Sunday, March 28, 2010


The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 19 March, 2010 morning. A meeting of the Union Cabinet ensued on the same day.
A group of men burnt to death five people in the Bihar State on 20 March, 2010. Militant people killed two army officers in the Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State on the same day.
A newspaper on 22 March, 2010 reported that China was set to export 18 trains to the Metro Rail Project of Mumbai for $100. The agreement was signed in May 2008.
The Minister for Railway- a woman –has no money for the doubling of railway lines. But India is transferring its foreign exchange to China to buy trains. Thus, India is striving to make China a super power. This would recoil on the security of India.
In this connection, it must be noted that the above deal did not come to the attention of the people during the negotiation stage. In a like manner, India had secretly placed orders with China for ships. All telephone exchanges use equipments secretly bought from China. The present revelation reinforces the conclusion that a secret conspiracy exists to convert India into a vassal of China.
This happened because a woman sits on the throne “as the overseer”. This would affect the self respect of India. If the leader of the opposition - another woman – had acted in good faith, then also this would not have happened at all. If they wanted, they could stop the deal - in the supreme national interest - even now.
The militant people killed two people in Jharkhand State on 23 March, 2010.
The Prime Minister of India asked the Ministry of Finance and the Planning Commission to draw a plan of action for doubling the investment in infrastructure during the XII five year plan that starts from 2012. According to him the investment would increase from the present $500 billion to $1000 billion. He said this on 23 March, 2010. He added that the growth rate would increase to 9 per cent during 2010-2011. This is his reply to the Chapter 130. This could be construed as an achievement of this work.
The statement of the Prime Minister indicates that the present writer showed only a reasonable amount in Chapter 130. Now the women leaders must force him to come out with a Budget of not less than Re.22 lakh crore for 2010-2011. Alternatively, they could form a new Government mobilizing the support of the like minded Members of Parliament (MPs) from all parties.
Further, a Prime Minister could talk about the growth rate for ten or twenty times. But the Prime Minister has repeated this for more than 1000 times. He manages many meetings by repeating this. He does this to divert the attention of the people.
The Union Minister for Finance now said that the insurance and pension funds were not fully deployed in infrastructure projects. He was silent about the Re.4 lakh crore rotting in the Provident Fund.
The statement of the Minister shows that Re. 8 lakh crore could have been easily taken from various funds.
The Finance Minister, further, said that the private players would be allowed to issue tax saving bonds.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that the present Constitution of India does not allow this. Perhaps, the Minister is saying this to counter the moves of the Supreme Court in this matter. However, future alone would tell whether this conclusion is correct or not.
An English newspaper now used the word ‘vassal’, a word frequently used in the last few chapters.
The Foreign Secretary of India –a woman- wanted significant projects in Sri Lanka because India had a strategic interest in the region. She said this on 26, March 2010.
In this connection, it must be stated that the Union Government- like a poisonous worm- takes China to the heart of India. Now, India is worried over the Chinese occupation of Sri Lanka. India must- at least now- evict China from India. At the same time, India must resettle the refugees in the vacuum created by the policy of India.
A private oil company now disclosed that the company could produce 2.4 lakh barrels per day (bpd) from its Rajasthan oil well. This is equal to the production of the public sector ONGC from Mumbai High. The company had earlier projected a peak output of 1.75 lakh bpd.
Based on the Chapter 130, the Supreme Court might have asked the Government to ascertain the real profit of the various companies from the natural resources including the spectrum. Otherwise, the company would not have published its increased production potential. However, if the Supreme Court had not done this, it is imperative that an impartial enquiry must be ordered to know the probable profit of the companies from the natural resources and the amount of foreign exchange consumed by them in the last six years.
The revelation shows that in India oil is found in some places more abundantly than drinking water. Similarly, some companies get gas as freely as fresh air. Therefore, the estimate that they get a profit of Re. 10 lakh crore per year from all natural resources could be a conservative one. In fact, their profit during 2010-2011 could be up to Re.20 lakh crore!
Obviously, they use this money to consume the foreign exchange earned by the Non Resident Indians (NRIs) all over the world. If the Government had not permitted the burn up of foreign exchange, the reserves would have swelled to $1 trillion. The country would have been that mush prosperous. However, the Supreme Court alone could now give the probable figure.
Everyone must note that this would not have happened without the determination of some women leaders.
Now, the people are giving $1 billion to two women leaders sitting in the front row of Parliament to give a Government and to oppose a Government.
The developments show that respectable men shroud their faces and try to flee before being recognized. They believe that the women alone are cut out for this job. The women consciously come forward to play a dual role. Unfortunately, the women have lived up to their expectations till date.
The leader of the opposition is not seen anywhere after the last mail to Her Excellency the President of India. Perhaps, she is trying to become a FREE woman by becoming free from her duality. However, the duality of the Minister of Information and Broadcasting –another woman – does not allow her to publish her words.
Anyone going through this work would tell that the present writer is not crying for the moon but is asking for things that the Government could very easily give. The women leaders need not fight on behalf of the present writer or the people for these legitimate objects. They have to only give to see a flourishing nation. They must give an account of the money in the hands of the Government. For this, it is said, that they should be free from their duality.
The facts from 19 March, 2010 to 26 March, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 27 March, 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010


The Upper House on 9 March, 2010 - instead of discussing the Budget proposals - passed a Constitutional Amendment Bill that reserved 33 per cent of seats for women in Parliament.
The Congress President described the passage of the above Women’s Reservation Bill as the realization of the dream of her husband. She said that the Bill was passed due to her determination. She disclosed that she took a calculated political risk in this matter. She asserted that the empowerment of the women was very important to her. She pointed out that her Government had passed the Bill. She hinted that the first step had been taken.
The words - first step - used by her were reminiscent of the Chapter 92. This work impressed her to that extent.
The above interview of the Congress President was telecast repeatedly by several TV channels. The women all over India wholeheartedly thanked the Congress President.
Anyone noticing the interview would think that the decision belonged to her and not at all to the manipulators. But the Bill was presented in panic with the expectation of public applause. This is a way to get rid of some unwanted Members of Parliament (MPs).
Slighting this work, the Union Government on 10 March, 2010 reiterated its decision to sell the shares of about 15 important Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) during 2010 -2011. A boy leader has granted permission for this.
India on 10 March, 2010 pledged an additional $67 million to Sri Lanka. In this matter, India is competing with China to give money to Sri Lanka. This decision is a danger to the security of India.
Now, India decided to open one more consulate in Sri Lanka. This decision was to check Chinese influence in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that India invited China to Sri Lanka. Now China is occupying the areas vacated by the Tamils. Therefore, India must resettle the refugees in their homeland by invoking the Indo- Sri Lankan Peace Keeping accord.
Police killed two militant people in the A.P. State on 12 March, 2010.
The Union Government on 12 March, 2010 sold 8.38 per cent shares of the public sector National Metals Development Corporation (NMDC).
In this connection, it must be pointed out that there are two former Chief Ministers of Jammu & Kashmir State in the Union Cabinet. This would not have happened without their permission. It is quite incredible.
Immediately after selling the shares of the NMDC, the Prime Minister said that India needed more educated people, more efficient economy, more equitable society, more creative people and more innovate people. This is his way of ridiculing others. Anyone could notice that whenever, he talks like this, one evil or other befalls on the nation.
A detached judge of the Supreme Court on 13 March, 2010 said that the real power of the judiciary was in the trust and confidence of the common people in the system. In this way, he approves the points presented in this work.
In this connection, it must be noted that the common people still consider the learned judges of the Supreme Court as the “Supreme Lords” of the land. However, the judges knew that they were unable to do certain things that they wanted to do. For instance, they knew that the tax exemption granted to investments in the hands of private individuals is unconstitutional because this creates a state within the state. If they had acted, income up to Re. 2.6 lakh per year would have invited no tax. Other things are similarly related.
THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS on 16 March, 2010 described $3 trillion foreign exchange reserves of China as a dead weight. It considered this as a weakness of China. It criticized this as a dysfunctional strategy of China. The paper forgot the simple fact that China is dominating the entire world due to its reserves. In this way, the paper is trying to focus the attention of the people to the wrong things. Evidently, four or five people would try to consume the remaining foreign exchange reserves at the earliest.
Now the media is discussing the Women’s Reservation Bill endlessly.
In this matter, it must be noted that the probability of the above Bill getting the Presidential assent is very less.
Thanks to the Bill, one third of the present Members of Parliament (MPs) would be deprived of their seats. One third of the MPs would not get ticket for uttering one or two words here and there. The remaining one third would be defeated. The leaders sitting in the front row alone would be re-elected. Some of their kith and kin also would reappear. Therefore, the present Lower House would not pass this Bill. The required number of State Legislatures also would not ratify this.
In a country like India, there exists only one throne. The man getting the mandate would sit on the throne and rule the nation. If he were a FREE man, he would give FREEDOM to the people. He will have nothing to hide. He would rule the nation in good faith. He would be an asset to the nation. In this case, the MPs would be like the stars of heaven.
In contrast, if he were a slave, he would not give FREEDOM to the people. He would hide his real nature. He would rule the nation in bad faith. He would be a great liability to the nation. Men or women, the MPs also would be slaves.
Now, the Government allows four or five people to siphon off $ 1 billion everyday to other countries from the natural resources alone. This is the money the people pay to a woman for giving a Government.
Not withstanding the above fact, the leader of the principal opposition party in Parliament- a woman- was seen dancing with two or three women leaders in support of the Bill.
Avoiding this show she must have given FREEDOM to Indians. At least now she must show that she has a spark of light in her to liberate the women from their abysmal ignorance. She must realize that the FREEDOM of Indians is in her finger tip. For this, she must try to become a FREE woman. Then she could dance with not only women but also with children.
The facts from 8 March, 2010 to 18 March, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 19 March, 2010.

Monday, March 8, 2010


The last e-mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 27 February, 2010. Unlike in previous occasions, the copy of this was emailed to many Chief Ministers and some prominent political leaders.
There was total silence for some time. However, this time, the Prime Minister of India said that the populist fiscal policies would:
1. Lead to the depletion of the capacity to create new jobs.
2. Erode the investment climate and
3. Affect the ability of the Government to help the poor.
THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS reported the above on 2 February, 2010 in its front page headline news. This must be construed as the reply of the Prime Minister to the email submitted to the President on 27 February, 2010. This is how the Prime Minister is convincing the President and the Supreme Court.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Prime Minister did not refute the statement of the present writer that the Union Budget for 2010-2011 could have been for Re.22 lakh core.
A few years ago, the Government said that there were Re. 3 lakh crore in the Provident Fund account and another 3 lakh crore in the Pension Fund. Now, there must be at least Re. 4 lakh crore each in these accounts.
A rough calculation would show that the private parties are getting a profit of over Re. 10 lakh crore from spectrum, gas, oil and ores.
The Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) must have over Re.3 lakh crore as surplus money.
The public sector banks have a deposit of over Re. 45 lakh crore and about Re.25 lakh crore has been disbursed as loan. At least Re. 10 lakh crore could be used for budgetary purposes.
At least Re.1 lakh crore could be taken from the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
The people have deposited a huge amount of money in the Post Offices. The exact amount is not disclosed. At least Re. 3 lakh crore could be used for public investments.
From the above Re.35 lakh crore, the present writer has shown Re. 11 lakh crore only. Thus the budget for 2010 –2011 could have been for Re. 22 lakh crore. It is a conservative estimate and many people would put it over Re. 30 lakh crore.
In contrast, the Union Budget for 2010-2011, presented to the Parliament, is for mere Re.11 lakh crore!
1. It is true that the private companies are creating new jobs for the youth and others. But they are not using their profit from the natural resources in India. If the Government were ready to tap this money, the capacity of the Government to create jobs would increase tremendously. Many coolies would return from the Gulf countries and contribute their physical labour to India. There would be a ten fold increase in the employment rate of the educated people. The salaries also would increase. Evidently, the fear of the Prime Minister is an unfounded one.
2. By nationalizing the natural resources, the Government is not nationalizing the means of production as in the communist doctrine. The conditions of production would never change. The public asset alone would be taken for public welfare. It would have the effect of re-moulding India consistent with the Constitution of India. None would mourn over this. Even the private industries would welcome it because they would flourish due to large scale public investments. The demand would far outweigh supply. All industrialists would get a level playing field. There would be a congenial climate for investments. Therefore, the Prime Minister of India need not have any fear over this count also.
3. Greater investments and huge amount of money in the hands of the Government would have the effect of eradicating poverty instantaneously. The militancy in some parts of India would also come to an end. Any one going through this work would assure this to the Prime Minister.
4. According to 1970, 2 S.C.R600 case mentioned in Chapter 52, the Government must nationalize all natural resources to meet the minimum needs of the lowest of the citizen.
The militant people beheaded a police personnel and a civilian on 2 March, 2010.
A Union Minister on 2 March, 2010 said that 15 Indians had been killed by the militant people in the preceding 15 days. The media had not disclosed those killings. Therefore, the killings appearing in the media do not reflect the actual law and order situation in India.
A State Government announced its decision to ban the conversion of paddy fields into housing sites. This would enable others to buy their properties at a cheap rate. This would break the backbone of the farmers.
After giving green signal to the 3G spectrum auction, a leader touched the cheek of a ten year old boy. A national newspaper showed a photograph of this throughout India on 4 March, 2010. The media is showing this to the people due to “an arrangement”. Due to such shows, the people believe that there is no alternative in India.
63 people, including 37 children, were killed in a stampede on 4 March, 2010. This happened when they pressed a gate to get inside to receive free materials worth about Re.100. The condition of the people of India could be gauged.
India would ensure return of black money from overseas”. The Prime Minister of India declared this in Parliament on 4 March, 2010. The Union Ministers and some others might have welcomed it by thumbing of desks as if it were their prescribed duty.
In this connection, it must be noted that an industrialist is getting a profit of over Re.75 thousand crore per year from one gas field alone. Another industrialist submitted this fact to the Supreme Court. The latter revealed this to the court due to his firm conviction that the former could be beaten by truth alone. This fact was not refuted in the court. This submission leads to a reasonable conclusion that a few individuals get a profit of over Re.10 lakh crore from all natural resources put together. Therefore, the present Government enabled them to siphon off about $250 billion in the last six years.
It must be noted that the foreign exchange reserves remain stagnant during the last few years. But for the present Government, the foreign exchange reserves would have increased to over $550 billion.
A present Union Minister and conqueror of riches had run between the manipulators and one or two leaders before the formation of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). As a result the manipulators deserted the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and agreed to support the present arrangement at the centre. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that one TV channel or other has been showing his countenance to the people in the last six years. This must be the reason why the present Government allows the private parties to take the money to foreign countries.
Now the foreign exchange in the hands of four or five individuals is sufficient to control one half of the world. Even the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) must be under their control. No wonder, the public sector TV channel, Election Commission of India and the Supreme Court are not disclosing the existence this work to the people.
Earlier, it was pointed out that the manipulators were keeping an eye on the foreign exchange. This matter was discussed in detail in Chapter 52. But for this writer, the entire foreign exchange would have disappeared.
This is not knowledge that must be kept as a confidential one. The Members of Parliament must “deliberate on this fully, and then do what they wish to do”. Her Excellency the President of India must facilitate this. Then the foreign exchange would swell and some sincere efforts would be taken to bring back the money from the numbered accounts.
On 5 March, 2010, the custom authorities of a port in South India seized 2 crore cell phone parts besides several other items imported from China. The importer has not turned up to take delivery. This confirms the fact that India is being converted into a vassal of China covertly. In fact, illegally imported Chinese bulbs, toys and others could be seen in shops all over India. This is another reason why the foreign exchange reserves remain stagnant.
A big Medical College was opened in the North-Eastern States on 5 March, 2010. Rejecting the facts presented in Chapters 124 and 126, the college was named after a former Prime Minister of India.
Ignoring this work, the Union Government is poised to receive applications for the auction of the 3G spectrum from 9 April, 2010. The Supreme Court should have asked the Government to give the reason for proceeding with the 3G auction without showing this work to the people. But this requires a team of detached judges in the Supreme Court. Apparently, the present Chief Justice would retire from service only after converting 1000 million people into untouchables.
All leaders are aware of this work. The inaction of the leaders is their action to block the flow of knowledge to the people. In fact, they are always cooperating with the Government to divert the attention of the people. If the leaders were not ready to inform the existence of this work to the people, they are not doing evil to the present writer. They are doing evil to themselves only by keeping 1000 million people as mere slaves. However, everything happens due to “an arrangement”!
The facts from 27 February, 2010 to 7 March, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 8 March, 2010.