Sunday, April 13, 2014




      The last mail was submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Chief Justice of India, Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) on 31 March 2014.  Later, it was posted in the blog www.

     West Bengal Chief Minister Miss Mamata Banerjee, on 7 April 2014, said that the political parties, media and the Election Commission of India (ECI) had hatched a conspiracy against her.
      She had been in the Union Cabinet for a long time. She knows how the conspiracy to deny freedom works.

     *The BJP - in its manifesto- said that its aim was to provide a government that would enjoy the respect of the world.
    This indicates that India does not enjoy the respect of the world. However, the people do not know this. For instance, they do not know the reason why Her Highness Queen Elizabeth, sent her son, Price Charles, to declare open the Delhi Commonwealth Games.
    *It promised to bring the eastern part of the country on par with the western part.
  This is reminiscent of the Para 6 of Chapter 41.
  *It proclaimed that the appeasement of one at the cost of the other would not be tolerated.
   The word appeasement, in the past meant the appeasement of the minorities. The present meaning - from the tone of the manifesto- is the appeasement of the manipulators.
   *It assured that its only epic would be the Constitution of India.
   This work grows because of the disrespect shown to the Constitution of India.
  *It ensured justice for all.
   At a time when the Supreme Court of India interprets the act of impairing the reason as justice, the manifesto cannot but talk of justice.
    *It did not use the word “freedom” but it said that everyone would be not only “free” but also encouraged to voice his concerns. It explained this by saying,  “whatever is in the interest of India will be in the interest of all the elements that India is made up of”.
   *The manifesto appears as a reflection of this work.     Whether it a coincidence or not, even the word “accountable’- with the meaning given in the last chapter- is present in it.
   Latently, it said everything as the dispenser of good and evil to the people of India.
        The manifesto was released, on 7 April 2014, on the date of the first phase of polling.
     Had it been released earlier, the manipulators might have made short work of the BJP with the help of the nature-led leaders in the party.
    The fact that a good manifesto would not impart any democratic character to the new government is a different matter.

     BJP leader Mr. Narendra Modi, on 8 April 2014, gave a solemn assurance that he would not act out of ill-will.  He added that he would do things not done by others in the last 60 years.
    Consistent with the demand of this writer he has come out with a sound political principle.
       He must give a promise to do everything in good faith. It will have greater positive character.       

     The Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Mr. Pradeep Kumar, on 7 April 2014, requested the Supreme Court of India Bench hearing the coal case to allow him to withdraw from examining 20 coal cases. He added that he was with the Coal Ministry during 2003-2006.
   This is his reply to the last letter.
   He openly acknowledges the fact that he is not a “free” man.
    The way the Supreme Court beats the bush in many important cases shows that it is also not “free”.
       It ignores all legal and constitutional points.
     Therefore, there exists a fear that it is prone to annul all the sacred things.
   The people have a right for “free” judges.
  Now it must openly say whether its judges are “free” or not to write judgements.

   The Supreme Court Bench later asked the remaining two Vigilance Commissioners to tell whether the coal cases could be closed or not.
    The Chief Vigilance Commission (CVC) continues to remain as an evil institution because it is not ready to make public the secret behind the popularity of nature-led leaders over natural leaders.
      Instead of asking the CVC to give its opinion for the second time, the Supreme Court could have considered the remedy given by this man. The court might have then enjoyed the confidence of the people.
    Now it, at the behest of the money- makers, sets at naught not only this work but also the Constitution of India and its own judgement mentioned in Chapter 139.
   When the present man says this, it should not be depicted as narcissism.
    In fact, if any other citizen of India is ready to represent such vital matters in a more polite way, the present man will cease to write letters.
     Mr. Ratan Tata, on 10 April 2014, said that the companies have a life of their own. He said this at Beijing after being inducted as a member of the Board of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA).

     The Congress Party and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on 10 April 2014, demanded  BJP leader Mr.Narendra Modi to explain why he took 46 years to acknowledge the existence of his wife.
    The media knew this. But it chose to reveal it after looking at the manifesto of the BJP.
    It is strange that the political parties that refuse to acknowledge the existence of this work ask this question. 
    In this connection, it must be noted that Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh – according to a certificate - has been a resident of Assam!

     15 people- six soldiers included- were killed when the militant people blew up an ambulance at Bastar in the Chhattisgarh State on 15 April 2014.
    The solution to this problem is freedom.

This is letter No. 255.  

     The fact that this writer approached the chief of the Indian Army for a reply is causing great changes in the BJP. A reply might have changed India long ago.

             The  facts from 31 March 2014 to 13 April 2014  are being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Chief Justice of India, chiefs of the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, some High Courts, Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on 14 April 2014.
       V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167
Tamil Nadu State, INDIA

14 April 2014

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