Friday, April 9, 2010


The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 April, 2010.
The Prime Minister of India left for the USA on 4 April, 2010. The public sector TV channel showed this on the same day. However, he returned to New Delhi on the midway. This could be discerned from the fact that he was seen in New Delhi on the next day. This shows that he had to return in the fallout from the above email. This is the observation of this writer. But, there is no way for the people to know this.
The militant people killed 11 army personnel in the Orissa State on 4 April, 2010.
A Union Minister now invited the militant people for talks. He described them as cowards. But, he considers the concealment of this work as an act of bravery.
India on 4 April, 2010 said that Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) with China was politically not possible. India cited the trade deficit with China as the reason. It must be noted that the trade deficit with China was $ 8 billion during 2008. It was $16 billion during 2009 in a bilateral trade of $60 billion. However, anyone going through this work would agree that the email submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 April, 2010 triggered this development.
A Union Minister on 4 April, 2010 said that the ships needed for Indian Navy would be built indigenously. This is a reply to the above email.
In a shocking incident, the militant people killed 78 paramilitary personnel in the Chhattisgarh State on 6 April, 2010.
Had a FREE election been conducted, such incidents would not have occurred. This is not a false accusation. The Supreme Court should have asked the Election Commission the reason for not conducting a FREE election. But the Supreme Court is not opening its eyes.
Despite the email sent on 3 April, 2010, the mock auction of the 3G spectrum went off smoothly on 5 April, 2010. Some newspapers reported this on 6 April, 2010. Thus, unless otherwise prevented by this work, the auction would take place on 9 April, 2010.
In this connection, it may be recalled that before Independence, Native High Court Judges could cancel the decisions of the English Judges. They could ask them for explanations. At the same time, even a Munsif decided cases according to his opinion.
Now, an industrialist submitted in the Supreme Court that his brother was getting a profit of about $ 16 billion every year from a gas field. It was a startling revelation. This clearly indicated that the private companies had been concealing their real profit.
It may be recalled that the Chief of an Indian Information Technology company is still languishing in jail for the insufficient disclosure of the loss suffered by his company. For this, he was divested of his company. It was later transmitted to another company.
Anyone would tell that the non-disclosure of the profit of a company is far more serious than the above offence. Therefore, the Supreme Court should have activated the intelligence agencies and ascertained the approximate profit of the companies from the natural resources within four or five days. If his submissions were prima facie correct, the Supreme Court should have attached all the visible assets of such companies. But, neither did the Supreme Court choose to verity it nor did it ask the competent authorities the reason for not filing even a FIR.
Though it is a digression, it must be stated that this pattern could be observed in all Courts. When a petitioner –as in the C.C.284/97 in the Padmanabhapuram Court, Tamil Nadu State - says to the doctor that he “sustained an injury due to attack by one known person”, the Judge should have the courage to ask the police the reason for arresting two persons. When such things come to the notice of the Superior Judges, they should have the authority to know the reason for such prosecutions. But nothing happens.
Coming back, as the Courts are impervious to all arguments, less than ten companies that exploit the natural resources use their unlimited wealth to:
1. Acquire assets abroad besides depositing the money in different countries.
2. Deposit the money in the numbered accounts of the susceptible Judges of the Supreme Court, Union Ministers and officers including the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
3. Keep the media.
4. Buy the shares of the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
5. Buy assets all over India.
6. Usurp the infrastructures in the name of Public Private Partnership (PPP).
7. Do different businesses to spread the money.
8. Manipulate the stock exchange and financial institutions.
The consequences are:
1. Denial of FREEDOM.
2. Rule the nation using hired men.
3. The public assets become private assets.
4. Depletion of foreign exchange.
5. Creation of militancy, internal disturbances, turmoil and strife.
6. Poor Budget allocations and consequent poverty.
7. Destruction of entrepreneurs that depend on industry for development.
It is true that majority of the judges of the Supreme Court are either shareholders or partners of private companies. Such judges could have functioned as detached judges in the supreme national interest and proved themselves worthy of the confidence of the people. But the people have been discerning the symptoms of great attachment only.
It is said that a man must get education while he is in the “mode of goodness”.
The facts from 3 April, 2010 to 6 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 7 April, 2010.

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