Monday, March 8, 2010


The last e-mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 27 February, 2010. Unlike in previous occasions, the copy of this was emailed to many Chief Ministers and some prominent political leaders.
There was total silence for some time. However, this time, the Prime Minister of India said that the populist fiscal policies would:
1. Lead to the depletion of the capacity to create new jobs.
2. Erode the investment climate and
3. Affect the ability of the Government to help the poor.
THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS reported the above on 2 February, 2010 in its front page headline news. This must be construed as the reply of the Prime Minister to the email submitted to the President on 27 February, 2010. This is how the Prime Minister is convincing the President and the Supreme Court.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Prime Minister did not refute the statement of the present writer that the Union Budget for 2010-2011 could have been for Re.22 lakh core.
A few years ago, the Government said that there were Re. 3 lakh crore in the Provident Fund account and another 3 lakh crore in the Pension Fund. Now, there must be at least Re. 4 lakh crore each in these accounts.
A rough calculation would show that the private parties are getting a profit of over Re. 10 lakh crore from spectrum, gas, oil and ores.
The Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) must have over Re.3 lakh crore as surplus money.
The public sector banks have a deposit of over Re. 45 lakh crore and about Re.25 lakh crore has been disbursed as loan. At least Re. 10 lakh crore could be used for budgetary purposes.
At least Re.1 lakh crore could be taken from the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
The people have deposited a huge amount of money in the Post Offices. The exact amount is not disclosed. At least Re. 3 lakh crore could be used for public investments.
From the above Re.35 lakh crore, the present writer has shown Re. 11 lakh crore only. Thus the budget for 2010 –2011 could have been for Re. 22 lakh crore. It is a conservative estimate and many people would put it over Re. 30 lakh crore.
In contrast, the Union Budget for 2010-2011, presented to the Parliament, is for mere Re.11 lakh crore!
1. It is true that the private companies are creating new jobs for the youth and others. But they are not using their profit from the natural resources in India. If the Government were ready to tap this money, the capacity of the Government to create jobs would increase tremendously. Many coolies would return from the Gulf countries and contribute their physical labour to India. There would be a ten fold increase in the employment rate of the educated people. The salaries also would increase. Evidently, the fear of the Prime Minister is an unfounded one.
2. By nationalizing the natural resources, the Government is not nationalizing the means of production as in the communist doctrine. The conditions of production would never change. The public asset alone would be taken for public welfare. It would have the effect of re-moulding India consistent with the Constitution of India. None would mourn over this. Even the private industries would welcome it because they would flourish due to large scale public investments. The demand would far outweigh supply. All industrialists would get a level playing field. There would be a congenial climate for investments. Therefore, the Prime Minister of India need not have any fear over this count also.
3. Greater investments and huge amount of money in the hands of the Government would have the effect of eradicating poverty instantaneously. The militancy in some parts of India would also come to an end. Any one going through this work would assure this to the Prime Minister.
4. According to 1970, 2 S.C.R600 case mentioned in Chapter 52, the Government must nationalize all natural resources to meet the minimum needs of the lowest of the citizen.
The militant people beheaded a police personnel and a civilian on 2 March, 2010.
A Union Minister on 2 March, 2010 said that 15 Indians had been killed by the militant people in the preceding 15 days. The media had not disclosed those killings. Therefore, the killings appearing in the media do not reflect the actual law and order situation in India.
A State Government announced its decision to ban the conversion of paddy fields into housing sites. This would enable others to buy their properties at a cheap rate. This would break the backbone of the farmers.
After giving green signal to the 3G spectrum auction, a leader touched the cheek of a ten year old boy. A national newspaper showed a photograph of this throughout India on 4 March, 2010. The media is showing this to the people due to “an arrangement”. Due to such shows, the people believe that there is no alternative in India.
63 people, including 37 children, were killed in a stampede on 4 March, 2010. This happened when they pressed a gate to get inside to receive free materials worth about Re.100. The condition of the people of India could be gauged.
India would ensure return of black money from overseas”. The Prime Minister of India declared this in Parliament on 4 March, 2010. The Union Ministers and some others might have welcomed it by thumbing of desks as if it were their prescribed duty.
In this connection, it must be noted that an industrialist is getting a profit of over Re.75 thousand crore per year from one gas field alone. Another industrialist submitted this fact to the Supreme Court. The latter revealed this to the court due to his firm conviction that the former could be beaten by truth alone. This fact was not refuted in the court. This submission leads to a reasonable conclusion that a few individuals get a profit of over Re.10 lakh crore from all natural resources put together. Therefore, the present Government enabled them to siphon off about $250 billion in the last six years.
It must be noted that the foreign exchange reserves remain stagnant during the last few years. But for the present Government, the foreign exchange reserves would have increased to over $550 billion.
A present Union Minister and conqueror of riches had run between the manipulators and one or two leaders before the formation of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). As a result the manipulators deserted the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and agreed to support the present arrangement at the centre. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that one TV channel or other has been showing his countenance to the people in the last six years. This must be the reason why the present Government allows the private parties to take the money to foreign countries.
Now the foreign exchange in the hands of four or five individuals is sufficient to control one half of the world. Even the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) must be under their control. No wonder, the public sector TV channel, Election Commission of India and the Supreme Court are not disclosing the existence this work to the people.
Earlier, it was pointed out that the manipulators were keeping an eye on the foreign exchange. This matter was discussed in detail in Chapter 52. But for this writer, the entire foreign exchange would have disappeared.
This is not knowledge that must be kept as a confidential one. The Members of Parliament must “deliberate on this fully, and then do what they wish to do”. Her Excellency the President of India must facilitate this. Then the foreign exchange would swell and some sincere efforts would be taken to bring back the money from the numbered accounts.
On 5 March, 2010, the custom authorities of a port in South India seized 2 crore cell phone parts besides several other items imported from China. The importer has not turned up to take delivery. This confirms the fact that India is being converted into a vassal of China covertly. In fact, illegally imported Chinese bulbs, toys and others could be seen in shops all over India. This is another reason why the foreign exchange reserves remain stagnant.
A big Medical College was opened in the North-Eastern States on 5 March, 2010. Rejecting the facts presented in Chapters 124 and 126, the college was named after a former Prime Minister of India.
Ignoring this work, the Union Government is poised to receive applications for the auction of the 3G spectrum from 9 April, 2010. The Supreme Court should have asked the Government to give the reason for proceeding with the 3G auction without showing this work to the people. But this requires a team of detached judges in the Supreme Court. Apparently, the present Chief Justice would retire from service only after converting 1000 million people into untouchables.
All leaders are aware of this work. The inaction of the leaders is their action to block the flow of knowledge to the people. In fact, they are always cooperating with the Government to divert the attention of the people. If the leaders were not ready to inform the existence of this work to the people, they are not doing evil to the present writer. They are doing evil to themselves only by keeping 1000 million people as mere slaves. However, everything happens due to “an arrangement”!
The facts from 27 February, 2010 to 7 March, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 8 March, 2010.

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