Saturday, February 3, 2018

Letter No.597

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘property’ of the people by concealing 596 letters in the Presidential Palace.
The Supreme Court of India exploits 1000 million people.
       When it alienates the natural resources, it exploits 1000 million people.
       When it hands over the public money like PF money to some people, it exploits 1000 million people.     
When it denies proportionate seats in educational institutions and others, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it sends small offenders to jail, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies pension to the people, public servants and private sector employees, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies freedom of expression, it exploits 1000 million people.
When it denies promotion based on date of birth seniority to the judges of the Supreme Court of India, it exploits 1000 million people.
This is worse than human trafficking that comes under Articles 23 and Article 24.
The act of taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the 1000 million people comes under Article 21.
The President of India must note that the actions of the judges conform to the ethical standards and the procedures of the ‘Code of Professional Responsibility’.
V. Sabarimuthu

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