The Union Government on 7 January 2009 said that India could neglect China only at its own peril. The Government added that China was not a threat to India . Evidently, the Government said this at the behest of the proprietors of the Nation. The Government would have to disown this statement tomorrow.
A newspaper now said that the Father of the Nation wanted to give equal opportunity to the weakest and the strongest. This is the answer of the paper to the Chapter 123. It must be noted that the Father of the Nation did not say that he was a representative of the strongest. He, in fact, preached non violence so that the public assets would go into the hands of the manipulators without encountering any violent resistance.
Now, Mr. Mittal unilaterally decided to exit from an off shore block of the ONGC-Mittal Energy Limited in Trinidad and Tobago . Despite this, the public sector ONGC –in bad faith - is buying new oil fields in collaboration with him. The unconstitutional collaboration of India with Mr. Mittal was pointed out in Chapter 54. 10 points were given in that Chapter. Her Excellency the President of India must obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court in this matter.
Two militant people and a soldier died in an exchange of fire in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State on 7 January 2010.
The Kerala High Court on 8 January, 2010 directed the Government of Kerala not to hike the bus charge of private buses without its prior permission. If the learned judges were the shareholders of private transport companies, they would have stood by the December 10, 2001 Judgment as mentioned in Chapter 3.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Kerala Sate is incurring heavy losses through its Transport Corporation. The unintended beneficiaries are tourists from other States. This leads to the economic deprivation of the State. The court could suggest a remedy for it.
The Prime Minister of India on 8 January, 2010 requested the overseas Indians to take an active part in Indian politics and public life. He added that they would get a chance to determine the ruler of India .
Anyone hearing the speech of the Prime Minister would consider the Union Government as the duly elected Government of the people. But the Prime Minister knew that the Government is the well trained agent of the manipulators. For the same reason, he knew that the Government is not free to use public assets for public welfare.
The first Prime Minister of India, one day, nationalized air services. The people started adulating him. On the next day, he gave the precious ores to private parties. The people simply failed to doubt his integrity . In this way, he paved the way for the perennial inheritance of the nation. As a respectable person, he could have allowed the private parties to run air services and utilized the ores for public welfare.
Similarly, the FREEDOM of speech is not the right of the people to talk anything in a tea shop. But it is the right of the people of a nation as a body to receive information. The Prime Minister of India knew this. The Father of the Nation also knew this. But he pretended as the proprietor only. Therefore, the so-called Independence Day is actually Slavery Day.
A Union Minister on 9 January, 2010 told the students that they should not be contented with average ambition.
The Union Government now decided to deposit Re. 14,000 crore – obtained by selling the shares of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) - in six private banks.
This money would again go into the hands of the manipulators. They would buy more shares of the PSUs using this money. This cycle will go on like this. Obviously, the history of India is a history of plunder.
Three Chinese Engineers were arrested on 11 January, 2010 for an accident that occurred in a construction site of the BALCO – a privatized PSU – one year ago. There is no dearth of engineers in India . Further, such arrests would irritate China and catalyze greater enmity and even war. As such, such works should not have been given to the Chinese Companies. However, the real proprietors of the Nation allowed China not only to advance into Indian Ocean but also to penetrate deep into the body of India .
The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh on 12 January, 2010 said that he wanted to retire from politics after the present term. He added that another war with China would affect the economies of both.
The above Chief Minister did not disclose the reason for his decision. Perhaps, he does not want to pretend as a proprietor of the Nation without giving FREEDOM to the people.
A Bench of the Delhi High Court on 12 January, 2010 declared that the Chief Justice of India came under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.
Six people, including four policemen, died in a grenade attack in the J&K State on 15 January, 2010.
A sitting judge of the Supreme Court retired from service on 15 January, 2010. This gives the impression that the present Chief Justice of India had superseded him in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court must clarify this.
The President of the USA , Mr. Barack Obama, proposed a tax on banks to recover the cost of bailing them out. This is consistent with the Point No.1 of Chapter 4.
The Chairman of the Upper House appointed a three member committee headed by a Supreme Court judge to investigate the grounds for impeachment of a Chief Justice of an Indian High Court.
The above judge of the Supreme Court is holding the shares of many Companies. Besides he received a huge amount as bonus shares and Rights issues. As such, his finding would not inspire public confidence. None shall detail any work to any judge holding the shares of the Companies till the share prices become a function of the ability of the people to buy shares. The Chief Justice, as a fighter of justice, should have brought this to the notice of the Chairman.
Her Excellency the President of India requested the Government to give loans to women self-help groups at 4 per cent interest. She wanted the Reserve Bank of India to start more branches in the rural areas. The demands show that the President is a fighter of justice. This is consistent with Point No. 8 of Chapter 3 and Point No.6 of Chapter 4. In 2001, the NDA Government obliged and all loans were rescheduled. Now, instead of canceling the principal amount, the lending rates could be decreased to 4 to 6 per cent for all kinds of loan. At the same time, the value of the Indian currency against the US dollar must fall by 4 per cent.
The Union Government on 15 January, 2010 decided to sell 5 per cent equal to 412,273,220 shares of the public sector National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) on 5 February, 2010. This happens because the Supreme Court is replete with judges owning shares. However, Her Excellency the President of India –as a fighter - must go through Point 6 of Chapter 41 before allowing the Government to sell the shares.
The Government of Orissa State on 16 January, 2010 decided to seek public opinion in the next two months for the POSCO steel plant. The Government must open this work for public discussion before ascertaining their views. Nothing shall be done after keeping the people in total darkness.
The National Security Adviser (NSA) was demoted as the Governor of West Bengal State on 17 January, 2010. The NSA might have wanted tough action against China . He might have resisted commissions in buying. Therefore, the real proprietors might have wanted the Prime Minister to dismiss him. However, no honorable old man would have accepted the new assignment.
The banks pulled out over Re. 100,000 crore from mutual funds (MF) in December, 2010. This must be interpreted in the light of this work. This decision must have been due to the pressure exerted by Her Excellency the President of India. Or the Chief Justice of India might have done his duty. This gives the impression that there is, at least, one fighter within the system. Now, all banks and the LIC must pull out the rest of the money.
Now, one or two newspapers reported that the public sector telephone Companies would lose about Re. 5000 crore in one bulk buying alone. It must be noted that the first point in Chapter 1 was the demand to abolish the policy of bulk buying.
The NSA on 18 January, 2010 revealed that Chinese hackers tried to penetrate the computers in the Office of the Prime Minster of India on 15 December, 2009. China dismissed this. However, this shows that China is considering India as its enemy.
The public sector IDBI bank on 19 January 2010 disclosed its intention to take over the Federal Bank –the biggest private bank in Kerala State . If allowed, the money from this bank would go into the hands of the manipulators through the IDBI bank. The IDBI bank also might be privatized later. The leader of the opposition party had partially saved a private bank in the Tamil Nadu State during the rule of the NDA Government. The Kerala Sate must be alert enough to save the bank.
The Union Government now disclosed that the trade deficit of India with China increased from $4 billion in 2008 to $14 billion in 2009. The trade volume in 2009 was $43 billion. The illegal imports from China were not counted. This is consistent with the prediction of the present writer, that the Government –at the instance of some proprietors - converted India into a vassal of China .
The Commerce Minister of China came to India on 18 January, 2010 and met his Indian counterpart. The object was to strengthen bilateral trade. China might have reached an understanding with the proprietors that keep the Indian system in place. The meeting with the Commerce Minister of India is a formality only. But India must know that there are daggers in the smile of China .
The Department of Income Tax raided the premises of some cine actors and directors of Tamil Nadu State . Curiously, one or two actors were the supporters of the Union Government. There was a time when India prescribed different punishments for the people of different castes. This is happening with greater intensity now. When someone possesses disproportionate assets worth Re. four or five lakh crore, it is considered as a national asset. But when someone possesses Re. four hundred or five hundred crore, he is projected as a criminal in the eye of the people. Any Constitution that allows this must be broken.
The leader of the principal opposition party met the Prime Minister of India on 20 January, 2010 and requested him to control the prices of food articles. He did not request the Prime Minister to give FREEDOM to the people. Therefore, unless otherwise denied, he too, is a false proprietor because his party had demanded higher cane prices to control the suicide of farmers.
About 40 junior Union Ministers requested the Prime Minister to allot more work to them. It is true that the Prime Minister pretends as a “winner of power”. The portfolios are determined by the hidden proprietors. However, they must remember that the people have given them power to change the system.
Now some leaders in Sri Lanka said that no further blood shed should take place in their land. Emperor Asoka had taken a similar pledge. However, as the people want to be “friendly with all living entities” including the Tamil animals –so called tanimals – the people all over the world want Sri Lanka to remain as two friendly countries.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia Mr. Abdul Razak came to India . He was given a red carpet welcome. The manipulators persuaded him to meet some leaders of the Congress Party. Therefore, he called on them at New Delhi on 21 January 2010. The media showed this to the people. The media, further, vowed to make one among them the Prime Minister of India in 2014. It is customary for the hidden proprietors to drag the people into politics for their manipulation purposes. Therefore, they –like the rope makers- would drag out their threads using them and always walk backwards.
When some leaders disappeared from the national scene in December 2009, some people thought that they were preparing to give FREEDOM to the people “to win glory”. The present development shows that they –just like the Father of Nation - would not only conceal the work of others but also continue to give public assets to the hidden proprietors. Surely, it is false proprietorship. It is said that “respectable people” alone would not digest dishonor.
In these circumstances Her Excellency the President of India should not be a “disturbed” person.
The facts from 7 January, 2010 to 23 January 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 24 January, 2010.
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