Militant people killed seven police personnel in Chhatisgarh State on 14 February, 2008.They killed 14 police personnel in Orissa State on 16 February 2008.
The traders in Tamil Nadu State requested the Government to prevent big corporate houses from entering retail sector.
The reason why the corporate houses enter retail sector must be noticed. They direct the Post Offices, public sector banks and the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) to extract money from the public for buying shares. These institutions oblige this. In this way a few corporate houses get unlimited money with no repayment obligation. They could exhaust the money in one way or other. One way is to invest the money in property. So they buy property in the name of starting retail business. In this way, they increase the real estate value of their assets. They might incur some losses while selling groceries. But this is nothing for them as farmers and other small businessmen alone would be affected. In fact, they would not hesitate to start even tea shops provided they get property in the heart of the cities.
The Prime Minister said that the trouble to India came from within and not from outside.
The public sector Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) raised Re.1640 crore by selling 219.65 crore shares. The Initial Public Offer (IPO) started on 16 February, 2008.
As usual the public sector banks might have advanced money to buy the shares. The PSUs are sitting on Re. three lakh crore surplus funds. The reason why this Public Sector Undertaking (PSU ) collected the money is obvious.
Such sales would UNDERMINE the UNITY present in the Constitution of India. This is the hardest word found in the Constitution. But the Government is doing this in the name of public welfare. As the Government masks this work, the evil secrets of the Government remain concealed. Obviously, the Government has proved that the Constitution of India is an invention of the strong to chain and rule the weak.
After removing the names of leaders, companies and other individuals, the entire work was again submitted to Her Excellency the President of India. As the question of getting FREEDOM remained as elusive as before, the entire work from 1 June, 2001 to 13 February, 2008 was put in a website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com and some world leaders including Pope were requested to visit it to enlarge the FREEDOM of Indians.
Anyone could now imagine that the world leaders might expect the leaders to give FREEDOM to the people before sitting before them. The only condition is that they must have noticed the salient points of this work. The Indian leaders could restore their reputation the moment they give FREEDOM to their subjects. However, knowing that the people might not digest the white color crimes committed against the society, they would not hesitate to pretend as the promoters of FREEDOM as long as possible. The wealth serving strategists in the Government would cling to power at any cost by shifting in a direction so as to annul the effect of this work.
Further, the synopsis of this work was sent to Chief Justices of Kerala and Tamil Nadu High Courts, 12 Members of Parliament (MPs), a Union Minister, some Members of the Legislative Assemblies of Kerala and Tamil Nadu States and several Chief Ministers.
Her Royal Highness Gouri Lakshi Bai of Travancore had delivered one or two speeches in the Kerala University and in one or two colleges. There was a feeling that Her Highness would go through this work. Therefore, the synopsis along with the website and a few pages from the work were submitted to Her Royal Highness also.
4 police personnel and 20 militant people were killed in a gun battle in Orissa State on 18 February, 2008.
In the meantime, Japan gave a loan of about Re.7000 crore to India .
A Congress leader, on 20 February 2008, said that the leaders were contented with their achievements because the poor people were getting education and food.
The Union Government bought the shares of State Bank of India (SBI) worth Re.10,000 crore. Apparently, this was done to enable the SBI to give a big loan to an individual.
The Economic Times on 25 February, 2008 reported that 75 PSUs including the banks were getting ready to sell a portion of their shares.
The Reliance Power Limited (RPL) which extracted about Re. 15000 crore through a public issue in January 2008, gave bonus shares in the ratio of three shares for every five shares held. The company was listed in the stock exchanges only on 11 February, 2008. Immediately its share price fell steeply. The company gave the bonus shares just to compensate the loss incurred by the investors and to save its name. Thus the company –for the time being- did not want to cut the throat of the ignorant people.
Now it is the duty of the other companies to compensate the loss incurred by the financial institutions and other investors all over India . The Government must confiscate the assets of all companies that ran away with public money.
The President of India on 25 February, 2008 requested the Members of Parliament to work for furthering democracy not only in their constituencies but also in the entire world. The President said this as a suffix to the Presidential address. The President went beyond the convention in this matter. But the people did not realize it.
A two judge Bench of the Supreme Court, on 27 February 2008, reiterated that the courts should not interfere with the economic policy of the Government. This is an immoral judgement because the Union Government could take any immoral decision pertaining to the economy as it pleases even if it remained outside law. Therefore, the Chief Justice must constitute a larger Bench to repeal it, lest the people would conclude that morality is for the weak only.
The Union Budget for 2008-2009 was presented to the Parliament on 29 February 2008. The Budget withdrew Transaction Tax and waived farm loans of defaulters for Re.60,000 crore. The old age pension scheme was expanded to 157 lakh beneficiaries. There was a promise to start a few Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) and Indian Institute of Managements (IIMs) besides 6000 schools all over India .
The outstanding feature of the Budget was that there was no word regarding privatization, disinvestments or the so called reforms. This work chastened the Government to this extent. This was the bonus given to this work. This could be construed as an achievement of the work. However, the Government would hoodwink the people the moment they sleep. FREEDOM is the only remedy for it.
The Transaction Tax had been introduced due to the persistent demand of this writer. This writer had suggested it taking into account the high Income Tax rates and the developmental needs of the nation. The Government should have extended this tax to all withdrawals. Instead, the Government reduced the Income Tax rates and withdrew the Transaction Tax.
Re. 3443 crore was allotted to old age pension. The Union Government was very happy to announce it. Many Members of Parliament applauded it. However, India has over 1000 million people. Therefore, the Government should have allotted Re.25000 core to Re. 50000 crore to give old age pension to about 50 to 100 million people. If it were not feasible of compliance, the Government should not have withdrawn the Transaction Tax. To the discomfiture of everyone, the mass media – without mentioning this work- said that the Government was thinking of giving old age pension to all people.
With regard to the question of starting new schools, it must be noted that the present Government would not start even six schools in this year. The next Government also would not implement it. It was announced for the consumption of the Members of Parliament and the public. This Government did not honour its Re. 3000 scheme for girl students announced in the Budget for 2006-2007. Such announcements would sicken the mind of the discerning people, if they are not implemented.
Similarly, the Union Government did not start even one IIT in the last four years. As such the Union Government should not have uttered any words with the intention of taking away the credit of future Governments.
With regard to the loan waiver to farmers, the Union Government said that it did its “duty”. This reply is reminiscent of the chapter 90 of the How Everything Happened in India . When asked about the benefits bestowed to the corporate sector, the Government requested the private industry to ride on the higher public investments. This is again reminiscent of the words present in the chapter 1 of this work. By talking like this, the Government pretended that it did not do anything to the corporate houses.
The Government said that the loan waiver was done only at the instance of a Congress leader. But, the Congress leader described the loan waiver as a revolutionary decision taken by the Government of India. Even experts described it as a historic decision. They said that the farm loan waiver was the beginning of a new process.
The media mafias gave wide publicity to the waiver. They commended the waiver through their editorials. They described it as “the showpiece of the Government’. They said that they would make this as one of the main planks for the forthcoming general election. At the same time, they said that the Union Government came out with an awesome debt–waiver programme with a single minded dedication to bolster the image of political leaders. Some newspapers said that it would cost Re.75000 crore. They were astonished by the fact that the son of a political leader wanted to enlarge the scope of the debt relief to such a point so that it became a matter of discretion. They pointed out that a BJP ruled State had the courage to deny amnesty to its 2.5 lakh farmers. The vicious argument to transfer the good will of the people to the son of a political leader is obvious. In fact - mainly based on his manipulation value - they have started projecting him as a protector of the neglected sections of the people. It is a tragedy that even young political leaders remain in the hand of the manipulators for furthering their interests.
The farmers near Delhi came to Delhi in large numbers to garland the Congress leaders. Several public meetings were conducted to thank them. The farmers also organized several processions as a token of gratitude. Leaflets praising the leaders were distributed throughout the length and breadth of India . Some resolutions- commending the leaders- were also passed. The farmers might bless them by casting their votes.
The political leaders of the Congress party traveled all over India saying that a Government that wrote off the loan given to the industrialists as non–performing assets (NPA) must waive the farm loan as well. They described it as their right. They challenged the opposition parties to make the loan waiver scheme a poll issue.
However, during the Budget discussion the Union Government said that many Governments in the past had waived farm loans. The Government said that it had allotted only Re.10, 000 crore in the Budget for 2008-2009. The talk of about Re.60,000 crore was for four years! The Government disclosed that Re. 15,000 crore would be released during 2009- 2010, Re.12,000 crore during 2010- 2011 and Re. 8,000 crore during 2011-2012. Compounding everything the Government said that Re. 40,000 crore would be released within 14 months. However, the farmers all over India believed that the Government allotted Re.60,000 crore for 2007-2008 alone. The political leaders who claimed credit for this waiver always talked about Re.60,000 crore. It is not customary for the Government to take credit by talking about what the next Government must do. In fact, a section of the farmers now contend that the Credit Societies and banks have started threatening them to pay the dues. But the Union Government is very happy and looks at the grim face of the farmers without any remorse!
In contrast, the Union Budget was conspicuously silent about the public money being extracted through the Post Offices for buying shares. Even the private courier services refrain from doing this disservice through their offices. Previously, this money had been going to various State Governments. If the Government were ready to stop this outflow of money today, the Budget for Kerala and Tamil Nadu States for 2008-2009 would be Re. 35,000 crore and Re.70 000 crore respectively. Now they are Re.25,000 crore and Re 50,000 crore respectively only. The Budget for all other States also would be proportionately higher. To that extent the public investments would be higher and the States more prosperous and peaceful. It is pertinent to point out that those who cause economic deprivation of this magnitude enter the houses of the poor people and assure plenty and prosperity to them.
Further, the Budget did not cancel the unconstitutional tax exemption granted to investments in Unit Trust of India (UTI ), LIC , other Insurance Companies and Mutual Funds. A rough calculation would show that the Union Government is losing more than Re. one lakh crore every year. Disregarding this work, the Union Government is betraying the trust reposed by the people in this matter.
Furthermore, the Budget did not tell a way to use the money rotting in the PSUs. The PSUs have deposited about Re 300,000 crore in the banks. The Government could have utilized this amount. Apparently, the manipulators did not allow the Government to do this.
Above all, the manipulators did not permit the Government to take the public deposits in the LIC and public sector banks.
Any one would now tell that if the Government had implemented the suggestions of this writer, India would have become a Utopia. Accordingly, the Sixth Pay Commission might have doubled the salaries of the employees and the State Governments might have implemented them readily. All physically challenged, destitute, widows, ex-servicemen and old people would have got licenses to run business or relief to run their life.
Even now, the Budget for 2008-2009 could be about Re. five lakh crore more than the present one. The only condition is that the Government should come out of the grip of the manipulators to tap the above money. Then the Government could construct hitherto untouched National Highways, railways, ports, airports and expand the industries. But the manipulators would not agree is a different matter.
Now, using the above money the private individuals stand in the path of the Government. Thus a few individuals want to do everything that the Government could do. They do not allow the Government to grant industrial licenses to small entrepreneurs at all. They do not allow the Government to build even bridges. They use this public money as their own money and stand on the bridges and roads to collect toll perennially. The employees of the PSUs simply shiver like rats because their own leaders inhibit the growth of the PSUs. Thus the Government has surrendered everything to a few manipulators just to seize power. No wonder, if the Government were ready to take this into the mind of the people, it would NOT get the support of even 1000 right thinking people in India .
As if the above Re. five lakh crore were not sufficient, a tax rebate of Re.15000 under Section 80D was granted to medical insurance premium. It has been done to please the manipulators. For the same reasons, tax rebate under Section 80C was granted for Time Deposits in Post Offices.
Further Re.30000 crore was allotted to crop insurance premium. The Government could have given the money directly to farmers. Now this amount would ultimately reach the hands of the manipulators and the farmers would continue to commit suicide. The farmers and women would be grateful if their Government were ready not to use their name to plunder public money.
Re. 16,000 crore was allotted to help the public sector banks. The people do not know the reason for it. Apparently, the Government gave this amount to the banks just to enable them to give money to some manipulators either by buying their shares or by extending loan to them.
Above all, the Budget allotted about Re.8500 crore to stabilize the Stock Market and silently obtained the nod of the Parliament on 12 March, 2008. This is the first time the present Government passed a law to invest money arbitrarily in shares. The previous NDA Government had passed a law to give about Re. 40,000 crore to the Unit Trust of India (UTI ). These are unconstitutional laws. Such laws provoked Thrasymachus, about 2400 years ago, to say, “These laws, so made by them to serve their interests, they deliver to their subjects as ‘justice’ and punish as unjust any one who transgresses them….They take away by the force of law the property of others, not retail but wholesale. Now when a man has taken away the money of citizens and made slaves of them, then, instead of swindler and thief he is called happy and blessed by all”
The CBI on 9 March, 2008 arrested the son of a former Naval Chief allegedly for receiving Re.400 crore as commission in the purchase of Barak missiles from Israel .
A young Congress party leader on 10 March, 2008 promised that he would listen to the views of the party workers and implement all their good suggestions.
In the meantime, there were reports that the Equal Opportunity Commission presumably set up by the Government in response to this work submitted its report. Those who denied reservation were not great souls called Mahatmas. But all those who ensure State wise or caste wise reservation of “seats and assets” could be called Mahatmas .Even the Supreme Court has a chance to get this credit.
The Union Government on 11 March, 2008 said that 70 acre of surplus land belonging to the public sector Hindustan Machine Tool Factory (HMT ) at Cochin was sold to private parties to clear its debts. In this regard, the HMT should not have overlooked the suggestions present in this work.
The employees of the Airport Authority of India (AAI ) went on a strike protesting against the closure of the existing airports at Hyderabad and Bangalore . The Government, apparently, defeated the strike with the help of the top leaders of the Left parties.
In this connection, it must be noted that when the employees of the AAI undertook a strike against the privatization of Delhi and Mumbai airports, the Union Government had very easily suppressed their agitation with the help of the Left parties.
The Pope on March 10, 2008 substituted the deadly sins called mortal sins by a new set of sins. The new mortal sins are: causing social injustice, causing poverty, becoming obscenely wealthy, causing pollution, taking drugs, genetic modifications and carrying experiments on humans. Curiously, the first three sins are consistent with this work.
The Hindu, on 13 March 2008, said that India was going through the worst political crisis as a nation.
Mr. Pushpa Kamal Dahal also called Mr. Prachanda, the communist leader of Nepal on 13 March, 2008 said that he would respect the verdict of the masses in the upcoming elections. This writer had emailed “How Everything Happened in India ” to the Prime Minister of Nepal .
The USA , in an annul report, commented that the Government of India committed human rights violations at Nandigram. A Union Minister immediately wanted the USA not to interfere in the internal affairs of India . The Speaker of Parliament on 12 March, 2008 declared that “the report should be ignored with the contempt it deserved”. Many political leaders in India criticized the USA in this matter. While telecasting their words, the media mafias kept their cameras close to their mouths.
Six people belonging to the Scheduled Caste were killed in the UP State. This writer came to know about this only when a young leader of the Congress party paid a visit to the houses of the bereaved families.
The police killed 19 militant people in Andra Pradesh (AP) State on 18 March, 2008
The public sector LIC bought 2.02 per cent shares of the ACC Limited, a private cement company.
There were reports that 40 workers from Bihar had been killed in Manipur by the militant people.
The Sixth Central Pay Commission (CPC ) submitted its report to the Union Government on 24 March, 2008. The CPC surprised everyone by recognizing the human rights of women. But it, in bad faith, suppressed the income of the Government. It recommended an increase of 40 percent of the basic pay in the pre-revised scale. As if the Government were hard pressed for money, it recommended the payment of arrears in two installments. No political party demanded the Government to double the salaries although all parties and the trade unions demanded higher pay for the last two categories. The Class I officers- though disappointed- did not open their mouth as if it would be interpreted as a wrong behaviour.
But, considering this work and all other factors, the CPC must have doubled the total salaries of all categories of employees. It is for the good of the nation. It is for the prosperity of the country. Sufficient indications for this had been given in this work. There is no reason to believe that the CPC is not aware of it.
One would say that the suggestion of this writer is too much. Therefore, taking a mean position, the Government must affect an increase of 120 percent basic pay in the pre-revised scale. Thus, the basic pay of Class I officers would be Re. 25000 or $650 per month. They would get about Re. 36000 or $900 per month when all allowances are included. Now the CPC has recommended less Re. 20000 or $ 500 per month and about Re.25000 including all allowances.
Obviously, Re.36000 for Class I officers is not a big pay. As a consolatory gesture a car could be given to all judges, doctors and senior Class I officers. Now a woman judge sitting with great power and respect in a court stands in a mini bus to reach home while an accused leaves the court campus in a car. Such anomalies disturb everyone.
The additional financial implications will be around Re. 15000 crore per year only. It is a fraction of what the Government would get simply by rescinding the unconstitutional tax exemption granted to investments in the financial institutions- public and private. All Members of Parliament would recommend it. No citizen of India would inveigh at it. The only condition is that they must be allowed to see this work.
Further, the decision of the CPC to give incentives in a novel way is not a well thought-out one. It must be discarded. It may be noted that the media mafias have described it as meritocracy keeping in mind the word ‘stakecocracy’ present in this work.
It is customary to delay the implementation of the CPC under one pretext or other. Therefore, Government should not use this argument or any other argument as a ruse to procrastinate the implementation of the CPC . An assurance to re-look this matter immediately would be sufficient.
The US House of Representatives Speaker Ms. Nancy Pelosi came to India on 18 March, 2008 and met the Prime Minister of India. She might have come to Delhi to express the concern of the USA to the denial of FREEDOM in India . But the last word in this matter must come from the USA or the Government of India.
The predecessor of the present President of India on 23 March 2008 emphasized the importance of DUTY.
This writer on 29 March 2008 received a letter from Her Royal Highness Gauri Lakshi Bai, the Princess of Travancore. The letter is given below.
Dear Sri Sabarimuthu,
Thank you for sending me some pages from your monumental work How Everything Happened in India . You have done a lot of research and very hard work. May the results be your reward.
I hope that your one-man crusade will make its impacts in the right places.
God bless you
Gauri Lakshmi Bai
Receiving a letter of this kind from the Princess has a special significance to the people of Travancore. There is a feeling that this writer is blessed to this extent. Many old people in the village are very proud of this.
Anyone could gauge the depth of this letter. Kings have no power now. Even when they had power, they exercised it only like this. They recognized the work of their subjects from wherever it came.
The letter shows that even now the Royal families could be a social power in India . They might have lost their empires. But, no doubt “Your empire” said Pericles “is based on your own strength rather than the good will of your subjects”
The Princess might have realized that the former King of Travancore committed a mistake by surrendering the FREEDOM of his subjects to the manipulators.
Now various States in India , apparently, are recognizing the importance of the Royal families, their culture and traditions. The Government of Kerala has allotted Re.3.5 crore for the maintenance of an ancient Palace at Padmanabhapuram. This gives the impression that the Government might protect all pre-independence structures including the fast disappearing road side load carriers. Further, the police protection given by the Government of Kerala State to the cultural processions is reminiscent of the olden days. Similarly, Tamil Nadu State has raised the status of a Prince. Apparently they are getting badly needed escorts also. Thus various Governments -consistent with this work- might prevent the disintegration of Royal families.
It must be noted that such a great letter of the Princess is a hand-written one. It came in a Re.5/- cover. Therefore, the Government could consider the question of deputing one or two Government servants of their choice to enable them to discharge their public responsibilities. They may be allowed to send postage-free letters or a small amount given for incidental expenses involving public duties. The Government should not renege from discharging its minimum responsibilities.
For the first time, several leaders of the Communist Party of India- M (CPM-M) condemned the judiciary for conniving at the financial plundering. They demanded more powers to the States.
Coming back, police killed eight militant people in Chattisgarh State today.
There are reports that the public sector State bank of India has committed to give a loan of $3 billion to a citizen of India in April 2008 for his acquisitions in the USA . He is fast becoming the emperor of the world. There is a theory that he would bring in huge foreign exchange for the prosperity of India and as such every Indian must be proud of it. Will he live up to this expectation? It is highly doubtful. A reply from him is badly needed. Even otherwise, there must be a certain maximum for the amount that could be taken from public sector banks. Otherwise, he would remove $300 billion tomorrow! The reason why the lending power of the banks to the farmers and the rural people contracts day by day could be discerned.
The President of India might be doing her DUTY. Everyone would like to do his DUTY. But one could do his DUTY only if he were sensitive to the environmental changes. The President must realize that the act of revealing the facts is TRUTH. This is what the sages say. Therefore, the President of India must be alert enough to recognize the denial of FREEDOM in India . Similarly, the President of India must recognize the public wrongs being committed everyday. Then only, the President would be able to do her onerous DUTY.
The facts from 14 February, 2008 to 1 April, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 1 April 2008 at 10.50 P.M. through email.
A present Union Minister had donated a Re.3 crore building to a college in Tamil Nadu State . During the opening ceremony of the building, a Congress leader, presumably as a reply to the email sent to the President of India on 1 April, 2008, said that Re.7.4 lakh crore had been given as loan to the people.
In this connection, it must be stated that the people have deposited about Re.35 lakh crore in banks. Apparently, the Government gave the major portion to its friends and relatives and spread the rest throughout the length and breadth of India .
Now there were reports that the Government of Kerala discovered large quantity of gold and jewels in a famous temple at Trivandrum . According to some people, a former King of Travancore had willed it to be utilized at the time of famine.
In this connection, it must be stated that just as huge amount of money in the financial institutions and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) heightens the likelihood of theft by those possessing power, the discovery of a huge amount of gold in a temple represent a target for potential thieves. In the past, even the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) could not protect the physical shares worth about Re.one lakh crore confiscated from a broker boy because it sealed the room containing the shares with a small lock. Therefore, the gold must be protected properly.
If the people were given the FREEDOM to go through this work, some people all over India would like to see the present King of Travancore.
The kings of Travancore had the power to mint money. But the present King has no money. Therefore, a part of the gold could be utilized to keep him and his successors as Kings. The present plight of Indians would show that the people all over India rather than the royal family would be profited by it.
A Union Minister told the army officers that their grievances regarding the pay anomalies were engaging the attention of the Government. Disgusted by the poor pay scale, a total of 107 Army, Navy and Air Force officers had sought premature exit. The Government reported this on 9 April, 2008. The Government reported that the Army was facing a shortage of 11000 officers, the Navy about 3000 and the Air Force about 6000. Despite this data in hand, the Central Pay Commission had, in bad faith, recommended poor pay scale to the employees.
In this connection, it must be noted that but for the suggestion present in this work the Government would not have disclosed the discontentment of the officers of the armed forces to the people.
Evidently, the Government must give not less than Re. 30,000 or $ 750 per month as basic pay with effect from 1-1-2006 to Doctors, Engineers and Class I officers. The status of other Government servants also must be raised proportionately.
A Minister in the Kerala State said that the people and the Government must do something different.
In the meantime, the facts from 14 February, 2008 to 1 April, 2008 comprising 9 pages were sent to 25 Members of the Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu State including the Chief Minister and a few Ministers. The State Government immediately allotted about Re 1000 crore for development works. Further, the Government decided to give a car each to all Members of the Legislative Assembly.
The Union Government said that 15 lakh people lost their job, export rate fell by about 10 percent and a number of industries had to be closed due to the appreciation of the Indian currency.
The reason for allowing the Indian currency to appreciate had been given earlier in this work. Anyone could see that the decision taken to please a few individuals has caused India to suffer! There might have been an element of economics in it is a different matter.
The Supreme Court on 9 April, 2008 upheld the 27 percent reservation for the students belonging to the Socially and Economically Backward Classes (SEBC) in premier educational institutions. At the same time, the court said that the so-called creamy layer of the backward classes with a family income of over Re. 2.5 lakh or $ 6250 per year would not be eligible for the reserved seats and any unfilled seats would revert to the general category.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Supreme Court had, in bad faith, stayed the implementation of the 27 percent reservation during 2007-2008 because of want of data regarding the number of different classes of people in India . Now the judgment is silent over this matter.
Further, it must be reiterated that the mark obtained by a candidate is not the sole index of his intelligence. There is no qualitative difference between 91 per cent mark and 95 per cent mark. The examinations are not conducted with 100 per cent honesty, as marks are being allotted - particularly during interviews and general discussions- on extraneous considerations that too without any transparency. As there is certainty and uncertainty in all the above three points, the Supreme Court could have introduced State wise reservation of seats. This would have given equal opportunity to the children of all States. The court could have reinforced it with caste wise reservation to render equal mercy and justice to all classes. Had this suggestion been accepted, Kerala State would have got 3 per cent of the total seats. Many other States also would have benefited similarly. This would have made the Supreme Court a great soul. Now, the Kerala State would get less than 0.5 percent seats.
Further, with regard to the creamy layer, the court ignored the suggestion earlier presented in this work. It must be admitted that the courts all over the world have a tendency to keep certain section of the people at a disadvantage. However, the order that any unfilled seats in the reserved category must go to the general pool is the discretionary justice of the Supreme Court. This may be closely linked to the non transparent nature of selection of judges in India .
Furthermore, the Government did not publish the arguments of the case. Despite this work, the Supreme Court also did not deem it necessary to direct the media to publish them. This is a deviant act of the Supreme Court because the people were precluded from knowing the merits of the case.
The Pope on his arrival at the USA on 15 April, 2008 said that absence of rule of law indicated the absence of FREEDOM. On that occasion the President of the USA said that some no longer believed that they could distinguish between simple right and wrong. Therefore, they needed the message of Pope to reject this message of relativism.
Later, addressing the UN General Assembly the Pope said that when FREEDOM is denied or when grave human rights violation takes place in a country the other countries must take necessary action to put an end to it. He added that such actions should not be construed as an act of interference in the affairs of other countries.
Apparently, the Pope and the President of the USA were referring to India based on the work presented to them. They might have visited the website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com
If the above conclusion of this writer were true, a citizen of India could hardly dream of achieving anything more.
A representative of the Government of Canada on 16 April, 2008 said at New Delhi that Canada would not indulge in anti-India activities that would jeopardize India-Canada relations. The existence of the above website had been brought to the notice of the Government of Canada.
Though it is a digression, it may be pointed that a 46 year old Indian origin former accountant was on 16 April, 2008 sentenced to seven years imprisonment in Britain for duping investors of 100 million pounds or Re.780 crore.
The Government on 17 April, 2008 reported that a promoter of a private company would raise $ 1 billion by selling 30 per cent of his shares in one of his companies.
The Prime Minister of India on 18 April, 2008 said that a good monarch in India was regarded as a good king if he did not interfere too much in the life of his subjects. He added that he had been following hands off policies so that creativity and enterprise of the people could find full and free expression under his Government. Apparently, the Prime Minister does NOT consider this work as the creativity and enterprise of his subjects.
In this connection, it is pertinent to point out that a King of Travancore had rejected the application of his old dependent for a high Palace appointment saying that his qualifications did not warrant him the same. Thus the old dependent of the King could not depend on the King for his development. This happened about 160 years ago. Now, a Parliamentary Committee of India said that meritorious men were not allowed to sit as the judges of the Supreme Court of India because of the hands off policies of the Government! Naturally the person who facilitated maximum manipulation as a bank manager would become the next Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Others also would be appointed accordingly.
A person remaining in prison in an assassination case on 18 April, 2008 praised the daughter of the assassinated leader for taking the initiative to meet his wife in prison.
The Union Government published the above news in all newspapers and in the TV channels. In fact, the Government has been even publishing the day-to-day activities of prisoners. Even the national dailies are being asked to publish the activities related to prisoners. At times, what the prisoners talk becomes headline news. But the Government is not publishing the salient points of this work!
A Minister of Kerala State on 19 April, 2008 said that India was under a mafia rule.
With regard to the Central Pay Commission report, the Prime Minister of India on 21 April, 2008 said that the Government Servants would be properly rewarded. He added that ethics and concern for equity were central to the concept of good governance in a democracy.
In this connection, it is pertinent to point out that the Pay Commission had vetted its report with the Prime Minister long before its submission. But the Government pretends that it was unaware of it. Now, the Government is even going ahead of this writer to rectify the grievances of the Government Servants.
The Government of India conveyed the message that in future the children would not care the Pope. The Government used the services of The New Indian Express on 21 April, 2008 for this. The paper used an article published in a foreign country to convey it.
In the meantime, Government of India criticized the USA . The Hindu reported it on 23 April, 2007. The new trend of the Government is asking one or two newspapers to selectively publish sensitive news as if it were their own work.
The New Indian Express on 21 April, 2008 revealed that a Union Minister had directed the public sector ONGC and the GAIL to supply gas to companies owned by his sons. The paper said that that the Union Minister did this by bending all rules. The paper reported this with documentary evidence.
The Minister, in turn, declared in Parliament that he did his duty as a Union Minister in the best interest of 40,000 shareholders and the employees of the companies. He said that he had to intervene because things did not go as per an agreement.
The agitated opposition parties said that the Prime Minister of India was also involved in this matter and therefore wanted a statement from him. The Prime Minister did not open his mind. Four days passed. Yet, there was no answer. The leader of the opposition party pointed out that the then Finance Minister, during 1950s, had to resign for investing Re. 1.24 crore in a company without consulting the Investments Committee of the Parliament. As the opposition parties did not relent, the members of the ruling parties alleged that the predecessor of the present Prime Minister too had misused his official power. Realizing that the people might come to know about the magnitude of the manipulations going on in India , the Speaker turned off the lights of Parliament. The Parliament plunged into darkness. Immediately, he suspended the live telecast of the proceedings. It must be noted that the Speaker had been a leader of the Left parties!
Participating in a Christian function, the leader of the BJP said that he believed in the love for others present in Christianity.
On 26 April, 2008 the copy of the email sent to the President of India on 1 April, 2008 was sent to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, several Ministers and several Members of Legislative Assemblies of Kerala State. The Government of Kerala immediately convened a Conference of State Finance Ministers.
The copy of the above email was sent to some Members of Parliament (MPs) and Union Ministers on the same day.
The leader of the opposition and leader of the BJP on 28 April, 2008 described the present UPA Government as the most corrupt Government ever.
A Parliamentary Committee (PC) on 29 April 2008 found fault with the present system of selection of judges that allowed the judiciary alone to choose the judges. In order to overcome the defect, the PC recommended that the aspirants should be allowed to apply and appear before a transparent selection committee. The PC said that the present system precluded the meritorious persons from becoming judges.
The above PC had been formed in the light of this work. The recommendation is consistent with the conclusion that the learned judges, in bad faith, broke the Constitution of India from within.
The recommendation of the PC could be construed as an achievement of this work. In this matter, the PC has done a great service to humanity. It must be recognized by everyone. This shows that there is a way to escape from the present predicament. It must be implemented immediately. Then, the men of great moral worth and vast legal experience would enter the courts. As a consequence the Supreme Court would begin to function with a high sense of justice and the people would get FREEDOM to know news and views. It would help raise the tone of the whole Judicial Service. It would restore the respect and confidence of a discerning public. However, the manipulators would not easily allow this to happen.
It must be noted that in order to give FREEDOM to the people the learned judges must have high personal character, strict impartiality and a great desire for the public good.
The New Indian Express on 2 May, 2008 alleged that the present Union Government lent silent support in the High Court, Chennai, to the son of a Union Minister after rejecting his petition for gas. This is consistent with the prediction presented in this work earlier.
Why does the Government publish such news now? One reason is that the Union Minister might have talked in favour of imposing a limit for the amount of money one could remove from the banks either as loan or by selling shares. Alternatively, the Government is pursuing the policy of the big industrialists towards the small entrepreneurs mentioned earlier in this work.
A Union Minister said that the public sector banks were asked to swap the loans taken by farmers from money lenders with bank loans at easier rates.
In this connection, it must be noted that the public sector banks give a loan of about Re. 50000 or $1250 to small borrowers. About 0.1 percent of them fail to repay the loan due to various reasons. Now the banks have been advertising the photographs of such small borrowers in local newspapers. The banks ask the public to take notice of the borrower saying that they had been willfully not repaying the loan. They advertise the addresses of the sureties also in bold letters. The banks, apparently, are constrained to do this because of the orders from the top. The small borrowers do not encounter such humiliation even in the hands of money lenders. Naturally some people, including farmers, commit suicide.
The conference of State Finance Ministers convened by the Government of Kerala State was held on 5 April, 2008. The Government did not publish the deliberations.
The Parliament was on 5 April, 2008 suddenly adjourned indefinitely presumably because of the fear of the Government to face the MPs in the light of the letters sent to them. Thus the Government has even started to hide from the MPs.
Now, the Government published the fact that one third of the Initial Public Offers (IPOs) listed in the Indian Stock Exchanges during the last two years were trading at a discount of 40 to 60 percent below the issue price. The Government disclosed that the companies had started buying them back.
In this connection, it must be stated that the present Government had been inducing the people to invest money in the stock market saying that the Government was committed to a healthy stock market. The Government also asked the financial institutions to invest in shares and extract money from the public to invest in shares. Thinking that the entire money of India would go into stock market alone, the new investors, including the educated people, diverted their money to buy shares. The companies, in turn, offloaded their shares tantalizingly. Now the investors would not get back even one third of the invested amount. Even the shares of information technology companies have lost their value. The unsuspecting investors are cursing themselves for this predicament.
Now, the Government could buy the shares at lower prices. Or the Government could ask the companies to buy at lower prices. In the latter case, the Government could buy later at higher prices. In fact, there are hundreds of unconstitutional ways to manipulate public money from this position. All are unconstitutional crimes of heinous nature. Therefore, the Government must recover the money from the companies forthwith and return the money to the investors and the financial institutions.
How could the Government perpetrate this crime in front of 540 Members of Parliament and 28 lakh directly elected representatives besides the people?
The manipulators in one way or other keep contact with some political leaders. They assure a great political future to them. The leaders slowly but steadily learn this criminal behaviour by their interaction with them. Once they taste success, they connive at the manipulation of public funds. Thus, the deviance from the socially and constitutionally accepted norms happened as a result of exposure to attitudes that were favourable to criminal acts.
The leaders supporting the act of manipulation of public funds, as a rule, would have to face the disapproval of the people. Their friends in other parties would desert them. They would have to face prosecution also. This is not happening in India . This is because the members of this criminal act come together in a normal, legal and routine manner. Further, the Government has -quite ingeniously- developed several techniques for the manipulation. As deviant behaviour violates social norms, it is concealing this work from the people. It has acquired skills that reduce the likelihood of arrest, conviction and imprisonment by appointing suitable persons in the judiciary. This enables the Government to enjoy a certain degree of status among other leaders and the people. Thus the people fail to suspect the leaders of this crime in India .
Now the main business of the Union Government is stealing public money and concealing this work. In fact, it is pursuing the crime of manipulating the public funds as a day to day occupation. It devotes its energy for planning and executing this crime. It would not hesitate to travel to other countries to pursue the manipulations. As there is no clear separation between the media mafia and the Government, the routine manner in which public fund is given either as loan or in the name of buying shares makes the recurrence of crime more likely. As the amount of public money increases, the severity of the crime also increases making public money more and more vulnerable.
Now the Government has started criticizing even the friendly countries because they uttered one or two words indirectly for giving FREEDOM to Indians. By uttering one or two words, they identified themselves with the best interests of the people of India . Thus, due to this work, the Government has started antagonizing friendly countries.
Now, the Government is in possession of Re.three lakh crore as the profit of the PSUs. Indian Railways has an accumulated profit of about Re.one lakh crore. There is about Re.two lakh crore in the PF account. There must be about Re.two lakh crore in the Pension Fund. There is about Re. thirty five lakh crore as deposit in the public sector banks. There is a huge amount of undisclosed money in the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) and Post Offices. The cancellation of tax exemption granted to investments in private hands also would yield huge income. The entire money could be given to the manipulators or used for large scale public investments.
If the people were given FREEDOM to go through this work, even children would come out with an additional budget of Re. ten lakh crore to Re. twenty lakh crore within a span of 15 days for the year 2008-2009. It must be noted that the budget for 2008-2009 is about 7.5 lakh crore only.
Imagine the good fortune of India ! Will there be any poverty in India after 2008-2009? Will not India attain 50 per cent growth rate in 2008-2009? Some Members of Parliament and the political leaders who did not get any share in the above money might have been echoing the views of this writer for the last six years. But the Government is cutting their throat by not publishing their words in this direction. In fact, the Government is cutting the throat of the people to plunder public funds and to rule India . The Government publishes all their words that are suitable for manipulations. The Government did not utter the existence of this work and its consequences even once till date. The nature of the crime going on in India could be gauged.
If the people were given the FREEDOM to go through this work, the Government would have to face punishment for the above deviant behaviour. The fact that the people had been tolerating manipulations for several years would not be an answer to their revulsion.
Many people want to do their duty. They are conscious of the environmental changes also. But many end up doing nothing because they do not take the one step that badly needed to achieve it. This is what the sages say.
The former Prime Minister of India did take that one important step. Apparently, present developments show that he is a great soul.
The present President of India also might have applied the brake to prevent the manipulation of public funds. But the President has not taken any step to give FREEDOM to Indians. Therefore, the President must take that one step cited by the sages to give FREEDOM to the people. Then they would come to know about this work and all sorts of wonderful things would emerge.
The facts from 2 April, 2008 to 6 May, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 6 May, 2008 at 10 P.M.
The Union Cabinet met on 7 May, 2008. The purpose of the meeting, apparently, was to discuss the email sent on the previous day to Her Excellency the President of India.
Immediately after the meeting, the Prime Minister of India said that when millions live on the edge of subsistence the stock market signals had no meaning. He deplored that the politics in India did not allow men of visionary zeal to turn India into a front ranking nation. The words of the Prime Minister indicate that the unconstitutional manipulations of the Government of India did not get the moral support of the Cabinet. Otherwise, the Government of India would not have pretended to change its colour at all.
It must be noted that the Government of India gave the above statement before recovering the public money given to some private parties through the aid of the stock market. The Government did not stop the flow of public funds into the stock market either. Therefore, there is no evidence to show that the Government has changed its intrinsic policies.
Another repercussion of the above email was that the President stopped reporting what the people undergoing jail sentence talk. Thus no TV channel or newspaper has reported the words uttered by the prisoners since 8 June, 2008. Now the Government is not in a position to use their words to achieve its goal. Therefore, the effect of the above email was an instantaneous one. However, the people in India do not know that the media mafia had to stop this due to an email from a citizen of India to the President of India. Had India been a true democracy, the people might have enjoyed the FREEDOM to know this.
The effect of the above email showed that Her Excellency the President of India could control the manipulation mafia –a group comprising the Government of India and the media mafia. In a similar way, the President could give the people the FREEDOM to know this work. The only condition is that the President must be a person committed to democracy and FREEDOM.
The Union Government, in a hurry, decided to raise the existing ceiling of Re. 2.5 lakhs to determine the so-called creamy layer. The Supreme Court – in order to save its face - might have asked the Government to do this immediately. The Government could have done it as there is no scientific basis to determine it. Instead, the Government entrusted the work to the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC ). This development also could be construed as another effect of the email sent on 6 June, 2008.
The Union Government further decided to spend Re.10328 crore for the development of the colleges and universities run by it.
The Union Government said that Re.55000 crore would be spent for the developments of ports before 2012.
Moreover, the Union Government said that Re.two lakh and seventy seven thousand crore would be spent for the development of Highways. However, the Government did not mention the exact time frame for this.
The Union Government said that new special interest political groups were proliferating to make their own demands on the state exchequer. The Government utilized the services of The Economic Times to convey this on 10 May, 2008.
The confusion prevailing in the Union Government could be gauged from the fact that a Union Minister now said that the decision making power of the Government was in disarray.
An important leader of the manipulation mafia and Managing Director of a newspaper from Kerala State on 10 May, 2008 said that there were some impediments in giving freedom of expression to individuals in India .
Now, the Government disclosed that a private company had shut down its 1400 petrol pumps. The reason given was that the Government did not compensate its losses.
In this connection, it must be stated that even when the company was earning a profit the Union Government had extended a subsidy to it. Therefore, the reason cited is an untenable one.
Evidently, Her Excellency the President of India – in order to put right a public wrong- might have asked the Government and the Supreme Court to explain the rationale behind allowing a private company to distribute petrol pumps all over India while denying the same right to the Members of Parliament. Instead of giving a proper reply they might have swelled their power for a long time. As it did not work, they might have requested the company to shut down all its petrol pumps. Several other small steps also might have taken place in the backroom of power. However, what the present writer knows is his present work and the final result. What happened in between is an imagination only.
Any one going through this work would tell that this great change might have taken place as a result of the due process of law. This shows the strength of the Constitution of India. However, the Chief Justice of India should clarify this.
If the people were given FREEDOM to know this work, they would have marveled at the significance of this work. They would have given full credit to Her Excellency the President of India also in this matter. The President has shown that there is a way to escape from the present predicament.
Now, it is the duty of the President of India to take back all the illegally privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) forthwith.
A Congress leader on 10 May, 2008 said that 370 colleges would be started in minority dominated districts.
A leader of a coalition party on 11 May declared that he wanted to strengthen the present UPA Government. He added that his party had stood by the Congress party during thick and thin. His statement gave the impression that his party exerted maximum pressure upon the present Government to get licenses and other benefits.
The militant people killed six people including a soldier on 12 May, 2008. The army later killed two militant people.
The Chief Justice of India on 12 May, 2008 said that the Government should not treat law as an ornamental one. Perhaps, the Chief Justice was indirectly demanding the Government to restore the illegally privatized PSUs and stop giving public money to a few individuals.
66 people were killed in a serial blast at Jaipur, Rajastan State , on 13 May, 2008.
The Calcutta High Court stayed the 27 percent reservation. This had the effect of staying the verdict of the Supreme Court that upheld the 27 per cent reservation. Therefore, the Supreme Court on16 May, 2008 lifted the High Court order. One or two English newspapers sparingly published the arguments that took place in the Supreme Court.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Supreme Court had blacked out the arguments in the 27 percent reservation case and this writer had described it as a deviant act of the Supreme Court. Now, the Supreme Court might have directed the Government to publish the arguments. If the Supreme Court had wanted all newspapers to publish the arguments, the manipulation mafia would have obeyed the order. The logical extension of this is that the Supreme Court could direct the Government to give FREEDOM to the people to know the existence of this work.
Three persons were arrested in Tamil Nadu State for divesting the people of their money in the name of higher returns.
The Government of Kerala on 21 May, 2008 conceded the demands of the doctors for higher pay. On the same day, the Finance Minister of Kerala said that money was not a problem. He added that a sea change would take place in the economic condition of the country. It must be noted that money had been a great problem to the Kerala State for a long time.
The Union Government on 22 May, 2008 announced that the Steel Authority of India (SAIL) got a profit of about Re. twenty thousand crore during 2007-2008.
The Union Government on 22 May, 2008 said that it was pursuing the disclosure offers of the German authorities on black money slashed in the tax haven of Liechtenstein . Nothing more about the matter came out till date.
In order to unearth the black money that exists within India the Government could issue Social Security Number (SSN ) to all citizens. Then all transactions could be through the SSN . The banks could be asked to undertake this work. Then everyone in India would get a SSN within six months. But the manipulation mafia would not allow this to happen easily.
The Union Government on 24 May, 2008 convened a special Cabinet meeting. In that meeting, the Government decided to raise the loan waiver to Re.71,680 crore. Later, the Union Government said that Re.two lakh and eighty thousand crore would be released to farmers as loan during 2008-2009.
The President of India on 24 May, 2008 promised better pay scale to the soldiers. While giving this promise the President might have thought of this work.
The Tamil Nadu State police on 24 May, 2008 said that the organization involved in the Multi Level Marketing (MLM ) involving gold coins had invested Re.150 crore in the stock market.
The police seized properties valued at Re. 300 crore including gold, gold coins, cars, shares fixed deposits and others from the above MLM Company until 24 May, 2008. Efforts were being taken to seize other properties. Managing director of the company was arrested under Goondas Act, an act enacted to book antisocial people who kill innocent people.
Immediately the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI ) assumed to itself the investigation of the above case. Naturally nothing more about this case came out of the CBI till date.
41 people were killed and several others injured within a span of four days from 22 May, 2008 in different places in the Rajastan State . Here, the police opened fire against the unruly crowds that demanded separate reservation for their community. As the Government and the Supreme Court are impervious to the arguments presented earlier in this work, the people are constructing a new social order adopting a method known to them. Anyone going through this work would tell that the present writer had not only given a solution to this problem but also tried his level best to prevent this catastrophe. Now, let this incident open the eye of the system including the President of India and the Supreme Court.
The militant people killed an innocent man in Bihar State on 27 May, 2008.
On 3 June, 2008 the Sri Lankan Navy killed a fisherman from the Tamil Nadu State .
Now the intermittent killings of fishermen of Tamil Nadu State by the Sri Lankan forces are not disturbing the mind of anyone although one or two regional political leaders uttered the customary words.
In this connection, it must be stated that if the Union Government were ready to act today, such incidents would never occur tomorrow.
The Prime Minister of India on 5 June, 2008 requested the Cabinet Ministers to cut all wasteful expenditures, including foreign air travel. He added that Re. six thousand crore could be saved in this way. Accordingly, a visit of the Union Health Minister to the USA was cancelled.
It must be noted that a few foreign countries that went through the website: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com would look down on the Indian leaders by reason of the fact that they rule India by virtue of their ability to deny FREEDOM to1000 million people. One way to save the Cabinet Ministers from this discomfiture is requesting them to curtail air travel.
The Union Government hiked the prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas with effect from 5 June, 2008.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that the Government had to refrain from increasing the price of petrol for a long time due to the reasoning presented earlier in this work. The ex-factory price of petrol is about Re. twenty five per litre only. The Government should have waited till this price reached the present price of Re.50/-per litre. Now the Government must explain to the people the way in which the money extracted from them by selling petrol is utilized and the method of utilization of the foreign exchange.
A leader of the BJP on 6 June, 2008 wanted to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.
The Union Government on 7 June, 2008 asked the critics of inflation to give concrete advice on ways of holding the price spiral. It was the third appeal of the Government in this matter.
The reason why the manipulation mafia has been giving wide publicity to inflation must be analyzed. This is very important because the ruling parties, including the Left parties, had shouted slogans in front of public offices demanding higher price for coconut oil when its price was about Re. 75/- per Kg. Now the price of coconut oil is Re.55/- per kg. Yet they shout slogans demanding still lower price for it.
The reason, apparently, is that the Union Government wanted to give huge amount of money to a few individuals to buy assets in India and abroad during 2007-2008 alone. Four methods adopted to help them had been mentioned in different places earlier in this work. Another method was by allowing them to hike the prices of their products not gradually but suddenly. This cannot be done openly. Therefore, the Government started to talk about inflation.
Thus all newspapers were asked to write about inflation. Therefore, they have been discussing inflation and its consequences endlessly. All newspapers have been planting stories about it. All TV channels have been showing vegetables and pulses while talking about the prices of essential commodities. They approach the political leaders and ask questions about the prices of vegetables, oils, pulses and cereals and the hardships faced by the people. All those who talk against inflation get a chance to appear in the TV.
Many Members of Parliament had given long speeches in the Parliament about inflation. In fact, the Budget secession of Parliament had given more time to discuss the consequences of inflation than to the Budget. The Speaker who used to interrupt them simply enjoyed their speeches on inflation. The political parties, including one or two ruling parties, even now distribute leaflets decrying the prices of essential commodities. In sympathy with the manipulation mafia, the police occasionally search the go downs of businessmen to check hoarding of food grains.
By the by, one day the Union Government declared that there was no scarcity for oils and pulses. On the next day – in order to satiate the import lobby- the Government decided to import edible oils thereby breaking the backbone of the coconut farmers. The Government had decided to import pulses also.
The farmers do not know that their Government construct and reconstruct public opinion to delude them. What they know is that they do not get anything for their labour. Many farmers sell their goods at throw away prices. For instance, they now sell cabbage for Re.5/- per Kg. Many do not get what they spend for fertilizers, workers and transporters. To their utter confusion TV channels periodically show agitations against price rise taking place all over the world. They are unable to view the behaviour of the Government in the proper perspective. They are getting ready to punish anyone talking against inflation. Thus the manipulation mafia has placed the Government in a position of advantage.
While everyone discussed the question of price rise, the Union Government secretly allowed the companies to hike the price of steel. The steel price increased from Re. 25/- per Kg to Re. 50 per Kg within a span of one year. Thus the profit of the public sector Steel Authority of India (SAIL) during 2007-2008 was Re. twenty thousand crore. Some private individuals might have got Re. thirty thousand crore to forty thousand crore in one year. They would not have transmitted the profit to the shareholders but must have distributed among sister companies or treated as personal income. Any other Government, working in good faith, might have limited the profit of the SAIL to about Re. one thousand crore per year. The price of cement also could have been controlled in this way.
Similarly, the public sector telephone company could have decreased the local call charges to 10 Paise and STD charges to 20 Paise thereby limiting its profit to about Re. one thousand crore per year. Now its profit is more than Re. ten thousand crore per year. The private telephone companies must have amassed a profit of over Re. one lakh crore during 2007-2008. However, the Constitution of India imposes a limitation for the profit of an individual.
One would say that higher profit is desirable because the money could be used for investments. In that case the extraction of metals and telephone services must remain under public sector.
The CBI on 8 June, 2008 arrested a Manager of the National Highway Authority of India while receiving Re. ninety thousand as bribe.
A Union Minister attributed the slow progress of the National Highways work to want of workers.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that not only National Highways but also State Highways badly need a meridian. Therefore, huge investment is needed. If the Government were ready to split the work among several local contractors, they might finish the work in record time. If the Government were ready to give the margin allowed to big construction companies, the local contractors would offer higher wages to the workers. Then, even the men working for the Gulf countries might return to India .
In 1730s the then King of Travancore personally superintended the construction of a dam. Based on his orders, a hole was made in a rock to fix the huge umbrella of the King, thus saving to the Dam Works the labour of one servant who was to hold the umbrella for the King. In fact, the secret of the success of some kings of Travancore was that they fully utilized the labour force for development. Now some Union Ministers –taking great pain- do personally superintend the construction of Highways and bridges. But the Government is not ready to encourage the local contractors and workers. Therefore, a big policy decision - in public interest - is needed.
The Tamil Nadu State police gave back the money of 400 people who had invested money in a sinking private finance company. Similarly, the courts in Tamil Nadu have directed the police and the Economic Offences Wing to give back the money of investors of several bankrupt companies by attaching their assets. About 10 lakh people lost their money in Tamil Nadu alone. More people lost their earnings in the stock market although none lodged a complaint in this matter.
Now the Government quite inadvertently disclosed that the public sector banks invested Re. twenty eight thousand crore in Mutual Funds in April 2008 alone. The amount invested by the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) and the Post Office was not divulged. The amount spent for buying shares was not leaked out. The amount advanced to others for buying shares also remains as a secret matter. However, the present revelation indicates that the public sector banks might have invested Re. three lakh and fifty thousand crore in the mutual funds during 2007-2008. The present disclosure is consistent with the premonition of this writer. The banks and the LIC had been functioning as conduits to transfer public money into the hands of manipulators. Now, the Mutual Funds have become the conduit of the conduits to transfer public funds.
The Tamil Nadu State police viewed the people involved in Multi Level Marketing as deviant and arrested them under Goondas Act. The act of transferring public funds through the Mutual Funds is a similar behaviour. But the people engaged in this behaviour are not viewed deviant because this crime is perpetrated through occupational roles. Naturally, as the offender holds a position of status and influence, his crime is treated as a less serious one than the similar crimes of others. This organized crime enables a few people in India for their upward mobility. As the amount involved is very high, the courts treat this matter lightly.
By concealing this work, the Government gave wrong information to the public. Therefore, all investors perished. If the people were given FREEDOM, the Economic Offences Wing would get ten lakh complaints against the companies in one day. Therefore, the President of India must lodge a complaint with the Economic Offences Wing to recover the money and to return it to the investors and financial institutions forthwith.
Now anyone going though this work would tell that the Union Government is giving two third of the public money to a few individuals in India through unconstitutional manipulations and by allowing them to reap unethical profit. Some of them amass one Re. one lakh crore to two lakh crore every year. The Government is showing only one third of the public money in the Union Budget.
If the Government were ready to change its intrinsic qualities today, it could come out with a budget of about Re. twenty five lakh crore tomorrow. Besides unparallel investments, there would be about two fold increase in the salaries of employees. All people would get old age pension. All children weak in English and Mathematics would get education through their mother tongue. All the rest would get uniform English education. In fine, the nation would be that much prosperous. But, through its refusal to debate this matter, the Government is endangering the personal and economic well being of the people without their knowledge.
The President might have realized that FREEDOM alone would prevent plundering of public funds. As good thinking and bad thinking originate from the same source, the crucial first step of a man must be in the right direction. When he takes the first step in the direction of giving FREEDOM to the people, he becomes a Mahatma or great soul. This is what the sages say. Those who deny FREEDOM to remain as leaders are not great souls. Now the President has NOT taken any step to give FREEDOM to the people. Therefore, Her Excellency the President must consider the question of taking the first step in the direction of FREEDOM.
The facts from 7 May, 2008 to 16 June, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 June, 2008 through email.
The media mafia on 17 June 2008 said that the outlook for new Initial Public Offer (IPO) was bleak.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Union Government had been getting ready to give another installment of public fund to a few individuals after March 2008. As it did not materialize, about 75 other IPOs were also affected. Apparently, Her Excellency the President of India vetoed the flow of public fund into their hands. In this way Her Excellency the President of India has saved about Re. five lakh crore for the benefit of the people in this year. This money could be used for extraction of metals and other public investments. Now the Union Government and the State Governments have announced projects worth about Re. two lakh crore over and above the budgetary provisions. Thus the Tamil Nadu State has allotted about Re.1000 crore for widening roads alone. This conveys the impression that the nation is coming out of a very bad predicament.
A Union Minister on 18 June 2008 said that army alone could not save India . This shows that some Ministers have started exerting some pressure on the top leaders to use public funds for public investments.
The Chairman of the Mumbai Stock Exchange resigned on 18 June, 2008. The reason for his resignation was not given. Apparently, it is a repercussion of this work.
A Union Minister said that a port work in Andaman & Nicobar had been split into four parts for speedy completion. This is consistent with this work. However, all major works must be split like this to create new contractors. Therefore, a big policy decision, in the interest of the public, is needed
The Union Government granted permission to the State Governments to seek loan from Asian Development Bank directly. This also is consistent with this work. However, accepting the reasoning presented earlier in this work, the Union Government could have permitted all State Governments to maintain a foreign exchange account.
Three top officials of the Government of India, including the Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, went to Sri Lanka on 19 June, 2008. It was a sudden unscheduled visit. It is consistent with the email sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 June, 2008. India might have now unequivocally asked the Government of Sri Lanka not to kill any Indian fisherman in future. Anyone going through this work would agree that the Union Government gave maximum respect to this writer in this matter and acted with great alacrity. However, India would have to modernize the communication system and remain in a state of readiness to destroy any fire that kills Indian fisherman. This knowledge alone would deter others from killing Indian fishermen.
Now, Sri Lanka openly acknowledged that India had been giving training to its armed forces, all free of cost.
The Government on 20 June, 2008 said that the Prime Minister of India wanted to relinquish power. In fact, any other Prime Minister would have resigned due to this work.
On the same day, The New Indian Express said that the Prime Minister of India went underground. In fact, the Prime Minister was not seen anywhere for about 20 days since the last email. As there is no distinction between the Government and the media mafia, the Government must accept or deny the above report. Even otherwise, the Prime Minister of a country disappearing from the national scene is a bad portent. The Prime Minister might have wanted to hide the secret sorrow preying his heart is a different matter.
The copies of the last two emails sent to the President of India were sent to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala State . The copies were sent to about 30 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) of Kerala also. In fact, hundreds of copies of the emails sent to the President of India have been sent to the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Kerala State in the last three months. Many might have absorbed the contents of the letters. They might manifest in their future actions in one way or other. However, neither did the Assembly debate any point nor did it recommend FREEDOM to Indians.
When Travancore Legislative Council in the present Kerala State was formed, the then King of Travancore – due to an intuition- made a provision to invite public opinion by the publication of Bills. The Council had to debate the views of the public before passing any Bill. The Bills so passed alone had been submitted to the King for sanction. The King might have done this to protect the interest of the public without hampering the action of the Government. Naturally, the Council maintained a high level of debate. It provided the State with laws on many subjects that suited to its requirements. The decisions of the Council were transparent and consistent with the views of the people. Therefore, decisions were welcomed and not resisted by the public. Thus the Council fully justified its establishment. This happened 125 years ago!
Now, according to Article 51 A of the Constitution of India, it is the fundamental duty of every Indian ‘to strive towards excellence in all spheres of Individual and collective activity’. Yet, the Parliament is not debating the views of the public even when it is bombarded by hundreds of letters.
Obviously, all right thinking people going through this work would expect the Government to install a tall statue of the above king in front of the Parliament and State Assemblies. The circumstances that led to the erection of the statue could be inscribed on the pedestal so that it would always remind the elected representatives their duty to the public. The people would even demand the Government to incorporate such real incidents in the life of kings, political leaders and even the commoners in the text books because the progress of a country to a large extent depended upon its legislature and the educational policy of its Government.
One man died in the clashes between the pro and anti – Posco Company in Jharkhand State . The circumstances that led Posco to come to India had been given earlier in this work.
The Chief Justice of India on 21 June, 2008 said that the Supreme Court did not want to do anything in secrecy. He said that judgments were based on evidence presented and nothing else. He added that none approached him for any favour while appointing judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts. These are the answers of the Supreme Court to the charges leveled against it.
The Supreme Court must have informed the reason why the mass media suppressed the hearing of the 27 percent reservation case. In fact, it must have issued a guideline to the mass media to report the important court proceedings without fail.
With regard to judgments, it must be reiterated that the people imagine that the judgments must be characterized by certain essentials qualities. They had been given earlier in this work. When they lack these, the country becomes a hell. It may be reiterated that the learned judges of the Supreme Court must be most enlightened. They must be constitutional in their ways. Their judgments must be reasonable. Their inclination to do good to the society must pervade through all their judgments.
There is a feeling that the advocates of the BALCO case could score a same side goal because the learned judges became part of a crowd that stressed deviant values. Therefore, the evidence presented before the judges alone is not sufficient for writing judgments.
The HPCL/BPCL appeal case is still pending before the Chief Justice of India. No clarification is forthcoming to the petrol pump case also. The Supreme Court has not directed the Government to take back the illegally privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).
The recommendation of the recent Parliamentary Committee (PC) could be followed for making appointments. Now the appointments are being made in a non transparent manner. The Supreme Court did not clarify the method followed to appoint the present Chief Justice of India also. Therefore, it is not clear whether the Chief Justice supports the recommendation of the PC or not.
Further, the Chief Justice of India is not doing justice to the papers before him. The Chief Justice of India is aware of this work. He knows the importance of this work. As the Supreme Court has not given any FREEDOM to the people to know this work, there is no sufficient social control over the top leaders.
Above all, anyone going through this work would tell that a secret conspiracy exists to conceal this work. None in India could deny this. This secret activity evades law enforcement and it is the reason why the public funds given in the pretext of buying shares is not recovered with alacrity. In these circumstances, one would infer that the Chief Justice of India is playing a complementary role to give a wrong message to the public.
A soldier and three militant people were killed in Jammu & Kashmir State in an encounter on 22 June, 2008.
The New Indian Express on 23 June beseeched the Prime Minister not to resign under the pretext of the nuclear deal. The paper said that after presiding over the economy for four years the Prime Minister should not run away when the real challenge came. In fact, the media mafia has been repeatedly imploring the Prime Minister not to walk away. This shows that the present Prime Minister and a few other leaders is the only hope of the manipulation mafia.
The copies of the last two emails sent to Her Excellency the President of India were sent to twenty five Members of the Legislative Assembly of Karnataka State on 24 June, 2008. It is not clear whether they reached their hands or not. Whatever happened, four members resigned from the Congress party.
A private steel company on 27 June, 2008 declared that it got a profit of Re.12,321 crore from India and abroad during 2007-2008. It recommended a dividend of 160 percent. Its turnover jumped to Re. 1,32,110 crore in 2007-2008 from Re. 25,650 crore in 2006-2007. These pieces of information are consistent with prediction of this writer.
Militant people killed 38 soldiers in Orissa State on 29 June, 2008. On the same day, the militant people killed 7 innocent people in Assam State .
On 1 July, 2008 the militant people killed six police personnel in Jharkhand State .
On 3 July, 2008 the steel companies affected 10 percent decrease in steel price. This is consistent with this work. However, the reduction should have been 50 per cent to keep the profit under constitutional limit. Alternatively, the Government must have imposed tax to take away the profit. Further, the unethical profit given must be recovered. This is a possible one for the President of India.
The Union Government decided to abolish the existing State-wise quota in National Institute of Technologies (NITs). This would benefit the students of some States at the expense of those from other States. The decision is against the equality present in the Constitution of India.
Anyone going through this work would concede that State-wise reservation would prevent many agitations and consequent bloodshed. Even within a particular community, the urban students corner more seats than the rural students. Therefore, the Government could resort to District level reservation when large numbers of seats are at stake. Even within a District, the available seats could be shared equitably among various caste groups. The only condition is that this view must be presented for public debate. Public debate is very important to prevent any violent reaction from the public. But the Supreme Court is not opening its eyes. It is not ready to change the law enunciated by it for reservation. As a result, many sacrifice their life all over India just to get their share of seats. At the same time, the Government indulges in taking arbitrary decisions without any thought for others.
Evidently, the system relapses to its unconstitutional ways wherever seats and assets are available. The President of India has a duty to apportion the seats among the various States. This also is possible for the President of India.
The Union Government on 10 July, 2008 affected 50 percent reduction in the telephone charges of its public sector telephone company. The drastic reduction is consistent with the email sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 16 June, 2008. At the same time, the Service Tax could have been increased to contain the profit of the private companies.
A former Union Finance Minister disclosed that the nation was heading towards an economic emergency due to a multi-dimensional economic crisis. The executive power of the Government remains latently with the President of India. At the time of economic emergency, this patently remains with the President.
A car bomb explosion killed 50 people, including four Indians, in the Indian Embassy in Kabul .
In the mean time, the Congress Party put a Union Minister in charge of the next election to Parliament. In this way it indicated that the present Prime Minister would not be given another chance. Therefore, the Prime Minister immediately declared that the nuclear deal was an initiative taken by him and therefore he would go ahead with that deal. Thus the Prime Minister showed to the world that his real challenge was the nuclear deal and not at all this work. As the Prime Minister could give Re. fifteen lakh crore to anyone during 2008-2009, the manipulation mafia would continue to portray him as the best choice. The people cannot but believe it.
The Prime Minister of India met the President of the USA at Tokyo during the G-8 Summit.
Protesting over the non-transparent nature of the Indo-US nuclear deal, the Left parties withdrew their support to the Union Government on 9 July, 2008. The Prime Minister met the President of India on 10 July 2008 and agreed to prove the majority on the floor of the Parliament. He further agreed to inform the date of convening of the Parliament on 11 July, 2008 evening.
Now the Union Government said that the economy would emerge from the crisis.
It must be carefully noted that inviting the people to invest in various deposit schemes is fast becoming an occupation in India . Everyone engaged in this field gives an assurance to multiply the money of the depositors. One of the modern methods is asking the people to come with their public sector BSNL landline telephone bill to receive a gift. Those who turn up to receive the gift are persuaded to deposit their money under various schemes. While doing so they exhibit the permission granted by the Reserve Bank of India to accept deposit. Some people imagine this as a scheme of the Government and part with their money. The clever people then vacate the room and disappear. The police consider this as a deviant act and arrest the culprits only when they get a complaint.
In fact, the police and the courts are recovering the money of many depositors. At the same time, the public sector undertakings, including Post Offices, banks, Life Insurance Corporation of India and the Unit Trust of India, are inducing the people to invest in shares. Then the Government leaves them in lurch citing risk factors. This is a deviant way to extract money from the people because the people part with their money due to the Government label. Those who possess the mandate to rule define this deviance in another way to suit their own needs. They successfully coerce the Supreme Court, Presidency and the entire system into their own morality. Thus the Union Government could give about Re. fifteen lakh crore to some individuals during 2007-2008 alone. This money is more than sufficient to resist an undesirable label against the Government and the leaders possessing the mandate. The Members of Parliament are mere players before this money power. This is the reason why some deviants continue to be viewed as great economists rather than as offenders of rules and the Constitution of India.
In this connection, it must be noted that the public sector institutions like Post Office shall extract money to invest in Public Sector Undertakings alone and the money so collected should not suffer any erosion at any time. Therefore, the money given to the companies must be recovered forthwith and returned to the people without any further delay.
The private companies could extract money by selling their shares provided the Government does not give wrong information to the people. Now, the Government is misguiding the people by denying them FREEDOM to know this work. At the same time, knowing the existence of this work, the companies sold their shares at higher prices and disappeared. Many of them, including the Mutual Funds are keeping the money with them. It is the duty of the President to recover the money. It is possible for the President of India even without an economic emergency.
The economic problem plaguing the nation has been explained in several ways. In fact there is a large mass of social, economic and political data before the President of India.
What should a man do when he falls into a sea of knowledge? He must absorb all the points utilizing all his pores to expand the scope of his knowledge. Then he should strive to distinguish between the right and the wrong points. When he takes the first crucial step as per this distinction, he tends to attain perfection. He realizes this perfection in him for an infinitesimally small moment of time. Then the people surrounding him begin to realize his presence. This is what the sages say.
The President the USA said something with a similar meaning on 15 April 2008.
It is incredible that perfection is a function of this distinction. Is it not the dominant message of the words of the sages? Her Excellency the President of India knows this matter.
A citizen of India proves that there is no FREEDOM for Indians. The Prime Minister of India might have explained to the President that he did not deny FREEDOM to Indians. A citizen of India says that the Union Government brought down calamity upon itself by showing only one third of the public money in the budget. The Prime Minister might have denied it. A citizen of India says that the profit given in bad faith must be recovered. The Prime Minister might have expressed his inability to do so. The work contains several other similar points. It is not easy to distinguish them. However, it appears that the sages said everything for the benefit of the present President of India. Her Excellency the President of India has a rare chance to experience that perfection and prove that the words of the sages never go wrong.
The facts from 17 June, 2008 to 10 July 2008 are being sent her Excellency the President of India on 10 July, 2008 at 11 P.M. through email.
The Government on 11 July, 2008 seized the aircraft of a few corporate houses for duty evasion and brought under scanner over 250 such planes acquired since 2007. The Government had allowed the corporate houses to buy aircraft in the way they liked. Now, the Government is reporting this for public consumption to do some unconstitutional favour to them
The Sri Lankan Navy again shot dead two Indian fishermen while they were tarrying in Sri Lankan waters. At the time of firing, the President of Sri Lanka was in India . Some political parties condemned the killing. However, the Union Government did not react in any way. In fact, it did not utter even a word.
It must be noted that India is expending huge amount of money for the maintenance of the armed forces of Sri Lanka . India is taking care of their people also. As such, Sri Lanka should have ignored the Indian fishermen. However, Sri Lanka said that it had no hand in the present incident. In fact, Sri Lankan radars - unlike Indians radars - located an unidentified boat approaching the Indian fishermen. In these circumstances, even a futile attempt by India to destroy the fire that killed the Indian fishermen would have remained as a great deterrent. No other country worth its name would have ignored the intermittent killings of its own people for such a long period of time.
In the meantime, Iran arrested 22 Indian fishermen when they strayed into Iranian waters in a Saudi fishing boat.
The Tamil Nadu State police arrested three chain snatchers and recovered 60 sovereign of gold from them.
The copies of the last three emails sent to Her Excellency the President of India were sent by post to 25 Members of Parliament on 12 July, 2008. However, this time the letters, apparently, did not reach their hands before the trust motion held on 22 July, 2008.
Now several companies are buying back their shares at lower prices. They had sold their shares to the public sector banks, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) and the Unit Trust of India (UTI ) at higher prices. Therefore, the money given for buying shares must be treated as loan and recovered with interest. The President of India could inform the people - through any competent authority - the amount given to them by various public sector financial institutions in the name of buying shares. The President must also inform the people whether the practice of investing public money in shares had been stopped for good or not.
THE HINDU on 13 July, 2008 said that only rich people could become philanthropists. It added that the distribution of surplus money would not lead to the creation of just societies. This is the reply of the manipulation mafia to the emails sent to Her Excellency the President of India.
In this connection, it must be stated that many rich people help the needy people around them by giving employment and through other means. The recipients are very grateful to them. It might create heartburn in some other people. But the rich are really happy because they are able to help others. They, apparently in this way, attain perfection. Unlike the divine perfection that lasts for a moment, this perfection stays in them for a long period. Several people experience this. Therefore, one must always strive to become rich.
But, in order to become a philanthropist one should not earn money in a way discussed earlier in this work. Further, the Government must give equal chance for everyone to become rich. Now, the Government gives money for lending and real estate businesses for about ten citizens only. The amount being given is in the order of Re. one lakh crore. This remains as a legalized inequality for amassing wealth. Therefore, this money must be recovered just as the police recover gold from the chain snatchers.
The President of the USA said that the USA would always stand on the side of the freedom fighters.
The CBI on 15 July, 2008 said that the Chief Minister of the UP State was adopting delaying tactics to inform the source of Re.9.78 crore found in her account.
The Supreme Court on 15 July 2008 wanted the trial of a Re. 23 crore misappropriation case against 26 judges, including a Supreme Court judge, in open court. The Chief Justice said that the people should not think that the court was not inclined to hear a case in the open court simply because judges were involved. However, the Chief Justice did not direct the media to inform the names of the judges to the people. Therefore, the media have not published their names till date.
The Union Government on 16 July, 2008 declared that it did not want the steel companies to incur any losses. At the same time, the Government wanted the steel companies to desist from taking disproportionate profit.
In this connection, it must be stated that when the steel companies affected an increase of about 200 per cent in steel price within a span of one year, every man in India , constructing a house, paid not less then Re. two lakh to the steel companies. The public sector steel company got a profit of Re. twenty thousand crore during 2007-2008. But some private individuals got double this amount.
Steel is a natural resource. This is the reason why the profit unethically allowed by the Government must be recovered forthwith. The steel price must be brought down to Re.25 per Kg. This would give a reasonable profit. The cement price also must be reduced drastically. It is a big matter for the people. The President of India must look into this matter in the proper perspective. The other remedy is obvious.
The militant people killed 17 police personnel in Orissa State on 16 July, 2008.
A top political leader on 17 July, 2008 said that the Congress Party was not in need of any certificate from any individual or political party on patriotism.
The militant people on 19 July, 2008 killed ten army personnel in Jammu & Kashmir.
Now, nine political parties projected the Chief Minister of the UP State as their Prime Ministerial candidate. It was a welcome development. The selfless decision of the leaders of nine parties must be commended.
Only two days were given for debating the confidence motion. This was done partly to trivialize the speeches of the Members of Parliament (MPs) and partly to prevent them from getting letters from this writer. Thus, only a few selected MPs were allowed to talk. A leader from the J & K State said that the Indo –US nuclear deal would make India and the US equals. He considered poverty as the biggest enemy of India . Ironically, the son of a Congress party leader clubbed the poverty of a widow to the nuclear deal. A leader said that he did not understand anything about the deal. The speech of a leader from the AP State was very impressive. The main opposition party wanted the Government to work for some changes in the deal and in the Indian laws. The Left parties were against the nuclear deal.
A MP, among other things, said that a number of people perished in the stock market crash. Another member said that the budget could have been for Re.ten lakh crore. The House did not notice these points at all. Apart from these two points, none talked anything in the context of this work. None talked about the FREEDOM of Indians. The trust motion appeared like a vote on nuclear deal only and none pointed out the manipulation of public funds. The fear that they might have to face political isolation might have prevented them from raising serious points.
With regard to the Indo-US nuclear deal, it must be stated that when the heads of two countries talk, there will be some unwritten understanding between them.
What is known to the people is that the Western countries, including Russia , had been helping India in various ways. Russia is even now constructing a nuclear power plant in India . However, it was the USA that imparted nuclear know how to 400 Indian scientists. In order to overcome its internal laws, it prevailed upon Canada to supply a research reactor to India . India used the plutonium produced in this reactor for the 1974 nuclear blast. This led to sanctions and untold sufferings. But for this nuclear blast, India would have continuously got unlimited uranium without the 123 agreement, Hyde Act and the nuclear deal. India should have stockpiled sufficient quantity of Uranium before undertaking its first nuclear explosion. Alternatively, India should have waited till the full development of indigenous thorium based reactors. Many people, including the widow indicated by the Member of Parliament, remain without electricity partly because of that untimely nuclear blast.
Now, the country has realized the mistake committed earlier. It is atoning for it. It is offering its one leg for the 123 agreement, another leg to the Hyde Act and both the hands for the nuclear deal.
However, the Left parties need not be perturbed over it because any leader could unilaterally cancel any deal signed by his predecessors, if it were profitable and desirable to India . Therefore, harping on the nuclear deal would be counter productive. This is the reason why the people feel that the commotion over the nuclear deal was to enable the Government to manipulate public funds.
Hours before the trust vote, three BJP MPs waved ten bundles of Re. 1000 currency notes for Re. ten million. They said that the money was paid to them as a token amount just for abstaining from voting. They added that the political secretary of the Congress President and the leader of another political party were directly involved in the deal. They said that the entire deal had been taken in a CD by the CNN-IBN television channel.
Curiously, before showing the bundles they had met their leader with that money. The leader could have asked them to keep it with them in the pretext of avoiding an unpleasant situation before the world. Instead, he instinctively asked his party men to place them on the table of Parliament. Perhaps, the pent up patriotism in him exploded in this way! This clearly shows that there is a way to escape from this predicament. The nation must always remember the selfless service of the three MPs also. They must be rewarded in a befitting way. Their statues must adorn the Central Hall of Parliament.
Obviously, the incident is a vindication of this work. Particularly it is consistent with the last email sent to Her Excellency the President of India. However, the President could have averted this incident, if she had given FREEDOM to the people to see this work.
When the Prime Minister started reading his reply from a print out, the MPs did not allow him to read. The Members, who used to obstruct Parliament even for small things might not allow him to talk in Parliament in future.
However, the opposition parties, due to an intuition, co-operated for the voting.
When the Speaker allowed voting, the electronic voting machine malfunctioned. This gave a strong message to the Election Commission of India to substitute electronic voting by ballot boxes to inspire public confidence.
28 Members of Parliament including the Speaker-defying party directions-either cross voted or abstained from voting – most of them in favour of the Government. As a result, the Government won the trust motion.
In this connection, it must be noted that cross voting took place either because of defection or because of split in political parties. The Speaker is the competent person to determine it. Here, the Speaker himself conspicuously defected. Therefore, he is not a MP now. It may be recalled that when a Speaker in the Tamil Nadu State Legislative Assembly violated some unwritten norms, the Governor had stepped in to restore rule of law. Therefore, the President must have expelled him from the House. Even today the President could expel him. This is not a small thing happening everyday.
Further, according to Anti-defection Law, the defection and the disqualification are simultaneous. Therefore, the defected MPs cannot take part in another voting. The fact that their fate is not determined would not make them eligible to participate in another voting. They must be deemed as disqualified members. Therefore, the President could determine whether the present Government enjoys majority support of the qualified members or not, in a straight forward way using her common sense. In case there is no majority support, the present Government must be dismissed. The leader of the opposition party or the leader of the group of nine parties must be invited to form the Government and time given to prove majority support. If they were not in a position to prove the majority, the Parliament must be dissolved and election conducted under the new Prime Minister. The people should not think that the President is obstructing the chances of other leaders to lead the nation even for a short period.
Now, there is a suspicion that the President is rearing a Government that does not enjoy majority support in the House. The suspicion deepens because the Parliament is not convened for a long time. In order to dispel this, the President must publish the total number of MPs –excluding the defected MPs- supporting the Government in the present House. Then only the people would believe that their President is acting as per the oath taken by her. This also should not be rejected as a small thing happening everyday.
Further, the President might have seen the bundles of currency notes waved in the House. The President also might have noticed that the Prime Minister did not disown responsibility for it. Further, he had shown a victory sign even before voting. Therefore, all right thinking people suspect the involvement of Prime Minister in the money matter. The President could cross check it with the inputs from intelligence agencies and by framing suitable questions. Even if there were one per cent doubt regarding the integrity of the Prime Minister in this matter, the President must invite another leader not associated with this matter to form the Government.
The reply of the Prime Minister that he did everything honestly must be noted. In this connection it must be noted that the Union Cabinet did not take a decision to extract money from the public in the name of selling shares through the Post Offices at all. This conclusion is based on the fact that the Post Offices have disowned responsibility for the public money collected by them to invest in shares. They have written it in small letters at the bottom of the banners. Then, who is responsible for the money? Therefore, the statement that he did everything honestly cannot be believed. If the Prime Minister of India were directly or indirectly responsible for it, it is the paramount duty of the President to seek his resignation and appoint any other person commanding majority support.
The previous Government had given about Re. forty thousand crore to the Unit Trust of India (UTI ) to pay to the affected people. Any repetition to rescue the Post Offices on the lines of the UTI would be unconstitutional. Only poor people put their money in Post Offices mainly for marriage purposes. Divesting the people of their money is a bad thing. The President shall not reject this as another small matter.
On 25 July, 2008 a serial blast killed two people at Bangalore . The blast took place in eight places.
Another serial bomb blast killed 40 people in the Gujarat State on 26 July, 2008. The blast took place in 19 places. The probable reason for the earlier violence had been given in the early part of this work. If the Government had given FREEDOM to the people to debate it, the present violence would not have taken place.
A Union Minister said that 4500 children and 2500 women were being kidnapped every year in India .
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raised the interest rates on 28 July, 2008. According to its calculations, the State Bank of India (SBI) would have to transfer its Provident Fund (PF) account to two boys. This would lead to the bankruptcy of the SBI. One way to prevent it is attracting deposits. This is the reason why the public sector financial institutions do not respond to the demands of the people for housing loans and others. India does suffer due to this.
The Union Government on 29 July, 2008 decided to hand over Re.2.4 lakh rotting in the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) to the HSBC –a foreign bank –ICICI Prudential, Reliance Capital and the SBI in the name of managing the money. Though the names of four parties have been given, only a token amount would be given to the HSBC and the SBI. The two boys alone would apportion the money among themselves.
On the next day, the Prime Minister met the President. The President might have either vetoed the above decision in writing or encouraged him to apportion the pension fund and the bank funds also among some other boys as quickly as possible.
However, the President must note that the above decision denies equal opportunity to 1000 million people. Therefore, it is out and out unconstitutional. The President must interpret the decision in the light of the Constitution of India. The money given must be immediately recovered.
What happens in the State capitals and public offices are not real acts of corruption. But this is the mother of all acts of corruption.
The money was given without any guarantee. No surety. No security. No conditions. No income tax. Everything is a function of risk factors. They have to simply manage it No audit. This is only a tribute. This money gives unlimited pleasure to two boys and untold pain to 1000 million people.
No sovereign Government has any right to transfer public funds into the hands of private parties. It cannot abdicate its duty of managing public funds. Even the public sector SBI should not handle this money because it has acquired considerable private character. The Government has taken this decision without a clear majority in the present House.
The decision was taken when the nation was reeling under serial blasts. No debate in the Parliament. No discussion among the people. The media mentioned this for one or two days. The leaders also talked about this for one or two days. Now, everyone has forgotten it. Therefore, it was a theft with a capital T. The amount was so big that even ten trains would not be sufficient to carry it.
The militant people kill police personnel and army men everyday precisely due to such decisions of the Government. Surely, the decision is more heinous than kidnapping children and conducting serial blasts. In fact, history has not recorded a bigger crime than this. This is breach of trust. All those who were responsible for this decision are liable for prosecution.
Ironically, historians say that the Romans were besotted plunderers. Now Indians have taken that name.
With this money the Government could have made all roads as beautiful as the important roads in China . There could be bullet trains, big ports, airports, mines, power plants, industries and others capable of competing with any other county. Thus the Government could have utilized it for the eradication of poverty and hunger.
If the Government were not in a position to manage money in any way, it could have stopped the collection of this money. Then the employees would be free to multiple their money in the way they like.
The people believe that the money was given - in bad faith - with the motive of making the son of a Congress party leader another Mahatma or great soul in India . He would be perpetrated as the ruler of India with this money. Otherwise, he might have vetoed the above decision of the Government. One day, he visited the house of a widow with nine children. She was living in object poverty as her husband had committed suicide. The media showed her house and her kerosene lamp. Now an organization is going to give her Re.twenty five thousand per month. There was no objection from this leader. The media gives wide publicity to his similar visits. This is how the Re.two lakh and forty thousand crore given to two boys works. Therefore, unless the money is recovered, he would become another ascribed leader of India with all its similar calamitous effects and FREEDOM would be an unimaginable thing for Indians.
A Chief Minister on 1 August, 2008 said that Indians did not enjoy the fruits of FREEDOM. This is the first leader in recent times to murmur about FREEDOM.
32 people were charred to death when a train caught fire in the AP State on1 August, 2008. The iron rods in the windows of all trains must be removed immediately to enable the people to escape. Adequate police protection must be given to save the passengers from militant people.
Violence killed three people in the J&K State on 3 August, 2008.
Now, the heads of Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) said that they were looking for students with raw intelligence rather than those with a mind prepared by coaching class tutors. The media published it because the view of this writer in this matter is getting the attention of the political leaders.
It is mandatory that all public institutions must reflect the heterogeneous character of India . But Mahatma Gandhi opposed reservation to the socially and educationally backward sections of the people saying that the British were seeking to divide Indians on caste lines. He threatened to launch fasting called satyagraha against it and the British retreated. Yet the media made the people to believe his words. So they continue to worship him.
The first Prime Minister of India gave extraordinary importance to the so-called merit and turned down the demands for reservation. Though majority of the people belongs to this category, the affected people simply trusted him and adulated him. His daughter and the son of his daughter carefully wriggled out without making much noise. They could do this because the media could strange the views of others. In fact, the decision to strange the words of others existed even before independence. All those who accepted their doctrine alone could become leaders in India . As a result, no student has entered the premier public sector educational institutions till date based on his social and educational backwardness. The people without realizing the incalculable damage inflicted upon them walk around their tombs. No wonder, anyone going through this work would demand the Government to remove the statues of all leaders - who perpetrated this culture upon Indians - from public places and place them in the nearby museums. They would demand the Government to substitute the present images in the currency notes also with that of Dr.B.R. Ambedker provided this work leads to the FREEDOM of Indians and recovery of money unconstitutionally given to some boys.
A man might distinguish between the good and the bad. Yet he might fail to do his duty. This is because he habitually considers the small things as the big things and vice versa. His trait is looking downwards rather than upwards. The words of others cannot move him because his nature is to consider the words of others as small things. Such a man cannot be expected to impart a new culture to his people. This is what the sages say. The words of the sages are again and again recalled because the present President of India had told the people that according to a sage she was destined to discharge a unique responsibility. The sage might have expected the President to impart a new culture to Indians.
The President might consider FREEDOM, corruption, allowing a Government to function without majority support and other things narrated above as small things. Alternatively the President could consider these things as big things and work relentlessly for the emancipation of Indians.
The facts from 11 July, 2008 to 5 August, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 5 August, 2008 at 10.30 P.M through email.
The head of the Economic Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of India resigned his post on 8 August, 2008. The Government did not give any reason for his resignation. Instead, he was nominated as a Member of the Upper House. Apparently, the Government wanted this writer to believe that the decision to hand over Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore to two boys belonged to him. It may be recalled that a former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India had been asked to quit office in a similar fashion.
The president of the Indian National Congress party attended the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games along with her son. A leader of China met her. However, the Congress president did not meet other important world leaders. The world leaders also did not choose to see her. This, apparently, shows that the present Indian leaders do not enjoy the goodwill of the world leaders. Therefore, the leaders must seriously consider the question of restoring their name in the eye of the world leaders. For this, they must give FREEDOM to the people. They shall not -as in the past- consider 1000 million people as their property and secure their votes. The Election Commission, Supreme Court and the President of India also must contribute their share to enlarge the FREEDOM of Indians. The darkness before them must be dispelled before conducting the election. Then the people would come to know about this work and take a balanced decision. Now the elections are neither FREE nor fair.
Further, the leaders representing India in international forums must have a clean image in the eye of the right thinking people. This is a constitutional right of the people.
Mr. Abhinav Bindra won the Olympic gold medal for 10-metre air rifle event. It was the first ever individual gold medal secured by India in Olympic Games. Two others got bronze medals. The Union Government and some State Governments announced cash award for their achievements. Had part of the Re.two lakh and forty thousand crore rotting in the Provident Fund (PF) account been utilized for furthering sports, India would have got a few more gold medals.
5 people, including a prominent leader, were killed in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State on 11 August 2008. .
12 people were killed in the J& K State on 12 August 2008. Later, a few more people were killed.
In the mean time, the Supreme Court cleared the POSCO steel plant in India .
In this connection, it must be reiterated that the people of South Korea had opposed the takeover of Korean Companies by the Indian Companies. The Indian Companies had assuaged their feelings saying that the Korean Companies would be given Indian assets in equal proportion. Accordingly, the Indian companies arranged a steel plant to the POSCO in India . This writer had interpreted this as unconstitutional adjustment of interests. As there is no dearth of funds, the Supreme Court should have directed the Union Government to do this extraction work. The fact that the Supreme Court did not ask the newspapers to publish the arguments of the case confirms that the Supreme Court acted in bad faith in this matter. The Supreme Court must refrain from publishing the judgments if it were not in a position to publish the arguments.
The New Indian Express on 14 August, 2008 said that some “economic reforms” had been stalled due to the “veto power” of the Left parties. This gives the impression that the President of India had vetoed the decision of the Government to give Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore to two boys. The President might have stalled it in a clever way without any publicity from her side. The Government did not disclose it because the decision was an arbitrary one. The manipulation mafia might have concealed these developments. However, what happened to the money is not known to the people till date.
The media on 15 August, 2008 reported that the Union Government had approved the merger of the State Bank of Saurashtra with the State Bank of India (SBI). This decision would, in one day or other, enable the manipulators to remove the deposits in two banks through one counter. This would lead to flight of capital. This decision would undermine the UNITY present in the Constitution of India.
The Union Government on 14 August, 2008 decided to permit the trustees of the non- Government Provident Funds and Gratuity Funds to invest 15 per cent of their money in the stock market.
However, the Government said that the above decision would be implemented from 1 April, 2009 only. This must be due to the ingenious intervention of Her Excellency the President of India.
It may be reiterated that the above decision is an arbitrary one and therefore unconstitutional in nature. Tomorrow, the Government would put the entire money in the stock market. The manipulation mafia would project the people responsible for such decisions as the indispensable leaders of India . Now, due to this money even the public sector TV channel is not giving the people the badly needed FREEDOM to see this writer. In fact, this money is making FREEDOM impossible for Indians. The decision must be annulled immediately.
In this connection, it must be noted that some old women do buy about 25 Kg of rice each and sell in the neighbouring States. But the State Governments consider them as law breakers and thieves. At times, the police or the hired men of the State Governments stop the buses and trains and remove the rice from them by the force of law. The wretched women cry for some time, curse the Government and leave the place.
Similarly, the various State Governments are confiscating the ration rice and others when the businessmen transport them from one place to another. The act of buying and selling is the duty of businessmen. This is nothing but a lawful trade. But the Government has made it an illegal one. One would say that ration rice should not be transported. When the Government gives ration to its people it must be deemed that the Government fulfilled its responsibility of helping the people. Some ration card holders might buy and then sell for a profit. The traders also might buy and sell. This may be their way of life. The Government need not be concerned over it. Similar matters had been represented with the help of the words of political philosophers earlier.
Someone might repudiate the above contentions of this writer. Then the State Governments should not have allowed the Union Government to hand over Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore, decaying in the PF account, to two boys.
Her Excellency the President of India congratulated the gold winner of India at the Beijing Olympics.
Her Excellency the President of India in her Independence Day message on 14 August, 2008 wanted all to introspect whether their actions promoted UNITY of the nation or not. At the same time, the President requested the people not to take law into their own hands. She exhorted the people to solve the problems through dialogue and reconciliation. She requested the people to act responsibly while discharging their duties. She emphasized the importance of truth. The President deplored that the empowerment of all sections of society had not been achieved. The President said that “prosperity must reach every State, every district, every city, every village and every individual of the country”. The President acknowledged that the people and the organizations that work tirelessly without expectations of rewards constituted the foundation of the nation. She finished her speech by saying that enlightened people serve humanity.
In this connection, it must be stated that this writer wanted to go through the text of the speech of the President on the next day in the newspapers. But they did not give it. The President must have directed the Government to see that all newspapers published her Independence Day address to the nation in full.
With regard to the address, it must be submitted that people attaining perfection alone would work without the expectation of reward. It is true that this work failed to secure FREEDOM to Indians till date. Similarly, the illegally privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have not been taken back. Further, the Union Government is not apportioning the “seats and the assets” among the States. Yet, this work is slowly entering the mind of the President of India, political leaders and many others. As a result, a metamorphosis –for the benefit of Indians- is gradually taking place without AK47, serial blast, bombs, processions, slogan shouting, public meetings, strikes and other law and order problems. This has been accomplished simply by sending emails to the President of India and their copies to the political leaders, Legislatures, judges, investigation agencies, officials and, at times, to the world leaders. Therefore, the Government should have constituted a competent committee to examine the question of giving the highest civilian award to this writer.
Further, the Union Government is getting about Re. one lakh crore every year through service tax alone. This writer gave this suggestion to the Union Government on 1-6-2001 . Therefore, the Government must have constituted a competent committee to give a cash award –consistent with the benefit accrued to the nation- to this writer. One would say that money could not be given arbitrarily to anyone. But, it is an accepted convention to give cash award to the achievers in sports, cinema and others.
It must be noted that awards and rewards must be given in time because there must be someone to see it.
This writer gave a suggestion for transaction tax. The Union Government obliged. But, it has been withdrawn. Now, the State Governments cold impose this tax.
In his Independence Day message to the people on 15 August, 2008 the Prime Minister of India said that he would create a new nation that gives equal opportunity to everyone. He added that the economy must grow at ten percent to get rid of poverty.
Curiously, the present President of India did not pay homage to the Father of the Nation and others on the Independence Day although the President paid homage to the departed soldiers. It was a great turning point in the history of India . The President might have avoided it because of her firm conviction that his leadership caused irreparable damage to the interests of the socially and educationally backward sections of the people of India .
The Chief Justice of India on 16 January, 2008, among many other things, requested all judges of High Court, Madras not to speculate in shares and stocks. Perhaps as a retort, the Chief Justice of High Court, Madras on the next day openly requested the people not to suffer injustice. He advised the people to assert their rights by raising their protection. It was an act of encouragement.
In this connection, it must be stated that this writer has been sending the copies of the emails submitted to the President of India to the Chief Justices of High Court, Madras and the High Court, Kerala for the last few months. They might have circulated them to other judges. This might have caused reverberations among them. In fact, a Judge of the High Court, Madras on 15 August, 2008 said that justice would be done to fulfill the aspirations of the people. Apparently, disturbed by these developments, the Chief Justice of India addressed the above letter to them. It is the human nature to interpose foul points among several fair points. The Chief Justice of India, apparently, did the same thing.
The General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (M) on 16 August, 2008 requested the Union Government to retain the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) quota for appointments while privatizing the PSUs.
It must be noted that the Communist parties do not want to take back the illegally privatized PSUs. They are not opposing privatization either. What all they want is reservation for the SCs and the STs in the privatized PSUs. Thus they indirectly support privatization.
A sitting judge of the Supreme Court, on 19 August, 2008 openly requested the intelligentsia to develop a rational questioning mind and wage a struggle in the realm of ideas to help the people to solve their problems. He said this through a big article. The media mafia gave importance to his writings presumably because he protects their interests in the Supreme Court. Otherwise, he would have disclosed the existence of this work to the people.
Army killed 12 militant people in Jammu & Kashmir State on 23 August, 2008.
The Speaker of Parliament said that he would not resign his post. He is not a Member of Parliament (MP) thanks to the Anti –defection Act. All decisions taken by him after the crucial voting date are null and void. The Parliament must have a functional Speaker to decide the question of defection. Now there is a constitutional vacuum. Her Excellency the President of India might have obtained the opinion of the Supreme Court. All right thinking people believe that the President would act without fear or favour in this matter.
Now, apparently, the Government is finding it difficult to dissolve the Parliament also presumably because of the absence of requisite majority in the House. Voting cannot be avoided because a new Speaker must be elected. The defected MPs cannot take part in voting. There is no way to annul the Anti-defection Act now. The act of ignoring this Act - so long as it exists - also might be a repugnant one to the President. However, this situation should not continue. Let the legal background of the President help her to solve this matter. The only condition is that the solution must come from the independent mind of the President of India.
Her Excellency the President of India on 23 August, 2008 exhorted the Government to protect the composite culture of India .
The new Karnataka State Government on 24 August, 2008 decided to auction 150 acre of land in and around Bangalore city. The Government would have to acquire land in future for public purposes. Therefore, this decision is a retrograde one.
Four people were killed in clashes in the J & K State on 25 August,2008.
The Sri Lanka gave an assurance to India that there would be no firing by Sri Lankan Navy on Indian fishermen in future. The National Security Adviser to the Government of India said this on 26 August, 2008. Her Excellency the President of India might have expressed her concern over the killings based on this work. The Government swung into action to get this assurance. However, this assurance must be judged based on the nature of the Indian reaction to any future firings. It must be pointed out that all people all over India must have the FREEDOM to interpret this development in the light of the emails sent to Her Excellency the President of India since 7 May, 2008. But the Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore given to two boys would not allow them to know this. The political parties - as in the past several years - contributed their share is a different matter.
About 20 people were killed in Orissa State during the last three days in religious clashes.
Now, there are reports that the present Prime Minister would be projected as the next prime ministerial candidate of the Congress party in the impending general election. Apparently, the media mafia got this assurance in a stage managed question to a Congress leader. While reporting this, the media mafia added that the son of the Congress leader would have to wait for one more term to become the Prime Minister of India. They added that he would agree to remain as a Union Minister after the next election.
The reports are consistent with the prediction that Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore was given to two boys just to impose the son of the Congress leader on the people as their future ruler. The manipulation mafia would make the people believe that there was no alternative.
In this connection, it must be noted that the present Prime Minister of India and the political secretary to the Congress leader were directly involved in the vote-for-money issue. Three Members of Parliament reiterated this before a Parliamentary Committee. Further, the Prime Minister either gave or decided to give Re.two lakh and forty thousand crore to two boys arbitrarily. Furthermore, the money extracted through the Post Offices in the name of Mutual Funds and others has not been returned to the people. The Prime Minister refuses to extirpate the rapacity of the system. Above all he refuses to give FREEDOM to Indians. Yet, the present Prime Minister is going to be given one more term! Now, anyone going through this work would tell that the nation is in the hands of a professional thief.
It is pertinent to recall that in the year 1811, a twenty year old Princess was installed as the ruler of Travancore. The natural tendency of the new rulers is bestowing favours to the people close them and enjoying their goodwill. But, even at this young age, she fully understood her responsibilities as a ruler. Thus she did not ask her husband, any one from the Royal family or anyone close to her to run the administration of the country. Instead, she requested an Englishman and Resident to superintend the administration. She then requested him to remove the Devan and make him account for his assets. The Royal blood in her might have prompted her to do so. Or her husband might have advised her to do so. Or her decision might have been due to her natural intelligence. However, anyone would accept that the welfare of her subjects –many far away from her- was uppermost in her mind even at this age. In fact, the throne reached its supreme form during the reign of this Princess.
The Resident did not betray the trust reposed by the Princess. He extinguished the corruption and injustice. In fact, her reign was one of the most prosperous periods in the history of her country. Such remarkable decisions of rulers sustain human life.
Now, a statue of that Princess in front of the Presidential Palace would instill this culture in the mind of the Indian rulers. No statue at present seen in India conveys this message.
Every man - just like any other living organism - does his routine duties for his existence. But this is not the REAL DUTY of a man. The REAL DUTY of the man is his DUTY when he attains his highest form. For this he must have a strong foundation. He must have a desire to act in good faith. Above all, he must have natural intelligence. This is what the sages say.
Her Excellency the President of India has been called upon to perform a REAL DUTY. She has a sound legal background and vast political experience. These are a strong base for any President. Apparently, she has natural intelligence and a strong desire to put right the public wrongs. Therefore, FREEDOM cannot be far away.
The facts from 6 August, 2008 to 27 August, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 27 August 2008 at 10 P.M.
A State Government on 30 August, 2008 reduced the price of ration rice from Re.two per Kg to Re.one per Kg. The budget for 2008-2009 did not envisage this.
A steel company announced its decision to reduce steel price by 4.5 per cent. It was the answer of the steel companies to the last email sent to Her Excellency the President of India.
A Chief Minister said that even if God were ruling a nation, He would commit some mistakes.
Her Excellency the President of India on 2 September, 2008 exhorted the film industry to bring a social change in India . The President of India could do this in a better way now.
The Science adviser to the Prime Minister of India expressed his dismay over the decision of the Union Government to start six Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) in this year without any planning.
NOSTRADAMUS in the sixteenth century had forecast that an ordinary man in Asia near the Arabian sea appearing in white clothes would play the important role in making India the richest country by curing all non-curable diseases.1September -7 September 2008 issue of ‘The Sunday Indian’ weekly said this, perhaps, to ridicule this work. According to the weekly, a physician claimed credit for it.
The Union Government reduced the price of aviation petrol by 16 per cent. One third of the small industries that depend upon diesel generators have been closed down. A number of them could have been revived, had the price reduction been extended to diesel and petrol. It will have a tonic effect on the economy.
The public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) said that it would decrease its holdings in private companies to less than ten per cent.
In this connection, it must be noted that the LIC might arbitrarily invest Re 1 million to buy one per cent shares of a company. At the same time, it would invest Re.1000 million in the name of buying one percent shares of another company. For this, the latter company would increase the number of shares or increase the issue price of shares. Another way is splitting the companies so that the same individual would extract a huge amount in the name of several sister companies. Therefore, the LIC is talking about ten per cent shares just to deceive the people.
Further, it must be reiterated that the people make investments in the LIC mainly because they get tax exemption. Therefore, it shall not hand over the money in the name of buying shares to arbitrarily chosen people in the private industry. Instead, it must use the money for public investments. Or it must spread the extracted money in the respective States. This is the demand of the Constitution of India. The Union Government shall not persist with the present unconstitutional ways simply because the LIC has been committing this mistake for the last few years.
The Prime Minister of India on 5 September, 2008 appealed to the steel companies to maintain reasonable price stability. It is his answer to the email sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 27 August, 2008. This shows that he secretly allowed the companies to hike the price of steel. Otherwise, the steel companies might have obeyed him.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that the public sector Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and the public sector telephone companies would get a net profit of about Re.forty thousand crore during 2008-2009. The net profit of the private sector steel and the telephone companies would be about Re.four lakh crore during the same period. Their profit is one half of the Union Budget for 2008-2009. A fraction of this amount is sufficient to pay salary to all Union Government employees.
Less than ten individuals get the above amount. With the power of this money, they dictate the policy of the Government. The political leaders have no choice but to live according to the terms they dictate.
The tragedy is that the political leaders, in turn, treat 1000 million people as their pet animals. They simply deny FREEDOM to them. In this way, they commit a mistake against their unsuspecting followers. All political leaders-past and present- knew this. Those who do not know this must be imbeciles.
In this connection, everyone must understand that the minerals and the spectrum are the only two scare natural resources of the nation. They are a treasure of the 1000 million people. They shall not be owned or inherited by any private individual in India or abroad. The profit in these sectors is related to their availability. All other industries are distinctly different. Therefore, minerals and the spectrum must always remain with the Government. Obviously, the Government must nationalize these industries forthwith. This is to give equality of opportunity to 1000 million people. Therefore, it is the demand of the Constitution of India. No Government could wriggle out because the manipulations have increased to gigantic proportions. Any one would consider this as the logical conclusion to seven years of this continuous work. All nations would do this under these conditions. There shall not be a delay of even one minute to do this.
If it were not feasible of compliance, the President must give FREEDOM to the people. They would do the work within minutes of getting FREEDOM. Now, the President is committing a mistake by denying FREEDOM to the people.
An Indian fisherman was injured on 5 September, 2008 in Sri Lankan firing. This happened within a week of getting an assurance from Sri Lanka that it would not fire at Indian fishermen. Sri Lanka , however, denied the firing.
The UK All Party for Tamils, comprising, among others, Labour MP Keith Vaz, urged their Government to call for the UN sanctions against Sri Lanka for it “inhumane” treatment of Tamils.
Five chapters - from 91 to 95 - were added to the website: howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 6 September 2008.
Six people, including an army officer, were killed in violence in Manipur on 9 September, 2008.
On the same day, two Indian radar technicians were injured in Sri Lanka in the LTTE bombing.
It is now clear that the fire that kills the Indian fishermen originates from the Government of India. Therefore, the fishermen need not get angry with Sri Lanka . The Indian fishermen cannot escape. The decision not to kill the fishermen must come from at least one Union Cabinet Minister.
Further, it is distressing to note that even the Defense Minister of India did not disclose the deployment of Indian army personnel in Sri Lanka .
Some learned judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts on 13 September, 2008 stated that there was no denial of FREEDOM in India . In this matter, the learned judges are deliberately committing a mistake. They might contend that anyone is free to visit the website that contains this work. But no common man in India might have visited this website. Therefore, the learned judges could consider this work as a FREEDOMETER to measure the degree of FREEDOM of Indians.
Further, the above statement of the learned judges is a reflection of the method of selection of judges.
Apparently, the political leaders with considerable mass base also are inducted into the Union Cabinet only after rigorous tests. Thus, when a present Union Minister was functioning as the Chief Minister of a State, the manipulators directed him to sell an ancient palace. He obliged. As he passed this crucial test, they installed him as a Union Minister in the Cabinet rank. After becoming a Minister, he did not use his influence to restore the illegally privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). But he decided to give Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore to two boys. He does not utilize about Re.fifteen lakh crore rotting in various places. But he sits beside the people responsible for this predicament. Above all, he is not giving FREEDOM to Indians. Now, the manipulators would not hesitate to make him the next Prime Minister of India.
Obviously, the manipulators want a class of political leaders patently clean but latently corrupt.
Thirty people were killed and about 100 people injured in a series of five blasts in New Delhi on 13 September, 2008.
A newspaper on 15 September, 2008 said that powerful people were controlling the Union Government. It deplored that the surplus money of the Government went as salaries to employees. It added that the private entrepreneurs were pushing the country forward.
The Supreme Court on 15 September, 2008 directed the Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) to fill up the 432 vacant seats in SC/ST/OBC categories by general category candidates. Sixty years after the so-called Independence , the Parliament gave reservation. Last year the Supreme Court arbitrarily denied it for want of data. In this year it is arbitrarily taking it away in the name of an ill-conceived Entrance Examination and arbitrarily decided cut off marks and income limits. This shows that the thinking of the first Prime Minister of India still works in the mind of the Supreme Court. It would persist with committing similar crimes until a stronger force acts on it.
A Union Minister handed over a letter to the Prime Minister seeking his intervention in the above matter. In these matters, a Union Minister in the Cabinet rank is as powerful as the Prime Minister. The Government usually does what a Cabinet Minister wants. Therefore, the Union Minister could have disclosed the work done by him in the Union Cabinet.
Now a State Government is selling vegetables under reduced price. Another State Government has started giving groceries. In fact, they vie with one another to give food and water. This would ameliorate the condition of a section of the people. But the policies of the Government should not uproot the small traders. The farmers commit suicide because of non-remunerative price. The traders should not follow suit. The remedy is present in this work.
Some people on 16 September, 2008 surrounded some branches of the private sector bank to withdraw their deposits. On the next day, a Union Minister said that the Government would help the bank to overcome its liquidity problem.
Now the above bank has not approached the Government for any help. But the Government, apparently, wants to give public money to it arbitrarily.
Did the bank illegally siphon off money to the USA ? The President alone knows this. Whatever happened, the Government should not commit more mistakes. Even the USA has virtually taken over a bankrupt bank. The bank must be placed under moratorium immediately.
A man in Tamil Nadu State found 131 old gold coins and some old jewels while digging the foundation for his house. The Government immediately took possession of it by the force of law. Three people were arrested for not disclosing the discovery immediately. The Government believes that all treasures belong to 1000 million people and as such they must be divided among them.
Two militant people and a police officer were killed in an encounter at New Delhi on 19 September, 2008.
An Indian telephone company bought a telephone company in Brazil for Re.1309 crore on 21 September, 2008.
The biggest steel company in India is spending $4 billion in the USA and Canada for the extraction of iron.
In this connection, it must be noted that the Union Government, in bad faith, gave about $12 billion to the above steel company during 2007-2008 as an unethical profit. The Government is poised to give another $ 20 billion during 2008-2009.In order to enable it, the Left parties still talk about the nuclear deal and the prices of vegetables and pulses. The above company could buy more companies under these conditions.
The Prime Minister of India convened a meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss the energy crisis. The Union Government must initially allot Re.one lakh crore during 2008-2009 to install solar power panels on every house. None, to the knowledge of the people, has suggested this because of the high cost of solar energy. As about Re.fifteen lakh crore is rotting in various places, the Union Government could easily spend this amount.
Four militant people and a soldier were killed in Jammu and Kashmir State on 22 September, 2008. On the same day, the Prime Minister of India left New Delhi on a 10 day tour of France and the USA .
Now the Speaker of Parliament has reappeared and is hearing the disqualification matter. A disqualified person cannot decide the question of disqualification. A new speaker should have been elected to decide this matter.
The Anti Defection Act was passed to solve a specific problem afflicting India . This Act gets precedence over all other rules, procedures and conventions thereto followed. The President committed a mistake by not allowing the Act to take its own course. As a result, the Act remained defunct for a long period of time and the nation missed a number of political processes associated with democracy. Now, the system would persuade the President to commit more mistakes. It must be noted that the President has not even revealed the present number of qualified Members of Parliament till date.
It must be pointed out that the nation is badly in need of a political leader capable of nationalizing the treasure of the people. None knows which leader fits well with this requirement. However, the present Chief Minister of the UP State might be one such leader. As the principal opposition party was not interested in forming the Government, she had a good chance to become the Prime Minister of India. In fact, future alone would tell whether the President betrayed the nation or not in this matter.
The act of committing a mistake is quite natural. But the act of repeating the mistake is not a sign of natural intelligence. This is what the sages say.
Her Excellency the President of India must introspect whether she committed a mistake or not by giving a new life to the Speaker and to the Government. Now, the manipulators might conspire to dissolve the Parliament under the present Prime Minister or to save the Government with the help of the Supreme Court. The President must use the intelligence gifted to her to defeat all such conspiracies.
The facts from 28 August, 2008 to 22 September, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India through email on 23 September, 2008.
Her Excellency the President of India on 24 September, 2008 said that India was fast becoming a manufacturing hub of multinational companies thanks to its cheap labour force and nothing should be done to jeopardize it. Her message was that the nationalization of the minerals and the spectrum would affect the progress of India .
The last email was sent on 23 September, 2008. Thus the reply of the President came within 24 hours. But those who watched the TV did not realize the reason for the statement of the President.
Obviously, a strong pressure group has convinced the President to spare the mines and the spectrum. At the same time, the statement indicates that the system is under her control. Therefore, whatever the President thinks would happen in India .
In this connection, it must be stated that a prosperous and peaceful India would invite more foreign investments than a turbulent India . Now, 50 per cent of the violence taking place in India could be attributed to economic factors. The religious violence in many places also could be traced to economic deprivation. Further, the manipulators always instigate unrest in the name of religion. This is to divert the attention of the people.
It must be admitted that permission had been granted to private individuals to explore ores. They had expended huge amount of money to take the treasure. Therefore, they would think that they have a right for perennial inheritance. But it must be noted that permission had been granted either in bad faith or without the requisite knowledge of the constitutional position. Money also had been given to them in an unethical way.
Now all right thinking people would accept that the ores and spectrum are a public treasure and it must be divided among 1000 million people. The mining rights granted were wrong orders. They must be revoked forthwith. This is for furthering political and economic justice present in the Constitution of India.
The above demand is consistent with the recent suggestion of the President that prosperity must reach every individual. Now less than ten individuals take the treasure. They use the treasure to deny FREEDOM to Indians. Therefore, the refusal to take possession of it would be a grave injustice.
It must be noted that during the recent trust motion, a political leader and former Prime Minister wanted to support the present Government. He had placed the nationalization of the mines in Karnataka State as a condition. He did not give the reason for his demand. However, the patriotism of a political leader would be a function of his willingness to take possession of the treasure of the people for public welfare.
The Supreme Court on 26 September, 2008 directed the Government of Kerala to select the candidates for the medical courses as in Tamil Nadu State so that the seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (ST) would never remain unfilled. The Tamil Nadu State had earlier abolished entrance examination.
In the above matter, the Supreme Court is deviating from the path shown by the Father of the nation and the first Prime Minister of the nation. It is a welcome development. However, the Supreme Court is dithering in extending this reasoning to Other Backward Communities (OBC). It is a great injustice.
Army killed five militant people in Manipur State on 26 September, 2008.
On the same day, the militant people killed a political leader in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State.
A bomb blast killed a man in New Delhi on 27 September, 2008.
In the mean time, the public sector State Bank of India (SBI) said that the bank would recruit 25000 candidates in this year. The bank must select the candidates in a fair manner so that all States would get a reasonable share of seats. In order to accomplish it, it is imperative that the Banking Service Recruitment Commission must be revived and the seats apportioned among the States based on a guideline.
Sri Lankan navy killed an Indian fisherman in deep sea on 27 September, 2008. The political parties in Tamil Nadu State, as usual, condemned the killing.
Militant people blasted three towers of a private cellular company in Bihar State on 28 September, 2008.
The Indian Army Chief on 28 September, 2008 said that there was no difference between the armed forces and the Government over the new pay scales.
Militant people blasted a land mine targeting Her Excellency the President in the Chattisgarh State on 30 September, 2008. Four police personnel, including an officer, died in the blast. The President had a narrow escape. The incident must have come out as headline news. But, most of the newspapers blacked out this grave incident. One or two newspapers reported this in small letters in remote corners. No political leader condemned it. In fact, the people are unaware of it. The importance given to the President of a nation could be gauged.
Why did the militant people act like this? Perhaps, they feel that the Union Government exists to hand over the treasure - iron ore - present in their locality to one or two persons close to it from India and abroad.
Two separate blasts killed five people in Gujarat and Maharastra States on 30 September, 2008.
England on 30 September, 2008 nationalized a big private bank.
The Chief Justice of India on 30 September, 2008 wanted strict scrutiny of names for the post of High Court judges. Experience shows that the concept of separating judges from the advocates by hand picking is a flawed one.
India and France on 30 September, 2008 signed a nuclear agreement.
The militant people killed two people by conducting four blasts in Tripura State on 1 October, 2008.
The US Secretary of State Ms. Condollezza Rice on 3 October, 2008 attributed the Indo- US nuclear deal to the people to people relationship between the peoples of two countries. At the same time, two or three leaders in India claimed credit for it.
A political party in the Tamil Nadu State on 5 October, 2008 requested the Prime Minister of India to bring cease fire in Sri Lanka. It threatened to withdraw support to the Union Government over this matter. Many other political parties and the people belonging to various organizations came to the street to stop the genocide in Sri Lanka.
Army killed two militant people in the J&K State on 5 October, 2008.
Army killed two more militant people in the above State on the next day.
The Government on 6 October, 2008 said that the recent violence in Assam had taken away the lives of 40 people. The manner of reporting this violence showed that the Government suppressed the death toll for a few days. Evidently, many killings go unreported.
The Government of India on 6 October, 2008 summoned the Deputy Commissioner of Sri Lanka to express the unhappiness of India over the killings of Sri Lankan Tamils and the Indian fishermen.
In this connection, it must be noted that India had been waging a war against Sri Lankan Tamils for about four years in the pretext of ‘Peace Keeping’. After the withdrawal of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), the people firmly believed that India had been remaining neutral for about 17 years. Now it is clear that India has been helping Sri Lanka to exterminate a race. As a result, several people have been coming to India as refugees. On the Indian side, they are getting food and water from the hands that kill them. Now Indian fishermen are also being killed. Obviously, the fire that kills the Indian fishermen comes from the mind of Indian political leaders. Even if there were one Minister in the Union Cabinet to oppose it, such killings would not have gone without any kind of retaliation. Anyone watching the developments would come to this conclusion.
The Speaker of Parliament on 7 September, 2008 disqualified four Members of Parliament (MPs) for violating their party whips during the July 22 trust vote. In all, disqualification proceedings had been initiated against 26 MPs. There were 275 votes in favour of the trust motion and 256 votes against.
In this connection, it must be stated that the mere knowledge that the Speaker had violated the whip is sufficient for the President to disqualify him. Having escaped disqualification, the Speaker should have disqualified the defected MPs based on the knowledge about the whip. The developments are consistent with the prediction that the President gave a new life to the Speaker and to the Government. As the President did not want to repeat the mistake, the Speaker might have been asked to disqualify the defected MPs.
Now, it is obvious that the Government does not enjoy majority support of the qualified MPs. The Government is not claiming any new support. Therefore, it cannot come out with any legislation. It has no constitutional right to exist. But the opposition parties could resurrect the Government under the pretext of national interest and others. Such a revival is immoral to any democracy and the President shall not perpetrate any such injustice.
Iceland nationalized its top two private banks.
Now another private bank in India has become bankrupt. This bank has not transmitted the money collected from the commuters to the Indian Railway (IR). The IR is demanding the commuters through SMS to make alternative arrangement for the money. The assets of this bank must be attached forthwith.
In this connection, it must be stated that the IR should have obtained sufficient security before granting permission to the bank to collect money from the people. But the IR did not do so. When the bank defaulted, the IR should have given wide publicity about the bankruptcy of the bank. Or the IR should have, at least, disclosed the amount due to it from the bank. But it did not do anything. Now, the President must dispel the darkness before the people.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is auditing the accounts of the biggest private bank in India. Does the Government unconstitutionally pump in money secretly to this bank? President alone knows this.
A Life Insurance Corporation in Japan filed for bankruptcy on 9 October, 2008.
A newspaper on 10 October, 2008 said that the Indian companies bought assets worth $26 billion in foreign countries till September 2008.
India and the USA signed the nuclear deal on 10 October, 2008. After signing, the US Secretary of State declared that the USA and India would become equal partners by virtue of the deal. Her words were reminiscent of the words uttered by a young leader of one of the opposition parties during the recent trust vote.
In this connection, it must be stated that people would oppose the installation of nuclear power plants in their locality. In fact, it would take a long time to realize nuclear energy. Therefore, importance may be given to solar energy. Pending the installation of solar power panels on houses, the Government could make public offices and street lights solar power dependent.
Now, the Government has directed the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC ) to pump in Re. twenty thousand crore into the stock market. But the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) says at least Re.one lakh crore must be thrown into it immediately. The public money is for public investments and the private money for private investments. This concept is a universally applicable one. This will be the new world order. The Constitution of India also demands this. Therefore, the Government must be restrained from arbitrarily investing public money in any private hands. If allowed, the Government would arbitrarily invest Re. fifteen lakh crore rotting in various places in private hands during 2008-2009 alone. The private parties would use the money to explore ores and to buy the world. Even now none in India knows what happened to this money is a different matter.
A few days ago, the son of a Congress leader carried soil and walked shoulder to shoulder with the coolies. The media mafia showed this to all people all over India. Obviously, their hopes rest on this young leader. This is what the money arbitrarily given to private parties does. If, due to some reasons, he were ready to recommend nationalization of mines, the media mafia would send him to oblivion. They would not allow him to function even as a member of any local bodies.
The real enemy of man is the acts of injustice. When a man sees injustice within him or outside he momentarily decides to fight against it. This is what the sages say. In fact there is a nomenclature for the above decision. Her Excellency the President of India knows the name.
Now Her Excellency could fight against injustice or perpetrate injustice.
The facts from 23 October, 2008 to 10 OCTOBER, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 11 October, 2008 through email.
The Union Home Minister on 11 October, 2008 openly recalled the Justice- social, economic and political- present in the Constitution of India.
Three people died due to communal violence in Andra Pradesh (AP) State on 11 October, 2008
On the next day, six members of a family in the AP State were burnt alive.
Army killed a leader of a militant group on 13 October, 2008 in the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) State.
Most of the political parties in Tamil Nadu State in a resolution on 14 October, 2008 demanded the Union Government to bring cease fire in Sri Lanka. They said that the Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to their parties would quit Parliament after two weeks if their demands were not fulfilled. It must be noted that their withdrawal would bring down the Union Government.
The Supreme Court on 14 October, 2008 directed the competent authority to fill the vacant seats of Other Backward Communities (OBC) in central educational institutions by general category students. In this matter, the Supreme Court is following the way shown by the Father of the nation and the first Prime Minister of the nation. But the judgment is opposed to its September 28 order. The people do not expect contradictory judgments in crucial matters.
Evidently, the Constitution of India does not control the Supreme Court. The Indian society also has no control over it. It is not bound by any norm. Therefore, it is making laws based on its own norm. This affects 70 percent of the people. It is the duty of the President of India to fight against this grave injustice.
The militant people on 14 October, 2008 killed a police man in Orissa State.
The Union Government on 15 October, 2008 decided to sell gold coins through Post Offices in collaboration with a private company. The decision to sell gold coins is a badly needed one. It is an innovative idea of a knowledgeable man. All people are happy over it. However, the decision to collaborate with a private company is an unconstitutional one. The reason for this had been given earlier in this work.
An Indian private Airways Company ousted 1900 employees on 15 October, 2008. The employees protested. The company reinstated them within two days. The company then eked out a lot of concessions.
In the meantime, a Union Minister said that India had been helping Sri Lanka due to strategic reasons. The message was that India had been doing this for over thirty years for the security of India! It is now clear that India has been helping Sri Lanka in collusion with many other countries, including China and Pakistan.
The winter session of the Parliament started on 17 October, 2008.
According to the India State Hunger Index (ISHI), India has over 200 million hungry people.
The bank employees demanded the nationalization of a big private bank in India.
Her Excellency the President of India on 19 October, 2008 decried the violence taking place in different parts of India. No sooner the President said this than the militant people killed 12 soldiers in Chattisgarh State.
The Prime Minister of India on 20 October, 2008 said that the banks in India - public sector and private sector- would never go bankrupt. On the next day, a private sector bank solicited deposits from the public.
The tribal people on 20 October, 2008 protested against the decision of the Government to hand over the iron ore in the Jharkhand State to a Non Resident Indian (NRI) businessman. One or two reports indicate that the POSCO steel plant in Orissa State too is facing their anger. Even the tribal people consider the iron ore as their treasure. But the Government now exists only to transmit it to some private parties that too using force. The duty of the Government is to use it for public good. The Constitution of India demands this. At present, the Government does not tell the reason why it acts in private interest. At the same time, the militant people do not tell the reason why they kill innocent people.
A young Congress party leader on 20 October, 2008 attributed his present position to his lineage. He added that he wanted to change that system. This is his reply to the email sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 11 October, 2008. Now the Government is not reporting what the President, Prime Minister and the Union Ministers talk everyday. But it is continuously publishing the day-to-day activities of this leader. If he were courageous enough to change this system, he could give FREEDOM to the people. In fact, it is his paramount duty. There is an excellent chance to prove his excellence.
The Parliament on 21 October, 2008 expelled a MP for indulging in human trafficking. The act of concealing this work is worse than kidnapping 1000 million people.
An explosion killed 17 people in Manipur State on 21 October, 2008.
A Union Minister said that Indian Railway would get a profit of Re. one lakh crore during 2008-2009.
A newspaper on 22 October, 2008 said that cautious pace of the so-called reform saved India from a financial meltdown similar to the one in the USA. It must be noted that the present writer had pointed out the perils of financial manipulations to the heads of important countries like France, Japan.
On 22 October, 2008 a Union Minister declared in Parliament that there was no military solution to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka. The people all over the world watched it. The media also published his words in bold letters. But, some leaders were arrested in Tamil Nadu State on charges of sedition simply for echoing the view of the Union Minister. The Government allowed the leaders to talk and then they were caught red handed. In this matter, the top political leaders in India have beaten their colleagues below the belt.
Subsequently, some cine personalities were arrested. They are also human beings. They live not only for their children but also for the society. It is natural that they are disturbed by the untold pain of human beings.
In this connection, it must be noted that there exists a hundred per cent censorship of news and views in India. The fact that the Government wraps this work proves this.
When there is FREEDOM of expression, there must be a limit for writing and talking. When there is no FREEDOM, there is no such limitation. The people do talk and write. But the Government never publishes them. The people, police officers and the magistrates do not know this. Therefore, even the Supreme Court has no moral or constitutional right to issue arrest warrant against an individual over this matter so long as there exists written or unwritten censorship of news and views. The brutal nature of the man may not accept this contention is a different matter.
There is a President to the country only to effectively intervene in matters affecting the FREEDOM of the people.
India on 23 October, 2008 successfully launched its first rocket to the orbit of the moon. It was a feat of the Indian scientists. All are proud of it.
The Speaker on 24 October, 2008 before adjourning the Parliament, described the exchanges between him and some MPs as the worst period in his life. However, the office of the Speaker is an impersonal one.
The Prime Minister on 26 October, 2008 said that India was not responsible for the global financial crisis.
The Left parties said that India escaped from the global financial turmoil due to their policies. But it must be noted that some airports were privatized with their backing. Some mining licenses were granted to private parties when they were in power. Even now they are not ready to use public funds for public investments. They are not ready to nationalize the treasure of India.
The army killed a man in the J&K State on 26 October, 2008.
India and Sri Lanka, in a joint statement on 26 October, 2008 said that Sri Lanka would never fire at Indian fishing vessels. Further, the Government of India declared that it would not give any military assistance to Sri Lanka. Above all, the Union Government permitted the Tamil Nadu State to send relief materials to the Tamils in Sri Lanka under the supervision of the UN.
The demand for a cease fire was not met. However, the political parties in Tamil Nadu settled for a mean position and withdrew their threat to withdraw support to the Union Government.
Now, the logical conclusion of the above concessions is a permanent solution to the problems of Indian fishermen and Sri Lankan Tamils. The only condition is that the mysterious force that governs India must spare at least one Union Minister to think over the problem till a permanent solution is achieved.
The development conclusively proves that the fire that killed the fishermen and the Tamils originated from the mind of Indian political leaders. Evidently, the solution to their problem also now exists in their mind.
Now, India could resettle the refugees in their home land so that Sri Lanka would regain its sovereignty.
Everything could be achieved only because Her Excellency the President of India is sensible of the duties attached to her high office. All political leaders, instead of persisting with a wrong policy, gauged the message of this work and helped reverse the policy of India in the best interest of humanity. They must be commended for their alertness.
The army killed nine militant people in the J&K State on 27 October, 2008.
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu State on 27 October, 2008 started collecting money for relief works in Sri Lanka. As education would solve the problems of the people, the Chief Minister could now help establish some educational institutions including a Medical college and an Engineering College in Sri Lanka for the benefit of the Tamils. A pension must be granted to the dependents of the fishermen killed in the high sea.
A crowd in Maharastra State killed a man from the UP State on 28 October, 2008.
A Union Minister now said that about Re. two lakh and thirty thousand crore had been allotted for the development of roads. He did not mention the time limit. The source of funds also was not revealed. It must be noted that some new works are being started in some places. But several congested roads still remain untouched. Further, no new contractors are emerging in the vicinity of the people.
The militant people killed 77 people in Assam State on 30 October, 2008 by triggering nine serial blasts. They gunned down eight police personnel and two people in another incident. Many world countries condemned it. The Government of India does not reveal the reason why the militant people kill innocent people like this.
Now a Union Minister asked the historians writing contemporary history to take notice of the public investments in India. But he did not give any account for the Re. fifteen lakh crore. He did not give any reason for his decision to give Re. two lakh and forty thousand crore to two boys.
The cine actors in Tamil Nadu State on 1 November, 2008 undertook a fasting in support of Sri Lankan Tamils. The Government telecast it live. One actor wanted the Government to be sincere in this matter. One senior actor said that Sri Lanka fought with the Tamils for over thirty years without any victory. He wanted Sri Lanka to accept defeat. His message was that Sri Lanka must think of peaceful co-existence. Another senior actor said that people would never take gun against a government without sufficient reasons. He added that he would raise his voice for the persecuted people anywhere in the world. Another, actor said that he wanted to fight against injustice. A young actor asked his fans to send telegram to the Prime Minister of India. Another young actor wanted the Government to preempt another such protest in 2038. The overall mood was that the Government should not have forced them to sit like this.
The Speaker of Parliament disqualified some MPs. The fate of many others has not been decided. Thus the Speaker has defeated the will of the people by his own will. The existence of the present Government is unconstitutional to that extent. None expected him to be constitutional in his ways. But he did not do his normal natural duty. Now his decision in this matter would not inspire public confidence.
Despite several letters, no political party pointed out this. They did not perform the expected duty. Even the principal opposition party did not mention anything. Thus the Prime Minister is now heading a latent National Government. Barring one political party from the north and another party from the south all political parties might remain quiet.
Not withstanding anything, a man, at times, does not do even his normal natural duty. Then, opening his attire one must try to find out the odour of his mind. It would give the smell of a different man. This is what the sages say. Now, anyone would tell that the mind of the Speaker in the disqualification issue reeks of a corrupt man. The sages envisaged the present condition in India long ago. Some people might consider this as a modern day miracle.
Now about Re. fifteen lakh crore and many mining licenses are at stake. The Prime Minister might have attempted to do certain things in the interest of the nation. But apportioning the above among less than ten individuals would be unconstitutional. It must be noted that the Government is not ready to take even Re. 1/- from the Provident Fund and Pension Fund for generating employment. It is not ready to apportion the spectrum and mining licenses among the State Governments. It is not thinking of using a part of its surplus money to trap solar energy.
The facts from 11 October, 2008 to 1 November, 2008 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 2 November, 2008 through email.
An army officer on 2 November, 2008 said that the army killed 30 militant people in Assam State during October 2008. His disclosure indicates that the people do not come to know the real death tolls in various violent incidents and revolts.
A Union Minister and the Chief Minister of West Bengal State escaped a land mine blast on 2 November, 2008. They were returning after laying the foundation stone for a private steel plant. The Union Government does not reveal the reason why the militant people target the President, Union Ministers and the Chief Ministers like this.
The Prime Minister of India on 3 November, 2008 said that democracy is not just about rights but about duties as well. He added that democracy is not about the question of the identity of an individual. He said that democracy is a question of the identity of others as well. This is his justification for the denial of FREEDOM to Indians. In contrast, Her Excellency the President of India on the same day said that success could be achieved by anyone, who works wholeheartedly for the welfare of the nation.
In this connection, it must be reiterated that this work is not to divest any political leaders of their reputation but to give strength and hope to them to rule a big nation. It is said that just as the eye of the master makes the ox fat, the eye of the public makes the leaders virtuous.
Ten suggestions were given to the then Prime Minister of India in 2001 only to save the country from a great fiscal crisis and not to tarnish his identity at all. Even today, this work would give happiness to all leaders, who are wedded to act in the interest of the whole because they could give happiness to their subjects. When the leaders tend to do anything for the advancement of their personal interest at the expense of the public interest, it is the “duty and interest” of the people to “enter into measures of resistance” in order to prevent them from doing it. According to Bentham, a peaceful way to prevent the representatives of the people from acting in their private interest is by minimizing confidence in them, by maximizing control over them and by enforcing every constitutional device.
Thus, when Japan wanted to privatize the Postal Department, the present writer pointed out the dangers to the Prime Minister of Japan and to the immediate power above him. Whatever happened, the Postal Department still remains with the Government of Japan. This shows that when there is a portent of a disaster in any country, any man from anywhere could try to prevent it. While doing this, a man might carve out an identity for himself.
Now, the Government of India could conceal the work of the people only in public interest. Such concealments must lead to the happiness of the people. But, the Government shall not conceal their work in order to protect the identity of anyone because no individual has any right against the State.
The writer received the following letter from the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain on 6 November, 2008.
From the Direct Communications Unit 29 October 2008
Mr. V.Sabarimuthu
26-3 Thattankonam
PO Box 629167
Dear Mr. Sabarimuthu
I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister to acknowledge your recent letter and enclosure. The views you express have been carefully noted.
Yours sincerely
Some people might consider this as a customary reply of the Prime Minister of England. However, no common man in the world might have got a letter of this kind. Any one would agree that any Prime Minister must have a great courage to acknowledge the letter of a common man from another country in the above manner. It will have a great repercussion. In fact, the G-20 countries have- among several other points- used the word “manipulation” for the first time in their resolution.
The Union Government on 4 November, 2008 decided to give a unique identification number (UID) to all citizens. It is consistent with this work. The UIO could incorporate the assets and liabilities of the individuals.
Five Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to a political party from Bihar State resigned from Parliament protesting against the killing of a man from Bihar in Maharastra State.
The President of Sri Lanka on 7 November, 2008 said that about $ 60 million would be spent for schools, hospitals and for the resettlement of the people. It is consistent with this work.
An explosion killed six people in the UP State on 8 November, 2008.
Now, this writer received the following letter from Buckingham Palace.
The Queen has asked the private Secretary to thank Mr. Sabarimuthu for his letter and to say that it has been passed to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office so that his approach to Her Majesty may be known and consideration given to the points raised in the letter.
5 th November, 2008.
The covering letter for the above letter is given below.
The Private Secretary has been asked by the Queen to tank for your correspondence which has been received by Buckingham Palace, and to say that the enclosed reply is sent to you on her behalf.
It may be recalled that about two years ago the then Queen of Travancore paid a visit to the Kerala State Assembly without getting an invitation from the Government. This showed that the Queen did not forget the people of Kerala. Her Majesty the Queen of England is not the Queen of India now. Yet, this writer felt that the Queen would respond to the cry of a citizen of India for FREEDOM. The reply is an index of the commitment of the Queen to the FREEDOM of Indians.
It must be noted that the Queen rarely refers a letter of a common man to the Government for consideration. It must be the first time that the Queen is referring a letter simultaneously to the Foreign Office and the Commonwealth office. Therefore, under normal conditions Indians must get FREEDOM. Incidentally, it is one of the benefits of the Commonwealth. However, it is not easy for ordinary mortals to unravel the nature of the force that binds the Indian system.
Now, not only England but also the Commonwealth countries would come to know about this work. Therefore, all Indians must come to know about the significance of the above letter as a natural consequence of governance. But the Government would expect this writer to advertise it in the newspapers for name. If the latter condition had existed in the USA, a common man would not have become the President of the USA at all.
The Foreign Exchange reserve of India fell from $31,462 crore (Re. 15,10,176 crore) to $25140 crore (Re.12,06,720) in October 2008.
The Government on 11 November, 2008 directed the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) to park at least 40 per cent of their surplus fund in private sector banks to save them. There was no direction to distribute it equitably among all private banks. Further, anyone could see the reluctance of the Government to use the surplus money for public investments.
The pirates of Somalia on 11 November, 2008 hijacked an oil tanker. Many countries condemned it as an uncivilized act.
The Tamil Nadu State presented an additional budget for about Re.5500 crore for 2008 -2009. It is consistent with this work.
The Tamil Nadu State Assembly on 12 November, 2008 unanimously demanded Sri Lanka to withdraw its army from the war field. It is a wise resolution. Apparently, this is the solution that exists in the mind of the top leaders to solve a vexing problem. However, this resolution must originate from the Indian mind that kills the people with one hand and gives food and water to them through another hand. Then the refugees could be resettled within a span of one or two months. Curiously, now the Government, for the first time, showed the pitiable condition of the refugees to the public through the mass media. The refugees, in turn, requested the Government to resettle them in their home land. On the next day, a Congress party leader from Tamil Nadu State talked proudly of the Indo- Sri Lankan Peace Keeping Accord.
The leader of the opposition in Parliament on 12 November, 2008 said that the Tamil Nadu State had shown regional pride and national unity. He considered this as a shining contribution to the national progress. He added that if he could enable the people of India to a higher level, he would deem it as a rewarding achievement of his life. However, the force that governs India would not allow him to give FREEDOM to Indians. In fact, the moment a leader recommends FREEDOM to Indians; his words would cease to appear in the mass media.
Conceding the demand of the Christian leaders, the Tamil Nadu State on 14 November, 2008 cancelled the 3.5 percent reservation granted to them. They should have demanded to apportion the 3.5 percent among their various denominations for equality. Apparently, they did a great disservice to their own people. The Government could restore it after enlightening them with relevant data.
The police killed three militant people on 18 November, 2008 in Manipur State.
The Indian navy foiled a piracy attempt by sinking the ship of the pirates near Somalia on 19 November, 2008. The navy had foiled two other piracy bids on the preceding day.
The leader of the opposition in Parliament on 20 November, 2008 met the Indian industrialists to solve the recession facing India.
The militant people killed a journalist in Assam State on 23 November, 2008.
The militant people killed five army personnel in Chhattisgarh State on 25 November, 2008.
The Government of Kerala State on 25 November, 2008 requested the people to deposit their money in Government Treasury. It is a good idea. It would curtail flight of capital. It would lead to progress. This is an effect of this work.
Now there are reports that the public sector banks have started buying the shares of private companies.
Despite seven years of continuous work, the Union Government extracted money from the people all over India and invested in the stock market. As a result, about 10 million people in the present generation might have lost all their earnings. Now, the Government is again directing the banks to buy shares arbitrarily. Thus the Government now targets the money of the next generation. The Government conceals this work conveying the message that free stock market would never grow in the Indian soil in an atmosphere of FREEDOM. This is an untenable argument. Therefore, the Union Government should think of buying the shares after opening this work for public discussion. Otherwise, even the children would consider the act of concealing this work as an uncivilized act.
Not withstanding everything, a man must possess great natural courage and commitment to do his duty. Then only he could do his duty. This is what the sages say. The utterances and actions of Her Excellency the President of India show that the President has natural courage to curtail giant manipulations. At the same time, there is no evidence to show that the President is committed to the FREEDOM of Indians. The President could have consulted the Union Cabinet or the Supreme Court. The President could have convened an all-party meeting or addressed the people. Obviously, unless the President is deeply committed to FREEDOM, the people would never get it. Now, India is the only country that does not give even one per cent FREEDOM to its citizens to debate or know a work of this kind.
Her Excellency the President of India is on a ten-day tour of foreign countries. However, the facts from 2 November, 2008 to 25 November, 2008 are being sent to the President on 26 November, 2008 through email in the best interest of the nation.
On 26 November, 2008, at 8.30 P.M. ten terrorists from Pakistan simultaneously entered two luxury hotels, a Jewish Centre and a railway station in Mumbai and killed 166 people, including 26 foreign nationals. On the way, they had shot dead five fishermen in a boat. Besides, they gunned down 14 commandoes. The commandoes later killed nine terrorists. One was captured.
The commandoes had no ballistic shields, bullet proof helmets or other badly needed equipments. According to some reports, Israel offered its help. It was, apparently, not accepted. Later, the intelligence agencies from Israel, USA, UK and Australia came to India for investigation.
The room rent of the hotels ranges from Re. twenty thousand to Re. one lakh and fifty thousand per day. A manager of the State bank of India (SBI) died in the Taj Mahal Hotel. The parents of a two year old child were killed in the Jewish centre. An alert old woman rescued the child. The details of other people killed in the attack were not published with any importance.
When a hostage asked the reason for killing them, a terrorist pointed out some past violent incidents. Their demand was not known. They knew the layout of the buildings. In the Taj Mahal hotel, they stood behind the staircases located in the corners. The commandoes could not see them from the front, back, top or bottom. They exploded hand grenades placed in different places to divert the attention of the commandoes. Therefore, they could kill the people and the commandoes recklessly. While killing, they were getting orders from a mastermind in Pakistan. It was a gruesome attack. It shocked the world.
In this connection, it may be recalled that on 28 December, 2005 two terrorists entered the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, killed a scientist and injured six others. The Government might have taken some actions to prevent its recurrence. But the reaction of the police to the attack was slow.
Now, the Union Home Minister resigned. He had been striking feeble and helpless discordant notes intermittently for about four years presumably as a response to this work and the militancy in India.
The important lesson is that the telecommunication sector must remain in the hand of the Government. Allowing the private parties to operate it is a threat to the life and security of the people. Further, a huge amount of money should be spent for the security of scientists, industrialists, political leaders, Members of Parliament, royal families and others besides important places.
The militant people killed four soldiers in Tripura State on 29 November, 2008.
A Congress leader on 30 November, 2008 said that the interest of the Government was the interest of the Nation. This is, perhaps, the answer to the email sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 26 November, 2008.
Does anyone in India believe that the knowledge about this work would inhibit the growth of stock market? Does the system conceal this work for the happiness of the people? Could the Congress leader give FREEDOM to Indians? Nothing is clear. None knows the truth.
In this connection, it must be noted that the nation must generate new leaders. But, today the nation blocks the work of this writer. Tomorrow it would do this to the children. It is said that personality is impossible without FREEDOM. Therefore, people must have the FREEDOM to see everything in the proper perspective to know the truth. They must be allowed to differ and debate so that they would concede that something may be right or wrong. Russell attributes even war largely to fixed ideas or dogmatic faith.
Now the flood waters washed away several houses in Tamil Nadu State . More than 10 lakh people fled to relief centres. The State Government gave Re.2000 to every house lost. In Gujarat , earthquake victims got earth quake resistant houses. Government must see whether Tsunami victims got Tsunami threat- free houses or not. The flood victims, who lost their houses –hut or mansion -, must get flood resistant houses for an equivalent amount. Article 16 demands that there shall be no discrimination between citizen and citizen in the name place of birth. The calamity may a blessing in disguise to some people. The Government shall not retreat from its commitment simply because some people are poor and their houses not valuable. The death compensation due to natural calamity is also similarly related. It is a human rights issue.
Her Excellency the President of India cut short her foreign tour by two days and visited the injured people in Mumbai.
The militant people killed four people travelling in a train in Assam State on 2 December, 2008.
The Prime Minister of India on 2 December, 2008 said that he would strive for a political solution in Sri Lanka . He said this to a delegation of Members of Parliament (MP) from Tamil Nadu State .
In this connection, it must be stated that the Prime Minister of India is going one or two steps ahead of the recent resolution of the Tamil Nadu State Assembly. If the Prime Minister had really meant what he said, Sri Lanka would withdraw its forces not only from the war zone but also from the Tamil area. Accordingly, all refugees in Tamil Nadu would go back to their homeland within one or two months. If it did not happen, anyone would consider the words of the Prime Minister of India as a pretended one.
The US Secretary of State, Ms. Condoleezza Rice, came to India on 3 December, 2008 in connection with 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. While in India , she demanded Pakistan to take very tough and direct action against the terrorists in its territory. She said that the USA would cooperate with India . On the next day, she arrived in Pakistan and asked the Government to give unequivocal assistance to India quickly. She asked Pakistan to take responsibility of non-state actors operating from its territory. Pakistan immediately suggested joint investigation by India and Pakistan .
The President of Russia, Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, came to India on 4 December, 2008. During his stay, India and Russia signed a joint civil nuclear deal. Accordingly, Russia would construct four more nuclear plants in Tamil Nadu State . Seven more agreements were signed.
In the Kerala State , a car ran over school children killing nine of them on the spot on 4 December, 2008. Eleven children were seriously wounded.
In this connection, it must be stated that among all deaths in India , one half die in road accidents. Many become handicapped people. The nation must have a remedy for it. All roads, including rural roads, must be widened by acquiring land. There must be foot paths, proper drainage and sufficient road workers for all roads. Therefore, a huge amount of money must be spent with foresight to minimize road accidents. Now, the Government does not care narrow and accident prone roads.
The Government of Kerala State on 4 December, 2008 decided to nationalize the non-functional petrol outlets of a private company. The Government said that they had been started by influencing the Union Government but without the approval of the State Government.
The Union Government allotted the spectrum to some private companies on 5 December, 2008. The Government gave this permission when the people all over India were focusing their attention to the 26/11 terror attack.
In this connection, it must be stated that the Union Government must have given the spectrum to a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) or allotted it to the State Governments. It must be reiterated that the King of Travancore, did not surrender the scarce natural resources of his subjects to others while surrendering his country to the Indian Union. The decision undermines the UNITY and therefore unconstitutional in nature. The President could seek the opinion of the Supreme Court in this matter. Until then, everyone would consider this as an unconstitutional theft taking place with the sanction of the Government.
On 6 December, 2008 militant people killed five police personnel in Jharkand State . There were no mourners for the police personnel.
Soccer legend Maradonna, on 7 December, 2008 described 26/11 terror attack as barbaric.
The crude oil price started falling down from $147 and reached $44 per barrel in October 2008. The Union Government on 6 December, 2008 brought down the price of petrol from Re.55/- per litre to Re.50 per litre. In the case of diesel, the reduction was just Re.2/- per litre.
Many political parties wanted still lower prices. The media mafia reported their demand for one or two days only. Now the people are reconciled to live with it, as the media mafia has ceased reporting this matter. Tomorrow, the Government would think of lowering the prices based on this work. Immediately, they would approach the leaders again and report their demand for lower prices.
Now, the ex-factory price of petrol must be below Re.10/- per litre. Taking account of the taxes, the petrol price could be below Re.20/- per litre. There is a theory that this would lead to more petrol consumption and, therefore, higher international prices. Another theory says that such a decision would lead to tremendous economic development and higher returns through taxes.
The Union Government is free to arbitrarily fix any price for petrol provided the profit comes to the Government.
Now, the production and distribution of petrol is in the hands of the Government and less than ten private individuals. Even the public sector ONGC has more than 26 per cent private character. Therefore, 26 per cent of the profit of the ONGC would go to private parties. The Constitution of India clearly forbids the Government from arbitrarily giving money to anyone in the name of petrol price.
There are two options before the Government. One is nationalizing production and distribution of petroleum products. The other is leaving them to the State Governments and all people all over India subject to safety conditions alone.
Nationalization of buying and selling would curtail private trade initiatives. Further, the world is opting for a free market economy. In these circumstances, the latter option appears as a better one.
Therefore, permission must be granted to the State Governments and all citizens to trade in petrol. The whole sellers and retailers could be permitted to keep a huge reserve by availing themselves of the lower international prices. This would act as a leverage to check international prices. The Government would get taxes and the price would depend on free market conditions.
In sharp contrast, the present condition would enable less than ten people to pocket about Re. one lakh crore within the next four months as an unethical profit. This is the real money laundering in India . They would use the money to suppress this work and to deny FREEDOM. But the Government is getting support from all corners to persist with the present policy. Therefore, the President could seek the opinion of the Supreme Court. It would direct the Government either to nationalize production and distribution or ask it to decentralize it lock, stock and barrel.
There could be no place for the Government between these two positions. Any deviation would be unconstitutional because less then ten people would get a huge profit at the expense of 1000 million people. The amount laundered in the last four months must be probed and recovered forthwith.
The Union Government on 7 December, 2008 reduced the excise duty by 4 per cent in all products except petroleum. Further, the Government said that it would spend Re. three lakh crore as plan and non-plan expenditure in the next four months. The Government would seek the approval of Parliament for these measures.
In this connection, it is gratifying to note that the Union Government accepted the demand of this writer to come out with an additional budget for 2008-2009. Some State Governments also are coming out with additional budgets. It is a vindication of this work. However, the amount shown is far less than the expected amount. The Union Government should have come out with not less than Re. ten lakh crore more. Apart from the Provident Fund and Pension Fund, the PSUs would have a profit of more than Re. five lakh crore. The oil PSUs alone would get a profit of more than Re. one lakh crore in the next four months. So no time shall be wasted to show the truth about this matter. If there were no way to spend this amount, the Government could consider the question of starting some public sector Special Economic Zones (SEZ) exclusively to produce import substitution products.
The election result of five State Assemblies came out on 8 December, 2008. The Congress party got majority support in one big State and two small States. The principal opposition party- the BJP- won in two big States.
In this connection, it must be noted that immediately after the last election to Parliament, this writer had pointed out that the result in one or two States was not consistent with the crowd support. Therefore, unlike in all previous elections, the media mafia did not show the crowd gathered by various leaders during the time of canvassing. They did it with a purpose.
The reason why the electronic voting machine must be substituted by ballot paper had been given earlier. The Election Commission (EC) ignored it.
Above all, the Election Commission must have published this work chapter by chapter in all newspapers before conducting the election. The EC did not do so. Therefore, there is no FREEDOM to the people. The results do not inspire public confidence. The EC lost its moral and constitutional right to conduct elections. The Supreme Court would agree with this observation.
The Supreme Court on 8 December, 2008 directed the Tamil Nadu State Government to recover rental arrears - about Re. one crore - from civil servants. It is an economic matter of the State Government. Yet, it is interfering in this matter. At the same time, the court is not directing the Government to recover the unethical profit –about Re.4 lakh crore in this year alone- laundered by private parties.
At the instance of India , the UN Security Council on 11 December, 2008 declared Jamaat-ud Dewa of Pakistan a terrorist outfit.
The Parliament started a 10-day sitting on 10 December, 2008. The attendance was very thin. No political party raised the disqualification issue. The Prime Minister of India tendered an apology on behalf of the Government for its inability to prevent the terror attacks in Mumbai.
In this connection, it must be stated that several security personnel die in the hands of Indians due to the wrong mining policy of India . No one is talking about this. It is easy to apologize but difficult to change the mind. If the Prime Minister could change the mining policy, it is the time to change it. The treasure must be taken for public welfare.
Similarly, India has lost its sovereignty because it is denying FREEDOM to the people. None in India knows this truth. When the Government acts illegally, it loses its sovereignty. If the Prime Minister of India were responsible for this, it is, again, the time to change this policy. He might have to take out his divinity for this.
Every man has a trace of divinity. He might realize the divine perfection in him for an infinitesimally small amount of time. However, the truth is that man cannot know the truth. He is not endowed with a sense organ to know the truth. This is what the sages say. Now this work shows that the man is not endowed with a sense organ to know the mastermind that conceals this work. Is the Supreme Court the real mastermind? None knows the truth.
The facts from 26 November, 2008 to 11 December, 2006 are being sent to Her Excellency the President of India on 12 December 2008 through email.
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