Tuesday, July 29, 2014

270: Prime Minister Mr. NARENDRA MODI - A PATRIOT?



The Economic Times, on 28 July 2014, said that Mr. Narendra Modi government had done commendable work in two months.
So long as the public resources go into a few hands, the media would support him. The moment he touches them for public welfare, he would be forced to relinquish office.
This is letter No.270.
In his speech at Island Grounds in Chennai Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the then Home Minister of India, on 23 February 1949, said,
“Let us all put our heads as well as our hands together, tighten up our belts and be prepared to share the sufferings for a while, because I assure you that the economy of the country is sound, the heart of the country is sound; there is immense wealth in the country. The country is full of mineral resources and wealth. We have simply to use our brains and resources to take them out and use them. But it will take time; it is not an easy thing. We shall require experts, machinery and capital goods. If we tide over this short period, India will be flowing with milk and honey”.
Evidently, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel said that he inherited a “sound economy”. India was a creditor at that time.
The people have been experiencing great suffering since his days.
There are a lot of minerals. Yet India is not flowing with milk and honey.
India is a debtor nation now. A number of poor nations are now richer than India.
Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi can keep the compulsory savings of the people and the natural resources in the hand of a few private parties. A man like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel would do this.
On the other hand, he can use the public savings for the large scale exploitation of the minerals. For this, he must be a patriot.
Is he?
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Prime Minister of India, Chief Justice of India, chiefs of the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, some High Courts, Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and posted in the blog:www. howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 29 July 2014.

       V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167
Tamil Nadu State, INDIA

29 July 2014

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