Friday, February 9, 2018

letter No.602

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
PIN: 629167

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people by concealing 601 letters.
The media houses should have handed over the management of their media entities to the closest registered voluntary organizations that existed on the date of award of the people.
They must note that a citizens of India might put his loss due to the denial of the benefits of Articles like 19, 21. 23, 24, 39 of the Constitution of India as a small one. But the total loss suffered by all Indians is a very great one.
90 per cent of the MPs and MLAs might not have entered the Parliament and the State Assembles. Many might not have become ministers. As India is replete with intellectuals, the quality of these bodies might have undergone a great metamorphosis.
In fact, the loss cannot be easily quantized.
The law enforcing agencies of India use very hard words like cheating, conspiracy, breach of trust to explain the ordinary crimes committed by the political leaders and others.
They do not hesitate to keep in prison even the ministers to prove the charges of conspiracy and cheating. Former Union Minister Mr. A. Raja was kept in prison for 15 months. Hundreds of letters to the President of India failed to rescue him from jail.
The Supreme Court of India also uses its power ruthlessly.
The disproportionate asset case against former Chief Minister Mrs. Jayalalithaa was a proved one. However, the judge, Michael D’Cunha gave an escape route to her. He gave sufficient hint to prove that those above her were the first accused.
Based on the judgement, the advocate could have asked the judges to award any punishment to his clients after punishing those above her. This one line defense might have saved her. This writer saved her till her death. Whatever happened, the court ultimately sent her servants to jail.
Now, the conspiracy to take away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people has great ramifications. It involves many chief justices of Supreme Court of India and High Courts, officers of the CBI, CVC, NHRC, media houses and many others. Even the former Presidents of India would be questioned to catch the real offenders.
Viewed in this context, the media houses can hand over their media entities to the voluntary organizations without any delay and ask them to be true to themselves.
Some would say that they are ignorant of the letters. This cannot be a defense because the act of imparting knowledge to the people is their duty. It is catch 22 for them.  
Further, the President of India must note that the miners in India have not surrendered the natural resources of the nation to the government as per the last letter. The President of India has not emailed his reply to the letters submitted to him either.
It is pertinent to recall that even the present Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, on 5 April 2015, asked the judges to deliver judgements based on the Constitution of India. Yesterday, he –in Parliament - said, “My government is not a den for the corrupt”
This shows that he wants to uphold the Constitution but the President of India induces his government to be like Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.   
Otherwise, the Government of India might have asked the State Governments to take over the natural assets yesterday. Similarly, he might have asked the media to report news and views as per degree.
If the interpretation of the people are rooted in Constitution of India, the Supreme Court of India cannot substitute its interpretation. President of India also has no other choice but to direct the court and the Government to implement it.
In the language of the Constitution of India, these are considered irrefutable in the governance of country.
This is letter No.602
V. Sabarimuthu

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Letter No. 601

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
PIN: 629167

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people by concealing 600 letters.
There are reports that Mr. Arcelor Mittal and some others are getting ready to buy the mines of the bank defaulters.
No one is ready to obey anyone. But, everyone must be under one law or other.
The important characteristic of law is that its violation leads to punishment.
In India, the small offenders are being punished for the slightest conflict with the Constitution of India.
But the big offenders remain in Paradise.
However, everyone must note that the natural resources of India belong to all people all over India.
All minerals and the spectrum specifically come under Article 39 of the Constitution of India. Some judgements of the Supreme Court of India also demand that the natural resources must be exploited by the Government directly.
The decision of the Government of India to keep a part of the minerals in the hand of the private parties is not in accordance with but in contravention of the Constitution of India.
The unlimited money in the hand of the miners lead to the rigging of the elections.
Everyone must note, that if something is against the Constitution of India, the courts would declare it as something in contravention of the Constitution.
If something is consistent with the Constitution of India, the court would say that it is in accordance with the Constitution of India.
The duty of the courts end there.
The act of usurping the natural resources in the pretext of auction or buying would be interpreted as an act of doing violence to the Constitution of India and this might lead to punishment.
Therefore, everyone in possession of the natural assets must surrender them to the Government forthwith.

Another important characteristic of law is that it would not change due to the change in time, place or person.
Therefore, the act of removing public money from the financial institution without the sanction of the Constitution of India might lead to punishment.

In a democracy, the media has a fiduciary responsibility to keep a legitimate Government in power. Now, they impart legitimacy to rigged election results.
Therefore, they are doing violence to the Constitution of India.
If they are not ready to impart news and views according to degree even now, the Supreme Court of India might take away their other assets. This is the punishment for taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people. However, future alone would tell the nature of the courts.
Just as conflicting judgements cannot be carried out, judgements that are in conflict with the Constitution of India also cannot be carried out. Their opinion will be thrown away by sounder reasoning. Freedom is essential for that to happen.
V. Sabarimuthu

Letter No.600

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
PIN: 629167

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people by concealing 599 letters.
The President of India could have interpreted the Constitution of India in the light of the award of the present man and implemented everything that are not in conflict with the Constitution of India.
But the source of the authority of the Government of India is not the Members of Parliament or the Constitution of India but the media. So they would not obey the President of India.
The condition is that even if the President of India, Government of India, Supreme Court of India, political leaders and the law enforcing agencies come forward to abide by the award of the common man in the spirit of democracy and rule of law, the award would not be implemented.
The reason for the above conclusion is that the source of their authority is not the Constitution of India but the media.
Wherever the ruling class feels endangered by free expression, they turn to censorship of this kind to protect their illegal assets.
This is the reason why the four judges, on 12 January 2018, took refuge in their house to proclaim that they are not free to write judgements.
If the four judges want to make one more announcement, the people would not know it. The reason is that the media would strange the announcement of the judges.
This is the reason why the management of all the present newspapers and the TV channels must pass on to the voluntary organizations.
The voluntary organizations can also go astray just like the Tata Trust. But they could be regulated consistent with the suggestions submitted earlier because they cannot divide the assets among the members.
As the source of authority of the President of India is the media, the President of India has allowed the expiry of the Constitution of India.
The President of India can utilize his residual powers to email his reply.
For all other purposes, the media would keep him as its slave.
V. Sabarimuthu

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Letter No.599

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
PIN: 629167

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people by making the Constitution of India an inoperative one.
Apparently, the President of India is being kept in the Presidential Palace like a prisoner.
Former President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and his successor, Mrs. Pratibha Patil, used to talk something. But the present President of India is not talking anything.
Four judges came to the open, only because of the action taken by the present President of India. Similarly, the President of India uttered the word of Mr. B.R. Ambedkar mainly because of the letters
This is the conclusion of a man sitting far away from Delhi.
However, what all the present man knows is his letters and the effect. What actually happened in between is an imagination only.
After writing hundreds of letters for seventeen years, a citizen of India sought freedom as guaranteed by the Constitution of India.
The President of India is the only competent authority to give it.
For this, the President of India was not asked to invade the territory of the Government of India at all.
The President of India not even asked to put the Government of India in a straight jacket.
However, nothing could be achieved without sacrificing something.
In order to give effect to the Constitution of India, the President of India could have expressed his reluctance to address the joint sitting of the Parliament.
Then, the Prime Minister of India might have levelled some charges against the President of India and consequently the matter might have come to the open.
If the President of India is not allowed to do anything for freedom, he could have emailed the action taken by him to the present man.
Then the emails might have given some hope.
The failure to do this, gives the impression that the President of India dismembered the Constitution of India.
This is letter No.599
V. Sabarimuthu

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Letter No.598

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the life, property and liberty of the people of India by concealing 597 letters from the eye of the people.
As the 567 letters boil down to the question of freedom, the President of India could have asked the Supreme Court of India to enforce it.
The President of India could have enforced freedom of expression through different ways.
‘I forwarded the letters to the Government, Supreme Court of India, media and the law enforcing agencies. As the President of India, I have nothing more to do’. The President of India cannot close the door of the Presidential Palace like this.
The reason is simple. The Government of India, Supreme Court of India, law enforcing agencies and the media are against freedom. They consider it as something worse than death. They stand as a unit. They have virtually made the Constitution of India an inoperative one.
Now, they simply want the Constitution of India to expire. Then, the President of India will lose his Presidential authority.
So the President of India must either enforce freedom of expression or allow the Constitution of India to expire.
Actually, the language of the Constitution of India is so strong that the President of India can ignore the Constitution of India only after its expiry.
This is letter No. 598
V. Sabarimuthu


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Letter No.597

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘property’ of the people by concealing 596 letters in the Presidential Palace.
The Supreme Court of India exploits 1000 million people.
       When it alienates the natural resources, it exploits 1000 million people.
       When it hands over the public money like PF money to some people, it exploits 1000 million people.     
When it denies proportionate seats in educational institutions and others, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it sends small offenders to jail, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies pension to the people, public servants and private sector employees, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies freedom of expression, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies promotion based on date of birth seniority to the judges of the Supreme Court of India, it exploits 1000 million people.
This is worse than human trafficking that comes under Articles 23 and Article 24.
The act of taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the 1000 million people comes under Article 21.
The President of India must note that the actions of the judges conform to the ethical standards and the procedures of the ‘Code of Professional Responsibility’.
V. Sabarimuthu

Friday, February 2, 2018

Letter No.596

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India hid 595 letters from the eye of the people.
If the President of India had made the Constitution of India an operative one, the Supreme Court of India might have issued orders to the law enforcing agencies to detain all owners of the registered newspapers and the TV channels all over India for taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the 1000 million people of India for the last 17 years.
The present man entered the national politics of India at least 12 years before Mr. Narendra Modi entered the national scene. Had the elections been not rigged, the people might have chosen this man as the Prime Minister of India long ago.
       The reason for this conclusion is that the people judge the leaders based on their past performance rather than based on their assurances.
       As a prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi could have performed some wonders.
Considering all Indians as his brothers and sisters, he could have enlarged the freedom of the people and enjoyed their support.
Instead he chose the ‘We will strange you’ policy of Mr. A.B. Vajpayee and Dr. Manmohan Singh.  Thus, he blocked the flow of knowledge to the children of India as the first step.
He opened the public sector banks to his promoters as the second step. All banks became bankrupt within three years.
He concealed the money in the Provident Fund and Pension Fund as the third step.
       He has no inherent right over the natural resources of the children of India. Yet he handed over them perennially to his promoters as the fourth step.  
       Now, the State Governments have handed over the medical insurance to the various pressure groups in their States. Some, in fact, mint money. In the Union Budget for 2018-2019 presented yesterday, there is an attempt to hand over the same scheme to the manipulators in the national level.  Yet the Prime Minister is proud of his budget.    
       India is replete with intellectuals. There are many achievers in the ISRO and others.
       The present man is a common man in the street. Yet, his achievements in the Indian political sphere, law and English are sufficient to make him a household name in India. Instead, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is a household name in India virtually for nothing and the present man is a zero.
       The fact that he converted the present man into a zero alone is sufficient for the people to bring him to the ground level.
       India needs leaders capable of giving democracy.
For this, it is imperative that the natural resources must be restored.
       Further, anything that happened to the present man in his political life should not happen to any children in future.
       The nation must make the implementation of the ‘We will strange you’ policy impossible for the Supreme Court of India.
None shall rule India by exploiting the ignorance of the people.
       The word ‘exploitation’ is a unique word found in the Constitution of India.
       ‘His reputation will affect my reputation. Please don’t make the Constitution of India an operative one’. No prime minister can talk like this to the President of India. Article 21 prohibits this.
       The question of interpretation of the Constitution is for the President of India and the courts have no business over-ruling him/her because their interpretation of the Constitution is different from his/her.
This is letter No.596
V. Sabarimuthu


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Letter No.595

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not taken necessary action to ensure a dignified life to his subjects by showing them 594 letters.
The President of India should have sought an action taken report from the Supreme Court of India for enforcing freedom of expression.
Then the Supreme Court of India might have alerted the law enforcing agencies to detain the people responsible for concealing the letters from the eye of the people.
If the media had published the letters, thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils, people of Kashmir, Indian fishermen, militant people all over India and above all soldiers would not have been killed.
The recent death of the girl against the NEET would not have occurred..
Even Justice Karnan might not have gone to jail.
The public resources might not have been alienated.
Mr. Ramalinga Ragu might not have been divested of his Satyam Computers.
All people might have got pension. The private sector employees might have got pension on par with the public servants.
The last three elections might not have been rigged and India might not have come under the rule of Dr. Manmohan Singh and Mr. Narendra Modi.
All people might have been free from tension.
Further, the people all over India must know the rights, duties and responsibilities of the President of India, Prime Minister of India, the judges of India and the people of India.
Even the President of India needs the books written by the present man for discharging his day to day duties.
But everything remains concealed.
This has the effect of taking away the life of the people.
The Article 21 can be claimed when a person is deprived of his life or personal liberty.
This Article says that right to life includes right to life with human dignity. It clearly says that the right to life is not merely a physical right. It says that the people should not be treated like animals. It says that they must get the light of the day.
If it is enforced, the present man can enter India because he will get the protection of the people. Now there is no guarantee.
Further, Article 21 says that the people must be free from exploitation. This Article prohibits the alienation of natural resources because they are needed for the physical and mental wellbeing of the people. Other assets and seats are similarly related.
In this connection, the President of India must point out the following interpretation of the court to the learned judges of the Supreme Court of India.

Right to Reputation
Reputation is an important part of one’s life. It is one of the finer graces of human civilization that makes life worth living. The Supreme Court referring to D.F. Marion v. Minnie Davis[xiii] in Smt. Kiran Bedi v. Committee of Inquiry[xiv] held that “good reputation was an element of personal security and was protective by the Constitution, equally with the right to the enjoyment of life, liberty and property. The court affirmed that the right to enjoyment of life, liberty and property. The court affirmed that the right to enjoyment of private reputation was of ancient origin and was necessary to human society.”

This is letter No.595

       The President of India has the discretion to deal with law according his best judgement purely based on his common sense.
V. Sabarimuthu

Note:     A list of the books published by the present man through
1.    Atomic structure

2.    The Chemistry of the Transition Elements.
3. Atoms, Ions, Environment and Reactivity.

4.    ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This book demolishes the core area of English Grammar and supplies a new one.

5.    A NEW ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR THE BEGINNERS. This book enables the readers to get a wonderful idea about English Grammar. It is a new grammar unknown to the English language. English grammar cannot be explained without this book.


7.    MOMEMTOUS MONTHS: The rule of Mr. H.D. Deve Gowda, Prime Minister of India.




Paper backs are available for books Nos. 5, 9, 10 and 11
Other books are available in the kindle version. 
All books will be converted into paper backs very soon.