Inaugurating the All India Seminar on Judicial Reforms, Her Excellency the President of India on 31 July 2010, among other things, said;
1. The Judiciary must work for the greatest good of the greatest number.
2. Judiciary must dispense justice fairly, promptly and transparently.
3. Judiciary must notice the Preamble of the Constitution of India for establishing justice, equity, fair play and rule of law.
4. Judiciary must treat every individual equally.
5. The judiciary must protect and enforce by law the inviolable human dignity of every individual.
6. The judiciary must seek unalloyed truth.
7. The judiciary must protect the truthful.
8. The actions of the judges shall not diminish the lusture of judicial portals.
9. Judiciary, as the bulwark of freedom, must grow from strength to strength.
10. Though the judiciary earned the reverence of the society, the public scrutiny of all state institutions - including the judiciary - has begun witnessing marked ascendency.
11. There can be informed discussion for ensuring judicial accountability.
12. The nuts and bolts of judicial reforms must be firmed up and expeditiously acted upon.
13. The judiciary must make justice core and soul of this country.
14. There cannot be better governance without better laws.
15. The Government must be bound by law.
16. The President of India is putting her thoughts with great hopes.
The print media, as usual, blacked out the speech. There exists no official censorship. But the media mafia classifies the news into no news, all India news and local news. All India news is reserved for two or three leaders only. They are responsible for transmitting public assets to private parties.
In the presidentofindiawebsite - the Chief Justice of India was listening to the speech with rapt attention.
The Chief Justice and the other learned judges knew everything. As they do not apply them in the Supreme Court, the President of India is constrained to talk like this. No President - in the history of any country - talked like this in front of the Chief Justice.
The learned judges –as human beings- must now distinguish between the words of an ordinary citizen and the President of India. Otherwise, there will be no difference between human beings and animals.
Six officials of the private sector Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) appeared before a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court at Chennai on 3 August 2010 in connection with a case filed by the public sector telephone company –the BSNL. The BSNL alleged that the private company had masked international calls as local calls. The present ruler would not have granted permission to this. But this must have happened with the knowledge of the present ruler or her predecessor. The Government must confiscate the assets of such companies rather than prosecuting individuals. In one or two cases, India had confiscated the assets of private individuals without waiting for final judgments.
“Rupee can become the world currency” This is one of the important articles published by The New Indian Express on 4 August 2010. In order to achieve this, the paper suggested that the Indian currency must be allowed to appreciate vis-a –vis the US dollar.
Many Indians work in foreign countries and thereby India earns foreign exchange. As the Indian currency is not allowed to depreciate consistent with its internal value, they suffer erosion in their income.
Indian exporters are equally affected by the appreciation of Indian currency.
Chinese export to India is increasing. One reason is that China allows its currency to depreciate continuously.
Any appreciation of the Indian currency would affect the tourism industry including the health sectors.
The foreign exchange reserves of India are now equivalent to its external debt only.
India is exporting raw materials at lower prices in the pretext of earning foreign exchange.
The previous NDA Government had been clearing external debts from one country after another.
The Present Government has been borrowing money from the World Bank.
About ten people take the income from the natural resources. They want to convert it into assets in other countries. Therefore, they are keeping an eye on the foreign exchange. In fact, they want to consume the entire amount during the period of the present ruler. After that, they would put the blame on the ill-conceived policy of the Government. Therefore, an alert President alone could save it.
The Union Minister for Defense said that the Union Government spent about $ 61billion for the armed forces during 2009 -2010. This is less than the amount one or two individuals get from the natural assets.
The Government on 3 August 2010 said that the great-great grandfather of the present Prime Minister of Britain participated in a mass hanging of Indians during the 1857 revolt. This is the reply of India to the protocol followed to receive the Prime Minister of Britain.
In this connection, it may be recalled that Cassander murdered the son of Alexander the great, realizing that the boy was coming of age. Wife of Alexander met the same fate. His sister was executed. Even the illegitimate son of Alexander, Heracles, was not spared.
But the great-great grandfather of Alexander must have many great-great grandsons identical to Alexander through many women. Theoretically, there must be, even now, several people like Alexander with the same congenital characteristics.
Further, over 10,000 people have been killed in India in the last six years. Is not the present ruler responsible for this?
Some newspapers now said that the ruler of India was seen in New Delhi after a gap of 15 days and attended the Parliament on 9 August 2010. They said that she had been to the USA to see her mother. Some others said that she had been in Delhi only and attributed a statement to her. Some papers said that she wanted to relinquish her position in the party in the forthcoming core committee meeting.
What happens in Delhi is not known to all. However, the present Prime Minister of India received 118 letters sent to the President of India. Consequently, he convened the meeting of the Union Cabinet 118 times and disappeared from the national scene equal number of times. His repeated birth did not bring any change in his body. He does not react to day to day events of national importance. No inadvertent talking. No spur of the moment reply. No journalist approaches him to elicit any thing. While attending the Cabinet meetings, the public sector TV channel and others show other ministers only. He considers this as a great technique. Now the ruler of India is following this.
The Government on 9 August 2010 decided to enact an Act to conceal the identity of the people exposing corruption. The motive is not a clear one. Government, apparently, wants to show that it is above corruption.
The August 2, 2010 issue of the OUTLOOK weekly said that the ruler of India articulated a humane line to tackle the militancy in India. According to this weekly, all the rest are an embodiment of evil. This is what the $1 trillion given to the manipulators does.
“Where has the Prime Minister gone?” It was an article for The New Indian Express dated August 11, 2010.
The Prime Minister disappears from the national scene obeying the dictates of the media mafia. During this incubation period, he cannot be sighted. Now they ask about his whereabouts.
Many Members of Parliament (MPs) on 11 August 2010 condemned Sri Lanka for killing Indian fishermen straying in Sri Lankan waters. The Union Government agreed to take up this matter with Sri Lanka. However, the Government said that the security of Indians straying in Sri Lankan waters could not be guaranteed.
In this connection, it must be stated that India had an unrequited thirst for the blood of Sri Lankan Tamils. Exploiting this weakness, Sri Lanka killed more than 500 fishermen. That phase is over. Now, Sri Lanka must consider the fishermen as human beings. Sri Lanka shall not wage a war against India by firing at unarmed fishermen. Alternatively, India must prevent them from crossing Indian waters.
Her Excellency the President of India on 12 August 2010 said that the Christian community in India had been contributing to nation building process, particularly to education and health care.
The National Textile Corporation (NTC) got about $400 million through e-auctioning of about 10 acre of land in Mumbai. Indirectly justifying this, the Supreme Court, in another judgment, declared that the owner could not claim back the land acquired for public purpose.
It must be reiterated that according to the Constitution of India, the property acquired for a public purpose shall be utilized for any other public purpose. But, it shall not be sold in any manner to private parties for private purpose. The Government is forbidden from acting as a carrier to transmit the property of one private individual to another. The maximum that the Government could do is giving them back to the original owners.
The meaning of the 7 May 2010 judgment of the Supreme Court is that the people are the owner of public assets. The public assets are heritable to the people and not to any other individuals. The Government is only a tenant. The tenant has no right to sell them. It must hand over them to the next Government. Therefore, all public assets, including the spectrum, must be taken over forthwith. Her Excellency the President of India could discuss this with constitutional experts and arrive at a reasonable conclusion. The words of the President to establish justice shall not end in vain.
Her Excellency the President of India on 13 August 2010 said that only an equitable society would be sustainable. She wanted the benefit of economic growth to reach every segment of society. Perhaps keeping the present ruler in mind, she said that the women have great potential to change the society.
The Government on 13 August 2010 granted permission to the telephone companies to import telecom equipment from China. The might of China over India could be discerned.
Her Excellency the President of India - in the Independence Day eve address to the nation - exhorted the militant people to come to the negotiation table. The Prime Minister also said the same on the next day. The Government must take over all public assets to prove its sincerity.
The President of India said that the growth of the nation is more important than personal promotion.
It must be noted that the system is promoting the personal interests of two or three individuals only. The secret is money. At the same time, some people believe that this writer is seeking personal promotion.
The present work grew to this level mainly because three successive Presidents promoted this. A common man cannot think of achieving anything more. In fact, this work drove this writer to unchartered territories. Further, had the media not concealed this, this work would not have grown to this level.
However, this work failed to secure to Indians sufficient space enough to drive a pin of FREEDOM! As there is no atmosphere of openness, the people are unable to estimate the worth of individuals. To this extent, the present ruler lacks the legitimacy to rule India.
The leader of the opposition on 15 August 2010 disclosed that there was no openness in India. Curiously, a public sector TV channel telecast this. He might take it to its logical conclusion.
It is said that the act of attaining repeated birth among the species of demoniac life is the most abominable type of existence.
The facts from 31 July 2010 to 15 August 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 August 2010.