The media, on 30 April 2015, said that
the coal block auction would yield about Re.four lakh crore to seven state
These are deceptive reports.
The Supreme Court of India enjoys such
reports because they dim the eye of the people.
Defence Minister Mr. Manohar Parikar, on 4 May 2015, said that the negotiations for
the Rafale fighter jets would start
Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi had, in bad faith,
signed an agreement to buy the jets. He did not opt for a better one because of
the commission factor. He can do anything because the allegations levelled against
him will not reach the mind of the people. The negotiations are a formality.
Kurian Joseph, a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India, said that the
judicial activism was the obligatory response of the judges against injustice.
He cited the 2G and the coal block allocation judgements in this regard. He
pointed out the tremendous impact of the judgements on the public exchequer.
Hindu reported his statement on 4 May 2015.
The BJP Government under Mr. A.B.Vajpayee had, in very bad faith,
granted licences for the spectrum on first-come first-serve policy. It is
illegal and unconstitutional because the policy had been devised to enable its
friends and relatives to amass wealth.
But the Supreme Court of India interpreted
it as a holy policy.
The Congress Government under Dr. Manmohan Singh granted licences to
hundreds of people following the same policy.
Due to the stiff competition, the call
charges fell down drastically.
The people gained.
The gain accrued to the people is
equivalent to the gain accrued to the government.
The court knowingly lost sight of
this crucial point, and interpreted it as a loss to the exchequer.
The court, further, made the people to
imagine that the loss was Re. 1.76 lakh crore per year. Actually, the purported
loss had been calculated for 30 years!
With regard to the coal block allocation
case, it must be stated that the court suppressed many constitutional points
mentioned by this man. Ultimately the coal blocks were cornered by the coal cartel
led by the ruling class – mentioned in Chapter 337.
If the government had nationalized the
natural resources, anyone would have said that the actions of the court have better consequences.
Here, the natural resources went in
the hand of the ruling class.
The people felt pain when their
representatives handed over the natural resources to a large number of private
The judgements produced still more
pain because the government handed over them to a smaller number of private
The people applauded the judgements because
of their immediate good consequences.
The judgements are actually bad
because the general or long term consequences are bad.
Evidently, the unjust actions
caused injustice.
The just actions always cause justice.
Therefore, the actions of the court
are a wicked response against justice.
This is letter No.370.
This letter is
being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of
India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and
posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 7 May 2015
7- 5-2015.
V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode,
Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India.
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