The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 November, 2009. As a reply, the Union Cabinet on 5 November, 2009 decided to sell 10 per cent to 49 per cent shares of all Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) with out following any law.
21 Judges of the Supreme Court on 3 November, 2009 put their assets in the internet. Most of the Judges own shares of many private Companies. One Judge had bought the shares of 57 Companies.
When this writer insisted on the President of India to give a reply to his letters, the Government came out with the Right To Information (RTI) Act. The Government believed that the present writer would spend his energy to get a reply based on this. However, this gradually made a learned judge of the High Court, Delhi to do his duty. As a result, the learned judges of the Supreme Court had to declare their assets.
As soon as the advocates start practice, some confidence tricksters approach them to buy shares. The private Companies assure good returns to their shares. The probability of a judge separated as a judge of a High Court or Supreme Court by hand picking is the greatest when he is in possession of the shares of private Companies. This is the reason why the preponderance of people with shares is higher among the judges.
The Prime Minister of India on 4 November, 2009 said that the exploitation of the tribal people would not be tolerated. The public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC,) on the same day, said that it would invest a huge amount of money in shares in the next six months.
Indian fishermen now alleged that Chinese people in Sri Lankan uniform were beating them up at mid sea. India did not verify the veracity of their allegation. Sri Lanka is biting the ears of India by sitting on its shoulders.
On 3 November, 2009 a learned judge of the Supreme Court voluntarily decided to quit a Bench hearing a case between two private Companies. The reason is that his daughter is a partner in a firm that advises one of the Companies for its global acquisitions.
The advocates of the litigant Companies literally caught the throat of the judge from vomiting the deadly poison, lest it would make the entire world poisonous. Being a mortal, he could not keep it in his throat. He vomited it in the open court. The same force made another judge to quit another Bench for owning the shares of a Company. The learned judges were made to do their duty!
Now, the value of shares is a function of the ability of the Government to influence the financial institutions. This happens because the Supreme Court allows the Government to function unconstitutionally by robbing the people of all FREEDOM. This is the absolute truth of Indian politics.
In Chapter 101, this writer concluded that none in India knew the absolute truth behind the manipulations. Thus it took more than eight years to know the truth. Until now, it was only a belief. The disheartening developments made this writer to persist with this work. No escape.
Obviously, the continuance of such mentally corrupt judges is injurious to the public weal. They could continue in office only after giving FREEDOM to the people. Simultaneously, they must prohibit the corrupt act of buying shares using public money. Until then, they must keep away from courts or resign. This is the demand of the Constitution of India.
If the learned judges resigned, the Government would get a huge amount for public investments. This would obviate the necessity to depend on China for ships, war ships or any other things. Interest rate would fall. There will be a relationship between the interest rates and money value. Exports would increase. There will a great economic change.
If the learned judges wanted to remain in the Supreme Court, the people will be left with no constitutional method for achieving economic and social objectives. The people will pay a price. The financial institution would give Re. 30 lakh crore to about ten individuals within one year. The money would be siphoned off to other countries. In order to enable this, Rupee would appreciate. There would be no FREEDOM.
This would make even the present Chief Justice of India to accept the fact that constitutional methods are not open to the people. He would justify unconstitutional methods of people.
Though the President of India is not giving FREEDOM, she might have done her duty by transmitting this work to the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court. Otherwise, the judges would not have abandoned the Benches at all.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 6 November, 2009 requested the public to report to it all acts of corruption of public servants.
The present writer pointed out several cases in Chapter 6. A giant manipulation was pointed out in Chapter 7. One or two people issued death threats to this writer. They now sit with the Vice President of India and many others. The CBI connived at everything. Even now, it is not ready to catch the illegal importers of toys from China . It even refuses to accept a letter from this writer. Now it is soliciting petitions from the people!
The public sector BSNL on 6 November, 2009 disclosed its decision to buy telephone equipments from China for an undisclosed amount.
Now it is not clear whether China agreed to abandon the naval bases around India or not. The developments show that China could force the Union Government to reverse the Cabinet decision taken on 28 August, 2009. India would continue to remain as a vassal of China until a stronger force acts on it.
Mr. Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of England, on 7 November, 2009 recommended the countries to introduce Transaction Tax to save the banks.
The present writer suggested this tax in Chapter 4. The Union Government implemented it. A former Union Minister dubbed this as “a mad tax”. It was later withdrawn. Newspapers now call this as Tobin Tax, named after Nobel laureate James Tobin.
Notwithstanding anything a man would be made to do his duty. No escape. This is what the sages say.
In view of the momentous developments, the facts from 3 November, 2009 to 7 November, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 8 November 2009 through email. A copy is sent through ordinary post. The website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com is also updated.
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