The CBI Special Prosecutor, Mr. Anand Grover, said that former Union Telecom Minister Mr. A. Raja was
the main conspirator of the 2G spectrum scandal.
In this connection, it must be
reiterated that a union minister cannot do anything illegal.
If he does something illegal, it must
be deemed that it is legal.
It must be deemed that he does this
with the authority of the Government.
The moment he does something illegal,
the prime minister must drop him from the Cabinet and remove the illegality.
The affected parties can approach the courts
with a writ petition as and when illegality occurs.
At least they must send a letter to
the Supreme Court of India pointing out the illegality.
The investigation agencies can also do
When the government does something
illegal, the Supreme Court of India can seek a clarification.
Naturally, it will be a debating point
all over India.
If the court is not satisfied with the
clarification, it has a duty to prevent the illegality.
The court can take any action
consistent with the Constitution of India.
Freedom is a pre-requisite for this.
If the court fails to do this, the
investigation agencies shall not question any union minister at any time.
They shall not look at the face of any
union ministers with suspicion.
The present prosecution of Mr. Raja is the direct consequence of
the denial of Freedom.
But the court says that might is right.
is letter No.420.
This email is being submitted to
His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance
Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the
blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 9 -9- 2015
V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode,
Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India
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