Saturday, April 15, 2017

560-Mrs. Sonia Gandhi – All Party Delegation.


Mrs. Sonia Gandhi – All Party Delegation.

          The Election Commission of India (ECI), on 12 April 2017, cancelled the by-election to the R.K. Nagar Constituency in the Tamil Nadu State. The ECI alleged that the voters were given money for voting by different political parties.
          Ten men remove the sand, iron, zinc and other natural assets, project their representatives as political leaders and rule India through them.
          Now there exists a similar group in the Tamil Nadu State. They part with a part of their income. If the Supreme Court of India is not ready to prevent the generation of this money, why does the ECI stand on the way?
       It is not necessary to go to the constituency to give the money is a different matter.
          Justice Karnan of the Calcutta High Court asked seven judges of the Supreme Court of India- CJI Khehar, Justices Dipak Misra, J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, Madan B Lokur, Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Kurian Joseph  to appear before him for insulting him “wantonly and deliberately and with malafide intention” in the open court. He asked them to defend themselves against the charge of violating the prevention of SC/STs atrocities Act levelled by him. He said that the Chief Justice of India, on 31 March 2017, raised a question as to how his mental health was. The question was “endorsed” by the six other judges of the bench, Justice Karnan, said, adding it amounted to insulting him in the open court.
          The Supreme Court of India did not deny the allegation.
The Supreme Court, on March 10, 2017, issued a bailable warrant against Justice Karnan to ensure his presence before it after he levelled accusations against some judges.
Justice Karnan said that the seven judges comprising the bench that heard the contempt proceedings against him should not seek remedy from any judge under the Chief Justice of India, but should approach the Parliament, the competent authority.
Earlier, the seven judges had withdrawn the judicial and administrative powers of Justice Karnan. They should not have done this.
Further, no judge would ever dare to repeat the words used by the Chief Justice against Justice Karnan.
We are all thief-like people. Why do you expose us to the people? The Chief Justice might have used the words with this meaning.
It must be noted that these judges rejoice over the fact that they did not allow anyone from the SC/STs to enter the Supreme Court of India as a judge.
Now, if the seven judges respect the Constitution of India, they shall not hear any case.
The seven judges, even otherwise, forfeited their right to hear any case because they had not enforced freedom of expression.

          Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the leader of the Congress Party, on 12 April 2017, met the President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, along with the leaders of the opposition parties. The All Party Delegation, apparently, wanted rule of law and democracy consistent with the Constitution of India.
          Ten men remove the sand, iron, zinc and other natural assets. They project their representatives as political leaders.  Apparently, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has fallen from their grace. Therefore, the newspapers and the TV channels did not disclose the text of the memorandum submitted to the President.
          In this connection, it must be noted that Indian politics is all a question of plundering the public resources. Therefore, the ruling and opposition parties always fight over trivial matters and carefully avoid serious matters like freedom.
If Mrs. Sonia Gandhi is capable of taking the memorandum to its logical conclusion, Mr. Narendra Modi Government will have fallen before the next budget. It must be noted that she has already been sent to oblivion.
Even the intellectuals are drifting into the disorder of barbarism under the rule of Mr. Narendra Modi is a different matter.

This letter No.560

   The facts that happened from 8 April 2017 to 14 April 2017  are being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog:  on 15-4-2017.


V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

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