Tuesday, August 30, 2016




While hearing a writ petition on 23 August 2016, Chief Justice of India T.S. Thakur, said that a political - and not a judicial- solution is needed in Kashmir. He added that everything could not be managed within the judicial parameters.
The Supreme Court of India knows that all students scoring marks over and above a certain percentile in an entrance examination are equally intelligent. Therefore, it should have reserved a definite quota of seats to Kashmir in civil services and others consistent with the population.
It has not done this.
Thus, it deprives the people of Kashmir of their rightful seats.
It transmits the public resources of Kashmir to the some private parties.
Above all, it has taken away their political rights.
Now, it wants the political leaders to solve the problem.
The real problem is that India, perhaps barring Mr. H.D. Deve Gowda, has not seen a popular government.

The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, on 23 August 2016, said. “Those who lost their lives in Kashmir are part of us, our nation”. He promised job opportunities to 1.4 lakh youths in Kashmir.
The people must get job as a matter of right rather than as gratis.

The Union Government, on 26 August 2016, decided to give gratuity to its entire employees appointed on or after January 1, 2004.
Pension also must be restored.
Pension must be extended to the private sector employees based on a formula similar to the one submitted to the Government by the present man.

The Union Government, on 26 August 2016, announced a Task Force to prepare India for next three Olympics.
All qualified Olympic participants should have been given at least 50 per cent of what the silver medalist, Ms. P.V.Sindhu, got in cash.

An industrialist, Mr. Pacha Muthu, was, on 26 August 2016, arrested for cheating. He owns a Tamil TV channel, SRM University, some medical colleges and many others.

“A rebellion would occur in India if all important facts are reported”. A reporter of a news paper told this to a TV channel on 25 August 2016.
The media houses think that they prevent a rebellion in India by diverting the attention of the people to other matters. The magnitude of the manipulations could be gauged.

The Union Government, on 25 August 2016, reiterated its decision to auction the spectrum in September 2016.
This is an unconstitutional decision.
The Union Government is sitting on an unlimited amount of money. It can utilize it to exploit the spectrum and the other natural assets.
For instance, Kerala could double its revenue through the extraction of the rare earth minerals alone.

India needs quantum jumps and not incremental changes. Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi said this on 26 August 2016.
In 2015, exports fell by 20 per cent. This will be 30 percent in 2016. The people are hit by the indiscriminate imports. Thousands of factories are being closed every day. The farmers are the worst affected. They suffer in silence. But the Prime Minister of India talks like this!

Mr. Manohar Parikar, Defense Minister of India, said at Washington that India is the major defense partner of the USA. He signed a logistic agreement with the USA on 29 August 2016.
 The remittances from the USA require this.

Holland would raise the lack freedom of expression in India in the Universal Periodic Review of the UN in 2017.
Curiously, The Hindu reported the above on 28 August 2016.
If there is freedom of expression in other countries, their people might have heard about the existence of this work. But, even the British people are not aware of this work.
Therefore, it appears that it is a universal problem.

Chief Justice of India T.S. Thakur, on 29 August 2016 said that the Government is creating problems. In this connection, he cited the pending cases.
The Supreme Court of India cancelled the petrol outlets issued by the Members of Parliament with a foul motive. It forced the Government to alienate the public assets. When the assets reached many hands, it cancelled everything and channeled them to a few hands. Recently it created a problem to the children in the form the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET).
In order to perpetrate this condition, it denies freedom of expression by the right of might.
This is letter No.527
          This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 30.8- 2016.

30 August 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

526. The Pellet Guns in Kashmir and the Self Preservation.


The Pellet Guns in Kashmir and the Self Preservation.

          The Government of India, on 18 August 2016, reiterated its decision to merge three banks with the State Bank of India (SBI). The motive behind the decision was mentioned earlier in this work. Now, it may be mentioned that the decision is an unconstitutional one.

          The Union Government, on 19 August 2016, reiterated its decision to divert a part of the Provident Fund (PF) to the stock market.
          The assets of all companies that use this money belong to the Government.

The Union Government, on 20 August 2016, decided to appoint Mr. Urjit Patel,  one of the four Deputy Governors of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as the next Governor of the RBI.
          It must be noted that he had been in the Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for some time.
          Now, it is his duty to use the Provident Fund and the Pension Fund for large scale public investments.
          Further, he must reveal the whereabouts of the money extracted for imports.

          The Hindu, on 22 August 2016, revealed that 1.3 million pellets were fired in Kashmir in a month.
          The thinking of the Government is to substitute pellet guns with chilli- powder guns.
          Consistent with Article 16, the Government of India should have granted a definite quota of seats to Kashmir in civil services, IITs and others.
          Instead, it takes away their seats in the pretext of entrance test and others.
          It cheats them of their money through the stock market and others.
          Above all, they have no political rights. The people of India cannot hear the voice of their eminent men.
          Thus,  the Prime Minister of India gives the assets and the seats to his promoters but the pellet guns to the people of Kashmir.
          These are specific human rights problems.
          The Chief Justice of India and the other learned judges of the Supreme Court of India are blind to the above. They know against whom the chilli powder should be used.

          The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in its order dated 29 -6-2016 (Letter No.499) held that the letter dated 16 -05- 2016 did not make out any specific violation of human rights. In conclusion, the NHRC informed the present man that “the complaint is filed and the case is closed”.
          In this connection, the NHRC must note the following.

          One day, the Supreme Court of India cancelled the petrol outlets sanctioned by the Members of Parliament. Among other things, the court considered this as an act of corruption.  Next day, a private company opened hundreds of petrol outlets all over India. The present man pointed out this. Neither did the court allow the people to know the points raised by the present man nor did it rectify the illegality.

          Again, one day the present man said that the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) would be sold against public money only. Next day, a private company bought the public sector VSNL against the money taken from the public sector Bank of India (BoI). The VSNL still remains in the hand of that private company.

          The guidelines devised for privatization barred the charge-sheeted companies from buying the PSUs. But some PSUs were sold to the charge-sheeted companies. The present man pointed out this to the Supreme Court of India. But they still languish under private hands.
          The present Union Government now hands over the public resources like coal to the promoters of the Prime Minister of India.
          The law must be impersonal. The body responsible for making the laws shall not carry them out. But the Supreme Court of India makes its own strange laws and carries them out. Thus, the court arbitrarily appointed hundreds of judges. Here, the judges do not understand the meanings of the words ‘impersonal’ and ‘arbitrary’.
Now the criterion for appointing a judge is recommendation. In fact, the word ‘recommendation’ is patently used. No wonder, no judge qualified to enforce freedom of expression has been so for appointed. In fact, the judges so appointed do not know the meaning of freedom of expression.

          In a judgment, the Supreme Court of India says that the admission must be based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET).
          The performance of the students mainly depends on the syllabus, their teachers and their parents.
          If the court has the right to enforce a uniform examination all over India, it has the right to enforce a uniform syllabus for this. The court does not exercise this right.
          The Government –quite unconstitutionally and in bad-faith alienated the money in the Pension Fund and Provident Fund. What happened to this money is not known.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) together with the Government of India extracts a huge amount of money for imports. What happens to this money also is not known.
          There is a two tier system to disseminate news and views.
          In the state level, the newspapers and the TV channels are free to discuss any state level politics. The discussion conveys the message that there are no other serious problems in India.
          The owners of the newspapers and the TV channels are very careful to project their hired men alone as all India leaders.
          The people are not allowed to see the contribution of many others for nation building.
Naturally, their hired men alone are being asked to rule India.
          Some underground moles control everything.
          Once, the Supreme Court of India stumbled upon these underground moles. But it buried them in the court.
          The court might have done it for a ransom. Or it might have done it as an act of thanksgiving.  
These and hundreds of other specific violations of human rights have been mentioned in this work.
Now a former chief justice of India heads the NHRC. He did not do anything concrete to enforce freedom of expression during his stint in the Supreme Court of India.
As self preservation is the prime Law of Nature, he would play a complementary role to perpetrate this system.

However, assume that everything mentioned above is imaginary.
525 letters roll in the hand of the NHRC. Do the people of India know this?
They do not know this.
The present man has no way to know the similar works of others.
The people are mere animals.
This is a grave but specific human rights problem.

This is letter No.526
          This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 22.8- 2016.

22 August 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

525:Prime Minister of England Mrs. May: Save India

Prime Minister of England Mrs. May: Save India

          The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) submitted before the Supreme Court of India that the leaked question papers for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Examination (NEET) did not match the real questions. The court refused to monitor the case.
          The NEET subverts the Constitution of India. Here, the court cheats the people of their rightful seats based on a sound principle.

          The Union Government decided to auction the remaining spectrum in September 2016.
           It is an out and out unconstitutional decision.
          The public assets are being cornered by the promoters of Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi based on a sound principle.
          As the Supreme Court of India conceals this work from the eye of the people, the Government can do anything.

          Former Union Minister and son of the erstwhile king of Kashmir Mr. Karan Singh, in a statement on 10 August 2016, said that Kashmir is not an internal matter of India because only 42000 square mile is with India.
          Further, he said that his father, Maharaja Harisingh, signed an Instrument of Accession with the Union of India on three principles- that only Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communication will be handled by the Centre, and the rest will be under the state.
          He clarified that he signed the same Instrument of Accession that all other princely states signed. But all other states subsequently merged. And Kashmir did not merge.
          The Indian Parliament, on 10 August 2016, unanimously passed a resolution appealing the people of Kashmir to restore peace. It added that there cannot be any compromise on national security.
          It is not a question of national security. India usurps its assets and seats in the pretext of sound principles. The Government has not denied this at any time..
          The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, on 10 August 2016, called for a dialogue on Kashmir.  He decided to convene a meeting of the leaders of the opposition parties on 12 August 2012. 
            This must be the repercussion of the last letter.
          The Prime Minister of India is not qualified to give freedom to the people. In fact, he does not know the way to enforce freedom of expression.
          The owners of the newspapers and the TV channels project some people suitable for manipulation as the prime ministerial candidates. The people are being forced to vote for them. A prime minister so chosen is not a competent person to represent the nation.
          This condition exists in England but with greater intensity. As the women leaders are usually intelligent, Prime Minister of England Mrs. May could enforce freedom of expression in England and save India.
          This letter No.525
          This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on  11.8- 2016.

11 August 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 




Sunday, August 7, 2016




          The militant people killed 14 people in Assam on 5 August 2016.
          The Government might say that certain seditious persons are behind the incident.
          But, if there is freedom, such disorders could be contained.
Now, the Union Government must disclose the demands of the militant people.

          The army killed 3 militant people in Kashmir on 5 August 2016.
          India does not give freedom to the people to know news and views according to degree.
          This makes the Union Government an illegitimate one.
          Therefore, the Government has no moral or constitutional right to take gun against any people.
          This condition exists in England also.
          The women rulers are endowed with remarkable judgement. Is the denial of freedom the root cause for terrorism?
Prime Minister of England Mrs. Theresa May knows the answer.
          This letter No.524
          This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on  7.8- 2016.

7 August 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 


Friday, August 5, 2016




          The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 27 July 2016 urged the Government of India to reject the motivated criticisms against the RBI.
Further, he said that inflation must be kept under four percent.
Furthermore, he wanted the Government to protect the independence of the RBI.
The RBI must manage its imports by its exports. If the imports tend to exceed exports, it can make suitable adjustments in the value of the currency.
Instead, it utilizes the remittances for more and more imports. It affects domestic production. The farmers are the worst affected.
If it wants to utilize the remittances for imports, it must surrender the money extracted for imports to the Government.
Alternatively, it must disclose the whereabouts of the extracted money.
When a citizen of India asks this, the Governor should not dub such demands as motivated criticisms.

Five people were arrested in the Bihar State for leaking the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) question papers. The media sparingly reported this on 28 July 2016.
This is a calamity.
Evidently, the NEET is in the hand of a mafia. Whether any judges have any link with it is not known.  
According to some reports, the leaked question papers were strikingly similar to the original ones.
In this connection, it must be stated that not more than 10 questions could be asked from every topic mentioned in the syllabus. Beyond these, the questions tend to be either outside the scope of the syllabus or utterly un-understandable ones.
Therefore, anyone familiar with 10 model questions would easily clear the NEET. The privileged alone get this now.
The court could partially solve this by annexing 10 model questions in all relevant books.
In this connection, it must be noted that there are many out of syllabus questions in the IIT-JEE. 
Even a postgraduate would fail to give answers to some questions.
This also could be solved to some extent by integrating 10 previous question papers in the books.
Alternatively, the State Board questions could be modeled after the NEET and the IIT-JEE.

The Parliament, on 1 August 2016, passed the NEET Bill that imparted constitutional status to the NEET. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the test.
The Bill allows the states to fill up 85 percent of the seats based on the merit list. The Government finally conceded it presumably because the present man reminded the Article 16 of the Constitution of India in the last minute.
Apparently, the Supreme Court of India had not allowed the state wise quota. Therefore, it is a rebuke to its anti-constitutional order.
The court might have understood the futility of its order. But it would be reluctant to annul it. It would simply refrain from extolling its verdict. The students are a victim.
Now, consistent with the Constitution of India, the Government must provide state wise reservation to the civil services, IIFT, IITs, NITs, IIM and others.  

The media on 2 August 2016, said that the Union Cabinet would soon discuss the proposed IIM Bill
The bill includes provisions for reservation of students from the SC, ST and the OBCs.  It is a constitutional demand. It would go down well with the people.
A state wise quota would impart greater meaning to Article 16 of the Constitution of India.

A sitting judge of the Calcutta High Court, Justice Karnan, in an interview to a TV Channel on 1 August 2016, said that  huge amount of money was collected before the selection of judges to the Chennai High Court. He said that every aspirant gave not less than Re.5 crore to the Chief Justice of Chennai High Court.
The advocates say that every judge would realize this amount in one judgment.
The revelation indicates that the judges use their talents not only to maintain contacts but also to amass wealth.
Do they apportion this amount among themselves? Do they share it with the political leaders?
The charge is an incredible one. The situation cannot be so rotten. As the Supreme Court of India is silent, it cannot be an unfounded charge.
This must merit the attention of the Chief Justice of India.

The Indian Parliament, on 4 August 2016, passed the GST Bill.
The Bill seeks to erode the autonomy of the states. This should have been left to the wisdom of the states.
Just as in the Judge’s Appointment Bill, the Bill was passed unanimously.
This is an unconstitutional Bill. This is against the basic structure of the Constitution of India.
Further, the Government should have granted freedom to the states to maintain separate foreign exchange accounts. This is for the prosperity of the nation.
Now, some private companies alone are allowed to maintain their own foreign exchange accounts.
The development shows that the Prime Minister of India and the political leaders function as the slaves of a gang of importers. If they do anything against their aim, they cannot float as the guardians of the people.

A 19 year-old knifeman stabbed to death a 60-year-old woman and injured five others at Russell Square in London on 3 August 2016.. He was arrested. The police said that he had some mental illness.
The women rulers, as a rule, understand their responsibilities. Prime Minister of England Mrs. May must do the needful in this matter.
This is letter No. 523
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on  6.8- 2016.

6 August 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India.