Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Letter No. 593

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 592 letters submitted to the President of India.
There are reports that the Supreme Court of India functioned normally on 29 January 2018. Apparently, they agreed to enforce the award of the President of India.
If a judge cannot punish the big offenders, he should not punish the small offenders.
The act of controlling the public mind to rig elections is more heinous than the act of committing a murder.
Every manager and every Board of Director of the newspapers and the TV channels should have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the above offence. They escaped punishment because the Chief Justice India functioned as the chief rigging master of India.
Now, they must obey the award of the President of India as they are not against the essence of the Constitution of India.

Addressing the joint sitting of the two houses of Indian Parliament, on 29 January 2018, His Excellency the President of India described Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the architect of the Constitution of India and said that his Government would give food and water to the people.
The President of India can accept the salute of the armed forces, address the joint sitting of Parliament and live in the Presidential Palace. However, these are not the important duties of the President of India.
The Constitution of India authorizes the President of India to interpret and apply the Constitution of India.
At the same time, it denies him the power to amend, change or rewrite the Constitution of India.
The amendments to the Constitution are not actually, amendments but are – in the parlance of law – Filling the Gaps – only.
The President of India must remain as the President of India in the Presidential Palace and not as a slave of the ‘We’ in the ‘We will strange you’ policy.
The Government of India must carry out the suggestions present in the 593 letters and all other concrete suggestions of the people all over India in the coming budget. If there is any conflict between the suggestions of the people and the policies of the Government of India, one that is closest to the essence of the Constitution of India would prevail.
This is letter No. 593
V. Sabarimuthu
30 -1-2018

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