Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 8 November, 2009. On the next day, the Union Government said that India would spend more for infrastructure, particularly for ports and ships. It may be noted that in the last mail, the present writer decried the policy of India to buy ships and warships from China. But for this work, India would have gone ahead with this policy.
The militant people killed 4 soldiers in the West Bengal State on 8 November, 2009. Now India said that China was giving small arms to the militant people in India. India customarily gives a Chinese name to the militant people in the interior parts of India.
India on 8 November, 2009 donated 2600 tonne of steel to Sri Lanka. India shall donate the hard earned money of Indians to Sri Lanka provided India could 1. Ensure the protection of the Tamil animals called tanimals, 2. Send back the Sri Lankan refugees to their homeland. 3. Evict China from the Sri Lankan port and 4. Get back the warships and weapons given to Sri Lanka.
Army killed eight militant people – one in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State and seven in the Chhattisgarh State - on 9 November, 2009.
With reference to the visit of Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh, China said that India did not learn any lesson from the 1962 Indo-China war.
China teaches lesson to India either by force or through friendship. However, the reversal of the August, 28, 2009, Cabinet decision shows that China marched into Delhi through the aid of the backroom players.
In this connection, it must be stated that the Union Government gave wide publicity to the visit of Dalai Lama. At the same time, India is concealing this work from the people. The people do not enjoy as much rights as the refugees do.
A stock analyst on 9 November, 2009 predicted that the share prices would fall by more than 20 percent.
The prediction was based on the insider information regarding the last mail. Now, the Companies would sell their shares, only to buy back later at lower prices. Thus, all manipulators know this work and not the people. In this way also, the Government is causing injustice to the people.
Army killed seven militant people in the Chhattisgarh State on 9 November, 2009.
The Government on 11 November, 2009 disclosed the decision of China to sell 150 fighter jets to Pakistan for $6 billion.
The President India on 12 November, 2009 virtually declared - in her own serene English – FREEDOM to Indians. The President did not say that there was no rule of law or transparency. But she mentioned these as the essentials for good governance. The President of India finished her speech by saying that the action in public welfare was the “ultimate work and test”. The speech was a reflection of this work. The speech is a victory for this work. Anyone could see this in the president of india website. This gives the impression that the present President of India is destined to establish justice in India
However, the media simply blacked out her speech. Even the public sector TV channels superficially mentioned one or two words only. Thus, the decision “to strange” the message of the President of India is a total one.
Even hundred people would not have read the speech in the website. Some people might have seen it. But they would not have understood the message. This is because, the people, as a rule, consider India as the only democratic country that gives total FREEDOM of expression to its people. They attribute this FREEDOM to the founding fathers of India!
Obviously, the President of India would invent a new strategy to give FREEDOM to Indians. Conjointly, the President might see that the public assets go for public welfare.
The present writer started a new blog –www. effectiveinorganicchemistry.blogspot.com- to give the salient points of his high utility book in inorganic chemistry.
Two soldiers died in a land mine blast in the Orissa State on 13 November, 2009.
Different chapters from this work were sent to 90 Members of Parliament in the hope that they would spend part of their energy to establish justice in India.
The President of the USA, during his visit to China on 16 November, 2009, said that the trade between China and the USA must be more balanced. In Chapter 116 this writer wanted the USA not to remain as a debtor of China.
The Vice President of India said that corruption was affecting the ability of the Government to take decisions.
A Union Minister now said that the anti –India activities of the neighbouring countries were adversely affecting the South Asian Association for Regional Co –operation (SAARC). The countries that maintain strategic relationship with China - overlooking the strategic interests of India - cannot be a member of the SAARC.
On 17 November, 2009 the Union Government submitted before a three Judge Bench of the Supreme Court that the concentration of natural assets, including natural gas, in the hands of a few individuals violated the Constitution of India. The Government added that the natural resources must be as widely distributed as possible to sub-serve the common good.
Now the Government does not allow a man to remove sand from the rivers for his day to day life. Therefore, the submission shows that the Government is ready to establish justice by nationalizing spectrum and other natural assets. But the learned judges – based on the submission- must be ready to say what the Government said before it. This would restore constitutionalism in India. The Supreme Court shall not dither to establish justice.
As soon the winter session of Parliament started, the Prime Minister of India left for an official visit to the USA. Unlike in previous occasions, the manipulators did not make the Union Ministers to stand in a queue to express their good wishes.
A political leader on 20 November, 2009 requested the Government to give Indian citizenship to Sri Lankan refugees. This must be the best award that could be given to Sri Lanka for killing the tanimals. Sri Lanka gave a naval base to China only because of such policies of India.
A 12 year-old girl in the Bihar State was set on fire allegedly for stealing Re. 1400/-. It must be noted that less than ten people steal not less than Re.1400 crore per day. They are allowed to do so just for keeping two individuals as all India leaders.
The present Chief Justice of Madras High Court revealed that he was in possession of the shares of many private Companies.
In Chapter 6, this writer said that three learned judges broke the Constitution of India from within. It happened because they, presumably, owned the shares of Companies. Evidently, shares in the hands of judges smell foul. They shall function as judges only if the share prices were independent of their thinking. Therefore, all such judges must quit not only the Benches but also the courts. Pending this, they shall not be promoted to higher posts or allowed to hear any case. The Chief Justice India must obtain the views of other judges in this matter.
The Hindu on 18 November, 2009 beseeched the learned judges not to quit the Benches for the mere possession of shares. It is clear that the manipulators need these judges to perpetrate injustice in India.
On 22 November, 2009 the militant people killed nine people, including two soldiers, in the Assam and Jharkhand States.
A political leader now said that he deeply valued the contribution of Christians for nation building. If he had mentioned the name of this writer, no newspaper would have reported his statement. Now, he could establish justice in India.
A Minister of State on 23 November, 2009 declared that the moves of China were not a threat to India. Now, the manipulators are showing three Ministers of State in the 8 PM National TV news and 8.30 PM English news channel. One half of the Cabinet Ministers are being dwarfed by them.
With regard to the observation of the Minister, it must be noted that the NDA Government had considered China, the No.1 threat to India. A Chief of the Army Staff reiterated this. When this writer pointed out the designs of China, the Union Cabinet adopted some counter measures. Therefore, the view expressed by the above Minister does not belong to the Government.
A Commission report that went into the 6 December, 1992 incident was published now to divert the attention of the Members of Parliament (MPs). If the then Union Government had wanted, the incident would not have occurred at all.
Whenever there is injustice, someone would come to establish justice. This is what the sages say. The sages gave a name to this someone. Her Excellency the President of India knows this better. For practical purposes, this could be the President of India, a learned judge or a political leader.
The facts from 8 November, 2009 to 23 November, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 24 November, 2009 through email. A copy is sent separately. The website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com is also updated.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 November, 2009. As a reply, the Union Cabinet on 5 November, 2009 decided to sell 10 per cent to 49 per cent shares of all Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) with out following any law.
21 Judges of the Supreme Court on 3 November, 2009 put their assets in the internet. Most of the Judges own shares of many private Companies. One Judge had bought the shares of 57 Companies.
When this writer insisted on the President of India to give a reply to his letters, the Government came out with the Right To Information (RTI) Act. The Government believed that the present writer would spend his energy to get a reply based on this. However, this gradually made a learned judge of the High Court, Delhi to do his duty. As a result, the learned judges of the Supreme Court had to declare their assets.
As soon as the advocates start practice, some confidence tricksters approach them to buy shares. The private Companies assure good returns to their shares. The probability of a judge separated as a judge of a High Court or Supreme Court by hand picking is the greatest when he is in possession of the shares of private Companies. This is the reason why the preponderance of people with shares is higher among the judges.
The Prime Minister of India on 4 November, 2009 said that the exploitation of the tribal people would not be tolerated. The public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC,) on the same day, said that it would invest a huge amount of money in shares in the next six months.
Indian fishermen now alleged that Chinese people in Sri Lankan uniform were beating them up at mid sea. India did not verify the veracity of their allegation. Sri Lanka is biting the ears of India by sitting on its shoulders.
On 3 November, 2009 a learned judge of the Supreme Court voluntarily decided to quit a Bench hearing a case between two private Companies. The reason is that his daughter is a partner in a firm that advises one of the Companies for its global acquisitions.
The advocates of the litigant Companies literally caught the throat of the judge from vomiting the deadly poison, lest it would make the entire world poisonous. Being a mortal, he could not keep it in his throat. He vomited it in the open court. The same force made another judge to quit another Bench for owning the shares of a Company. The learned judges were made to do their duty!
Now, the value of shares is a function of the ability of the Government to influence the financial institutions. This happens because the Supreme Court allows the Government to function unconstitutionally by robbing the people of all FREEDOM. This is the absolute truth of Indian politics.
In Chapter 101, this writer concluded that none in India knew the absolute truth behind the manipulations. Thus it took more than eight years to know the truth. Until now, it was only a belief. The disheartening developments made this writer to persist with this work. No escape.
Obviously, the continuance of such mentally corrupt judges is injurious to the public weal. They could continue in office only after giving FREEDOM to the people. Simultaneously, they must prohibit the corrupt act of buying shares using public money. Until then, they must keep away from courts or resign. This is the demand of the Constitution of India.
If the learned judges resigned, the Government would get a huge amount for public investments. This would obviate the necessity to depend on China for ships, war ships or any other things. Interest rate would fall. There will be a relationship between the interest rates and money value. Exports would increase. There will a great economic change.
If the learned judges wanted to remain in the Supreme Court, the people will be left with no constitutional method for achieving economic and social objectives. The people will pay a price. The financial institution would give Re. 30 lakh crore to about ten individuals within one year. The money would be siphoned off to other countries. In order to enable this, Rupee would appreciate. There would be no FREEDOM.
This would make even the present Chief Justice of India to accept the fact that constitutional methods are not open to the people. He would justify unconstitutional methods of people.
Though the President of India is not giving FREEDOM, she might have done her duty by transmitting this work to the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court. Otherwise, the judges would not have abandoned the Benches at all.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 6 November, 2009 requested the public to report to it all acts of corruption of public servants.
The present writer pointed out several cases in Chapter 6. A giant manipulation was pointed out in Chapter 7. One or two people issued death threats to this writer. They now sit with the Vice President of India and many others. The CBI connived at everything. Even now, it is not ready to catch the illegal importers of toys from China. It even refuses to accept a letter from this writer. Now it is soliciting petitions from the people!
The public sector BSNL on 6 November, 2009 disclosed its decision to buy telephone equipments from China for an undisclosed amount.
Now it is not clear whether China agreed to abandon the naval bases around India or not. The developments show that China could force the Union Government to reverse the Cabinet decision taken on 28 August, 2009. India would continue to remain as a vassal of China until a stronger force acts on it.
Mr. Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of England, on 7 November, 2009 recommended the countries to introduce Transaction Tax to save the banks.
The present writer suggested this tax in Chapter 4. The Union Government implemented it. A former Union Minister dubbed this as “a mad tax”. It was later withdrawn. Newspapers now call this as Tobin Tax, named after Nobel laureate James Tobin.
Notwithstanding anything a man would be made to do his duty. No escape. This is what the sages say.
In view of the momentous developments, the facts from 3 November, 2009 to 7 November, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 8 November 2009 through email. A copy is sent through ordinary post. The website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com is also updated.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009




The Union Cabinet on 19 October, 2009 decided to sell 5 % shares of the public sector National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and 10 % of the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd (SJVNL). The Government said that the present decision was to enable share ownership of the people.

If the Government really wanted the people to own the shares of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), it could have reserved a definite amount of shares for every State. This is not an impossible object to achieve. This would have made the sales a constitutional one. But the Government is not doing this. Therefore, the sale is unconstitutional.

If the Cabinet Ministers wanted, they could reverse this decision even now. If the President of India were against this, the President could restrain the Government from going ahead with this decision. If the learned judges of the Supreme Court were against cutting the precious head of the Constitution, they could also make the sales a constitutional one.

An enquiry would show that the shares of the PSUs go into the hands of some selected private individuals of one or two States only. Therefore, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) also could dissuade the Government from going ahead with this policy.

Above all, the act of selling the shares without giving FREEDOM to the people to see this work is out and out unconstitutional.

The militant people killed two police men in the West Bengal State on 20 October, 2009. On the same day, police killed three militant people in the Jharkhand State.

The CBI on 22 October, 2009 raided the headquarters of the Department of Telecommunication for corruption of about Re.22000 crore to Re. 60,000 in the allotment of 2G spectrum by the present Government. The Union Minister for Communication retorted that the spectrum was allotted with the knowledge of the Prime Minister of India.

One or two opposition parties demanded the resignation of the Minister for Communication and not the Prime Minister. This prompted the former to allege that the previous NDA Government had allotted spectrum causing a loss of not less than Re. one lakh and sixty thousand crore. As if the spectrum were their “ancestral property”, they gave it to their men without the approval of the Cabinet. He added that a few new players were consciously introduced only to put an end to their monopoly.

The media mafia now approached some political leaders and published their views that went against this minister. Some political leaders might have wanted the CBI to take action against the Prime Minister of India. Some others might have considered this as an act of corruption at all levels. But their views were not published. However, realizing the dangers, the media mafia began to retreat.

Everyone knows that the orders flow from top to bottom and not vice versa. The moment the Minister said that the spectrum was sold with the knowledge of the Prime Minister of India, the CBI must have taken the case to its logical conclusion. Now, the CBI fishes where there are no fish.

The present writer had wanted the Union Government to delegate the question of giving the telephone licences to the State Governments to avoid favoritism. It was the seventh point of the first letter dated 1-6-2001. Had the suggestion been accepted, the common people in India would have been benefited by more than Re. 5 lakh crore. Besides, the Union Government would have been free from such corruption charges.

Obviously, the words of the Union Minister are complementary to this work. Now, anyone would recognize the importance of this work.

It must be noted that the Supreme Court - in the BALCO case - put the economic policy above judicial review. This judgment is perpetrating corruption in India. The nature of the calamities the Supreme Court drags down upon the nation could be gauged.

Chinese made soap worth Re. 20 lakh was found in Chennai port on 23 October, 2009. This is not an act of smuggling by an individual for his day –to-day life. It is an organized crime committed by the people close to power. They must be brought to light. The act of buying illegally imported Chinese items must be deemed as an anti patriotic act.

Four militant people and four police personnel died in Chhattisgarh State on 25 October, 2009.

A Minister of Sri Lanka on 26 October, 2009 said that Sri Lanka would not sign a defense pact with China.

It maybe recalled that Sri Lanka on 2 July, 2009 compared India and China to two tracks on a railway line. This writer, in Chapter 111, wanted Sri Lanka to opt for either India or China. The firm stand taken by this writer is forcing Sri Lanka to talk like this.

Sri Lanka on 25 October, 2009 said that China was building a port and not a naval base in Sri Lanka. This is a misleading statement. It must be noted that a Chinese port in Sri Lanka is far more dangerous to India than a Chinese port in India.

Army killed three militant people in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State on 26 October, 2009.

A meeting of the RIC (Russia, India and China) took place at Bangalore on 27 October, 2009. China had asked the Prime Minister of India not to visit Arunachal Pradesh. But the Foreign Minister of China visited India without any compunction.

The Chairman of the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) on 30 October, 2009 said that his organization had spent Re. one lakh crore in the last six months to buy shares. The Chairman disclosed this when the Prime Minister and one or two other leaders talked about poverty alleviation.

Obviously, the public sector banks would have spent not less than Re. five lakh crore to buy shares in this year. If allowed, they would give Re.10 lakh core more in the next six months. Next year, they would give about Re. 30 lakh crore – the double the amount of the Union Budget!

The Prime Minister has a firm faith in his ability to give this money to them as a reward for keeping him as the Prime Minister. The Cabinet Ministers must believe in their ability to use this money for large scale public investments.

The manipulators would always get a few people like the present Prime Minister to do this job for them. The secret of the strength of such people is their diabolical cunning. Therefore, the leaders like the Chief Minister of the Tamil Nadu (TN) State must remain in Delhi to prove their ability to put an end to this malpractice.

It may be re-called that it was the fourth point in the first letter dated 1-6- 2001. This writer has been showing the various facets of this issue for the last eight years with partial success only.

The Queen of England handed over the Commonwealth Games Baton to the President of India at Buckingham Palace on 29 October, 2009. The Queen might have requested the President to give FREEDOM to Indians.

Sri Lanka, on 29 October, 2009 purchased vehicles worth Sri Lankan Re. 2049 crore from China. China gave this as loan. Sri Lanka should have purchased vehicles from India using the money donated by India. Now, Sri Lanka is deliberately antagonizing India. The people expect equal and opposite reaction from India.

The Director General of Hydrocarbons resigned on 29 October, 2009 as the CBI found evidence of his nexus with private exploration companies. The resignation shows that the Government gave discovered oil and gas blocks to private Companies.

On 30 October, 2009 a woman Inspector of Police was arrested in the TN State for receiving a bribe of Re.1500. If the “spectrum” had not gone into the hands of less than ten individuals, she would not have demanded money because of her higher salary income. Now, those who keep over Re. one lakh crore through simple manipulations have the last laugh.

On 31 October, 2009 several Union Cabinet Ministers sat in front of the Prime Minister of India forming a part of his audience. If the Prime Minister could not allow the Cabinet Ministers to sit beside him in public meetings, they need not be invited.

After the last email, the Government is sparingly showing some Union Ministers in the public sector National and National News TV Channels. Yet, 50 per cent of the Ministers are not seen. They are shown in their respective States only.

The Cabinet Ministers belong to all Indians and all people must see them. Now, even High School students do not know their names and their policies.

Some Cabinet Ministers accompany the Prime Minister like the members of the ministerial staff. This situation should not exist.

On 31 October, 2009 the Department of Income Tax found evidence of unaccounted money after conducting country wide searches on nearly sixty properties of a former Chief Minister of Jharkhand State.

A Union Minister on 1 November, 2009 said that the militant people in India have every right to seize power through democratic means. He vowed to eliminate militancy.

In this connection, it must be reiterated that the militant people cannot seize power so long as the Union Government transfers the natural resources to less than ten individuals.

The militant people of Nagaland on 1 November, 2009 said that they would not accept anything less than sovereignty. They would part with this demand, the moment the Union Government comes forward to give a share in the assets of the Nation.

Now, the Government of TN State allotted Re.12 crore for the Sri Lankan refugees.

There is no threat to the life of Sri Lankan refugees in their home land now. Even if there were some threats, Indian army could protect them. Their absorption in India would create a vacuum in Sri Lanka. Therefore, they must go home. The Sri Lankan Government must find money for them. This is possible for the Chief Minister of the TN State.

Notwithstanding anything, a man must have a firm faith in his ability. Then only he would do his duty. This is what the sages say.

The facts from 18 October, 2009 to 2 November, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 November, 2009 through email. A copy is being sent by post. The website: howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com is also updated.