The last email was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 10 December, 2009. A Cabinet meeting ensued on 11 December, 2009.
During a discussion on China in the Parliament on 10 December 2009, a Union Minister disclosed that China was improving its border infrastructure and India was taking adequate counter measures. He said that the issues over the Chinese incursions were consciously diffused because India did not want to enlarge the differences. He admitted that China received high priority in the strategic thinking of India . The latent meaning of the statement of the Government is that China toyed with an idea of attacking India as a retaliatory action for partially stopping a few imports.
The custom authorities on 11 December, 2009 confiscated a large quantity of Chinese toys in another port. The toys contained traces of harmful compounds. In Chapter 119, the present writer said that some people had been importing Chinese products through all ports and airports. The present revelation is consistent with that conclusion. Thus, China is violating the territorial integrity of India through some subtle maneuvers. If the Union Government had wanted, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) would have caught the culprits within 24 hours. However, the National Security Adviser might put the blame on the Prime Minister of India. It is not clear whether the Prime Minister asked him to turn a blind eye to such imports with the intention of showing a trade surplus with China or not.
The Union Government on 14 December, 2009 said that women would be recruited for combat duty after studying its pros and cons in the light of the experience gained by other countries. In this connection, it must be stated that women –more than men – would be disheartened by the manipulations going on in India .
A Tribunal for fishermen found that Sri Lanka killed Indian fishermen more brutally than the Tamil animals called tanimals. The Union Government revealed this to Indians through one or two newspapers on 16 December, 2009. If the Government had reported it as and when it happened, such extra judicial killings would have aroused the extreme indignation of the people. Then, the tanimals and the Indian fishermen would not have been killed in such a large scale. In fact, not more than two Indian fishermen would have suffered enforced disappearance. The moment Sri Lanka touched the third fisherman; it would have learned a lesson from India- not through a war but through a simple warning.
The present writer very lightly mentioned one or two words regarding the Indian fishermen in Chapter 93.The Government did not do anything in this matter as concluded in Chapter 94. Instead, India wanted the Sri Lankans to turn the tanimals into beasts of prey. Driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness, one or two leaders in India permitted Sri Lanka to kill its own kinsmen. India even gave gun- boats and ships for this. Encouraged by this, Sri Lankans hoisted their flags in Indian ships and caught the Indian fishermen. They were then blindfolded and stripped naked. They abused them like dogs after covering their bodies with the Indian National Flag!
Now, India openly pity at the condition of Indian fishermen. Nietzsche firmly says that nothing in the world has caused more suffering than the folly of the pitying. He says that men must have a height that is above their pity. The present Government in India would not do its duty in this matter even now is a different matter.
The Union Government on 16 December, 2009 said in Parliament that the militant people in India were getting arms from a neighboring country.
In this connection, it must be stated that India disrupted the sleep of tanimals and gave them military training. Some leaders associated with this act still sit in the front row of Parliament. At times, they sit beside world leaders. There is no use in blaming the neighboring countries because the Prime Minister of India is now shaking hands with the leaders of those countries in another part of the Globe.
The Union Government now informed its decision to spend Re. 15,000 crore to revive 34 sick Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
The Government had been disposing of the sick PSUs and others under one pretext or other. Some had been sold for their real estate value. In contrast, the present decision must be based on the firm belief that the industrialization of India would not be affected by the revival of the PSUs. Therefore, the Government might take a decision to use public assets for public welfare and that the invaded PSUs would be restored. Surely, it must be a turning point. However, it is said that a man should not consider himself the cause of the results of his activities. Everything just happens!
The above decision shows that Her Excellency the President of India is engaged in the welfare of all. However, the learned judges of the Supreme Court attached to the private Companies would say that the decision would affect the industrialization of India . Thus, when this writer wanted the Government to enact the needed laws as in Chapter 54, the learned judges latently asked the Government to ignore all laws. When the successive Presidents visited the Supreme Court, a body of learned judges stubbornly stood by their judgment in Chapter 3.
Now, Her Excellency the President of India could see the battle field.
As all the learned judges have not vomited the deadly poison, they are now accused bodies. In fact, no judge in India has declared his assets since the last mail.
A political leader was getting great publicity. Now he does not want to win an unrivaled kingdom.
One or two leaders accepted the proprietorship of the nation. They considered the concealment of this work as nectar. Now, they find that this is working as a poison in their body. The people have not seen it. Yet, they are conspicuous by their absence in the front row of Parliament.
One or two leaders sitting in the front row of Parliament were seen listening to the words of a representative of the manipulators. They must have allowed the law to take its own course. They did not do so. This work must have affected them also.
No Union Minister would keep the shares of any Company in his pocket and ask the financial institutions to buy shares because his body language would be against it.
The Managing Director of a bank cannot buy shares on behalf of his bank after buying shares using his hard earned money. The Chief of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Director of the CBI and all other public servants are similarly related.
All these great warriors have been standing in the strategic points of entrance. They have already been destroyed.
Now, there shall be no confusion in the body of the President.
“The body is called the field”. This is what the sages say.
Some say that the words of the sages are not for the materialistic world. But the words of a sage are based on a systematic analysis of body and mind. This is a branch of political science that is knowledge systematized and formulated. One would say that this knowledge is superior to the knowledge enunciated by Plato and Aristotle. Nothing has been mentioned anything based on any belief. Therefore, any two seekers of knowledge will get the same result again and again.
The facts from 10 December, 2009 to 15 December 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 December, 2009.
V. Sabarimuthu |
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