Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Letter No.594

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode

Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
His Excellency the President of India
New Delhi

Sub: Enforcing freedom of expression –reg

The President of India has not given freedom to the people to know the contents of the 593 letters submitted to the President of India.
The present man submitted to the President of India that the Chief Justice of India rigs the elections with the help of the media.
The act of controlling the public mind and rigging the elections is a heinous crime against all Indians.
The Supreme Court of India has now overtaken the 12 January 2018 four judge judgement. This action is in conflict with the Constitution of India and the Common Law.
This shows that the Supreme Court of India rigged the last three elections to the Indian Parliament wholesale.
The confiscation of the assets of the newspapers, periodicals and the TV channels is the smallest punishment for defeating Articles 19 and Articles 39.
In order to ensure a free and fair election in future, all owners and board of directors of the newspapers and the TV channels must be kept in prison.
Then the Government and the judges will not be frightened by freedom.
But the Supreme Court of India says, “We will strange you”.
It has been said that the ‘most important difference between civilization and savagery is the willingness of civilized men and nations to submit their differences of opinion to a factual test’.
The Supreme Court of India is not ready for it.
It simply takes unilateral decisions that are in conflict with their own law.
Therefore, it has no right to exist.
When it is customary and legitimate for the judges of the Supreme Court of India to destroy, amend, add or re-write to the Constitution of India, what the Constitution of India ought to provide to the Indians?
If nothing short of an injunction would protect the Constitution, the President of India has the power to exercise it. The only condition is that such an injunction should survive open market inspection.
V. Sabarimuthu

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