Thursday, February 8, 2018

Letter No. 601

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
PIN: 629167

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people by concealing 600 letters.
There are reports that Mr. Arcelor Mittal and some others are getting ready to buy the mines of the bank defaulters.
No one is ready to obey anyone. But, everyone must be under one law or other.
The important characteristic of law is that its violation leads to punishment.
In India, the small offenders are being punished for the slightest conflict with the Constitution of India.
But the big offenders remain in Paradise.
However, everyone must note that the natural resources of India belong to all people all over India.
All minerals and the spectrum specifically come under Article 39 of the Constitution of India. Some judgements of the Supreme Court of India also demand that the natural resources must be exploited by the Government directly.
The decision of the Government of India to keep a part of the minerals in the hand of the private parties is not in accordance with but in contravention of the Constitution of India.
The unlimited money in the hand of the miners lead to the rigging of the elections.
Everyone must note, that if something is against the Constitution of India, the courts would declare it as something in contravention of the Constitution.
If something is consistent with the Constitution of India, the court would say that it is in accordance with the Constitution of India.
The duty of the courts end there.
The act of usurping the natural resources in the pretext of auction or buying would be interpreted as an act of doing violence to the Constitution of India and this might lead to punishment.
Therefore, everyone in possession of the natural assets must surrender them to the Government forthwith.

Another important characteristic of law is that it would not change due to the change in time, place or person.
Therefore, the act of removing public money from the financial institution without the sanction of the Constitution of India might lead to punishment.

In a democracy, the media has a fiduciary responsibility to keep a legitimate Government in power. Now, they impart legitimacy to rigged election results.
Therefore, they are doing violence to the Constitution of India.
If they are not ready to impart news and views according to degree even now, the Supreme Court of India might take away their other assets. This is the punishment for taking away the ‘life’ and ‘liberty’ of the people. However, future alone would tell the nature of the courts.
Just as conflicting judgements cannot be carried out, judgements that are in conflict with the Constitution of India also cannot be carried out. Their opinion will be thrown away by sounder reasoning. Freedom is essential for that to happen.
V. Sabarimuthu

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