Sunday, October 24, 2010



                   WORRY ABOUT JUSTICE

          The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 18 October 2010. A meeting of the Union Cabinet took place on 19 October 2010. It was followed by another meeting on the next day. The Union Cabinet postponed all privatization plans to 2011.
             The Union Finance Minister said that he was thinking of retiring from the active politics.       He has been concealing the real wealth of the people. The people might not condone him in this matter. Anyhow, he continues to remain in the Union Cabinet like a bewildered man presumably because the ruler asked him not to desert all others.
          Following this, there were reports that the Union Cabinet would be reshuffled in two or three days. But this did not happen.

The Government sold 10 per cent shares of the public sector Coal India Limited (CIL) as planned. The Government wanted about $ 3.5 billion. The public sector banks alone subscribed for about $7 billion. Evidently, one public sector institution sold the shares and some other public sector institutions bought the shares. It was an unconstitutional arbitrage trading. Legally, the Unit Trust of India (UTI) alone is permitted to trade in shares. Others need suitable legislation consistent with the Constitution of India.
          It must be noted that even the USA forbids commercial banks from trading in shares. But the ruler believes that it is impossible to run this country without allowing arbitrage trading. She, apparently, believes the words of the Prime Minister.
          Recently, the Supreme Court (SC) directed the Government to distribute the rotting food grains to the below poverty line people. The Prime Minister of India openly described this as an impossible one. When it was pointed out that some State Governments were supplying food grains - practically free of cost - to all their people, the Prime Minister maintained a silence.
          It is pertinent to recall that one day; Philip moved forward to attack his son, Alexander. After a few steps his knees wobbled and fell flat on the stone floor of the banquet hall. Standing next to the fallen Philip, Alexander proclaimed to the assembled guests that “here lay their king. He wished to invade Asia. But he could not move from one table to the next without losing his balance”.
          As the Prime Minister poses as a great economist, his silence could be compared to the above incident. At least now, everyone must understand his knowledge in economics.

          Dalai Lama on 21 October 2010 gave some suggestions to China to solve the Tibetan problem. A public sector TV channel published it.
          All countries - except India - could publish his words. India should not publish his words because the ruler of India does not publish the words of important people of India. By publishing the messages of Dalai Lama, the ruler shows to the world that there is FREEDOM of expression in India.

          An Indian industrialist has spent more than $2 billion to construct his house at Mumbai. It will be opened very soon. This must be the biggest house in the world. It must be bigger than the Presidential Palace, Parliament House and the Army Headquarters put together. He takes the natural assets of India. Therefore, he could easily maintain the paramilitary forces. But he is not doing this. Instead, many Indians work in foreign countries to maintain this.
          A private company bought assets worth $18 billion in other countries in the last six years. This shows that Indian companies must have bought assets worth at least $200 billion in the last six years. This is based on their calculation.

          The President of the USA would pay a visit to India in the first week of November 2010.  There are reports that he would land at Mumbai. He must be requested to land at New Delhi first. The protocol must be similar to the one followed to receive his predecessor.
          In a judgment related to live-in-relationship, a two judge Bench of the Supreme Court (SC) on 21 October 2010 said that the court could not legislate or amend the law. The judges added that the court in the grab of interpretation could not change the language of the statute.
          In the above case, the learned judges of the SC could have given their judgment in any way based on their knowledge. However, they should not have used the above words to justify their interpretation. By using the above words the judges are seeking to impose their will on other judges.
          Some judgments are simply laws invented by the courts. Even the Parliament is not allowed to change some of them. In such cases, the Supreme Court even rejects the Constitution of India. An example is the order that reservation to various communities should not exceed 49 percent.  There are a few more examples like this.
          It is well known that some interpretations of the court, like smocking in public places, take the form of law. Such laws could be annulled or amended by the Supreme Court or Parliament.
In the BALCO judgment mentioned in Chapter 3, a three judge Bench said that the court was not for considering the economic policy of the Government. This was a new law invented by the court. This law placed economic policy over judicial review. Now the court is extending this law to social matters also.
In a seven judge Bench judgment mentioned in Chapter 54, the SC cancelled reservation in unaided educational institutions. Here, the court - without saying that it was interfering in the policy decision of the Government-simply cancelled the policy of the Government. In this way, the court, unwittingly, annulled the BALCO judgment.
Now, the SC must say whether it is bound by the three judge judgment or the seven judge judgment because there is no discernable pattern in these judgments. The people, as a rule, want an established, settled and known law to execute just decisions.
In this connection, it must be stated that Government exists for the people and not for it. It could take any action for the good of the people. It could even use force to preserve the property of the people and to protect the people. On the other hand, it cannot take any action to destroy the people or their property.
How do people know whether an action is good or bad? In order to know this the Government enacts law. That is why the Government is a law making body. This law is command and must be obeyed by all for the general happiness of the people. The danger is – and it is the crucial point - the Government and the courts also must act through law to that end. This is to regulate the motive of self-interest. This is the reason why the Government and the court are bound by the Constitution. A written constitution always limits the powers of the Government and the court.
The SC must see whether the Government obeys the Constitution as the command of a supreme authority or not.  It must strike down all unconstitutional policies for establishing justice. This is very important when the policies affect the entire population.  This is the duty of the SC. This is the reason why judicial review is the corner stone of the Constitution of India. The learned judges shall not take a perverted or indifferent stand in this matter. This is the opinion of this writer.
The SC could give any opinion to this very important matter. Its opinion could be accepted as justice. Now the SC does not worry about justice. 
 This is important because in the BALCO case, the judges disowned their responsibility. The present judgment also tends to go in that direction. Tomorrow, the Government would have to take back all natural assets. Then the court should not say that the fundamental rights of 1000 million people were less important than those of ten people.

The Government said that the disinvestment target of about $9 billion would be met within 2010. Thus the Government, presumably at the instance of the ruler, changed its policy within four days. The newspapers said this on 22 October 2010.
In a democratic country, the leaders would maintain an atmosphere of openness even if there were vile criticism. There is no vile criticism in this work. Yet, the ruler is not doing justice to 157 letters. In fact, she does not worry about justice at all. Naturally, she would not give FREEDOM to the people. Therefore, none could control her private interests.

     In order fulfill the wishes of the ruler; the Union Government is now taking steps to auction the properties of two National Textile Corporation (NTC) Mills of the Government.  One Mill is in Banglore and another Mill is in Indore. Unless otherwise prevented, the Government would sell them.
          In this connection, it must be noted:
1.     The Government is in possession of more than the US$ 60 billion in the Provident Fund (PF) account.
2.     There is about US$ 60 billion in the Pension Fund.
3.     The Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) were keeping about US $ 55 billion surplus money in June 2005. They must have now over $ 100 billion.
4.     The sale of public sector Elphinstone Mill mentioned in Chapter 54 was challenged in the court. The court did not disclose its verdict.
5.     A former Union Minister had a net asset of about $500000. He purchased a public sector Mill for about $100000000 on 21 July 2005.
6.     The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India had   - Chapter 51- found that a public sector hotel was sold for the sole bidder. The CAG said that the Government lost a huge amount when a hotel was sold - Chapter 27.
7.     The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 13 August 2005 said that a then Union Minister contacted the LIC, various nationalized banks and others to help buy a PSU.  
8.      The Government on 21 July 2005 directed the CBI to probe the public sector Centaur Hotel disinvestment case. The Government later suppressed it.
9.     The Government is selling many properties secretly.
10.                        The present ruler had condemned the NDA Government for selling public properties. She had gone to the extent of using the word “cheat”- Chapter 39.
A combination of above points shows that the sole goal of the Government is plundering public assets. The ruler allows it in private interest.
It must be noted that the Government is like a trust or society formed for the public good. The assets of this society shall not be apportioned like this.
Notwithstanding the above, the ruler could sell one or two public assets. This must be purely in public interest. It must be in exceptional cases. Such instances are very rare. The essential condition is that the ruler must give FREEDOM to the people to know this work and similar works, if any, of others.
Though it is a digression, it may be said that the Government must even forbid private trusts and religious organizations from alienating immovable properties through long lease or sale. The heads of many organizations sell the assets in the pretext of doing one social work or other and amass wealth.
The Vice President of India exhorted the students to fight against corruption.
Her Excellency the President of India emphasized the importance Indian ethos in real life situations.
The Prime Minister of India described India as an open and democratic country. The public sector TV channel is showing hundreds of people less important than this writer. Yet the Prime Minister talks like this.
The Prime Minister, further, said that the capability of India to combat terrorism would be a step ahead of the terrorists.
The Prime Minister hinted that there was a new threat to the security of India.  
     It must be noted that the Prime Minister appears before the people very rarely and artificiality governs all his actions.
It is said that the demons do not worry about justice.
The facts from 18 October 2010 to 22 October 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 23 October 2010.

Saturday, October 23, 2010




The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 11 October 2010. The Union Cabinet met on the next day. The media said that the purpose of the meeting was to approve a mega container terminal at Chennai port under public –private partnership.
In this connection, it must be stated that all joint ventures – barring exceptional cases- are unconstitutional.
Effect of the last mail was a momentous one. Thus the ruler cancelled the partial privatization of several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) including the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). The situation prevailing now is reminiscent of the effect of the Chapters 1, 11 and 51. However, there was no word about the partial privatization of the public sector Coal India Limited (CIL).
The ruler knew that the Government had cancelled the privatization policy in the present form many times because of constitutional constraints.  Yet, one day she wants not only to arbitrarily sell the shares of the PSUs but also to buy the shares of the private companies. The next day she retracts. Again she resumes her unconstitutional ways. Now the last mail has once again partially succeeded in checking her arbitrary will. Tomorrow she would start again the same work. There exists a continual danger because she does not know what is to be done and what is not to be done.
It must be noted that the last mail was simultaneously emailed to Her Excellency the President of India, Chief Justice of India, Chief of the Indian Army and the Chief of the Indian Air Force. The development shows that the ruler is afraid of the learned judges of the Supreme Court. Otherwise, she would not have retracted from her step at all.

The Union Government on 12 October 2010 informed its decision to borrow $300 billion during the 12th Five Year Plan Period. The Government must quantify the income from the natural assets. Then it could think of borrowing money.

 Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2010 was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, 54, for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. Liu - a one time University Professor- was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years for subversion charges.

India on 13 October 2010 expressed concern over China supplying nuclear reactors to Pakistan.  India should have expressed its concern as soon as India knew this. The present writer mentioned this many times. Though late, India is reacting to environmental changes.

The Union Government on 13 October 2010 reiterated that 4.3 million shares of the public sector Coal India Limited-10 per cent- would be arbitrarily sold on 18 October 2010 as planned. Whenever the ruler acts arbitrarily, the Supreme Court must intervene based on Article 14. This is the opinion of this writer. Perhaps, the Supreme Court believes that it should not be done.

The Union Government on 14 October 2010 disclosed that the Provident Fund (PF) corpus would be invested in the stock market only if the Ministry of Finance guaranteed the safety of the money.
If about ten individuals could exploit the natural assets of India, anyone could throw any amount of money into the stock market. These individuals would ensure adequate return to the investors.
However, the Government would have to take over the natural assets. Further, the Government cannot arbitrarily invest public money in shares. The ruler and the Supreme Court should have informed this to the people. But they believe that it should not be done. Therefore, the people remain in utter darkness and invest their hard earned money in the stock market.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Government had taken a decision to hand over the PF money to three private parties besides the public sector State Bank of India (SBI). Did not India hand over the money to them?

The 12 day Delhi Commonwealth Games (DCG) ended on 14 October 2010. The President of Sri Lanka attended the closing ceremony as a special invitee of India.  The people did not extend their moral consent to this. Therefore, they staged demonstrations in many places against the President of Sri Lanka.
No Government could satisfy all sections of the people at all times. However, it must be recalled that the mother-in-law of the present ruler had been maintaining cordial relationship with Sri Lanka. At the same time, she had been secretly giving military training to the boys of Sri Lanka. She should not have acted like this. Had the present ruler been intelligent, she could have advised her to retract. But the present ruler did not do so. Thus the present ruler could not distinguish between the good and the bad.
Recently, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives handed over their territories to China to establish naval bases. In this way they stabbed India from the back. Therefore, the present writer said that the leaders of these countries did not deserve red carpet welcome. The writer said this only to retrieve these countries from China. But the ruler again gave red-carpet welcome to the President of Sri Lanka. Some people in India reacted to this by exploding a crude bomb.
Even now, the President of Sri Lanka is concealing China under his coat. Yet, the ruler allowed him to sit in front of her for the closing ceremony of the DCG. The ruler alone knows whether she is right or not.
In his winding speech the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the DCG thanked the ruler of India and her son.
The medal winning Indian athletes in the DCG had a dinner with the Prime Minister of India. The ruler of India and her son also congratulated them. The Prime Minister could have invited the entire participants for the dinner.
Within a day, the Union Government instituted an enquiry committee under a retired Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India to probe some corruption charges associated with the DCG. This is like putting bait to the present CAG.
It must be noted that even the learned judges of the Supreme Court sacrifice the interest of 1000 million people for post retirement positions. This is a conclusively proved one. Therefore, the Supreme Court must consider the question of banning post retirement positions to everyone occupying key position.

The Union Government on 15 October 2010 requested China to respect the sensitivities of India in the matter of Jammu & Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh States. India requested China to take a neutral stand in the J&K issue.
Indians do not enjoy as much FREEDOM in India as the Tibetans do in Tibet. The ruler must tell in which way the words of Dalai Lama are more important to Indians than the words of this writer.

The wife of an Indian industrialist on 16 October 2010 said that India could become a USD 30-40 trillion economy by 2040. She was delivering a lecture at the London School of Economics.
The above statement shows that about ten people have quantified the natural assets of India. They know the real wealth of India. Does the President of India know this? Do the learned judges of the Supreme Court know this? The people are not aware of this. But the ruler knew this. She could have used her knowledge to enlighten the people. But, she believes that it is something that should not be done. Therefore, just as she conceals this work from the people so as she conceals the real wealth of India from them. Naturally, about ten people are secretly enjoying it.
It must be noted that this work has been remaining as the greatest secret of India. Now, the real wealth of India is the greatest secret of India.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that an industrialist had submitted in the Supreme Court (SC) that his brother was getting a profit of over USD 16 billion from a gas field alone. Following this light the Supreme Court should have redeployed the paramilitary forces to quantify the real income from the natural assets. But the SC did not do so. Alternatively, the SC could have taken over all natural assets based on the 7 May 2010 judgment or the earlier HPCL-BPCL judgment. But it did not do so. Perhaps, it still believes that the natural asset is the fortune of about ten people only.
Why does the wife of an industrialist talk like this now? One reason is that this writer said –Chapter 155- that the growth rate of India could be 75 per cent to 100 per cent and that the Class I Officers could be paid $2000 to $ 10000 as monthly pay.

The Union Government on 16 October 2010 informed the people that 9000 cases were pending in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and steps were being taken to establish 51 more CBI courts to dispose of these cases. This is the reply of the ruler to the last mail submitted to Her Excellency the President of India.
Consider a man “X” assaults another man “Y”. Y has no right to punish X because he has surrendered his power to punish X to the Government. Thus the people have surrendered their certain rights and powers to the Government so that their remaining rights and powers would be protected and preserved.
When some people invaded the property of the people, the Members of Parliament (MPs) pointed out the matter to the Government. The Government ignored it. When the present writer placed this matter before the Chief Justice of India, he also turned a blind to this. All the learned judges and investigation officers have retired from service. Therefore, a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed against all the people responsible for this predicament.
This is not to say that any industrialist should be put in jail. When the Chief of Satyam Company talked about some irregularities, the Government was very quick to confiscate his assets. Besides, he was jailed. The Government did not wait for establishing any court. But, when a former Union Minister said that he contacted a pubic sector bank before selling a PSU, the Government did not react. This shows that what about ten people say is law.

India on 15 October 2010 offered 34 oil and gas blocks in the 9th round of New Exploration Licensing Policy. This policy is not due to dearth of funds.
In this connection, it must be said that the Government derives power from the people. Therefore, its authority is confined to securing certain ends for the good of the people only. The Government has no absolute authority.
The Natural Law of the people also limits the power of the Government. This is the Natural Right of the people. This right was in existence even before the formation of the Government. This right must exist even after the present Government.
The Natural Law gives men a right to their property. The people remain under a Government only for the preservation of their property. The natural assets are the property of 1000 million people. Every child has equal right over this property. Now the Government is allowing about ten people to invade their property. In order to help them, the Government is invading the lives of the people. Thus the Government is exceeding its authority. Locke says that the people could legitimately overthrow such governments.
However, this does not happen in India because the ruler does not give FREEDOM to the people to know their Natural Rights.
            Obviously, the continual decisions of the Government show that the militant people fight for the rights of 1000 million people only. Perhaps they believe that non-violence has no value in India.
A Union Minister on 17 October 2010 said that the Government –despite some falls- would go ahead with the present policy. This was the reflection of the view of the ruler.
An industrialist said that India would become a $ 4 to $4.5 trillion economy within the next ten years. This statement also is consistent with Chapter 155. This shows that about ten people have really siphoned off $1 trillion from the natural assets alone to other countries.
It is said that demons do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done.
The facts from 11 October 2010 to 17 October 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 18 October 2010.


Monday, October 18, 2010




          The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 28 October 2010. Two or three meetings of the Union Cabinet ensued. The real purpose of the meetings was not disclosed.

An industrialist on 28 September 2010 disclosed that he was in possession of a huge coal reserve.

          A Bench of the Supreme Court (SC) on 29 September 2010 - while hearing a case related to the Delhi Commonwealth Games - expressed dismay at the rampant corruption in India.

          The officers of the Indian Navy on 29 September 2010 held talks with the Sri Lankan Navy personnel on the attack on Indian fishermen. Sri Lankan Navy personnel gave a solemn assurance that there would not be any further incidents of harm to the Indian fishermen.

          A Bench of High Court, Allahabad, comprising Justice Sudhir Agarwal, Justice S.U.Khan and Justice D.V.Sharma, in a crucial judgment on 30 September 2010, ruled that the disputed land at Ayodhya should be partitioned into three parts. A two third portion should be shared by two Hindu plaintiffs and one third portion should go to Sunni Muslims. Justice S.U Khan and Justice Sudhir Agarwal ordered that the portion below the central dome of the demolished structure must be allotted to Hindu plaintiffs.
          The judgment was based on two facts.
1.     The joint ownership of the land was proved and
2.     No party proved the commencement of the title.

           The above facts were not known to the people before the judgment. Therefore, they were, apparently, happy with the verdict. In fact, there was no incidence of violence anywhere in the world after the judgment. One Mr. Gulam Mohamed Shaikh said that the photos of the above judges should be hung on each cross road. The Hindu reported this on 1 October 2010.
          It must be noted that the Bench comprised two Hindu judges and a Muslim judge. The Muslim judge concurred with a Hindu judge. Therefore, Hindus and Muslims could not oppose the judgment. The Bench had been constituted in partial fulfillment of the Point No.1 of Chapter 34.

      The ruler of India on 29 September 2010 distributed the first set of 12 digit Unique Identification Numbers called aadhrar to 10 women of a tribal community.
The militant people killed four paramilitary personnel on 3 October 2010 in the Madhya Pradesh (MP) State. They killed four more on the next day. Besides, they   killed 3 people in the West Bengal State. It is not known whether the militant people remain under one leader or many leaders.

       The Chief of Indian Air Force, Air Marshal P.V. Naik on 4 October 2010 said that India was watching with caution not only China but also small neighbours. He, further, said that anything that impacted the growth of the nation was a matter of concern.

         The Union Cabinet on 5 October 2010 decided to sell 10 per cent shares of the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) to generate about US $ 350 million.
        A perusal of the Chapters from 1 to 31 would show that the previous NDA Government had rescinded hundreds of decisions on privatization. The present ruler had also abandoned the policy of selling shares based on this work. Similarly, the public sector banks and the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had been stopped from buying the shares of favoured companies. The ruler had done these because of their unconstitutional nature. The careful reading of the Chapters from 41 to 50 would prove this. Now the ruler has resumed all old policies.
          If the present policies of the ruler were constitutional, the Government could defeat the purpose of the Preamble, Article 14 and other provisions of the Constitution of India and arbitrarily:
1.     Advance money to the favoured people to buy the PSUs.
2.     Buy the shares of favoured companies using public funds.
3.     Sell the PSUs to charge-sheeted companies.
4.     Advance public money to the Unit Trust of India (UTI).
5.     Hand over about the US $66 billion rotting in the Provident Fund to two or three people.
6.     Give the US $ 88 billion in the Pension Fund to about two or three people and ask all public servants to remain at their mercy.
7.     Allow about ten people to remove perennially all natural assets.
8.     Hand over roads, ports, airports and others to the same people.     
9.     Hand over the entire foreign exchange to them and
10.            Deny FREEDOM to the people.
In fact, all the above unconstitutional acts are going on now, particularly under the present Chief Justice of India.
This happens mainly because the ruler, SC, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), investigation agencies, bureaucracy, media, Election Commission of India and the paramilitary forces have become a monopoly of the manipulators.
Thus, the cases mentioned in Chapter 6 have not been taken to their logical conclusion.
The public sector Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) still remains in the hands of a charge-sheeted company although a guideline devised for selling the PSUs forbade it.
Similarly, investigation for selling the public sector Indian Petro Chemical Corporation (IPCL) to a charge-sheeted company is still in the preliminary stage of investigation.
A son of a former Prime Minister –Chapter 31- removed a huge amount of money for buying urea. The SC does not remember anything about it. 
One day, the SC cancelled the petrol pumps – Point No.7 Chapter 25 - sanctioned by the Members of Parliament (MPs). Then some private companies distributed them in the way they liked. When it was pointed out to the SC, the petrol outlets remained closed for sometime. Now, they again distribute them. Until the judgment, the ex-service men and the handicapped had been getting some petrol outlets. After the judgment, no ex-service man got any petrol outlet. Many soldiers are becoming handicapped everyday. Even they are not getting any.
Why does the ruler resume selling the shares of the PSUs? This cannot be due to dearth funds. The truth is that about ten people get unlimited money from the natural resources. Whenever they fail to buy assets abroad, they direct the ruler to sell the shares. The ruler remains helpless. In this way they use their surplus money.
Some Union Ministers and some learned judges of the SC have not amassed wealth. Apparently, they have no desire for tainted money. Then, why do they not tremble at these manipulations? Surely, “the harm done by the good is the most harmful harm”. In fact, every unfaithful action has been twisted through and through by the good.
 Why does the ruler do this? This could be due to greed for wealth or power.
If someone offered the US $10 to an honourable poor old man in a village, he would refuse to accept it. Having lived without accepting gratis from others, he would prefer to spend the rest of his life like this. In contrast, if some money were offered to a greedy man, he would readily accept it.
India is a country of over 1000 million people. None should have agreed to function as the ruler of India with an understanding of transmitting public assets to private parties.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 5 October 2010 questioned Satyam Company founder, Mr. Ramalinga Raju to probe the alleged fund diversion. Mr.Raju generated employment for thousands of graduates. India did not give any natural assets to him. Yet, his assets have been confiscated. He was in the jail for about two years. The cases against him must be compared to the cases against the Chairman of the Medical Council of India (MCI).
The Union Cabinet on 5 October 2010 decided to form a Committee under a retired Chief Justice of India to scrutinize the serious charges of misconduct of the judges of the SC and High Courts.
This is bait for the Chief Justice of India. The Government is expecting his help for its unconstitutional manipulations. Therefore, such Committees and Commissions could be under one, two or three serving judges.
The learned judges of the High Courts and the SC must be given decent salary for their talent, knowledge, service and commitment. But they should not be greedy to the extent of accepting post retirement positions in the Government or in private companies.   
The Tibetans in exile on 4 October 2010 conducted the first round of general election at Himachal Pradesh to elect their Prime Minister. Himachal Pradesh shall not be used for any anti-China or pro-Tibetan activities because these actions prompt China to consider Himachal Pradesh as a part of China.
An Indian motor company on 4 October 2010 bought 80 per cent stake of a design and engineering company of Italy.

The Defense Minister of India said that there was a threat to the unity of India from the neighbouring countries.
The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal P.V.Naik on 9 October 2010 gave an interview to the NDTV. The manipulators deployed a journalist to probe his mind to the question of committing the armed forces against the militant people. The interview showed that the other methods adopted by them to approach him had ended in vain.
On the next day, the Air Chief described the security situation in the neighborhood of India to a volcano. He added that the volcano would erupt now or in the next 100 years.
The militant people killed 3 soldiers in the Chhattisgarh State on 10 October 2010. The ruler did not condemn the killings. The gun salutes given to the slain soldiers were also not shown even in the public sector TV channel.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that India is a Republic. This means that the people are supreme and there shall be no privileged class. Further, in a democracy –Chapter 42 - the Government must win not by the force of armed forces but by the force of conviction.
The ruler could kill the militant people only if India did not hand over public assets to about ten privileged people.
Now, the ruler is using the force of the armed forces only to transfer public assets to about ten privileged people.
Therefore, the present action of the ruler is a sacrilegious declaration of war against 1000 million people. This is willful defiance of the rule of law and therefore a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed against the people responsible for such deaths.
The Chief Justice of India has not done justice to the papers before him. Therefore, the learned judges of the Supreme Court must examine whether the Chief Justice of India also is responsible for the above killings.   
On 9 October 2010 India sent four naval ships to Sri Lanka for training and joint exercises.
When India was rapt in killing Tamils, not only Sri Lanka but also Bangladesh and Maldives allowed China to establish naval bases in their territories. Thus they opted to remain under the security umbrella of China. Now, these countries look like the mirror image of China.
A SC Bench requested the Union Government to give a reply to the finding of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) that the Nation lost about the US $31 billion in 2G spectrum allotments.
This is the first time that the people are hearing about the report of the CAG in the 2G spectrum matter. Anyone could envisage the amount of money going into the hands of a few people.
Assume that there are a few people with the US$ 1billion each. What will they do when a spectrum worth $30 or $40 billion were auctioned? They would demand the Government to hand over it to them following the precedent set earlier. When a boy takes $ 16 billion from one gas field alone, one or two other boys would also demand a share in the natural assets like this. The remedy is obvious.
The ruler on 9 October 2010 said that the benefits of growth must reach every individual, particularly economically weaker sections of the society that include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, backward class and minorities.
The ruler has no FREEDOM to take the natural assets for the benefit of the weaker sections.  Therefore, the ruler is requesting the people enjoying the natural assets to part with part of their income for the benefit of the weaker sections.
It is said that greed governs the mind of demons.
The facts from 28 September 2010 to 10 October 2010 are submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 11 October 2010.


Sunday, October 3, 2010




          The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 19 September 2010. The Prime Minister of India called on the President of India on the next day.

            A former judge of the Supreme Court (SC) requested the Chief Justice of India – through a half page article - to find the correctness or otherwise of the submission of a former Union Law Minister that eight out of the last 16 Chief Justices of the SC were patently corrupt. India gave wide publicity to this. At the same time, India is not ready to inform the existence of this work to the people.

     The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 20 September 2010 arrested 11 postmen allegedly for receiving tips while distributing pension to old age pensioners. Now the CBI might visit various public offices to catch the last grade servants because it is well known that they receive tips to transmit files from one table to another.
          The militant people abducted 7 policemen in the Chhattisgarh State on 20 September 2010.
          A Union Minister on 20 September 2010 said that India was not opposed to the POSCO getting  a majority stake in its proposed joint venture with Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) in the 1.5 million tone integrated steel plant at Bokaro.
          In this connection, it must be reiterated that when some Indian companies bought assets in South Korea, the people in Korea came to the street. In order to assuage their feelings, the ruler of India offered a mining cite to the POSCO in the Orissa State. The present writer had pointed out this to the ruler. Yet she refused to retract. Fortunately, the tribal people of Orissa fought against it. Several people were killed. The ruler did not allow the Indians to know the intensity of their agitation.  Apparently, the tribal people won the war and the ruler dispatched her son to Orissa to claim the credit for it!  
          Now, in order to console the POSCO, the ruler is unilaterally offering Bokaro. As the Government is only a tenant, the Constitution of India stands on the way. In fact, but for this work, the Government would not have revealed anything through the media.

          Dalai Lama- the Tibetan leader- on 21 September 2010 said that he would go to Tibet with Chinese passport.
             In this connection, it must be noted that the present writer alone raised the question of passport. The Government conveyed this to him. Now, his words show that he is not in possession of a Chinese passport. The Constitution of India does not permit the Government to grant Indian passport to him. However, the ruler could clarify this.

                 India on 22 September 2010 said that the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) was planning to set up a one-giga watt nuclear plant in Pakistan. India also revealed that other neighboring countries of India were planning to install nuclear reactors. This is in addition to the Chinese naval bases in their territories. India added that the people should not be frightened by this.
          It is not a question of fear at all. Had the ruler of India put a word to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives, they would have obeyed her. Therefore, she should not have handed over such an environment to the posterity without recording the mildest protest. The Chinese naval bases around India would always remain as a target for the Indian forces. The nuclear reactors are an added irritant. India must firmly remind this to all neighboring countries - not secretly but openly - whenever they seek Indian assistance. At the same time, India could offer nuclear reactors for their energy needs provided they get rid of the naval bases of other countries.
          Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives are in the vicinity of India. They are not near to China. Therefore, they must be distinguished from other neighboring countries. India must be very sensitive to their every move.

          The all party delegation that visited Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State returned to New Delhi. As the ruler is not in favour of discussing this work, the delegation did not see any realistic solution.

          Indian police on 22 September 2010 registered a First Information Report (FIR) against unknown Sri Lankan Navy personnel for assaulting Indian fishermen.
          There was a time when India was quenching its thirst with the blood of the fishermen. During this period, India did not arrest any Sri Lankan fishermen when they strayed into Indian Territory. Now, not only Sri Lankan fishermen are being arrested but also a FIR has been filed for assaulting Indian fishermen. This would send shock wave across Sri Lanka.

          A Supreme Court (SC) Bench comprising Justices Mukundakam Sharma and Anil R. Dave on 22 September 2010 said that the SC needed upright and honest judicial officers.
          The world would not have heard such words of sitting judges against their colleagues. This must be due to the below par performance of some judges of the SC.
          The above learned judges could have remained like a stone in the Supreme Court. But they did not do so. They detailed to themselves a duty only to show the correct way to their colleagues and to the nation so that others also would follow them. Thus, they have lighted fire although the people would not have understood the depth of their words. However, the present writer firmly believes that two judges are sufficient to give FREEDOM to Indians.
          The learned judges of the SC must be talented enough to demand at least money equivalent to $10,000 as monthly pay. This is partly because the assets of India warrant this and partly because this salary is necessary for some judges to further their honesty in trying situations. This is the opinion of this writer.
The predecessor of the present Chief Justice of India delivered a toothless judgment on 7 May 2010 because he was keeping an eye on the post of the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). He, in fact, got it. Even now he is not giving a human meaning to the above judgment. This is happening because of his poor pay in the SC.  
Similarly, the present Chairman of the Press Council of India is a former judge of the SC. He could have given FREEDOM long ago. But, he is even now not ready for this presumably because he did not get a decent salary while he was in the SC. For the same reason, many judges directly go to some private companies after retirement.

 The former Election Commissioner of India on 25 September 2010 described the substitution of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) with ballot papers as a retrograde step. He compared it to the act of abandoning computers in banks. However, he wanted more security features in the EVMs. He said this at the instance of the Union Government.
There is no use in conducting elections without giving FREEDOM.
 Even when the ballot papers were used, some constituencies in one general election witnessed practically nil invalid votes. In some other constituencies, the number of invalid votes was disproportionately high.
Further, in banks the computers compute the accounts within minutes what otherwise would take months. In contrast, time is not saved due to the introduction of the EVMs.
The former Election Commissioner did not tell the reason why security features must be strengthened. He did not give any reason why the votes polled did not tally in many constituencies. He did not reveal the reason why the Election Commission resorted to re-counting in many constituencies.

A private company is producing 60 million cubic metre of gas everyday from Andra Pradesh State alone. The Government disclosed this through one or two newspapers.
An industrialist had submitted in the SC that his brother was getting a profit of over the US $16 billion per year from one gas field alone. The present revelation confirms that his submission was a correct one.
Whose gas is this? This is the real asset of 1000 million people. Who is taking this? One boy is taking this.
In this connection, it may be pointed out that the USA is preserving its oil reserves. China is not taking its iron ore. Even Bangladesh is thinking of transmitting its gas reserves for the future generations. But the ruler of India is allowing some Indians and a few foreigners to exploit the minerals. The unconstitutional nature of this policy had been pointed out in this work.
          If India wanted to exploit the minerals, it could –consistent with the 7 May 2010 judgment of the SC- do so through the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
The above suggestion is not for communism at all. This is for public welfare only. Then, the salaries of the top public servants including judges, Army Officers, civil servants, bank managers anddoctors and  would be equivalent to the US $ 10,000 to $20,000 per month. The starting pay of last grade servant would be $1000 per month. A highly conservative calculation would show that the last grade servant would start with $ 750. The Class I Officers would start with $2000 per month and end with $ 10,000.
The above salary is not after one, two, three or four years but with immediate effect.
The Government would have to spend about 25 per cent of its revenue alone on salaries. The rest could be used for public investments, poverty alleviation measures and others. The growth rate of many sectors would reach 75 to 100 percent. Now the Government is spending 50 per cent of the revenue on salaries.
The paramilitary personnel sacrifice their lives in jungles only to deny this salary to them and to others.
Some learned judges of the SC and others would consider this as an impossible one. They must agree to detail the paramilitary forces to all mining sites and telephone companies to know the real income.

The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) now said that the salaries of the Chiefs of Public Sector Banks must be made equal to their counterparts in private banks. The Governor could see the salary structure of bank managers only. All others are simply his guards!
Now the Chairman of the Press Council of India (PCI) said that the media was safeguarding the interest of the corporate houses only. He added that the PCI was a toothless body. Her Excellency the President of India might have asked him to tell the reason for the non-publication of this work. However, the Chapters 152 and 153 are being sent to him by post to gauge his mind. It may be recalled that this work had been sent to the Chairman of the Press Trust of India (PTI) in vain.
India on 27 September 2010 revealed that Prince Charles will declare the Commonwealth Games (CWG) open while the President of India will say let the Games begin on 3 October 2010.
On receipt of this work, the Queen of England might have requested India to give FREEDOM to Indians. India would not have responded to this in the proper way. Therefore, the Queen might have decided not to notice the facial expressions of the ruler.
India then asked a former Union Minister to talk against the CWG in the hope that the CWG Federation would cancel the Games. This did not happen until yesterday. Therefore, the Government is concocting stories for the present predicament.
Ignoring the FREEDOM of Indians, the Queen could have come to India to declare the CWG open. Then everyone would have thought that there was nothing serious in the denial of FREEDOM to Indians. Following the example set by her, everyone would have ignored the FREEDOM of Indians. Thus the Queen has sacrificed her greatest interest –the CWG- for the FREEDOM of Indians. In fact, she too has lighted fire by assuming a different duty.
It is said that an incarnation assumed a duty only to set an example to the man so that he too – instead of remaining quiet – would do his duty.
The facts from 19 September 2010 to 27 September 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 28 September 2010.