Thursday, June 18, 2009




Sri Lanka on 26 May, 2009 requested the world leaders to give money for the rehabilitation of the Tamils. This shows that one reason behind the killings is economic interests.
Obviously, Sri Lanka now wants to earn money through two ways. One way is seeking the help of others in the name of one half of Tamils living in Sri Lanka. Another way is trapping the foreign exchange remittances of the other half living in other countries.
THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS on 27 May, 2009 disclosed that a law had been passed to block the emails and blogs of individuals that convey anything about the Government. It is clear that this work remains hidden not only due to the media mafia but also due to the control of the Government over the press. It must be noted that the paper revealed this only after this writer pointed out this.
A political party in India on 29 May, 2009 returned Re.27,64.925/- received from a big industrial house. Others also could emulate this.
The President of Sri Lanka on 30 May, 2009 said that there was no pressure from India even during the final assault to stop the war. He said that India did not ask Sri Lanka to stop the war at any stage because Sri Lanka was carrying out the war of India. He added that the soil of Sri Lanka would not be used by any another country for anti - India activities.
Thus, India –and not Sri Lanka- is responsible for the killings. Sri Lanka was only an instrument in the hand of India. As India did not rebut his statement, it is clear that India did not ask Sri Lanka to stop the war even when the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu State undertook the fast.
Further, the statement gives the impression that Sri Lanka gave a naval base to China only at the instance of India. Therefore, India must clarify whether Sri Lanka gave the construction work of a base to China after getting the consent of India or not.
A special session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission was convened on 28 May, 2009. The resolution sought to try those found guilty of the crimes against humanity during the Sri Lankan war. There was no consensus in favour or against. 12 nations, including England, France, Germany and Italy, voted for the resolution. 29 Nations, including India, passed a Sri Lankan counter resolution that praised the killings. Thus it approved the racial policy of Sri Lanka and the extermination of the Tamils.
Russia supported Sri Lanka. But Georgian intervention of Russia and its other internal policies might prompt it to support the Tamils in the long run.
Cuba tried to block the discussion. If the USA had given Indian type military training to the boys in Cuba, it would not have done so.
However, as the European countries are even now central to the mind of the world, Sri Lanka was defeated in the eye of the right thinking countries. Whether they were activated by one or two letters from the present writer or not is known to them only.
In this connection, it must be stated that the body of a leader of an important nation had been hung upside down for public viewing for committing a far smaller crime.
The copies of the last email were sent by post to 20 Ministers in the Union Cabinet, President of India, Speaker, Chief Justice of India and the Chief Justice of Madras High Court on 1 June, 2009.
The President of India, in her address to the joint session of Parliament on 4 June, 2009, informed the decision of the Government to sell 49 per cent of the shares of all PSUs. She also said that India would make contribution to rehabilitate the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The letters sent on 1 June, 2009 might have reached the hands of the Union Ministers on 5 June, 2009. Whatever happened, the Union Cabinet postponed the proposed visit of the President of Sri Lanka to India. As there was no consensus, it, apparently, decided not to transfer Re. 500 crore to Sri Lanka. The talks about 49 per cent privatization of the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) practically disappeared. The talks about the sale of loss making PSUs also faded. Some Cabinet Ministers might have wanted the nationalization of all natural resources. A Union Minister said that the new Budget would be formulated consistent with the views of the public only. Thus a two page letter activated some new Ministers. In fact, anyone could discern their thirst for the good. But none disclosed the existence of this work as if they were under an oath to deny FREEDOM to Indians.
India, apparently, transmitted the new developments to Sri Lanka immediately. Sri Lanka, in turn, sent a Minister and some Tamil representatives to assuage the feelings of the leaders. During this occasion, one or two leaders might have demanded to give freedom to the Tamils to get aid from India. But nothing came to the open.
The President of the USA on 6 June, 2009 said that the other nations must stop genocide when it occurs. The President did not say anything about India. However, his words show that the USA had expected India to stop the killings.
Sri Lanka on 6 June, 2009 sent back a Mercy Mission ship containing medicine donated by the Tamils in Europe. Obviously, India need not donate even medicine to Sri Lanka.
The Prime Minister of India on 8 June, 2009 reiterated in Parliament that those who wanted power must come through the ballot box. However, he agreed that a new idea could not be stopped. He said that the militant people who obstruct the removal of minerals would be defeated. With regard to Sri Lanka, he declared that Re. 500 crore had been allotted for the rehabilitation work.
The Government is exercising an absolute power over the press. The Election Commission and the Supreme Court do not ask the Government to tell the reason for this. The political leaders are also helpless. Therefore, the ballot box is useless and no rival can emerge in India.
The ECONOMIC TIMES on 8 June, 2009 said that China aided the Sri Lankan bloodbath. The paper is shifting the blame to China. China did not refute this. Thus some accuse Sri Lanka. Some doubt India. Now China is also appearing. Therefore, the world would never fix the responsibility for the killings under the present conditions.
However, as no other country helped the Tamils, India should now justify the military training given to the Tamil boys.
Sri Lanka arrested 9 Indian fishermen on 9 June, 2009. There was no reaction from India.
A Union Minister on 13 June, 2009 said that India would use its authority to ensure equal rights for Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The statement shows that the Government would give money to Sri Lanka under one pretext or other. This would embarrass many political parties because they would find it very difficult to quit the Government on this issue.
If India could achieve independence to the Tamils, they would do various works. They would earn foreign exchange by trading with Sri Lanka and other nations. None need help them. In contrast, so long as Sri Lanka receives money or any help from India, they would keep the Tamils in sheds and debauch them in all possible ways. They would transfer the foreign exchange and their internal resources to China for buying weapons or for repaying loan. This is how China accumulates foreign exchange at the expense of India is another matter.
A Sri Lankan navy vessel collided with two Indian fishing boats on 15 June, 2009. Five fishermen escaped in another boat. Sri Lanka is doing this because it got money, weapons and logistic support from India. Curiously, India did not condemn the incident.
The militant people killed four army personnel on 16 June, 2009 in the Jharkhand State. The army retaliated by killing four militants. In the Assam State, the militant people killed twelve people including eight children. None condemned these incidents.
The President of the USA on 16 June, 2009 requested the world countries to ensure freedom of expression to the people. Does he mean India? India must give an answer.
Notwithstanding anything, the activation knowledge –the minimum knowledge required to activate a man- must be low. Then only a man would do his duty. This is what the sages say.
The facts from 26 May, 2009 to 17 June, 2009 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 17 June, 2009 through email. It was immediately put on the website: www.