this work. However, it must be noted that though this work rolls in his hands, he is not finding a solution to various cases before him.
The Chief Justice, further, said that the courts were constrained to take into account the policy concerns and legislative intents.
The above statement of the Chief Justice shows that he liaises with the Prime Minister of India and –among other things- he approves the denial of FREEDOM to Indians. The Prime Minister might have told the judges that his mission was to bring in truck loads of money from the foreign countries. He might have articulated that actions consistent with this work would jeopardize the progress of the country. He might have claimed that he had been acting in good faith.
In reality, the Prime Minister helped about ten people to siphon off ship loads of money in the last six years. The claim that he acts in good faith is an illusion. In fact, the Government has thrown 1000 million people into a ditch in very bad faith.
In Chapter 129, this writer pointed out the fact that the Union Budget for 2010 - 2011 could have been for about $ 500 billion instead of the present $ 250 billion. It was explained further in Chapter 130. This immediately provoked the Prime Minister to say that the investments in the XII five-year plan would be doubled to $1000 billion. There exists a well known story that starts with Blue to describe this condition.
Curiously, the Chief Justice mentioned the words natural resources.
This indicates that the Supreme Court is becoming conscious of the consequences of conniving at the exploitation of the natural resources by about ten individuals.
The Supreme Court must realize that about $ 250 billion to $ 400 billion per year taken from the natural assets as profit is a very big amount. This amount must have reflected in the Union Budget. Apparently, the Supreme Court is now convinced that the Prime Minister of India misguided them. This is the reason why the judgements of the Supreme Court have been not independent of the opinion of the Government since Independence. At least now, the Supreme Court must decide the cases according to its own opinion.
A prominent leader of a Left Party –a woman- on 31 March, 2010 said that some unscrupulous people were minting money in the name of tribal people. She wanted the tribal people to launch a united struggle to prevent cheating in weights and for remunerative price for their produce. The newspapers all over India published this. They projected this as the burning problem of India.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that the above leader had been shouting slogans against the higher prices for food articles produced by them. While standing before the tribal people, she wants remunerative price for their produce!
The above leader is not demanding the Government to take over public assets. She is not even ready to tell this matter to her followers. Therefore, in reality, she is against the welfare of the tribal people.
If this work forced the Supreme Court or the Government to nationalize the natural resources, she would come in front to claim the credit for it. If the present Government were overthrown, then also she would claim the credit for it. Others also possess this dual nature. But, when the women leaders talk like this, the people simply fail to understand their real nature.
Further, it must be noted that the present writer did not use hard words like unscrupulous in this work. Yet the Supreme Court is not directing the newspapers to inform the existence of this work to the people.
The Union Government on 1 April, 2010 reiterated its desire to deepen its relationship with China. This shows that the date of arrival of Chinese made trains at Mumbai must be treated as a day of mourning.
The Government said that the mock auction for the 3G spectrum would be conducted on 5 April, 2010. Thus the Government creates an illusion about its rights.
It is said that in England – in a time of necessity- the whole wealth and property of everyone from the Duke to the cobbler, is at the disposal of the Government. The present writer did not say that the lawfully earned wealth of anyone must be at the disposal of the Government. But the demand is to bring the natural resources at the disposal of all people.
Evidently, the Supreme Court should have stopped the auction and directed the Government to take over all natural resources. Alternatively, the Supreme Court could have directed the Government to initiate a FREE debate over this work. As the Supreme Court doubts its own powers, it is becoming a party to the plundering.
An English newspaper requested the Government to forget all about the territory lost in the Indo-China war to deepen the bilateral trade. This is the reason why China could break all Indian laws and sell its manufactured items through shops all over India.
The Prime Minister of India on 1 April, 2010 said that he read using the dim light of kerosene lamp and could become the Prime Minister of India because of his education. He added that the Right To Education (RTE) Act would enable the children of tribal people and other neglected sections of the people to realize their dreams. He predicted that money would not be a problem.
In this connection, it must be noted that even the birds in a cage try to fly away because they yearn for FREEDOM. But the children in India do not realize the fact that they have no FREEDOM to know men and matters.
The Prime Minister got the education while he was in “a mode of passion”. This must be the reason why he remains attached to the manipulators of public assets. The children should not follow his example.
Had a FREE election been conducted, the people would have ditched the present proprietors of nation in the Indian Ocean and chosen the present writer. To this extent, the present mandate to rule India is unconstitutional. The present Government is an illusion. The reality is that it will have no free existence in an atmosphere of FREEDOM.
It is said that a man must be FREE from ILLUSION.
The facts from 27 March, 2010 to 2 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 April, 2010.