Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chapter 109






                The Supreme Court on 4 May, 2009 expressed its dissatisfaction over the stand taken by the Union Government for the recovery of the money in the numbered accounts. In contrast to the BALCO judgment, the learned judges said that the court was watching the economic policy of the Union Government. The new stand of the court shocked the Government. Now the Chief Justice of India should not leave it in a half-baked condition.

                The Prime Minister of India requested the people to keep him in power for 100 more days to bring about a great economic change in India.

                On 6 May, 2009 the militant people killed 10 police personnel in the Chhattisgarh State.

                A leader of a religious organization in India attributed the war in Sri Lanka to religious factors.

                On 11 May, 2009 militant people killed 11 police personnel in the Chhattisgarh State.  On the same day, the militant people killed 3 polling officers in the West Bengal State.

                Russia on 11 May, 2009 joined China and blocked a United Nations Security Council resolution on the problem of Tamils.

                China had opposed a resolution earlier presumably because India is one of its valuable markets.  Now Russia also is taking the same stand. In this connection, it must be noted that Russia - under a genius- did not choose a path of self annihilation but agreed to a spontaneous disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republic (USSR) into several countries.  Now, Russia is not prescribing the same medicine to Sri Lanka!

                An envoy of the USA called on the leader of the principal opposition party on 13 May, 2009.

                In the Indian General Election, the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) improved its numerical strength in the Parliament. It secured 262 seats in the 544 member House. However, even before the results were declared almost all opposition parties announced their support to the principal ruling party.

                As the media mafias conceal this work, the people do not know that they have no right to sell even kerosene. They do not know that their Government had taken a decision to give Re. two lakh and fifty thousand crore to two boys. When someone says that the people have no FREEDOM to know news and views they look at him scornfully. Naturally, they say that one family alone is qualified to rule India. Thus the media mafias confirm their ability to make any imbecile the ruler of India. For the same reason, the present election is constitutionally null and void.

                If the system had given FREEDOM to the people to know the message of this work, they would have demanded the political parties to nationalize the minerals and the spectrum to prevent their perennial inheritance.  They would have demanded them to take action for the letter dated 1-6-2001. Above all, they would have demanded them to restore the illegally privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).

                The President of Sri Lanka on 16 May, 2009 said that he secured freedom to Sri Lanka by defeating the Tamils. The truth is that Sri Lanka conquered the entire Tamils areas.

                Militant people killed 4 people in the Assam State on 19 May, 2009.  On the same day, army killed 6 militant people in the same State.

                India decided to give Re.500 crore to Sri Lanka for the resettlement of the Tamils. An enquiry would prove that India gave a huge amount of money to Sri Lanka secretly. Now Sri Lanka must be asked to utilize its own internal resources for the rehabilitation work. When other countries take up the rehabilitation work, Sri Lanka utilizes its money for buying weapons. This is the reason why many other countries have stopped giving money to Sri Lanka. The hard earned money of Indians is now going to Sri Lanka for killing the Tamils.

                The President of Sri Lanka on 19 May, 2009 said that he succeeded in killing all top leaders of the Tamils not because of his will but because of the will of the international community.

                It is true, that Sri Lanka could kill the Tamils because of the unconscious will of the world.  This happened because one or two countries misled the world through the aid of the media mafia. Even otherwise, SCHOPENHAUER says that the lowest forms of life are entirely made up of will, without knowledge. As man in general is mostly will and little knowledge, he says that the man must be freed from will so that his intellect can see the object as it is.

                A leader in Sri Lanka on 20 May 2009 expressed his desire to meet a Congress party leader of India and her daughter. Again, according to SCHOPENHAUER, even with talented women everything is personal, and is viewed as a means to personal ends.

                The correctness or otherwise of the inference of SCHOPENHAUER is known to women only. However, the people did not give much importance to his words. Now many people tell that Sri Lanka could kill the Tamils because one or two leaders in India subjugated their intellect to their will. Naturally, every minister in Sri Lanka wants to meet them.

                India sent medicine worth Re.3 crore besides a medical team to Sri Lanka on 21 May, 2009. In this way India induces Sri Lanka to kill more and more Tamils.  Other countries are not sending medicine like this. They abhor giving medicine and poison simultaneously. Even otherwise, no country shall seek or accept any help from others after blinding its children.

                The militant people killed 16 police personnel in the Maharashtra State on 21 May, 2009.  None in India condemned it. In these crucial matters the Prime Minister remains invisible. The militancy is spreading even to the Maharastra State. Even after repeated requests, the Government of India is not giving the reason why Indians kill Indians like this. Weapons fail to elicit a reply. Words also go in vain.

                The new Union Government  was sworn in on 22 May 2009. The Prime Minister got one more term. The President of the USA sent a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister only after the new Minister for External Affairs said that India valued greatly its relationship with the USA. The Prime Minister of Britain also has not greeted the Prime Minister. Do they perceive that those who possess power in India deceive the people to remain in power? Is the present leadership a liability to the nation? This must be a source of discomfort. Ironically,  the leaders have great satisfaction.

                The UN Secretary General on 24 May, 2009 shook hands with the President of Sri Lanka! In this way he approved the extermination of Tamils.

                Notwithstanding anything a man must have an instinct to take a firm stand in crucial matters. Then only he would be able to do his duty. This is what the sages say.

                The facts from 2 May, 2009 to 25 May,2009 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 26 May 2009.






Wednesday, May 6, 2009




      The USA on 19 April, 2009 asked Sri Lanka to stop the war and start negotiation. The USA, for the first time, warned of dire consequences. The Tamils immediately welcomed the new stand of the USA.
     Accepting a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), the Supreme Court on 20 April, 2009 directed the Union Government to submit an affidavit - within 48 hours – on the money in the numbered accounts. A newspaper in Switzerland had reported that a former Prime Minister of India had deposited Re.11000 crore!
     The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu State on 23 April, 2009 said that the Tamils got military training during the period of two successive Prime Ministers because their demand for a sovereign nation was a reasonable one. However, all other leaders in India have been telling that India did it in the supreme national interest.
      India gave military training to the Tamils at a time when India donated an island to Sri Lanka. No country would part with its island while giving military training like this. Hence, the statement of the Chief Minister is an untenable one. Now, the Chief Minister is virtually a ruler of India. He could consider the question of disclosing the real reason behind the act of giving military training to the boys.
      The Chief of an Information Technology Company on 23 April, 2009 said that the dismissed employees would get full pay for one year if they did not get re-employment. This is his reply to the last email submitted to Her Excellency the President of India. He knew that it is nothing but an act of injustice. But he also knew what he says is law. Now the employees would look upon him with fear and suspicion instead with love, respect and gratitude.
      Militant people killed five police personnel in the Bihar State on 24 April, 2009.
      Two Indian officials called on the President of Sri Lanka on 25 April, 2009. Sri Lanka immediately intensified the war.
       The USA on 25 April, 2009 again asked Sri Lanka to halt the hostilities. The USA now said that any military end to the conflict would end the hope for the unification of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka asked the USA and the western countries to mind their own business. It said that no power had the right to bail out terrorism.
      A political party in India on 25 April, 2009 considered the creation of an independent Tamil nation as the solution to the Sri Lankan crisis. African National Congress party in Africa expressed a similar opinion.
      The President of India on 26 April, 2009 visited the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. She saw the ‘gas chamber’ where about 1.1 million Jews had been exterminated. The President described the killing as an example of “human misery and cruelty”. She expressed her hope that such incidents would never happen again.
      When the present writer profusely quoted Plato, the former President of India paid a visit to Greece. Now, on seeing the repetition of the Holocaust in Sri Lanka, the President of India went to see the ‘gas chamber’. In this way, the President unequivocally demanded her Government to put an end to the misery and cruelty in Sri Lanka. In fact, the act of wounding parents and their children by bombing and keeping them without any treatment inside barbed fences is more heinous than vaporizing them in a ‘gas chamber’.
      The Tamils, on 26 April, 2009, declared cessation of offensive operations. Describing this as a joke, Sri Lanka rejected it. It asked the rebels to either surrender or perish in the deep sea. It thanked India for extending all kinds of logistic, weaponry and monetary supports. Offended by this development, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu State commenced an indefinite fast on 27 April, 2009 at 6 A.M. India immediately asked Sri Lanka not to use aircraft or heavy weapons. At 1 P.M. the latter obliged.
      The above fast diffused a highly volatile situation in Sri Lanka. A sudden thoughtless action might have resulted in the death of more than 10,000 people on that day.
The Encyclopedia Britannica had mentioned the name of this Chief Minister long ago. Therefore, he needs no new achievement to establish his name. However, if his Government at the centre had been helping Sri Lanka without his knowledge, the fast might go down as an achievement. It would be an addition to his greatness.
      The fast shows that three or four leaders possessing power in India join together in a small room and frame the policies of the land in bad faith. No consent of the Parliament. No common consent. No Cabinet meeting. No collective responsibility. No debate in any forum. The Union Ministers are expected to present to the Cabinet the matters pertaining to their ministries only. This is the etiquette. This is the reason why a coalition partner had to undertake a fast.
      It is true that Sri Lanka –exercising the greatest cunning and caution – enlisted the support of the USA and other countries before the present military action. Yet, the USA might have moved its warships to Indian Ocean. It might have informed its intention to undertake a 30 minute air operation to destroy the war machinery of Sri Lanka. Alternatively, the some European countries might have conveyed their intention to grant independence to the Tamils. The fast might have coincided with these developments. If these inferences were true, it was India that surrendered the heavy weapons, for a moment, to the will of the world.
      The shocked media mafia warned that any withdrawal of the Sri Lankan forces from the Tamil areas would lead to the destruction of India.
     Now, if the Tamils were responsible for perpetrating injustice in Sri Lanka, they are liable for total destruction. If Sri Lanka were doing injustice, the world should not hesitate to destroy its war machinery. If India were responsible, the bad thinking that brought down a calamity in Sri Lanka deserves destruction.
      The Madras High Court on 27 April, 2009 sentenced a former Managing Director of a nationalized bank to a 14 year imprisonment.
      Sri Lankan Air Force on 28 April, 2009 bombed and killed several Tamils in the hope of destroying the prize within. Thus it violated its own announcement. If the Tamils had aircraft, they would have destroyed the Sri Lankan air bases. If they had heavy weapons, they would have retaliated. Now, they are physically powerless. They have no strength even to protest. Yet Sri Lanka is undertaking bombing operations!
      The manipulation mafia on 28 April, 2009 said that about one lakh Information Technology employees would be dismissed before September, 2009 based on a stringent performance criterion.
      In this connection, it must be stated that a Company now wants to hire 20,000 and fire 2000. Anyone could be beaten below the belt using the performance criterion. It is a new predicament. They interfere in examinations and award low mark in interviews. They trap telephone conversations and block emails. Above all, they have the power “to strange” the work like this one. Now they want to dismiss employees! The President, Government and the Supreme Court must be sensitive to find a solution.
      The Foreign Ministers of Britain and France visited Sri Lanka on 29 April, 2009. Sri Lanka turned down their demand for a truce presumably because it believed that it was sitting on the head of India.
      The President of Sri Lanka on 30 April, 2009 said that the USA should not preach to Sri Lanka. Now he would find fault with anyone acting in good faith. Apparently, he thinks that he alone has a brain that needs no preaching.
      Not withstanding anything a man might perpetrate injustice. He may be an incarnation of a divine power. Even then he is liable for destruction. This is what the sages say.
      The facts from 19 April, 2009 to 1 May, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 2 May, 2009 through email.