Thursday, January 7, 2010


The facts from 16 December, 2009 to 31 December, 2009 were submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 1 January, 2009. Whatever happened, the Prime Minister of India on 3 January, 2010 cancelled his several scheduled programmes in the Kerala State and returned to New Delhi, presumably, to attend a Cabinet meeting.
Her Excellency the President of India celebrated the New Year with school children.
The children in India are not growing in an atmosphere of FREEDOM. They do not get the needed knowledge. They are unable to read men and matters. This is affecting their power of understanding. Therefore, for the sake of educating the children, the President must perform her work.
Recently, a woman said that she had been kept in a farm house by a man since her childhood. She had not seen any human beings other than him for over 50 years. This affected her power of understanding.
Two girls, two boys and an old man from Sri Lanka crossed over to India as refugees. A news paper reported it on 1 January, 2010. They have no power to understand the reason for their suffering.
India should have disbanded the Sri Lankan army immediately after the war. India did not do so. The ships, gun-boats and other weapons supplied to Sri Lanka must be recovered forthwith. There shall be no procrastination in this matter. This would force Sri Lanka to keep the so-called Tamil animals – tanimals- in its land.
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu (TN) State on 1 January, 2009 wanted the people to point out the mistakes of his Government.
It must be noted that the copies of the first two letters were sent to the leaders in 2001. Immediately, the present Chief Minister of the TN State and another leader in the Utter Pradesh (UP) State reacted positively. This was mentioned in Chapter 2.
Now, the Chief Minister could send back the refugees to their homeland. He could split the public sector banks and the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and give them to States. He could give a definite quota of “seats” to different States. In fine, he must perform the work the nature has so lavishly prescribed to him.
The Government of India on 1 January, 2010 granted final clearance to the POSCO –a Korean Company- for acquiring forest land in the Orissa State for iron ore mining.
The unconstitutional way followed by the POSCO to enter India was mentioned in Chapter 54. The President of India must obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court - in the light of this work - before allowing POSCO to do the mining work.
The President of Sri Lanka said that he was resisting the pressure from abroad. Another Presidential candidate said that he would not allow partition of Sri Lanka. Their statements show that the world countries want Sri Lanka to remain as two friendly countries.
It must be pointed out that China occupies one part of Sri Lanka. India occupies another part. Due to strategic reasons, India cannot allow China to occupy entire Sri Lanka. Therefore, Indian Army could not quit Sri Lanka. Obviously, Sri Lanka has been notionally remaining as two countries after the war.
The Chief Justice of Madras High Court on 3 January, 2010 said that he would ensure the glory and honour of the legal profession.
The above Chief Justice is in possession of several shares of private Companies. He says that his father bought the shares. In fact, no one has seen any judges in the Stock Exchanges. Many might have got the shares as gift. Alternatively, they might have received the gift in the form of dividends. The judges enjoy such gifts by virtue of their constitutional position. Such judges are certainly thieves. Realizing this, two judges found themselves not suitable for their job. In fact, they cannot restrain the Government from investing money in shares. They cannot ensure the honour of the legal profession. They are guilty of great injustice, embezzlements and concealment. The people entertain the most serious apprehensions. Therefore, all judges in possession of shares must tender their resignations without further delay.
The Union Government on 3 January 2010 said that the Chinese interest in the Pak occupied Kashmir (PoK) was giving great worry to India.
India must, first, protect its ports and airports and apprehend the illegal bulk importers. Then China would realize that its strategic moves around India worked to its own disadvantage.
The police killed three militant people in the West Bengal State on 3 January, 2009.
An accused as per Point No. 10 of Chapter 15 on 5 January, 2010 said that 107 million newspaper copies were being sold everyday in India.
All news papers are aware of this work and its consequences. In fact, all letters roll in their hands. They pick up some words for their use. Yet, the newspapers are not ready to use their FREEDOM to give a small space to drive a pin of FREEDOM to others. They are still committed to the pledge present in the Point No. 6 of Chapter 20.
A Union Minister on 5 January, 2010 said that political leaders must rule the Nation.
The statement of the Minister shows that the ground under him is slipping. However, it must be noted that power did not remain in the hands of any true political leader in India during the last 75 years.
In fact, the above Minister had been directly recruited from the bar for the purpose of transferring public money to about ten individuals. At that time, he had not contributed even one tenth of the present political work of this writer. The people are nothing to him. Therefore, he has not given any reply to the four questions in the Point No.10 of Chapter 32.
The people are proud of the nationalization of 14 private banks in one go. All people believe that the act of nationalization was for the welfare of all. All consider this as an exemplary act.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that there must be islands of prosperity all over India. The public money in the 14 private banks had been rolling in the hands about 1000 people all over India. After nationalization, the entire money of the banks went in the hands of less than ten people through the Stock Market. Subsequent nationalization of some other private banks aggravated this condition. Then the same leader, carefully, inserted the word “socialistic” in the Preamble of the Constitution of India. Without understanding the meaning, the common men adulate that leader.
Now it is clear that the banks were nationalized not to spread the money throughout the length breadth of India but to hand over it to about ten people. As a reward, the beneficiaries assured perennial inheritance of the Nation to that leader. A probe would conclusively prove this. The present Prime Minister of India knew this. But he has no teeth to tell the truth.
The power of understanding of this writer is so poor that it took more than forty years to unravel this fact. All people going through this work would understand it now. They would add the word “shame” wherever, the names of such leaders occur.
A positive side effect of the nationalization was that many people got employment. But that too stands partially defeated due to the abolition of the Banking Service Recruitment Commission.
Now there is a lull in the national political scene. No national leader is talking anything. They might have wanted to give FREEDOM to Indians. They system might have turned down their demand. They, perhaps, consider it as a dishonor to pretend as leaders without giving FREEDOM to Indians. However, the people with great power of understanding alone would describe the real picture.
The facts from 1 January, 2010 to 6 January, 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 7 January 2010.

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