The Defense Minister of India on 16 April, 2010 said that the Government would not commit the army against the militant people without consulting the army top brass.
The Prime Minister of India on 17 April, 2010 said that ups and downs keep happening in politics.
A newspaper on 17 April, 2010 said that the Congress Party was suffering from internal chaos.
A Union Minister said that some corporate salaries were obscene.
Her Excellency the President of India on 17 April, 2010 –in vain- said that a large number of pending cases in courts were an issue of concern.
A newspaper on 19 April, 2010 said that China won a $1.5 billion contract from the Orissa State . The paper advised that India could import hardware from China and export software.
In this connection, it must be noted that China is illegally selling its finished products in India . A number of Chinese items do not contain the country of make. At the same time, China has arrested 21 Indians for smuggling diamond.
The Union Home Minister on 19 April, 2010 declared that army would not be used against the militant people.
Had the armed forces been used, the air would have been filled with patriotic songs, death news, coffins, gun salutes, gallantry awards and posthumous awards. The army officers prevented this. In this matter, the army officers –due to their knowledge- are situated in the mode of goodness.
The Home Minister, further, said that the militant people killed 211 innocent people during 2009. As this work remains concealed, they do not know that they could achieve their objectives without killing innocent people.
If the Government could spend $16 billion – the gain of a boy from one gas field alone - more for the conversion of highways into freeways every year, at least one lakh human lives could be saved from road accidents. Therefore, the Government could use the armed forces to take over the natural assets from the private parties rather than commanding them to use lethal weapons against the people.
Furthermore, the Home Minister said that the militant people would not allow anyone to write “lengthy articles” if they happened to come to power.
In this connection, it must be stated that the people are hearing the holy words of the Home Minister only.
A leader could stand before the people after thieving $100 billion. But he shall not do so after concealing a work of this kind. In fact, the leaders lose their reputation mainly because they conceal this work. In this way, the Home Minister has forfeited his moral and constitutional right even to show his face to the people.
In online news, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) on 20 April, 2010 reported the view that China was exporting value-added goods to India and importing raw materials. The report said that India was allowing Chinese economic invasion. This report was based on the Business Standard dated 16 -4-2010.
The present writer has been pointing out this for the last several years. But the media suppressed this. In order to take away the credit, the media is now attributing this to others.
The above ISP, on the same day, said that army was losing over $ 2.5 billion every year through over-invoicing of defense deals. The ISP said that this piece of information had the potential of ending the careers of some army officers.
The other newspapers and TV channels did not publish the above news. However, the army officers might have noticed it.
One message was that the army officers must be contented with what they get and they must turn a blind eye to the conversion of public assets into private assets. Any violation of this principle would provoke the media to give wide publicity to such news.
It is said that a wrong shared is half right. Therefore, if the army officers committed a public wrong, others also could follow suit. This is the other message.
The Prime Minister of India on 21 April, 2010 said that militancy was the result of under-development. He added that the objective of the Government was inclusive growth. Tomorrow, the Prime Minister would attribute the militancy to the anti-national policy of the Government to transmit the ores to foreigners and others.
A leader of the principal opposition party –due to obvious reasons - also talked of inclusive growth.
The Prime Minister of India, further, asked the civil servants to use information technology to fight corruption and for equity. The words of the Prime Minister must be interpreted in the light of his decision to hand over about $ 67 billion from the Provident Fund (PF) to two or three boys for safe keeping.
The militant people killed a postman in the Chhattisgarh State on 21 April, 2010.
A leader of a non –political organization said that the Government must accept responsibility for the killings.
A Union Minister on 22 April, 2010 disclosed that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was probing the 2G spectrum auction. The CBI had not revealed this to the media. This shows that the beneficiaries bought the CBI along with the 2G spectrum.
No one has given a reply to the allegation leveled against the army officers by Business Standard on 16 April, 2010. It is a challenge to the Government. The Government must give an answer. Any refusal would go down as revenge. There is a suspicion that the Government supported the Business Standard.
It is said that a man situated in a mode of goodness gradually goes upward to the higher planets.
The facts from 15 April, 2010 to 22 April, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 23 April, 2010.
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