The last mail was submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 December, 2009. A Cabinet meeting ensued on 17 December, 2009.
The Parliament suddenly closed its business on 18 December, 2009.
In this connection, it must be stated that different chapters from this work had been sent to 186 present Members of Parliament (MPs). 20 letters came back to the source. Some MPs might have gone through the website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com A few among them might have entered the Parliament with the intention of doing something for the welfare of 1000 million people. These MPs might have expressed their desire to contribute their share for the improvement of the condition of the people. The Government, for the first time, might have seen the signs of being overthrown in these beneficent intentions. Therefore, the Government adjourned the Parliament before finishing its work. This is the opinion of this writer.
The New Indian Express in its headline news on 19 December, 2009 described a criminal of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack as an incarnation.
This is the repercussion of the last mail submitted to Her Excellency the President of India. Apparently, the paper is construing this work as an experimental verification of the words of the sages.
It must be noted that in the year 2001, the Union Government wanted to hand over everything from Provident Fund to Bank Fund, minerals to spectrum, roads to railways and ports to airports to about 10 individuals. In fact, the Government did not want to give sufficient space for 1000 million people even to stand. Though one should not consider himself as the cause for causes, anyone could discern the result of this work. This gives a great pleasure from within.
However, there is no transcendental happiness because this work failed to secure to Indians sufficient space even to drive a pin of FREEDOM.
In this connection, it must be noted that the media also had been destroyed along with other warriors. However, as the Indian Penal Code (IPC) remains defunct with respect to Chapter 15, they write like this. Now, they would do anything.
The media must consider this as a work for FREEDOM. None shall view this through any personal angle.
Appearing in a civil case between two private Companies, the Solicitor General of India beseeched the Supreme Court not to give any worry to the Government through its judgement.
As the learned judges of the Supreme Court allow the Government to apportion public assets among some private individuals, the beneficiaries would supply all necessities to them. Even otherwise, when the net asset value of the shares in the pocket of the judges increases due to their action or inaction, they enjoy gifts from them. Such judges work with a profit motive. Therefore, the judges possessing the shares of Companies should not write any judgement. This is the demand of the Constitution of India.
The leader of the opposition, after relinquishing his post in favour of another leader, said that he was not thinking of retiring from politics. If he wanted to give FREEDOM today, the people would get it tomorrow. If he could not give it based on the strength of his party in Parliament, all MPs of his party should abandon Parliament. This might put shame on the Father of the Nation. But, it would go down as his gift to the Nation.
The militant people killed two innocent people in the Jharkhand State on 18 December, 2009. None in India condemned it.
Her Excellency the President of India turned 75 on 19 December, 2009. Apparently, the political leaders did not turn up to greet her. It is not compulsory for anyone to club personal feelings along with his official duties. However, it must be noted that they never fail to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation.
A forty year women grocery seller and mother of three female children died in a car accident at Vellicode, Tamil Nadu State , on 18 December, 2009 at 5.30 A.M. The vehicle involved in the accident disappeared in the darkness. Poor road conditions and poor street lights are the main reasons for such accidents.
It is a small accident that happened in the village of this writer. However, thousands of people die everyday all over India . Had the vehicles been identified, the dependents of the victims would have got compensation from the Insurance Companies. Therefore, if the Government wanted, it could direct them to pay the normal compensation to the dependents. Alternatively, Government could constitute an authority to give the amount without delay. This is the voice of the silent.
The Prime Minister of India on 21 December, 2009 requested the media to project the voice of the silent, instead of only the loud sections of the society.
Anyone hearing the words of the Prime Minister would consider him as the leader of the silent majority. The posterity might consider him as the greatest democrat of the country. But he knew that he does not give any FREEDOM to Indians. He also knew that if he wanted to give FREEDOM, he could not continue as the Prime Minister of India.
The Father of the Nation also knew this predicament. If he had given FREEDOM, he would not have become the Father of the Nation. Thus he did not ask the media to project the voice of the silent majority in any of his books or speeches. In fact, the decision “to strange” the voice of the silent majority worked with greater intensity during his period. Thus, the Prime Minister of India is indirectly putting shame on the Father of the Nation.
A Governor of a State resigned for moral turpitude.
Nobel laureate Venkatraman Ramakrishnan - a Tamil Nadu State born scientist of the UK – wanted the students to honor people for their work, not their awards.
The custom authorities confiscated Re. 3.5 crore worth Chinese made pesticides from a port. A Tamil newspaper alone reported it on 25 December, 2009.
This shows that the Union Government willfully allowed some people to illegally import every finished product from China to the detriment of Indian industry.
The President of Sri Lanka now assured a new life to the Tamil animals – the so called tanimals. The tanimals were the beasts of prey of Sri Lanka . Now it wants to convert them into its domestic animals or pet animals.
The Congress Party on 28 December, 2009 celebrated its 125th anniversary of its formation. Some national leaders appeared in the mass media as resurrected bodies. On this occasion, the Prime Minister of India declared that the welfare of the poor was the objective of the Nation.
It must be noted that a proprietor of the Nation was not seen on the above occasion. He might have wanted to show this work to the people before entering their houses. As he did not succeed in this, he might have expressed his desire to lead a secluded life. However, it is not easy for a man to give up all sense of proprietorship over his most precious possession.
The custom authorities confiscated a banned drug worth Re. 44 crore from a port. Three exporters were arrested immediately.
The Government could affect the arrest of illegal exporters within 24 hours and not the importers. The message is obvious.
The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, came to Delhi on 29 December, 2009 after visiting Mumbai. He was, apparently, not given a red- carpet welcome although the King of Bhutan got it on 22 December, 2009. The reason was not given. It might have been due to the rule of reciprocal protocol.
The Prime Minister of Japan paid a floral tribute to the Father of the Nation on 29 December, 2009 at New Delhi . So long as the foreign dignitaries pay floral tribute to the Father of the Nation, Indians would never get FREEDOM.
One would say that the present writer is trying to become a physician for an incurable disease. If the people were granted FREEDOM to know this work, they would agree with this. They would agree that anyone giving FREEDOM would be the real Father of the Nation.
The facts from 16 December, 2009 to 31 December, 2009 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 1 January 2010.
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