Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Letter No.598

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India is taking away the life, property and liberty of the people of India by concealing 597 letters from the eye of the people.
As the 567 letters boil down to the question of freedom, the President of India could have asked the Supreme Court of India to enforce it.
The President of India could have enforced freedom of expression through different ways.
‘I forwarded the letters to the Government, Supreme Court of India, media and the law enforcing agencies. As the President of India, I have nothing more to do’. The President of India cannot close the door of the Presidential Palace like this.
The reason is simple. The Government of India, Supreme Court of India, law enforcing agencies and the media are against freedom. They consider it as something worse than death. They stand as a unit. They have virtually made the Constitution of India an inoperative one.
Now, they simply want the Constitution of India to expire. Then, the President of India will lose his Presidential authority.
So the President of India must either enforce freedom of expression or allow the Constitution of India to expire.
Actually, the language of the Constitution of India is so strong that the President of India can ignore the Constitution of India only after its expiry.
This is letter No. 598
V. Sabarimuthu


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