Friday, January 29, 2010


The President of Sri Lanka on 24 January, 2010 said that the so called Tamil animals – tanimals - did not want freedom. He added that the army would not vacate from their area.
In this connection, it must be stated that India made the Tamils to suffer their deepest pain. Whatever happened, India must now openly demand Sri Lanka to resettle the refugees in their home land.
The militant people killed four people on 25 January, 2010.
The Prime Minister of India, as a reply to the last mail submitted to Her Excellency the President of India, said that a solution would be found to attract the best people to politics. He added that he was unable to do anything due to want consensus. This shows that the Prime Minister of India pretends as the winner of power. The hidden proprietors run the nation. However, the Prime Minister wins the mind of the people by talking like this.
In contrast, the predecessors of the Prime Minister used to do something dramatic to win the mind of the people. Thus, one day, a former Prime Minister abolished the pension –privy purses - given to the kings in India. As a result, the Government saved about Re. 100 crore per year. The people described her as a great socialist. They depicted the antagonists of this decision as capitalists. They started adulating her. On the next day, she gave the precious oil and gas reserves to four or five individuals through the so-called auction. The Government lost about Re. 75,000 crore per year from one area alone. As a result, all Indians became untouchables.
The Government could give say, Re. 100 crore per year, to a few individuals through any natural resource or otherwise. The people might digest it. Therefore, as a respectable person, she should not have either withdrawn the pension granted to the kings or awarded the precious natural resources to a few individuals.
Until recently, the people of different castes in many areas of India were not allowed to draw water from the same well. This is because some people were treated as untouchables. Now, a boy says that all Indians, including his own brother, are untouchables. He refuses to part with even one per cent of his profit. 1000 million people cannot even peep into his well. The reason is that the people have been converted into untouchables through the force of law. Thus the rule of law is that no man shall go near his well.
The act of giving public assets to private parties existed even during the period of the Father of the Nation. He, in fact, knew this. But he did not mention this in any of his books or speeches. If he had mentioned this, the people would not have doubted his integrity now. Instead, he had simply converted Indians into untouchables by glorifying them.
Now, the Prime Minister could restore pension granted to the kings and nationalize all natural resources, including the spectrum, as a one time action. If he could not do this, he could –as an honest person- open this work for public discussion.
Evidently, the decision to “strange” the views of others to usurp public assets is the enemy of India. The Constitution of India and the Supreme Court that allow this are also the enemies of India.
Many people, including the father of the Chief Justice of India, had been treated as untouchables by the Indian society. The Chief Justice of India shall not now convert 1000 million people into untouchables through the force of law.
The Chief Justice of India does not hold any shares of any Companies. He is not attached to the Companies. An unattached Chief Justice must be a fighter. This is the life time opportunity for the people. The case is now in his hands. The enemies cannot escape. He “must get up and vanquish his enemies to enjoy a flourishing nation”.
The President of Sri Lanka, immediately after winning the election, said that the people of Sri Lanka could unite. Sri Lanka - as two friendly nations - would be far more prosperous and beautiful than a united Sri Lanka.
Her Excellency the President of India said something on the eve of the Republic Day. The print media on the next day blacked out her speech. The President, for the first time, posted the Hindi version of her speech on 27 January, 2010 in her website. Thus the Government transformed the Republic Day into Bondage Day. The President must overcome the hurdles and post the English version.
The Vice President of India on 28 January, 2010 said that the deception of the media was destabilizing the polity and economy of the Nation. The decisions of the Government would be constitutional only when the Government allows the people to receive information.
The facts from 24 January, 2010 to 28 January 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 29 January, 2010 through email.

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