Saturday, October 23, 2010




The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 11 October 2010. The Union Cabinet met on the next day. The media said that the purpose of the meeting was to approve a mega container terminal at Chennai port under public –private partnership.
In this connection, it must be stated that all joint ventures – barring exceptional cases- are unconstitutional.
Effect of the last mail was a momentous one. Thus the ruler cancelled the partial privatization of several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) including the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). The situation prevailing now is reminiscent of the effect of the Chapters 1, 11 and 51. However, there was no word about the partial privatization of the public sector Coal India Limited (CIL).
The ruler knew that the Government had cancelled the privatization policy in the present form many times because of constitutional constraints.  Yet, one day she wants not only to arbitrarily sell the shares of the PSUs but also to buy the shares of the private companies. The next day she retracts. Again she resumes her unconstitutional ways. Now the last mail has once again partially succeeded in checking her arbitrary will. Tomorrow she would start again the same work. There exists a continual danger because she does not know what is to be done and what is not to be done.
It must be noted that the last mail was simultaneously emailed to Her Excellency the President of India, Chief Justice of India, Chief of the Indian Army and the Chief of the Indian Air Force. The development shows that the ruler is afraid of the learned judges of the Supreme Court. Otherwise, she would not have retracted from her step at all.

The Union Government on 12 October 2010 informed its decision to borrow $300 billion during the 12th Five Year Plan Period. The Government must quantify the income from the natural assets. Then it could think of borrowing money.

 Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2010 was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, 54, for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. Liu - a one time University Professor- was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years for subversion charges.

India on 13 October 2010 expressed concern over China supplying nuclear reactors to Pakistan.  India should have expressed its concern as soon as India knew this. The present writer mentioned this many times. Though late, India is reacting to environmental changes.

The Union Government on 13 October 2010 reiterated that 4.3 million shares of the public sector Coal India Limited-10 per cent- would be arbitrarily sold on 18 October 2010 as planned. Whenever the ruler acts arbitrarily, the Supreme Court must intervene based on Article 14. This is the opinion of this writer. Perhaps, the Supreme Court believes that it should not be done.

The Union Government on 14 October 2010 disclosed that the Provident Fund (PF) corpus would be invested in the stock market only if the Ministry of Finance guaranteed the safety of the money.
If about ten individuals could exploit the natural assets of India, anyone could throw any amount of money into the stock market. These individuals would ensure adequate return to the investors.
However, the Government would have to take over the natural assets. Further, the Government cannot arbitrarily invest public money in shares. The ruler and the Supreme Court should have informed this to the people. But they believe that it should not be done. Therefore, the people remain in utter darkness and invest their hard earned money in the stock market.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Government had taken a decision to hand over the PF money to three private parties besides the public sector State Bank of India (SBI). Did not India hand over the money to them?

The 12 day Delhi Commonwealth Games (DCG) ended on 14 October 2010. The President of Sri Lanka attended the closing ceremony as a special invitee of India.  The people did not extend their moral consent to this. Therefore, they staged demonstrations in many places against the President of Sri Lanka.
No Government could satisfy all sections of the people at all times. However, it must be recalled that the mother-in-law of the present ruler had been maintaining cordial relationship with Sri Lanka. At the same time, she had been secretly giving military training to the boys of Sri Lanka. She should not have acted like this. Had the present ruler been intelligent, she could have advised her to retract. But the present ruler did not do so. Thus the present ruler could not distinguish between the good and the bad.
Recently, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives handed over their territories to China to establish naval bases. In this way they stabbed India from the back. Therefore, the present writer said that the leaders of these countries did not deserve red carpet welcome. The writer said this only to retrieve these countries from China. But the ruler again gave red-carpet welcome to the President of Sri Lanka. Some people in India reacted to this by exploding a crude bomb.
Even now, the President of Sri Lanka is concealing China under his coat. Yet, the ruler allowed him to sit in front of her for the closing ceremony of the DCG. The ruler alone knows whether she is right or not.
In his winding speech the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the DCG thanked the ruler of India and her son.
The medal winning Indian athletes in the DCG had a dinner with the Prime Minister of India. The ruler of India and her son also congratulated them. The Prime Minister could have invited the entire participants for the dinner.
Within a day, the Union Government instituted an enquiry committee under a retired Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India to probe some corruption charges associated with the DCG. This is like putting bait to the present CAG.
It must be noted that even the learned judges of the Supreme Court sacrifice the interest of 1000 million people for post retirement positions. This is a conclusively proved one. Therefore, the Supreme Court must consider the question of banning post retirement positions to everyone occupying key position.

The Union Government on 15 October 2010 requested China to respect the sensitivities of India in the matter of Jammu & Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh States. India requested China to take a neutral stand in the J&K issue.
Indians do not enjoy as much FREEDOM in India as the Tibetans do in Tibet. The ruler must tell in which way the words of Dalai Lama are more important to Indians than the words of this writer.

The wife of an Indian industrialist on 16 October 2010 said that India could become a USD 30-40 trillion economy by 2040. She was delivering a lecture at the London School of Economics.
The above statement shows that about ten people have quantified the natural assets of India. They know the real wealth of India. Does the President of India know this? Do the learned judges of the Supreme Court know this? The people are not aware of this. But the ruler knew this. She could have used her knowledge to enlighten the people. But, she believes that it is something that should not be done. Therefore, just as she conceals this work from the people so as she conceals the real wealth of India from them. Naturally, about ten people are secretly enjoying it.
It must be noted that this work has been remaining as the greatest secret of India. Now, the real wealth of India is the greatest secret of India.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that an industrialist had submitted in the Supreme Court (SC) that his brother was getting a profit of over USD 16 billion from a gas field alone. Following this light the Supreme Court should have redeployed the paramilitary forces to quantify the real income from the natural assets. But the SC did not do so. Alternatively, the SC could have taken over all natural assets based on the 7 May 2010 judgment or the earlier HPCL-BPCL judgment. But it did not do so. Perhaps, it still believes that the natural asset is the fortune of about ten people only.
Why does the wife of an industrialist talk like this now? One reason is that this writer said –Chapter 155- that the growth rate of India could be 75 per cent to 100 per cent and that the Class I Officers could be paid $2000 to $ 10000 as monthly pay.

The Union Government on 16 October 2010 informed the people that 9000 cases were pending in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and steps were being taken to establish 51 more CBI courts to dispose of these cases. This is the reply of the ruler to the last mail submitted to Her Excellency the President of India.
Consider a man “X” assaults another man “Y”. Y has no right to punish X because he has surrendered his power to punish X to the Government. Thus the people have surrendered their certain rights and powers to the Government so that their remaining rights and powers would be protected and preserved.
When some people invaded the property of the people, the Members of Parliament (MPs) pointed out the matter to the Government. The Government ignored it. When the present writer placed this matter before the Chief Justice of India, he also turned a blind to this. All the learned judges and investigation officers have retired from service. Therefore, a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed against all the people responsible for this predicament.
This is not to say that any industrialist should be put in jail. When the Chief of Satyam Company talked about some irregularities, the Government was very quick to confiscate his assets. Besides, he was jailed. The Government did not wait for establishing any court. But, when a former Union Minister said that he contacted a pubic sector bank before selling a PSU, the Government did not react. This shows that what about ten people say is law.

India on 15 October 2010 offered 34 oil and gas blocks in the 9th round of New Exploration Licensing Policy. This policy is not due to dearth of funds.
In this connection, it must be said that the Government derives power from the people. Therefore, its authority is confined to securing certain ends for the good of the people only. The Government has no absolute authority.
The Natural Law of the people also limits the power of the Government. This is the Natural Right of the people. This right was in existence even before the formation of the Government. This right must exist even after the present Government.
The Natural Law gives men a right to their property. The people remain under a Government only for the preservation of their property. The natural assets are the property of 1000 million people. Every child has equal right over this property. Now the Government is allowing about ten people to invade their property. In order to help them, the Government is invading the lives of the people. Thus the Government is exceeding its authority. Locke says that the people could legitimately overthrow such governments.
However, this does not happen in India because the ruler does not give FREEDOM to the people to know their Natural Rights.
            Obviously, the continual decisions of the Government show that the militant people fight for the rights of 1000 million people only. Perhaps they believe that non-violence has no value in India.
A Union Minister on 17 October 2010 said that the Government –despite some falls- would go ahead with the present policy. This was the reflection of the view of the ruler.
An industrialist said that India would become a $ 4 to $4.5 trillion economy within the next ten years. This statement also is consistent with Chapter 155. This shows that about ten people have really siphoned off $1 trillion from the natural assets alone to other countries.
It is said that demons do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done.
The facts from 11 October 2010 to 17 October 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 18 October 2010.


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