Thursday, March 13, 2008

How Everything Happened In India - Part II



                        The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) defeated the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in the General Election.
The UPA Government assumed charge in May 2004. The composition of the Union Cabinet showed that the key Union Ministers owed their positions in the Cabinet to the services they rendered to the manipulators during their previous stints in the Government. Thus, Mr. P. Chithambaram, a powerful Union Minister on 30 May, 2004 said that the verdict of the people was not against the so-called reform process but against the sectarian, exclusive and narrow-minded communal agenda of the NDA. Further, he said that the assurance of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) to protect the profit making Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) was limited to those PSUs, which were capable of making profits in a sustained manner in a globally competitive environment. Apparently, the Union Minister was echoing the views of the stakes. It appeared that the stakes were supplying written policy statements to him.
Further, his style of functioning was reminiscent of his previous stint as a Union Minister in the United Front (UF) Government.
The people believed that the sorrows were over. But it appeared that the new government was more dangerous than the previous one. Disappointed by the new predicament, this writer sent his letter No.32 on 31 May, 2004 at 6 A.M. very reluctantly. The letter sought answers for four questions regarding the fate of the “cash rich enterprises”. The known facts about the “cash rich enterprises” were mentioned in letter No.17 dated 8 January 2003. The present letter, therefore, was to probe the mind of the government. Obviously, if the government were not a nominee of the stakes, it would give answers to the four questions without any hesitation. As the sale of the shares of the PSUs was attributed to fiscal deficit, a suggestion given to the NDA Government was explained in detail to garner huge income. Further, a few concrete suggestions  were given for the good of the Nation. The letter follows.

Vellicode, 31 May 2004
Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
                       Kindly consider a few problems confronting the Nation.
1.All men and women above 60 years, all widows, all unmarried women above 40 years and all the handicapped could be given a monthly pension through village offices provided their individual income is less than-say-Re.10,000/- per year. The amount is not very important. What is important is the commitment of the Nation to mitigate human suffering. It could be as low as Re. 100/- per month. The previous Government, for strange reasons, chose to ignore this suggestion even when the people became restless. Besides, free clothing may be given throughout India in the Tamil Nadu State pattern to commemorate the death of 22 women and children. 
2. The various State Governments have not merged the D.A. with basic pay. Some State Governments are giving part of the pension benefits as bonds besides affecting a cut in pension benefits. Many badly needed posts remain vacant. The Supreme Court and the Union Government could very easily solve this problem immediately. Thousands of factories and mills in the private sector that remain closed could be opened by establishing a special Ministry called Ministry of Investments. The Common Minimum Programme (CMP) of the present Government is somewhat silent in these matters.
3. The Government needs money. There is no harm in adopting some unconventional methods to increase the revenue. The condition is that it should not give any pain to anyone. All payments in all financial institutions other than loan repayments must yield an income to the government. For every -say –Re.1000/- paid to the bank, as deposit or money transfer the government must get an income of Rs.1/-. Thus, for a deposit or payment of Rs. 100,000/- the government would get Re. 100/-. In this way, the government could garner huge income. The Government need not hesitate to accept the suggestion because it comes from a citizen of India. No surcharge on Income Tax is needed. The previous government ignored this suggestion to its peril although consistent with the suggestions service charges were imposed on certain items and interest rates lowered.
4. The Ministry of Disinvestments has been abolished. This is consistent with the letter No. 5 dated 3-1-2001 of this writer and the demands of the Left parties. Now, all the privatized PSUs could be restored to fulfill the demands of the Constitution. The CMP of the new Government is conspicuously silent in this matter. This could be achieved through the aid of the Supreme Court, as the privatization case could not be heard by the Bench formed by the Chief Justice. The banking service recruitment commission also could be revived immediately ensuring reservation of seats to all States.
5. The Constitution could be strengthened to prevent destruction of the Constitution by the judges. The petrol pump case and some other cases are the visible and tangible outcome of a false and wicked doctrine. Such judgments could be annulled. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) also could be strengthened. The reason for not taking any action against the appropriators also could be known. The threat to the life of this writer has increased tremendously after the elections. All right thinking people would tell that it is the duty of the State to protect the individuals when there is grave threat to their lives. 
6. The letters saved the public sector banks, SCI, AI, IA, NALCO, BSNL, MTNL, LIC and several other PSUs from appropriators. The President of India knows this. Therefore, all PSUs or their shares could be split and reserved to various State Governments. The LIC could be split immediately. Further, the letters saved all Government plantations including those in Assam. Now, they could also be given to the workers as quickly as possible lest they would go into the hands of the stakes. The business of petroleum products could be left to the State Governments rather than to private parties. A TV and Radio channels may be given to the State Governments to compete with private parties. This is not for a socialist seizing but to prevent concentration of capital through manipulations and commissions and to augment the income of the States. Further, this will empower the people. When the people are empowered, the Government is empowered. In such a scenario, the Union Ministers would have to be contented themselves with controlling the business of the Governments rather than doing business. Even otherwise, why does a Union Minister do business? Who is there to supervise him? In this way, the youngsters in the Cabinet could make all acts of corruption, commission and manipulation impossible and unimaginable for their own successors.
7.  The Union Government on 2 April, 2002 -due to the letters of this writer- had forbidden the PSUs form importing anything above Re. 5 crore. At that time, a Finance Director of the BSNL had to quit the BSNL. Yet, the BSNL has been permitted to import cell phones worth Re. 5000 crore! In this connection, it may be noted that now there may be about 500 commission agents at Delhi earning Re in several crore everyday. If the buying were in the State level, the commission would go to about 5000 people. If it were delegated to the District level, it would go to 500,000 people.
8. Recently, some learned judges of the Supreme Court referred to the people circulating letters. The message was not clear. However, it must be noted that all coalition partners of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) deserted their lucrative positions only after receiving letters from this writer. They acted as per the dictates of their better selves in this matter to ensure a wonderful future to the Nation. One may say that they would have even otherwise come out of the NDA. It is a wonder that those who received letters either dissociated themselves from the NDA or refused to associate with them until this day. Thus, the letters led to the resurrection of India. In this matter, all leaders deserve a Nobel Prize for Peace because their Unity prevented a social unrest in India. Therefore, it is logical that all these forces come together and remain together to see equitable distribution of “seats and assets”.
 9. According to a theory in political science, there exists a “Divine Spirit or Reason” and this Divine Spirit is constantly pushing forward to its goal. Otherwise, why did 22 women and children die in the constituency of the former Prime Minister in the most crucial time? Why did the leaders pay very serious attention to the letters of this writer and act as per the dictates of their better selves in the most crucial time? It is heartening to note that many leaders have incorporated several points of this writer in their election manifestos. If all the leaders go through all the letters, India is in for a momentous renaissance.
10. 31 letters were sent during the period of the NDA Government. This writer wanted to stop sending letters after its fall. However, it is possible only in selfish interest. Thus, this is letter No.32. This writer mentioned the fate of the “cash rich enterprises” on 8 January, 2003. The President might have transmitted all the letters to the new Prime Minister. Did the PSUs deposit the money in the UTI? If so,  how much? Who utilized it? Why did the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) suppress it?  “Some philosophers would be found to whitewash anything”. However, it is not like charge sheeting of a leader by a Police Officer in bad faith but a question of unfaithful manipulation.  The President of India or the new Government could reveal the truth in all these matters after publishing the letters in the interest of the whole so that someone in some place would save the Nation from the appropriators in future.
Yours faithfully


This writer had been sending- by post- the copies of all the above letters to a Congress leader as and when they were sent to the President of India. This practice was discontinued, as the Prime Minister himself would hand over the letters to the Congress leader. Thus the copy of letter No.32 was not sent to the Congress leader.
The President of India, apparently, handed over the above letter to the Prime Minister immediately. This could be discerned from the fact that a Union Minister had an unscheduled closed door meeting with the Prime Minister on that day. The media described this as a meeting to discuss the prices of petroleum products.

The new Government on 2 June, 2004 decided to reduce the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Delhi and Mumbai airports from the 74 percent decided by the previous Government to 49 percent. Announcing this, a Union Minister said that the decision was taken after wide ranging discussion with the other parties, particularly the Left parties. He described this as restructuring and not privatization. He said that this step would make the airports modern and efficient. The new approach indicated that the stakes had begun to play a dominant role through the aid of the Left parties. However, the newspapers, for public consumption, said that the Left parties had been opposing the sale of land and infrastructure in the two airports. The papers said that it was not a sale but a lease only.
It must be noted that it was customary for the newspapers to attribute to the Left parties whenever this writer sent a letter to the President. Later, the Government privatized the above two airports. This proved that the Government, in bad faith, enacted a drama to give the airports to private parties.
During the pre-budget meeting, the economists on 5 June, 2004 asked the Government to privatize the PSUs that would be vulnerable in future to global competition and openly asked the Government to  redefine the “profit making PSUs” accordingly. The words were reminiscent of the words used by a new Union Minister as soon as assuming power.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEC) was constituted on 7 June, 2004.
A private company on 8 June, 2004 requested the Union Government to sell the 49 % residual shares in the BALCO to its buyer. It must be noted that the previous Government had either ignored or turned down this request because of the fear of violating the guideline devised for privatization.
The budget for 2004-2005 was presented to the Parliament on 8 June, 2004. The salient features of the budget were 0.15 transaction charges on share transfer, and 10 percent service taxes on insurance premiums and 10% tax on service charges in banks. These taxes were consistent with the work of this writer.
The budget provided for a package for backward States. Bihar got over Re.3000 crore through this provision.
Further, the Government allowed 49% equity sale of Delhi and Mumbai airports, 5% equity sale of the NTPC, 74% FDI on civil aviation, insurance and telecom. However, Re. 14,000 crore was allotted for strengthening the Public Sector Undertakings.
The brokers in the stock market opposed the transaction tax. The Left parties pretended to oppose the 49% equity sale of the two airports and the 74% FDI on civil aviation.
The new Government on 17 August, 2004 said that it had no plans to look into the alleged large scale “irregularities” in sale/disinvestments of public sector firms.
With regard to the Budget, a former Prime Minister of India said that interest payment was tad over 27.1 per cent, pension and travel expenses 11 percent, subsidies 9.1 percent, defense 16.1 percent and plan allocation 34.26 percent. He said that the budget called for political and intellectual resources. He described Union Ministers as creatures of habit and prisoners of their numbers.
The BJP said that it would oppose the increase in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limits in insurance, civil aviation and telecom sectors. The BJP leaders said it as if they did not take a decision to increase the FDI limit in the above sectors while they were in office.
The newspapers criticized the allocation of Re. 14000 crore for developing the PSUs. They wanted the Government to privatize the old PSUs, as the role of the Government in those sectors had been completed.
According to a public enterprise survey (2002-2003) released by the Government on 9 June, 2004 the total turn over of 240 PSUs was Re. 5,44,390 crore with a profit of 32,141 crore. The profit of top ten PSUs was 29,951 crore. The ONGC alone had a profit of Re. 10,529 crore. The Fertilizer Corporation of India recorded a loss of Re. 1,166 crore.



Now it appeared that the new Government would also, in bad faith, misuse its official power to the detriment of 1000 million people. In fact, the new developments gave the impression that the new Government seized power just to misuse its position. This was a great disappointment. The shocking developments prompted this writer to send the letter No. 33 to the President of India on 18 June, 2004 at 7 A.M.  The letter narrated how this writer achieved one half of the objective. The letter further hinted that the UPA leaders responsible for running the country captured power in bad faith. The letter follows.

Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
PresidentialPalace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
          Kindly consider how one half of the objective of changing the system was achieved.
1.       On 1 June, 2001 when the National Democratic Alliance, (NDA), Government began to go astray, ten concrete suggestions were sent to the then Prime Minister of India. The Prime Minister prompted by  “Divine Spirit or Reason” decided to reject the bids received for the privatization of the AI and IA, issued a guideline to prevent tainted companies from bidding for the PSUs and initiated a series of meetings for four months. Thus, one tenth of the objective was achieved.
2.      As the Government relapsed to privatization in October 2001, the letter No. 2 was sent. Then the letters from letter No.3 onwards were sent to the President of India and the learned judges of the Supreme Court. The then President could have cleverly utilized the letters to his advantage. However, the “Divine Spirit or Reason” provoked him to go to the Supreme Court to talk to the learned judges. Thus, he sacrificed one more chance to remain as the President of India. Then, the only alternative before the Government was to amend the Constitution. In order to achieve this, the Prime Minister and the media began to compliment and flatter a Congress leader. Their plan did not work as the Congress leader encouraged by “Divine Spirit or Reason” reversed the privatization policy of the Congress party. Thus, two tenth of the objective was achieved.
3.      The stakes wanted to choose their representative as the next President. The need of the hour was a man with two eyes in the Presidential Palace- one eye to render justice to all by protecting the Constitution and another eye to seek necessary bits of information to control manipulations. This writer could do nothing other than expressing the plight of the people to the leaders through the letter No.7 dated 3 February, 2002. The “Divine Spirit or Reason” inspired the leaders to choose the present President. The former President also played a key role, as “success without a successor is not a success”. With this, this writer achieved three tenth of the objective. The left parties chose another candidate because they, with the sole exception of the Chief Minister of West Bengal, did not receive the first seven letters.
4.     The letters from letter No.9 onwards were not sent to the leaders of regional parties.  However, there was a feeling that some of the regional parties from Tamil Nadu State would come out of the Government automatically. Their continuance in the Government was a disturbing one because it was counting on the support of these parties on one side and the AIADMK party on the other.
Previously, in 1989, a letter was dropped to then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu requesting him to give Re.100/- per month as pension to all people above 60 years. The Chief Minister increased the old age pension from Re. 35 to Re.50/- and removed the quota system for the old age pension in the budget. What is the evidence that the Chief Minister listened to this writer? After six months, the District Collector informed the decision of the Government through a letter. This remains as an inspiration. With this experience, the copies of the letter No. 24 and 25-dated 1-12-2003 and 2-1-2004 respectively were dropped to a DMK leader on 19 January, 2004. On receiving the letters, the DMK leader reluctantly went to the venue of the human chain taken in support of newspapers and described the event as “another scene”. Therefore, due to the “Divine Spirit or Reason” these two letters changed his perceptions. This was the crucial, actual, and vital turning point that paved the way to an alliance that led to the greatest electoral upset in the world. The DMK leader duly acknowledged this with some similes in some public meetings. A Tamil Nadu State Congress leader had been contributing his share in his own way is another matter. Thus, four tenth of the objective was achieved.
5. The “Divine Spirit or Reason” prompted the President to utilize these letters to prevent the former Chief Justice of India from hearing the privatization case and thus one half of the objective was achieved.
6. According to “Divine Spirit or Reason” theory, each step taken by the “Divine Spirit or Reason” on its march through the world was more real than the one before. However, though the present system is apparently more real than the preceding one, the Nation is still reeling under the “Stakecocracy”. Addressing a meeting in Himachal Pradesh on 11 December, 2002 a Congress leader said that the PSUs were set up with public money and they were not the property of any political party and that the Congress had never compromised on its principles and would never do that. The Congress leader added that the Congress was not a party with leaders who change their stand everyday. On 18 December, 2002  a leader of the Left parties said that he was stunned by the total ‘insensitivity’ of the then Prime Minister on the question of privatization.
Now, the Government has decided to sell 49% shares in two major airports. The Left parties are insidiously supporting this!  Obviously, the old “Super Cabinet” continues to decide the direction of the Government. The public sector TV channel too is under the total control of the stakes. Apparently, the former Prime Minister met the President for not less than 31 times for 31 letters. Similarly, the present Prime Minister met the President on 31 May, 2004 for the letter No. 32. The public sector TV channel and the news media blacked out this as before. If it were true, no nation has such a harmful, unfaithful, treacherous and mischievous telecasting and broadcasting services in the world. Now, the public sector TV revels in telling concocted stories and telecasts false interviews. Further, it has sent several Union Cabinet Ministers into oblivion.
7. The appropriators now say that the airports are only for lease. The CBI would tell that some NRI companies in the UK want to convert their manipulated money into airports in India. Their profits in the UK, according to the submission of the CBI in the Delhi Court, are proportional to the manipulations in India. Now the appropriators demand that the Government must sell 49 % shares in all PSUs. It would enable them to show to the world that if the present Government could sell 49% shares, other Governments could sell 100% as well. This is the reason for this letter No.33.
8. Even if the 1000 million people of India remain passive due to the mirage created by the media, the Government is forbidden from selling even 1% of the shares of any PSU to anyone near or dear to anyone without amending the Constitution- more so when it is in private interest. The decision to sell 49% shares of two airports is perverted by private interest. It is the paramount duty of the President to protect the Constitution so long as it exists. The Government must be constitutional and limited in its authority.
9. The letters impelled the President to prevail upon the former Prime Minister to rescind or cancel hundreds of decisions taken in favour of privatization. For instance, the Cabinet Committee on Disinvestments, which met on 10 July, 2003 cleared the sale of the residual shares of CMC (26%), IBP (33.95%), IPCL (49%), VSNL (49%) BALCO   (49%) and DCI (20%). The CCD had also cleared the sale of NFL, HOC, HCL and the MEC on the same day. The decision to privatize the SCI was taken in 15 April, 2003. But these PSUs were not sold due to this work. The then Governor, RBI had to leave presumably due to the letters. The new Prime Minister could also cooperate with the President to protect the Constitution. Further, the new Prime Minister could give answer to all unanswered questions including the fate of the “cash rich” enterprises. So far, everything remains concealed. Apparently, the “Divine Spirit or Reason” is sleeping within the Prime Minister. However, if those who possess power wish to misuse it, in Plato’s view, irreparable damage has already been done.
10. It is said that in the general tenor of human life, in every heart, self-regarding interest is predominant over all other interests put together. Even if the letters were actuated by desire for glory, the letters did immense and incredible benefit to 1000 million people and hence to mankind. Therefore, the Nobel Prize for Peace for this writer cannot be far away provided the President of India is ready to reveal the truth.
Vellicode                                                                                                  Yours faithfully

The letter, apparently, sent shock waves across New Delhi. The Coordination Committee of the UPA met at the residence of the Prime Minister.  The subject matter, apparently, was the above letter. However, the newspapers and the public sector TV channel were conspicuously silent.  The mass media described this as a meeting to discuss the impending Union Budget. It showed that the new system would be ruthless in blacking out news and views. The support of the mass media to the Prime Minister could be gauged.



On 24 June, 2004 the new Prime Minister in his maiden broadcast to the Nation asked the professionals to join politics. He said that he himself was a professional and chose politics. The tone was that he joined politics to purify the system.  He further asked the people to face the problem head on. The theme of his speech centred round the 33 letters sent to the President of India. This writer felt that the Prime Minister was giving an open but indirect invitation to this writer to join politics. Therefore, a letter was immediately sent through ‘Speed Post’ to the Prime Minister. The letter follows.


Mulagumoodu, PIN : 629167
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Parliament House
New Delhi
Your Excellency

            With reference to the call of the Prime Minister of India yesterday, it is submitted that the Prime Minister of India could always utilize the services of anyone in India for any public service connected with nation building.

            The Prime Minister is free to utilize the services of this writer in any possible way.

            This is for the kind information and necessary action of the Prime Minister of India.

Yours faithfully


Now, there were reports that that the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) decided to release Re.9000 crore to the stock market. It appeared that the new Prime Minister had started large-scale manipulation of the financial institutions presumably as an act of reciprocation for making him the Prime Minister of India. Therefore, on 28 June, 2004 the letter No.34 was sent to the President. In the letter, the President of India was requested to forbid manipulations. The letter follows.

Mulagumoodu 629167.
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace
New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider a few aspirations of the people.

1.       It is the supreme duty of the new Government to strengthen the Constitution. A simple directive by the President of India to constitute benches by choosing judges in the order of their seniority without majority for the Forward Communities (FCs), Other Backward Communities (OBCs) or the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/STs) in them would go a long way to achieve this. This could be done in one week.
2.      All the privatized PSUs could be restored within a span of one week through an ordinance. This is the demand of the Constitution. This will earn a lot of goodwill from the people, as it would be a triumph of public over private interest. This would guard the Government against destabilization as it has a tonic effect. Alternatively, it could be achieved through the aid of the Supreme Court within, say, in three months. Similarly, immediate steps could be taken to annul some “False and Wicked” doctrines.
3.         The policy of bulk buying could be abolished within a week through a simple notification. A consultation with the Left parties alone would be sufficient. A notification to give contract works in pieces wherever possible could also be issued in public interest without wasting time.
4.         Anyone going through the letters could discern that if everything had gone as per the original plan of the NDA Government, there would now be a Minister for the Shipping Corporation of India without ships. Similarly, a Minister for Civil Aviation without airports and aircraft, a Minister for Communication without the MTNL and the BSNL, a Minister for Finance without banks and the LIC, a Minister for Industries without the NALCO, SAIL and GAIL and so on. Obviously, it is imperative that all PSUs or their shares must be split equitably and given to the States in public interest. However, the Union Ministers will have the right of supervision over them. Even otherwise, it is said that those who make laws and rules or those who issue guidelines should not carry them out to make them impersonal. This will give investment opportunities for the people of all states and thwart the onslaught of the appropriators. The Government could at least issue a statement to initiate a debate in this matter.
5.         The Government could reserve proportionate number of seats for various States in Class I services, IIT, NIT, CAT and other such examinations from next year onwards. One would say that the mark sheets of candidates from some States do not support or warrant their selection. However, it is said, “each people have its particular genius”. The present system is “trampling down many an innocent flower in India”.
6.         If the President or the Prime Minister of India enters a house in India, there would be an old man or woman, a widow with two or three children, an unmarried woman or a handicapped person needing Re.100, 200 or 300 from the Government directly. The consolatory words are words without meaning to them. The present old age pension schemes of various Governments suffer from various conditions. The Union Government could implement it through a simple notification after consulting the coalition partners and the Left parties. The Government would get huge income if some unconventional methods as suggested by this writer were adopted.
7.         Needless to point out repeatedly that the first and principal source of misfortunes of Indians is the flight of capital through the LIC, HDFC and banks. Therefore, these institutions could be immediately split at least notionally into State level units. This prevails even in the USA. The surplus funds could be given as loan to the respective State Governments for, say, converting one-way roads onto two-way roads or for starting new projects such as Medical and Engineering Colleges.
In this connection, this writer on 24 July, 2001 requested the then Chief Justice of India to restrain the State Bank of India (SBI) from giving loan to the UTI. Whatever happened, the banks refused to give money and the UTI collapsed. The former Prime Minister did not secretly ask the LIC to give money to the UTI to save it although he later openly wasted a huge amount through the budget. Further, the former Prime Minister, responding to letter No. 12 dated 29-8-2002 and some other similar letters discouraged the public sector banks and the LIC from investing in the stock market.
Now, the LIC has been obligated to invest Re. 9000 crore in stock market.  However, the President alone knows whether the above news is true or false. If true, it is a decision taken in private interest. It is for the advantage of a few stakes. It harms 1000 million people. It would affect salaries, Pay Commission benefits and pension benefits, as it would cripple State Governments. It adds to misery and poverty. It is nothing but the exploitation of the calm and peace in India. One would think that just as the former Prime Minister gave money to the stakes secretly long before buying the PSUs so as someone at the behest of the old “Super Cabinet” now gives or propose to give money from the LIC and banks. It is a corrupt practice.   It is the overriding duty of the President and Prime Minister to stop it, as anything done in private interest is unconstitutional. In fact, the President is responsible for all acts of the Government.
8.         The system continues to reel under the “stakecocracy”. It is said “autonomous institutions can obtain good results only when they cease to be autonomous”. Obviously, the public sector TV uses its liberty to deny liberty to all others presumably because it does not consider the Union Government as its Master.
9.         The President and the Prime Minister are now in a position to give answers to all unanswered questions through competent authorities. The Prime Minister could tell the fate of the “cash rich enterprises”. This grievance had been submitted to the President long before the advent of the present Government. When certain irregularities were pointed out, the former Prime Minister changed the portfolio of the then Minister for Finance. In fact, the former Prime Minister spent one half of his last three years in fighting his colleagues and the other half was spent for fighting the letters of this writer. At least a similar step could be now taken to prevent mega manipulations. This is important because when the “Divine Spirit or Reason” sleeps, everyone would be susceptible for error. This impression is reinforced by the fact that the newspapers have included a powerful Union Minister in the group comprising “three level-headed men of unimpeachable economic credentials”.
10.       The Prime Minister in his address to the Nation on 24 June, 2004 asked the professionals to join politics. Apparently, the Prime Minister devoted his first and the last few paragraphs to people including this writer. Most of the political leaders act selflessly. They change the status quo. They dare to sacrifice their lives. Certainly, it is nobler than all other professions because only politicians could do huge benefits to people. Therefore, the Prime Minister is free to utilize the services of anyone including this writer. It is not charitable on the part of this writer to send this letter now. However, as any delay would cause irreparable damage to the nascent Government and the Nation, this letter No. 34 is sent to His Excellency the President of India.
28-6-2004.                                                                                                      ( V. SABARIMUTHU)           
The letter was sent through email. On 30 June, 2004 the Prime Minister said that they were taking the job very seriously and were learning fast. It was the only signal that emanated from the Prime Minister for the above letter. In fact, the new system refused to reveal anything to the public. The fact that this writer was watching closely the developments was known to the mass media. Therefore, the mass media tightened control over news and views.
In the meantime, a special court for economic offences imposed 3-year rigorous imprisonment for 4 persons for Re. 27 lakh. On the same day, a coolie worker undertaking an indefinite fast for 30 days demanding wages for his and 180 others died at Theni in Tamil Nadu state. This did not catch the attention of anyone.



Apparently, the public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had released money to buy shares. The sale of the shares of the public sector NTPC appeared imminent. Therefore, one more letter was addressed to His Excellency the President of India on 11 July, 2004. The letter explained that the Nation was reeling under “Stakecocracy”. This was letter No. 35. The letter follows.

Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why India is still reeling under “Stakecocracy”.
1.         A powerful Union Minister, working in bad faith, could manipulate more than what all the Members of Parliament minus one put together could do. So long as the four questions in the letter No.32 dated 31 May, 2004 remain unanswered, one would imagine that the stakes achieved their objectives in the first day of new Government formation itself. However, the President alone knows whether this writer is right or not.
2.         The first major decision of the present Government was the privatization of airports. Everyone knows that the airports are constructed by contractors and not by managements. Therefore, privatization is not a pre-requisite for modernization. Apparently, the Government has dropped the plan for the privatization of the airports. Yet, it must be pointed out that the usual way of privatization is first 49% then transfer of management control followed by 74% and finally 100%. The stakes are pushing the nation into a bottomless pit.
3.         The prices of petroleum products, particularly diesel, could be decreased or made independent of the international prices so long as the Nation maintains foreign exchange exceeding, say, $ 100 billion. Apparently, the Government went in the direction shown by the stakes in this matter also. There are great dangers in accumulating the foreign exchange beyond a critical level because the former Union Minister requested the stakes to utilize the foreign exchange for starting projects abroad. Only a very alert President could protect it.
4.         The moment certain allegations were leveled against the previous Government, the LIC, UTI and the Banks became very circumspect in giving money to the stakes, brokers and manipulators. Even if given, they were not reported. The present Government, within days of its formation, has given permission to the LIC to invest Re. 9000 crore in stock market! Is it right to sell the shares of a PSU to a stake with right hand and buy the shares of another company of the same stake with the left hand? The previous Government gave the money after three years of careful preparation. But the present Government gave the nod to give the money within three days. Therefore, all stakes that bought the PSUs should be debarred from accessing banks, LIC, UTI and other financial institutions. This is because the Constitution does not condescend to the conversion of public property into private property using public funds. However, the stakes have the last laugh until this day
5.         The new Budget has a suggestion to privatize 49% shares of the NTPC, a PSU, step by step. A drop of poison has been added in the Budget, as it is not clear whether the Government wants disinvestments by offending or defending the Constitution. There is a provision in the budget to give 5% more money to the brokers for gambling. This could be misused because the amount is not specified.
6.         In the USA, the local law requires reporting of any currency transaction over $ 10,000/-. In fact, the USA imposed a fine of $ 7.5 million on State Bank of India in November 2001 for violating similar local laws. Therefore, it is imperative that all financial institutions must be split - at least notionally into State level units- to prevent flight of capital.
7.         If the ideas of an individual were good for the nation, the selfless leaders in their intuition, listen to him, apply their mind and take a decision accordingly. It could be seen that most of the Chief Ministers decided to part with privatization although they received the first seven or eight letters only. No letter was sent to Chief Minister of a small State. That State lost even its Electricity Board. A Congress leader had to intervene to prevent further privatization in that State.
Even otherwise, why did the NDA Government impose service charges after the budget or start reducing the interest rates after receiving letters from this writer? Why did the previous Government ignore hundreds of Cabinet decisions? Why did the previous Government stop giving public money openly to the stakes? Why did the Presidents go to the Supreme Court one after another? Why did the Supreme Court change its color? Plato gave the answer  long before these letters. He said, “The good exists, whatever men may think about it. And because it exists they have at least the hope of escaping from their predicament”. However, the change is inexorably slow. Thus, the suggestion to impose transaction charge/tax for share transfer was given to the NDA Government on 21-12-2001through the letter No.4.After sleeping for three years the “Divine Spirit or Reason” has prompted the present Government to impose this transaction charge/tax for share transfer in the present budget! The difference is that this writer suggested 5% for the situation prevailing then and it is now just 0.15%.
Now this transaction tax could be extended to all financial institutions. This was given as suggestion No.1 in the same letter. Earlier, this suggestion was sent to most of the Chief Ministers in 1996. A reminder was sent to the present Government through letter No.32 e-mailed to the President on 31 May, 2004. Why should the Government wait and lose Re.500 crore to Re.1000 crore daily? It is an inexhaustible gold mine. The treasuries would be replenished within minutes even if the Government throws the money in Arabian Sea. Even the members of the opposition parties, including the BJP, in the present changed atmosphere would support this in public interest. In this connection, everyone must imagine the predicament of employees and the poverty and misery of the people. The Government cuts 30% of their salary above Re. 150,000/- per year as income tax but refuses to cut 0 .1% as transaction tax! Is it a reasonable act? Eight more suggestions that are similar also could be implemented. A Union Minister, through his able persuasiveness, would remain as an obstacle as long as possible is another matter.
8.    The leaders could invite other individuals to occupy a position also. The history is replete with such instances. On 24 June, 2004 the Prime Minister of India- in the gaze of 1000 million people- invited this writer to join politics. It is true that the Prime Minister did not use the name of this writer. As the message was clear, this writer sent a letter to the Prime Minister on 25 June, 2004 through speed post.  The newspapers immediately beseeched the Government not to bring any Government servants retired from inconsequential jobs anywhere near Delhi. Now they have the last laugh. Obviously, what transpires in the Prime Minister’s Office reaches the hands of the stakes minute by minute. This is the tragedy.
9.    If the imaginary invitation had materialized, this writer would have requested the Prime Minister to substitute all internal taxes that stand in the way of growth and exports by transaction tax. Further, this writer would have divided the assets and seats, restored constitutionalism and left the place.
10. This is letter No.35.Too much individualism would destroy anyone including this writer. The ideas are such that one may think that this writer is pompous and full of conceit. However, the letters deal with things dear to1000 million people. It is said that human will has freedom to alter society. It is said knowledge is indissolubly bound up with action and its function is to change the World. It is said that change takes place gradually, imperceptibly, until a certain point is reached beyond which it becomes sudden. It is often compared to the qualitative change of water into water vapour. Water absorbs heat slowly and indiscernibly and becomes vapour abruptly. Thus, the nation is at the very exciting frontier from where one can see a door. The moment the “Divine Spirit or Reason” inspires the leaders to open the door to collect transaction charge/tax from all financial institutions a new Nation and all kinds of wonderful things would appear.
Vellicode                                                                                       Yours faithfully


            Now a private company came out with a public issue in the last week of July 2004. The LIC and the nationalized banks apparently released huge amounts to the public to buy its shares at an inflated price of over Re.800/- per share. It appeared that the company had approached the present leaders long before the election. The money would have been released even if the previous Government had won the election. It showed that the stakes had infiltrated their men in the Congress party also in large numbers.

The Union Government gave a loan of Re. 362 crore at 6.1% interest to the UTI on 23 July, 2004 for meeting the shortfall in its assured return schemes. The UTI would not repay the loan is a different matter.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 23 July, 2004 imposed a moratorium on Global Trust Bank (GTB), which had deposits of over Re. 6000 crore with about a million account holders. Within a few days, the GTB was merged with the Public Sector Oriental Bank. The premonition of the “media syndicate” that the public sector banks would perish due to the competition from the private banks proved wrong.
The President of India paid a visit to the Supreme Court in the last week of July 2004. A newspaper reported it in a corner. The paper described the visit as his third visit. The mass media did not report the previous two visits. It must be noted that no Presidents ever visited the Supreme Court before 1 June, 2001. Evidently, these letters prompted the successive Presidents to go to the Supreme Court again and again. The unacceptable, dreadful and terrible condition of the Supreme Court could be gauged.



 As this writer felt that he would get the Nobel Prize for Peace and even for Economics, one more letter was sent to his Excellency the President of India on 28 July, 2004. A few concrete suggestions were also given to increase the revenue of the Nation. This was letter No.36. The letter follows.

Mulagumoodu P.O. 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace
New Delhi
Your Excellency

Kindly consider the consequences of letter Nos. 1 and 4 dated 1-6-2001 and 21-12- 2001 respectively and the other letters.

           1.        Now the President of India and the Prime Minister must have obtained from the Ministry of Finance the probable amount that would accrue to the Nation through the transaction tax. The Government must get not less than Re.1000 crore every day from this alone. It must be noted that when a person deposits Re. 10.0000/- directly in a Post Office today, an agent gets Re.2000/- as commission. Why should the Government hesitate to collect 0.1% transaction tax for all transactions in all financial institutions including post offices?
           2.     Another suggestion of far reaching consequences was the collection of one percent interest on all deposits and credits. At present income tax is imposed for interest above Re.5000. This gives pain to honest tax payers as the small amount earned as interest goes as income tax. If the banks were asked to pay1% interest on all deposits to the exchequer, the depositors would not know it or bother about it. Savings also would swell. This could be extended to all credits also. Implementation of this suggestion would eliminate one half of the court cases, as the grievances of money lenders who do not comply with this need not be entertained. This would avert several suicides involving cheque. This suggestion was given to all Chief Ministers in February 1996. The Chief Ministers of Kerala and Orissa acknowledged the letter. This writer tried to call on the Chief Minister of Kerala in vain and left the matter there.
           3.       Another suggestion was the realization of 10% of all service charges.  The NDA Government accepted this suggestion as soon as receiving the first letter dated 1-6-2001. Thus the notification came in July 2001.The Government could garner about Re. 10,000 crore during 2001-2002 alone. In the present budget the “Divine Spirit or Reason” has prompted the Government to silently extend the service tax to banks.  This could be extended to courier charges and postal charges. In view of the high diesel prices, lorry owners could be exempted, if necessary. The financial institutions must prosper with the help of service charges rather than with interest differential.
           4.      Still another suggestion was the collection of at least 30% of the premium from private insurance agencies. At a time when this was an anathema, implementation of this suggestion to private insurance companies itself was unimaginable. However, the logical extension of this idea is the premium of the LIC. It is heartening to note that the “Divine Spirit or Reason” has now prompted the new Government to impose 10 % service tax on all premiums. However, the private insurance companies must pay more because they pay less to policyholders.
          5.          In the budget for 2004-2005, the Government would get about Re 50.000 crore due to the suggestions of this writer alone. If the transaction tax were implemented now, the revenue would increase by Re. 1,50,000 crore.. The money could be utilized to give old age/destitute pension. One-way roads could be converted into two-way roads. The railway lines could be doubled vigorously. A part could be used for the conversion of all schools into English Medium Schools to fulfill the demands of parents. Further, income tax exemption limit could be raised and the rate slashed. Import duty on diesel could be eliminated. Many unnecessary taxes could be discarded. One would say that it would affect liquidity. However, greater employment generation and consequent increase in economic activity would far out weigh all negative factors. The corporate houses will double their income not by appropriation but by industry, as the purchasing power of the people will increase tremendously.
           6.       More than seventy five percent of the problems in India could be ascribed to lack of ideas. It is said that one sure symptom of an ill conducted state is the propensity of people to resort to theories. However, it is also said that real ideas occur in the mind of the people officering the rabble. Naturally, these ideas occurred in the mind of this writer because this writer is a common man living with the rabble. Further, in order to establish that the act of privatization is in private interest, one must give alternate methods for garnering income. The ideas may be elementary economics. If hydrogen and oxygen were kept in a bottle for hundred years, no reaction would occur. However, if a piece of platinum black is added, they react explosively. The ideas of this writer have similar catalytic effect on the system. Now, why should the Government, working in good faith, procrastinate to collect Re. 1000 crore daily? Everyone in India needs money and wants money. What will the Government do without money? If the hints given by this writer had been accepted in 1996, the budget for 2004-2005 would have been Re. Fifteen lakh crore! If it had been accepted in 2001, the budget for 2004-2005 would have been Re.Nine lakh crore! Now it is just 4 lakh crore! Apparently, the Prime Minister “is not willing to set his hands to anything that is quick action”. “Perhaps the will of the Prime Minister is limited by the will of the stakes”. Why should India suffer like this due to procrastination alone?
            7.    A powerful Union Minister would be an impediment for the timely implementation of the ideas. The four questions in the letter No.32 dated 31 May, 2004 were not at all related to the recent mandate. There is a seed of doubt because a present Union Minister had given an advice to the NDA Government to privatize all the vital PSUs within a span of one year. It is said that people as a rule are seekers after unknown truth. The Prime Minister cannot be truthful to 1000 million people and to this Union Minister at the same time so long as the four questions remain unanswered. Naturally, the Prime Minister could give answer to the four questions and other unanswered questions if he were prepared to act as per the demands of his better self. Alternatively, the Prime Minister could spend his precious time covering up the manipulations and erasing their evidences. This is perhaps the reason why the Prime Minister is not leading the events or showing the way.
            8.     The Government is free to buy anything. Responding to the letters of this writer, the Union Cabinet on 2 April, 2004 decided to bar the PSUs from importing anything exceeding Re. 5 crore. Then, how could the BSNL make an attempt to import cell phones worth Re.5000 crore through the aid of the High Court, Delhi? Is it not for huge commission? Did the BSNL actually buy the cell phones worth Re. 5000 crore? None knows anything because the media including the public sector TV continue to remain as the evil force in India. 
            9.         The Government is free to sell anything. But the Government sold one or two PSUs to one or two defaulters. A private company owed Re. 7138 crore to the public sector banks. Yet it submitted a bid to buy the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). At the same time, a girl at Trivandrum committed suicide on 22 July, 2004 because the public sector banks refused to lend money to her for her education. Therefore, the President of India must have asked the Government to give the reason why the shares of the airports and the NTPC should not be reserved for the people of various States in an equitable way to protect the Constitution. Weakening the Constitution is nothing but weakening the Nation and therefore 1000 million people.

            10.      This is letter No.36. Plato insists that it is the State that makes the man. According to him every type of Constitution produces its own type of man. In fact, the Constitution of India, two successive Presidents, many leaders, three or four learned judges of the Supreme Court, Trade Unions and the people at large knowingly or unknowingly complemented the efforts of this writer in one way or other. Some IAS officers and one or two officers of the CBI also might have contributed their share.  However, in early 2001, the Indian democracy minus the President of India had already been passed in the hands of the stakes. The “stakecocracy” was beginning to pass into the hands of appropriators. The letters of this writer averted this calamity. Therefore, this writer might get a Nobel Peace Prize. This writer had to give several practical and tangible alternate suggestions to manage fiscal deficit and to prevent appropriation of 1000 million people through privatization. These suggestions were neither for socialism nor for capitalism but for the progress and development of 1000 million people through painless collection of money and for the equitable distribution of “seats and assets”. For this, this writer might get the Nobel Prize for Economics also. The nominators for these prizes are “Members of national assemblies and governments of states”.
         Vellicode                                                                                Yours faithfully,                                                                                                          
          28- 7-2004

There was nothing but silence to the above letter.



The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of a private company on 30 July, 2004 was over subscribed by 1.6 times (8.5 million shares) on the second day of the offer itself. 60 % of the offer was reserved for Qualified Institutional Bidders (QIB). The Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) limit in the company was 24%. The IPO of the company was over subscribed by 8 times within a few days. There were reports that the banks lavishly gave Re.10 lakh each to individuals to buy shares. This prompted this writer to send the letter No.37 on 10-8-2004 through email. The copies of the letters were sent to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). The letter follows.

Mulagumoodu 629167. e-mail
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace
New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why the new Government must work in “good faith”.
1.         The newspapers revealed in August 2002 that 50 per cent of the petrol pumps allotted since the NDA came to power went to the kith & kin of the BJP party. They wanted the people to support privatization as the Members of Parliament (MP) misused their official position in this matter. This was sufficient for the learned judges of the Supreme Court to hand over petrol pump sanctioning power itself to the stakes in December 2002. It remains as a false, wicked and evil doctrine. When the courts located in one State act in bad faith, the Supreme Court changes the cases to another State. There must be an escape route when the Supreme Court acts in bad faith. One way is conducting Orientation Courses and Refresher Courses to give to learned judges the knowledge of the good.
2.       The Supreme Court is now sitting on the ruins of the Constitution due to the BALCO case. It remains crippled as the appeal against the HPCL/BPCL verdict is still pending in the Supreme Court. Is the President not duty-bound to restore the Constitution to its pre-eminent position?
3.         Those who possess power today in the Union Government introduced the concept of privatization in 1991. None realized then that the motive was destroying the Constitution from within. Brokers were allowed to transact business worth Re. lakhs of crore. Banks were allowed to manipulate public funds. The Stock Market scam ensued and all small investors perished. A present Union Minister, addressing the Members of Parliament, then advised the people to invest their money in mutual funds like the UTI. Those who believed his words were again appropriated. Can anyone imagine that the Union Minister who had been earlier holding the key to all treasuries in India was oblivious of the manipulations of the stakes? The spurt in NRI remittances saved the Nation then is another matter. According to the CBI, the stakes earned through appropriation in five years more than what they did during the preceding several years. 
            4.         A foreign company forced the UF Government to sign an illegal, unreasonable agreement. It was a wrong agreement because that company did not increase the salaries of the employees as and when the exchange rate fell. At best that company could have been given 1996 exchange rate for imports and profits.  Therefore, India must have filed a case against it. Now that company is chasing India. That company might have used political pressure also. It is strange that this Government did not learn any lesson from this fiasco.
            5.         In the last month, a farmer went to Nagapattinam Collector Office in Tamil Nadu State. As the District Collector was not there to receive his petition, he consumed poison and died. If the Government had given Re.200 or 300 per month to him directly, the news of his suicide would not have disturbed many people. If the Government had no money to give to such people, then also none would have said anything. The condition of the employees is not different. Their salaries used to double in every five years. Now it remains stagnant. Even part of the 1996 pay commission arrears and the periodical D.A. remain unpaid in some States. The recent pay benefits are also not given. Why should India suffer like this? Though the Government could double its income instantly, through the suggestion of this writer alone, the Government is not acting. What will the people do? Is inaction not corruption?
6.         The Government has asked the financial institutions to buy the shares of the above private company and other companies. Apparently, some individuals were allowed to take Re.10 lakh each from banks to buy shares. Some individuals might have availed themselves of the loan from 10 different banks or through 10 different individuals. If the Government continues to release money like this to the stock market, the share prices of the company would reach Re. 5000/- within a year. Thus some privileged people would earn not less than Re.1crore without burning a drop of midnight oil or paying even income tax. The banks also would gain. If the share prices fall, everything would disappear as non-performing assets.
 Further, even without the help from the banks the above company would have sold all its shares. It wanted just Re.5000 crore but collected Re. 40,000! Why should the public money in banks go along with this? Is this the way to make the Nation rich? An investigation would reveal that the people, preferably favoured people, of a few States got the money from the banks.
7.    The newspapers in 2001 said that favoured companies were manipulating the policies and rules in the economic ministries over which the Office of the Prime Minister had total control. A Member of Parliament had said that even the portfolios were determined by a company. The Prime Minister knows this better.
8.     In the light of the above, it could be easily said that banks and the LIC must be debarred from lending money to buy shares or using it for any speculative purposes. The decision to reserve 5 percent of deposits for brokers is an illegal one. This leads to flight of capital. It causes and economic deprivation. It creates payment problems to States. It affects the salaries of employees and wages of workers. It is an act of corruption. This is misuse of prime ministerial power and authority. The act of taking public funds to invest abroad too is appropriation. Therefore, no due certificates from the Indian banks must be furnished before taking money abroad. Further, it is the convention of the Government to determine the priorities of the banks through simple nods. The Attorney General would tell the President that appropriation of 1000 million people by the Government through any ploy is unconstitutional. The Government would not agree with this. This is perhaps the reason why Plato said that power in the hands of the ignorant is poison. 
9.     It is letter No.37. It is said that men will not always reconcile themselves to continual stinging. According to Plato, the very means whereby the brutal man sought to become the better man would ensure that he became the worse. Hence, there must be a limit for writing letters. In fact, it is not possible for this writer go on writing like this. But some one must convey the aberrations of the people. One would imagine that a few who possess power and the old “Super Cabinet” are the real beneficiaries of the above manipulations. This would propel the people to think that the Government is by the stakes, of the stakes and for the stakes. This would push the people to think that a few leaders possess power now as a reward for their past actions.
10.    Even the Greek 2300 years ago said that no greater calamity could come upon a people than the privation of free speech. All newspapers are aware of the existence of these letters. More than 20 letters of this writer are with the President of the Indian Newspaper Society. They are not ready to mention the name of this writer at all. The public sector TV too remains as a distorting vicious force. Further, there is a real threat to the life this writer. This shows how brutal and barbarous man can be to man. Does the system act in good faith? The President alone knows.
Vellicode                                                                                          Yours faithfully
10-8-2004                                                                               (V.SABARIMUTHU)

Hectic consultations and meetings ensued. The public sector TV channel said that the Prime Minister was undertaking a review of the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). The Finance Minister consulted the RBI Governor. The TV concocted a story, as it described this as a discussion to control inflation.
A Union Minister said that even if the import duties on petroleum products were eliminated, the benefits would not reach the people.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 9 August, 2004 said that the depositors of South Indian Co-operative Bank Ltd would be allowed to withdraw only up to Re. 1000/- from their account.
The public sector BSNL on 11 August, 2004 informed its decision to buy GSM equipment worth about $862 million from Canada’s Nortel Networks Inc and Finland’s Nokia.
Some newspapers on 14 August, 2004 reported that some $450 -$ 500 million of foreign money would flow into India to buy the shares of a private company.
In his 58 Independence Day eve address to the Nation on 14 August, 2004, the President of India said that the education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. This went down as a piece of encouragement to this writer.
The President, during his visit to South Africa, wanted the younger generation to learn an educational value system, transform religion into spirituality and remove economic disparity. This, again, is consistent with the theme of these letters.
In his 58th Independence Day address to the Nation on 15 August, 2004 the Prime Minister said that he had to make the officials more accountable and the Government more transparent. He said that the national progress was a collective enterprise. He acknowledged that the citizens increasingly demand a Government accountable to the people. He said that the people wanted not only probity but also efficiency in public affairs. He stressed the principles of secularism, social justice and the equality of all before law. He wanted a code of ethics for all political parties, all individuals in public life and a code of best practices for the Government at all levels. He exhorted the leaders  to look within the political parties and themselves to find out the root cause of the decline in the values in public life. According to “The Hindu” the accent was on reforming the ways the Government functioned.
An Indian private company on 16 August, 2004 announced that that it had signed an agreement to buy a steel company in Singapore for $486.4 (1313 crore). In this connection the Indian Company said that the acquisition was for its globalization. On the same day, another Indian private company got the ownership and the management control of a German polyester company. The amount paid was not given. These acquisitions confirmed the conclusion of this writer that the stakes in India wanted to buy assets all over the world through simple manipulations of the Indian financial institutions.

In its August 23, 2004 issue,  the “Businessworld” said that the biggest threat to the progress and integration of Afghanistan was its local warlords. He deplored that in India the incumbents did not use the sward to maintain their position but used the pen to argue against foreign investments. The paper in another place said that enemy was within, and it was going to be more difficult to engage.
Some newspapers said that the public sector banks were under the constant watch of the Central Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation and Parliament.
Now a Congress leader described Prime Minister as a man of great learning, administrative experience and impeccable reputation. On the next day, the leader requested the party men not to waste their time praising the leaders.
            On 24 August, 2004 the Prime Minister promised to end the tyranny of the investigation agencies. He said that the first hundred days were painful days and were wasted. Further, he said that common people would have to be associated with the Government.
On 27 August, 2004 the Prime Minister advocated a code of ethics for all individuals in public life. However, he warned the investigation agencies against adopting investigative procedures that killed management initiative and stunted individual enterprise and risk-taking. He told them that management is an art and not science. It required individual initiative, creativity and willingness in the larger interest of the enterprise. He said that the Government could not depend purely on individual ethics and morality or public opinion to deal with the malaise of corruption. He pointed out that there had been a spurt in economic offences such as financial frauds. He revealed that a strong link had developed between economic offences and the anti-social and terrorist organizations. He said that criminals could hide anywhere in the world.
He further said that the aim of economic reform was to make Government less intrusive and discretionary and more transparent. According to him, many of those reforms had an added beneficial effect of ending the hypocrisy that had come to characterize some of the industrial policies where one said one thing on paper and allowed another in reality.
 Finally, he reminded the investigation officers that in public life one is living with a world of great uncertainty and as such honest mistakes could be made. Hence he wanted them to distinguish between “honest mistakes” and “willful defiance” of the rule of law. His speech showed that a feeble investigation was going on based on the letters and that the Government wanted to stop it.



On 27 August, 2004 the letter No.38 was sent to His Excellency the President of India at 5.30 P.M. This letter criticized the system for releasing money from the banks for buying the shares of the private company at an inflated price. The letter follows.

Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
                Kindly consider the reasons why the Government is appropriating 1000 million people.
1.         Several letters have been sent to the President of India to annul some false, wicked and unconstitutional doctrines of the Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court is not ready to rectify the error. Though heterogeneity in the constitution of the Benches would foil unity of judges to some extent, the reason for the problem, it seems, is not caste or religion but defective education. Plato 2300 years ago said that the root of human trouble is defective education, and the cure for those troubles is education that is not defective. Plato’s view appeared as an abstract one. However, it required 37 letters for this writer to realize the foresight of Plato. The new Government could have taken effective steps to annul such judgements.
 2.      When the public sector Unit Trust of India (UTI) sought a loan of Re.2000 crore from the State Bank of India (SBI), this writer sent a letter to the Chief Justice of India to restrain the SBI from lending money to it. But for that letter, the banks- at the instance of the Government- would have given money to it and all nationalized banks would have fallen sick. That letter actually saved a great crisis. Now, as soon as assuming power, the new Government wanted the LIC to invest Re.9000 crore into the stock market without any thought for the Constitution, 31 letters and the experience gained by the UTI. As if it were not sufficient, the Government apparently released more than Re. 30,000 crore through banks to buy the shares worth Re.5000 crore. Unlike the UTI the banks and the LIC were created not to gamble in the stock market. Is it not appropriation?        
3.      The previous Government had barred the PSUs from importing anything exceeding Re. 5 crore. Later, the High Court, Delhi permitted a PSU to import cell phones worth Re. 5000 crore. This writer brought this to the notice of the President of India. The Government might say that there is nothing wrong in buying and selling. However, did the Union Cabinet cancel the earlier decision? Did the PSU buy the cell phones worth Re.5,000 crore? Did the present Government take any decision in this regard?  All right thinking people would think that the people are being appropriated because nothing is known to anyone.
4.     This writer has been writing letters to prevent the flight of capital and conversion of public money into private money. The previous Government permitted the stakes to take money for investments abroad. This was for appropriating Indians. The letters now lead to a new realization that the stakes want the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) not for the progress of India but to sow public funds in foreign countries as private money. Their reasoning is that a country that invites the FDI must allow flight of capital as well. Is this theory not for appropriation?
5.      A Union Cabinet Minister has been knocked out. A Chief Minister also has resigned and is now in jail. This writer reported to the President of India that the newspapers threatened to eliminate this writer. No action has been taken presumably because they are more important than the Union Ministers and Chief Ministers. Why do the law enforcing agencies retreat on seeing them? Is it a false complaint? All right thinking people would think that those who are inclined to appropriate alone would hesitate to take action against the appropriators. 
6.     The newspapers continue to point out the progress of China. About ten stakes control the whole system in India. This is not so in China. Unlike the Chinese, Indians still die of starvation. The starving population in India is several times greater than the total population of many countries. Unlike India, China is neither ready to sell their ships nor ready to sell their airliners. China would not have attained the present position if it had permitted appropriation as in India at all although there also must be some appropriating groups.
7.     Further, even the President of the Newspapers Society of India refuses to publish these letters. The Delhi edition of the TIME magazine too apparently ignores these letters. It is said that in Greek even the horses and asses were gorged with freedom. Are the people not entitled to know this? The mass media, including the public sector TV, is executing press freedom.    
8.      The Union Government talks about the mandate of the people. The truth, apparently, is that that the mandate remains pledged to the manipulators. Did any Congress leader ask the Government to privatize airports or direct the Government to release Re. 9000 crore from the LIC to the stock market? Did any Congress leader tell the Government to sell the shares of the NTPC without devising a scheme for reserving them to the people of various States?  Did any Congress leader force the Government to release more than Re. 30,000 crore from the Public Sector Banks to buy shares of a private company? Did any Congress leader want the Prime Minister to convert the money collected through public issues into private money abroad? Does the Congress leader stand in the way of giving answers to the questions in letter No.32? These are simply preposterous questions. The truth is that the Government appropriates 1000 million people as if it has a mandate for the same.
9.     This is letter No.38. Letters from 31 to 37 were sent to the Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) on 17-8-2004. The earlier letters were sent to the CVC on 22-8-2004. Yet, the Government is single minded in its decision to buy the shares of a private company. It is unlawful and unconstitutional. It is clear that the evil latently exists everywhere.  Some Union Ministers would have supported this. The previous Government gave public money to a stake to buy a PSU. The present Government gave the same money to the same stake for buying companies all over the world. The former gave the money as loan. The latter gave the money in the name of buying some papers, the value of which is negligible or unknown. This is nothing but pinnacle of corruption.  It is equivalent to more than Re. 100,000 crore. Now, unless otherwise prevented, the Government would permit the conversion of public money into private assets abroad.
10.   The knowledge that any defeat for this Government today might lead to enslavement tomorrow would force the people to support this Government. However, the appropriated becoming the appropriators is very dangerous because people would think that the good does not exist and that there is no way to escape from their predicament. The Government is now “impelled to seek a good, that is, a good suited to the appropriators”. But Plato insists “a passionate longing for the good, will drive the best of Souls, in which Reason commands, to know and to identify themselves with the Reality behind all Realities, the Idea behind all Ideas, the Idea of the Good”. According to him, when Reason rules,  man is following the Idea of the Good.

Vellicode                                                                                  Yours faithfully,


The above letter, sent through email, might have reached His Excellency the President of India while he was on his way to Tamil Nadu State. When he was asked to give his reaction to the view of a Union Minister that there must be a code of conduct for everyone, the President said that this must occur in the inner mind of “the people”. He left for New Delhi at night.  It appeared that the President handed over the letter immediately after reaching Delhi. The important Union Ministers cancelled all their public engagements.  There was a Coordination Committee meeting of the UPA on the next day. All deliberations remained secret. However, a leader of a political party said that the dubious campaign unleashed by the opposition would have no bearing on his credibility. He disclosed his belief that his integrity could never be eroded.
A Union Minister on 31 August, 2004 said that there were no two power centres at the centre.
On 2 September, 2004 the newspapers said that the Government had a baptism by fire. The papers disclosed that the first 100 days of the Government were really hot. The reason given by the papers was that the Budget for 2004-2005 was passed for the first time without a discussion in the Parliament. Obviously, it was a trivial reason. Further, the newspapers concocted a story by saying that the Prime Minister was hurt because his colleagues were knocking at the doors of a Congress leader on all issues related to governance. The paper disclosed that a coterie close to a Congress leader was seeking to drive a wedge between that leader and the Prime Minister. Describing a Congress leader as the real power centre in India, the papers requested that Congress leader to give more elbow room to the man chosen to head the Government in the best interest of the farmers and the downtrodden.
The Prime Minister, in his first press conference on 4 September, 2004 said that the people had rejected the NDA Government and given him a mandate. He said that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) was a natural product of that mandate. He said that there was no foundation to the insinuation that there were two power centres. He asserted that he would not be pressured into giving up his job half way on any account. To a question, he said that his Government would last its full five years. The reporters were very restrained; and they asked only one question regarding the so-called reforms. To that question, the Prime Minister said that there were different perceptions regarding reforms and he had to take everything into account.
On the next day, in connection with the “Teachers Day”, the Prime Minister said that the teachers were the builders of the Nation. He added that he himself was a teacher and he came to politics by accident. The President on the same day described teachers as walking encyclopedias.
On 7 September, 2004 the Government directed the Defense Minister to bring the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the Arms Procurement Board. Actually, those who monitor purchasing should not take part in purchasing. Further, a Union Minister disclosed that the Government was in the process of reconstituting those Procurement Boards to make the process more transparent. It is clear that the 38 letters sent to the CVC had that much effect.

On 8 September, 2004 the Chairman of a private company said that his group would open a cancer hospital in West Bengal besides making major investments in West Bengal. He added that his group was looking at acquisitions of hotels and resorts at overseas locations.
 On the same day, a leader of the opposition said that the political situation was changing fast.
The Government on 9 September, 2004 constituted an Empowered Group of Ministers to take decisions on the final price of PSUs slated for sale.  Later, this group became in fructuous.



On 9 September, 2004 the Government announced its intention to amalgamate the Public Sector Banks. It was a very dangerous move. Therefore, on the next day, the letter No.39 was sent to the President of India. The first 10 letters and the events that prompted those letters were sent to the President along with that letter. This was mentioned to thwart the proposal of the Government to amalgamate the Public Sector Banks. Further, the word “apppropriatocracy” was coined to describe the situation.  The letter No.39 follows.

Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan (Presidential Palace), New Delhi
Your Excellency
             Kindly consider how 1000 million people are being appropriated.        
1.   The Prime Minister on 27 August, 2004 said that the decision makers would make “honest mistakes” and the people must live with such mistakes. All right thinking people would agree with this. However, the people draw their own conclusions on the charges against any leader. Tomorrow, a present Union Minister would become the Prime Minister of India. Therefore, the Government must have given answers to the four questions in the letter dated 31-5-2004 even if they were likely to be unpleasant. The Government, apparently, believes that such mega manipulations must be swallowed and not questioned by mortal men. Why should the people be kept in perpetual darkness? Is it not appropriation?
2.   The Prime Minister, further, said that the leaders were living in a world of great uncertainties. In this connection, it must be pointed out that the Prime Minister, Finance Minister, RBI Governor, Chief Justice of India, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Director, Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and above all the President of India have no right, duty or responsibility to manipulate the financial institutions to the advantage/disadvantage of any stakes because of the simple reason that they must be the powerful supervisors in India. Therefore, they should not allow themselves to be destabilized by breeding manipulations. Apparently, former RBI Governor, the then Finance Minister, at least one Cabinet Minister and a Director of the BSNL lost their positions because of their involvement in manipulations. At least three Chief Justices and many learned judges lost their lusture during the last five years. The present Prime Minister is affected. This work had an effect on his predecessor also. Therefore, all financial institutions must be barred from manipulating the Stock Exchange by advancing money to anyone in any manner. The 5% that is equivalent to about Re. 100,000 crore allotted to less than1000 broker boys is out and out unconstitutional as it leads to the appropriation of 1000 million people.
3.     In response to the letter No.1 dated 1-6-2001, the former Prime Minister conducted a series of meetings with various committees. The Prime Minister then convened the meeting of the Advisory Council of the Trade and Industry in September 2001 for reviving the economy.  Most of the Ministers, higher officials and the prominent industrialists attended the meeting. To the utter disappointment of the stakes, the Prime Minister conveyed the decision of the Government to utilize the surplus deposits in banks for development purposes.  The stakes did not allow the Prime Minister to sleep peacefully even for two days. They demanded the Prime Minister to convene the Economic Advisory Council immediately. The Prime Minister obliged. All the above dignitaries attended the meeting.  Keeping the Prime Minister in a tight corner, a Union Minister opposed the decision and wanted to garner money through privatization. Four months of active discussion went in vain. The Prime Minister was no more in full control of the system. He tried to wriggle out but partially failed. The will of the people was snatched away by the will of the stakes.
            Thus, within a few days, the Government sold a few PSUs. When an important PSU was sold, the Prime Minister cried and compared the PSUs to pillars. The media began to flatter him whenever they succeeded in snatching one PSU or other from the Government. When this writer pointed out the manipulations, the Prime Minister began to apply brakes on privatization. Further, he kept in abeyance several Cabinet decisions on privatization. Hence many PSUs like the SCI escaped. The stakes occasionally criticized him for not carrying out the privatization with full vigour. The nature of the forces working in Delhi to appropriate 1000 million people could be gauged.
4.     In an election meeting, a Congress leader asked the people whether a Government that ‘cheated people of their hard-earned money ever do any good for Gujarat and it went down well with the people.  The people have a natural right to enjoy the benefits of the words of political leaders. Any denial would go down as appropriation.
5.    Again, addressing a meeting in Himachal Pradesh on 11 December 2002, a Congress leader lashed out at the ‘disastrous’ economic policy of the Government. In contrast, a present Union Minister, two years ago, said, “Why are some people happy with Government control? The reason is it enables rent seeking. Ministers want control, so they oppose disinvestments. Bureaucrats want control, so they write meaningless rules and regulations. Bankers want control, so they put retired bankers on the boards of companies. Judges want control so they enter the field reserved for the executive under the pretext that the executive has failed to act. Government policies must be designed to break this stranglehold of controls. There is no better place to begin than disinvestments in PSUs and downsizing the central Government. Before the year 2003 is out, the Prime Minister must ensure disinvestments in at least two dozen PSUs (including some banks) are privatized and that totally redundant jobs in the central Government are abolished”.
6.   What happens in India cannot be understood easily because the media concoct stories. Apparently, the stakes, through one side, gave extraordinary pressure to a Congress leader to relinquish power. Form the other side; the stakes pick pocketed the mandate of the people by inducting the groomed people in the Union Cabinet. They wanted four key portfolios.  They got all the four in one go leaving the Congress leader with all residual powers. Within hours mega manipulations started.  Now the stakes proclaim to the world that the Congress leader is the real power centre in India! Is it not for appropriation?
7.        The argument in a case was that the then Prime Minister used money power to defeat the will of the people. Here, the stakes utilized the mass media including the public sector TV to pocket the mandate of the people. Why should the Indian TV appropriate 1000 million people?
8.      It is said that no lines can be laid down for civil or political wisdom. It is said that they are a matter incapable of exact definition. The people from East, West, North and South becoming the Prime Ministers of India would definitely kill regionalism. However, due to the manipulations of the financial institutions in the last three months, the bankruptcy of the LIC would be hastened by one year, Pay Commission benefits of State Government employees would be delayed by at least one year, not less than 1000 children would die of malnutrition and more than 1000 aged would die of starvation besides affecting the economic activity all over India. This is worse than the terrorism in the Chechen School where the terrorists killed 300 children. Therefore, if the LIC and the banks had released any money to buy any shares to the advantage/disadvantage of any company directly or indirectly with the knowledge of the Government, the Prime Minister must consider the question of dispassionately examining whether the letter No.14 addressed to his Excellency the President of India on 19 October, 2002 is applicable to him as well or not.
9.         It is said that if there is an idea of the Good, the people must have the freedom to discuss it, eagerness to discuss it and to apply it. It is said that the duty of the Government is to combine the entire three.  So long as the four questions regarding the “cash rich enterprises” and other questions remain unanswered the people would think that democracy has passed on to “appropriatocracy”-an extremist form of democracy unknown to Political Science.
 10. This is the letter No.39.The disqualification of these letters is the culmination of appropriation. However, these letters might go down as a highly specialized contribution to society. The letters fit well with the structural needs of the society. As Plato says that men have an unquenchable thirst for the Good, the Prime Minister could publish all letters one by one along with all events in all newspapers giving answers to unanswered questions. This will show how precisely the media directed attention to wrong things. The first ten letters along with the events that prompted those letters are being sent to His Excellency the President of India, CVC and the CBI Director for this purpose.
Vellicode                                                                                          Yours faithfully

Perhaps, as a consequence of the letters, the Prime Minister on 12 September, 2004 sent a circular to all ministries requesting them not to air out any policy decision without his approval. Apparently, the Prime Minister felt that that people were watching every move of the Government. Still another reason was to take the Left parties into confidence. On the next day, he told the officials and Ministers that 2004 was not 1991.
Addressing a Conference on banking, a Union Minister on 14 September,2004 said that the Centre would unveil new policy guidelines for encouraging mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the Indian banking sector. He informed the people that the Government would not force M&A, but would definitely encourage M&A. He said that the current banking scenario required smaller number of very large banks rather than large number of small banks. For that he wanted M&A activities on a large scale. Further, he said that the Public Sector Banks would have to raise capital in the financial market and the current ownership on the PSU banks would have to be relaxed. Finally, he contradicted himself by saying that the required relaxation would be done without altering the public sector character- both in management and in ownership.
Consistent with the view of the Government, a bank official said that the theme of the time was consolidation, competition and stability with growth through mergers and acquisitions. He wanted this to compete for a piece of the pie in the international market. For this he said that the banks should have size advantage of most foreign banks. He predicted that sooner or later the growing institutions would reach saturation point in the domestic market and there would be little choice but to move overseas.
The Prime Minister, on 15 September, 2004 said that he was concerned about tackling issues like corruption and speeding up economic reforms.
The newspapers, on 17 September, 2004 reported that the public sector Bank of India (BoI) would be merged with another public sector Union Bank of India (UBI).  However, the merger did not occur.
On 18 September, 2004 inaugurating the third Conference of Chief Justices and Chief Ministers, the Prime Minister urged the judiciary to do some soul searching.
Some newspapers now described the Prime Minister as the best face of the UPA Government. The paper said that he was upright and intellectually well regarded. Presumably keeping this work in mind they deplored that the Prime Minister was attacked viciously.



On 23 September, 2004 when the Prime Minister was in New York, the letter No.40 was sent to His Excellency the President of India. The letter clearly said that the Prime Minister was echoing the views distilled by the stakes. This letter nipped in the bud the policy of amalgamation of banks. The letter follows.

Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            In the light of the 39 letters, kindly consider the question of:
1. Giving answers to four unanswered questions in letter No. 32 dated 31 May, 2004.
            In this connection, it must be stated that a Union Minister would not have occupied the present post; if the CBI had acted on the letter No.17 dated 8-1-2003 and informed the public about the fate of the “cash rich” enterprises. In the absence of a reasonable reply, people would consider this as asphyxiation of the Constitution.
2. Restoring the Constitution to its pre-eminent position.
            The degeneracy of the Supreme Court is marked since 2001. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) could now take effective steps to annul the BALCO judgement. Some “False and wicked” doctrines also could be invalidated. Now, two judges have delivered a judgement in favour of a private company. The judgement might be a correct one. However, did the authorities impose a fine of more than Re. 800 crore without any real cause? Further, these learned judges were in the Bench that delivered the BALCO judgement. Therefore, the Chief Justice should not have given this case to them as it involves a huge amount. Apparently, the Chief Justice has acted in bad faith in constituting the Bench.
3. Abolishing the bulk buying policy or delegating buying and selling to the states
            When everything is for sale, one or two Union Ministers and a few officials would also like to have one or two PSUs for themselves. However, this needs money. The easiest way to earn money would be to buy something on behalf of a PSU and receive huge commission. Thus, when this writer took the Re. 2200 crore deal by the BSNL, the Finance Director had to quit the BSNL. What ever happened, the CBI, CVC and the NHRC simply failed to check the manipulations of the Union Ministers. Therefore, all buying other than those related to defense could be delegated to the States.
4. Realizing 0 .1% Transaction Tax.
            The Government could impose 0.1 % transaction tax on all payments and even all withdrawals. It will prevent many starvation deaths and ameliorate the sufferings of millions of people. Not even 24 hours shall be wasted to implement this suggestion. The theory that he who is not in office has no right to give suggestions for nation-building may not be a correct one.
5. Preventing the merger and acquisition of big banks.
            Notwithstanding 39 letters sent with the objective of splitting the banks, the new Government has mooted the idea of merging big banks. Thus, if the things proceed as planned, the Bank of India (BoI) would be merged with Union Bank of India (UBI) within two months.  It is not the idea of the Government, political parties, Members of Parliament or the people.  It is the idea distilled by the stakes. It was first disclosed by them on 11 May, 2002.They consider this as the model of all models because they could silently avail themselves of all monies from all over India through less than ten counters. They first wanted to bring the Cooperative Banks under the sole control of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). A Union Minister opposed it. He paid the price by sacrificing his position in the Cabinet. However, the former Prime Minister did not succumb to the pressure of the stakes fully presumably due to the intense pressure from this writer. Now, apparently the new Government wishes to misuse its power. Who, how and when the “Superior Men” injected this idea in the mind of the Government are the important questions.
            The present Prime Minister is not disclosing the truth regarding the Re. 845 crore deals by the BoI. If the same individual takes Re.85,000 crore from the merged banks and convert it into personal assets abroad, will anyone in India disclose it? The CBI, CVC, NHRC, TV and the print media would not open their mouth. Even the President of India would not murmur! Therefore, all right thinking people would think that the present Prime Minister is sucking the life blood of 1000 million people by projecting the idea of the stakes as his own.
            Hundreds of small countries like Japan, Singapore, Hong Hong, Korea, Spain have world class banks. Therefore, two or three banks could be given to each State. They could have all India or Global presence.
6. Splitting the LIC into State level units.
            It appears that the LIC has become bankrupt. The LIC-HFL is falling heavily on its own customers. This could be averted by splitting them into State level units.
            The crucial point is that the electronic accounting system simply fails. There was a difference of Re.8000 in the account of an individual. The CBI, CVC and the NHRC would reject it as a computer or inadvertent clerical error. They would consider it as a customary incident involving Re.8,000 and ignore it. The truth is that not less than Re. 80,000 crore would have gone out of the LIC in a similar way. Tomorrow a stake would remove Re.800,000 core in one day and buy an island near Great Britain. Day after tomorrow the amount would vanish from the computer. None, including the President of India, would dare to murmur! The media would proclaim the stake as the honest man of the world. What would the people do? It is imperative that the LIC must be split into separate State level units immediately. However, the will of the stakes alone would prevail is another matter.
7. Restraining the financial institutions from investing in shares directly or indirectly.
            It is a three-year-old demand. The Government might consider it as the convention of the Prime Ministers to manipulate the stock market daily. However, the Constitution does not condescend to this. The experience gained during the last five decades reinforces this view. Therefore, if any money had gone out of the banks and the LIC  recently, the system must objectively examine whether the letter No.15 dated 16-11-2002 addressed to His Excellency the President of India is applicable to the present system itself or not.
8. Exposing the manipulations in rice exports.
            There were reports that huge subsidies were given for exporting rice and that the rice meant for export was circulated internally and thereby some stakes got Re.9000 crore. None knows the truth in this matter.
9. Taking action for Human Rights violations.
            When the human rights issue pertaining to an IPS officer was submitted, the NHRC rejected it by stating that it was sub-judice. The review petition was rejected vide Case No1311/22/1999-2000 dated 28-9-2000 under section 36(1) of the Act. On 26 May, 2004 the NHRC again rejected the matter vide Case No.11/22/2004-2005/OC as only copies of the letters addressed to His Excellency the President of India were sent to it. As there are no new points, the NHRC must withdraw the case against the affected individual through competent authority.
10. Publishing these letters in all newspapers.
            This is letter No. 40. The letters are written not out of the conditions chosen by this writer. Now, nothing that takes place in the higher levels reaches the common man. Envisaging such a situation Plato says that politics are an affair of the twilight; they concern the relations of men in the dimness of the cave. The President could examine whether such descriptions are applicable to his Government. The Greek believed that great impediment to action is not discussion, but the want of that knowledge which is gained by discussion preparatory to action. Therefore, these letters could be published in all newspapers. Any disqualification might go down as a conspiracy of the CBI, CVC, TV, print media and the NHRC. Further, the CBI, CVC and the NHRC could give answers to all unanswered questions and give concrete suggestions to curtail huge commission, rank corruption and giant manipulation to save 1000 million people.
Vellicode                                                                                    Yours faithfully,


 The media including the public sector TV blacked out the impact of the above letter. However, a Tamil daily reported that hectic consultations took place at Delhi. The paper   reported this on 26 September, 2004 in its front page. This paper disclosed that a Union Minister met the Congress leader several times on 23 September, 2004. The paper reported that he had convened the Cabinet meetings in the absence of the Prime Minister.
On 24 September, 2004 as a reply to this writer, a Union Minister said that the Government would investigate scams that had allegedly taken place during the previous NDA regime. He said that the BJP was disrupting the Parliament because they did not want their corrupt deeds to be exposed. Presumably due to this remark, he was shifted to his home State. Naturally, the present Government did not expose any corrupt deed of the previous Government.
In the meantime, a Member of Parliament belonging to the CPI-M accepted that the Communist Party was not sincere in its opposition to the privatization of Airports and in the FDI matter.
A Union Minister, on 24 September, 2004, said that the Government was attached to Maruthi and hence it would not offload its 18.24 percent equity in Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL) On the same day, there were reports that the shares of the public sector National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) would be sold and the issue would open on October 7 and close on October 14. He said that the shares of the NTPC would be listed in the stock exchanges on November 8-9.
The High Court, Cochin on 24 September, 2004 issued notice to the Civil Aviation Ministry to give reason why the 2003 amendment to the Airport Authority Bill of 1994 should not be annulled on the ground that the amendment would adversely affect the security of the airports. The amendment empowered the Government to lease out Airports to private parties.  Joint Forum of Airport Authority Employees had filed the petition. The judgement was not published.
A Supreme Court advocate, on 27 September 2004, said, “The youth who retain some idealism are the best investment”. It must be noted that many right thinking people believe that nothing would move in Delhi without the permission of this advocate.
A Union Minister on the same day said that that the previous NDA Government sold rice to foreign countries when Indians died of starvation. The President, again on the same day, said that he favoured the post of President being brought under the purview of an independent organization to probe the charges against the Public Servants. On the next day, Prime Minister presumably for public consumption said that public functionaries including him should be brought under the ambit of such a set up. He promised that the UPA Government would enact this Act and the Freedom of Information Act as per the Common Minimum Programme (CMP) of the UPA.  These words of the Union Minister, President and the Prime Minister indicated that the CBI, CVC and the NHRC were giving some troubles to the Government. But due the power of the manipulators, nothing happened till date.
On 27 September, 2004 an Indian company listed its securities on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). It was the first Indian Engineering Company to list its securities on the NYSE.
The CBI on 29 September, 2004 carried out countywide searches and registered a case against a former director of the National Highway Authority of India against whom an engineer had leveled allegations of bungling.
The Union Cabinet on 29 September, 2004 decided to set up Group of Ministers to look into the print media policy. On the same day, the Cabinet approved the constitution of a National Commission for the welfare of the socially and economically backward sections among the religious and linguistic minorities. But no benefits accrued to the people till date.
On 2 October, 2004 the President of India stated that his dream was for a prosperous, peaceful and safe India. He said that India needed good human beings to accomplish it. His statement was consistent with these letters.
Speaking to teachers on the same day, the President said that education in its real sense was pursuit of the truth, an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment. It opened new vitas and there was no room for pettiness, enmity or other base emotions. He said that education, besides enhancing the dignity and self-respect of a person, transformed a “being” into “a noble soul”. This, again, was an act of encouragement as the suspicion regarding the points raised by this writer deepened.
On October 2, 2004 about 50 people were killed and over 100 injured in powerful bomb blasts in the railway station and nearby markets at Dimapur in Nagaland. The Government had to rush 40 companies of paramilitary forces to control the situation.
Now some newspapers demanded the Government to privatize the MTNL and BSNL - the two public sector telephone companies - to save them from competition. They cautioned that the cost of his delay would run into Re. trillions. The papers said this to usurp the MTNL and the BSNL. The truth was that the private telephone companies flourished through the aid of the MTNL and the BSNL.
The two-judge committee probing the petrol pump scam concluded that almost 70% of the allotments were irregular and should be cancelled.
The Prime Minister on 6 October, 2004 said that: 1. Those who generate wealth were worthy of the nation’s respect. 2. Corruption in public life was another evil. 3. The tax system led to harassment and delays. 4. The Government was committed to extend reservation for weaker sections in the private sector.
The Government on 7 October, 2004 sold 8.6583 crore shares of the NTPC. None in India uttered even a word against it. The Left parties did not open their mouth. On the next day, it was subscribed 4.83 times.
On October 10, 2004 a few newspapers said that doing business in India was pain. They said that Nepal and Bhutan were better.



The letter No.41 was sent to His Excellency the President of India on 10 October, 2004 at 2.30 P.M. The sale of the shares of the public sector NTPC prompted this letter. The letter clearly said that the Government was selling shares to some people through one side and giving bullets to some other people through the other side. The letter follows.

Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
                         Kindly consider the predicament of the 1000 million people.
1.         The four questions in the letter No.32 dated 31-5-2004 still remain unanswered. None would have doubted the integrity of the Government, if it had acted on the letter through law to regulate the motive of self-interest and for the production of happiness.
2         The logical consequence of the HPCL/BPCL judgement is that all privatized PSUs must be taken back forthwith. The inaction of the Government in this matter vitiates the “unity and integrity of the nation” present in the Constitution. The Attorney General would tell the President that it is the paramount duty of the President to point out this to the Government. When the President of India fails, Constitution of India fails.
3.         The public sector Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) must have trainloads of useless physical shares in its go downs. Considering this and other manipulations, the Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) was on 17 August, 2004 requested to restrain the LIC and banks from advancing money directly or indirectly to anyone to buy the shares of any stake. The CVC might have promptly done his job because it is his duty to prevent manipulation. Yet, apparently, the LIC and the banks advanced huge amounts to buy the shares of a private company at an inflated price. As the financial institutions proclaim to the world that they take orders from Delhi to release money, those who gave the money are liable for prosecution. However, the Government would protect them. What would the people do?
4.   When this writer sought permission to send a co-contribution to “The American International Publishers” to publish his book in Inorganic Chemistry, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rejected the request vide Ref.No.M.A.E.C.TPM/1231/126 (Misc)/95-96,22nd February 1996. Now, though the foreign exchange reserve has increased, the foreign debt burden too has increased. There is no respite in misery and poverty of the people. The distressing situation of the farmers and others reveals this. Therefore, the stakes must be forbidden from taking at least public money abroad to invest as private assets. The President of India could watch all big transactions of the LIC, banks and other PSUs through his computer everyday. However, the President is not directing the financial institutions to reveal their transactions to the media now.
5.         The individuals affected by the LIC-HFL are not getting a reply. What would the people do?
6.         Despite 40 letters, the Government has proved tellingly that it could sell the shares of the NTPC to anyone in whatever way it likes. In this connection, it must be pointed out that attacking the privatization of the HPCL/BPCL a present Union Minister, on 24 April, 2003 single handedly disrupted the Parliament. The other members of the Congress supported him saying that the Government was ‘looting and plundering’ the nation. Is there any difference between the privatization of the HPCL and that of the NTPC?
 Further, a Congress leader too proclaimed to the people of Assam - during election canvassing - that the Congress party would make Assam as rich as Maharashtra or Gujarat. This is nothing but the dominant theme of these letters. On 1 October, 2004 – again during election canvassing in Arunachal Pradesh - the same Congress leader said that the Government was committed to the development of the North-East. Did the people of the North-East get any shares of the NTPC? Alas, they are getting bullets in equal proportion! Even England, a capitalistic but a small country, did not allow anyone to hold more than 10% shares of any important company during privatization. The Government would not have lost anything other than private interest if it had apportioned the shares of the NTPC among all States. The Attorney General would tell the President that discrimination by the Union Government under any pretext between citizen and citizen on grounds of place of birth is illegal and unconstitutional. Surely, the strength of the Constitution depends on the strength and wisdom of the President of India.
7.         The insurgents in the North-East kill innocent children like animals. The Government, in turn, shoot down its own boys like birds. The boys seemingly want to protect their assets for their children. The Government ostensibly wants to preserve the same to enable less than ten stakes to buy or build castles in the UK and USA. The new Government could have solved 75% percent problems of the North-East within one weak of assuming office. For this, the Government could have: 1. Asked the States to take full control of petrol/diesel/kerosene/gas distribution. 2. Apportioned the BSNL and the LIC to various States. 3. Permitted the States to sell or buy various commodities and exploit their mineral resources. Instead, the Government wants to give: 1. The mineral wealth of India to some private companies. 2. All roads in India to a private company to lay cables. 3. All exploration rights to a private company. 4. Petrol/diesel/kerosene distribution to a private company. 5. Apparently, the gas distribution also to the same company within two months for obvious reasons. In fine, the Government wants to give everything to less than ten stakes, all at the cost of unity and integrity of India present in the Constitution. The Government shall take gun only after discharging its minimum duties for the unity and integrity of the Nation.
8.         This is letter No.41. Copies of most of the letters have been sent to the NHRC, CVC and the CBI. The Attorney General would tell the President that the concealment of the letters could be construed as a conspiracy. There is nothing new in it. Jeremy Bentham, (1748-1832) was an English. However, Parliaments in Spain and Portugal voted to publish his book on legislation at the national expense long before it gained acceptance in England. Now, it is the paramount duty of the NHRC to publish these letters one by one in all newspapers along with all associated facts at the national expense because only public opinion would restrain the abuses of power. Further, Domosthenes says, and Euripides proclaims:
                        “This is true liberty, when free-born men,
                           Having to advise the public, may speak free”
 9.        Therefore, the Government was requested to impose 0.1% transaction tax on all payments and withdrawals. This one line suggestion would fetch not less than Re.1000 crore per day. All Highways could be converted into two-way roads in one year, D.A. could be given to employees, jobs could be given to workers and income tax burden could be averted. The Government could save 10,000 human lives in one year.  However, the Government simply ignores this. What would the people do?
10.      The only consolation is that it is the condition everywhere. Thus, Plato saw “everywhere the predicament in which men found themselves. Doing what their natures suggested to them, they found not what they sought, but turmoil and strife and agony and death. This was so because to be mistaken seemed part of their very natures. They desired, as all men must, “the good for man”; “that would make man’s life happy,” “that without which man can never know peace”. “But they looked for it in the wrong places. They chose evil because they thought that would be a good for them. Even the best of these were unhelpful. Themistocles and Pericles were accounted great statesmen, but they failed to make their people “better and gentler… They directed attention preciously to those wrong things to which man anyhow was so likely to be attracted.” Is it not the predicament of 1000 million people now?
Vellicode                                                                                      Yours faithfully

It appeared that the President handed over the letter to a Union Minister as the Prime Minister was in Maharashtra state. Immediately, the media concocted a story regarding the question of river waters. Apparently, the Prime Minister cancelled his programme slated for 11 October, 2004 at Maharashtra and came to Delhi to discuss the fall out of the letter. On the next day, the Government said that a Union Minister would meet the Bodo militants on 13 October, 2004.
On 12 October, 2004 the Supreme Court took up the appeal against the HPCL/BPCL judgement. The counsel for the Government said that the Government was undertaking a review of the policy of disinvestments and sought time to submit a detailed reply. It was clear the Government had not taken any concrete decision with regard to disinvestments despite the Common Minimum Programme. Two judges heard the case. The Court, at the instance of the Government, assumed to itself the cases pending in Delhi, Mumbai, Jarchand and Rajastan High Courts. The case latter went into oblivion.
          An emergency meeting of the Coordination Committee of the UPA and Left parties was held on 12 October, 2004 presumably in response to the letter No.41 dated 10-10- 2004. It marked the radical change in the approach to the problems in the North-East, Jammu and Kashmir and other internal problems with militants. It appeared that there was a sea change in the policy of the Government to militancy.  Accordingly, the Government said that it would very seriously consider the ceasefire offer of the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB). The Government, further, decided to vacate the personnel’s of the Assam Rifles from the Kangla Fort in the heart of Impal, which had become an emotive issue. Furthermore, the Government said that socio-economic development and other economic measures would be taken up in a big way in the North-East and in Jammu and Kashmir. Besides, several peace moves were taken.
            A meeting of the Secretaries of various ministries ensued. 137 Secretaries attended the meeting. In the meeting, the Prime Minister said that: 1.The Secretaries must work without fear or favour.2.Civil Service must be more accountable, effective and transparent.3. They must be innovative and produce results.4. If they had any problem, they could approach him. 5. They must address the problems in the North-East, Kashmir and militancy affected areas sensitively.
            On the same day, the President said that he was concerned with the frequent road accidents. This was consistent with the demand of this writer to convert all National Highways into two-way roads.
            Meanwhile on 13 October, 2004 the Government cleared the expansion plan of Nalco at the cost of US$ 895 million. Similarly the Government approved the plan of the ONGC to buy back  at a cost of Re.10,800 crore 9.6% shares held by IOC. The NDA Government had been shelving all expansion plans in the hope of privatization.
            The newspapers on the same day reported that a private company, utilizing the money mobilized through the IPO, would buy companies and other assets for about Re. 20,000 crore in the USA and other countries. The papers said that a few other companies also would follow suit.
            On the same day, the Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd decided to tap the capital market in 2005 just like the NTPC.
           On 15 October, 2004 the President of India said that there was nothing impossible in life and that everyone must have at least one right quality. He told the students that the world was a dangerous one. Apparently, he was justifying the letter dated 10-10-2004. While the word “impossible” was directed to this writer, the right quality, apparently, was directed to those who did not possess those qualities.
                        The newspapers now reported that the Government was disturbed by the actions of the CBI and it wanted to protect the officers, who work in an upright manner.
            On 16 October, 2004 a Chairman of a private company said that he was “frustrated” about his inability to do enough for the uplift of the poor in the country. He disclosed that his ambition was to work for the rural poor. He said that his life was about making profit because he had a responsibility towards share holders. Apparently, it was the explanation for the money extracted by the company from the banks through the aid of the stock market.
            The newspapers reported that a former secretary to the Government and five others had been arrested in August 2004 for corruption. The Government immediately said that amending the Anti Corruption Act was one of the options before it.
            The paper further said that the Government was thinking about setting up an independent panel to examine the need to prosecute senior serving bureaucrats. Apparently, the CVC wanted to prosecute someone but the CVC wanted to do it through the aid of some others.
In the meantime, the newspapers said that offloading the shares of PSUs in the lines of the NTPC had eminent sense. They indirectly ridiculed this writer saying that even lower division clerks in India would get the Nobel Prize for their ignorance of economics.
On 17 October, 2004 six militants and three soldiers were killed in Jammu and Kashmir. 
The newspapers on 19 October, 2004 commended the sale of 865,830,000 shares of the NTPC and induced the Government to divest the shares of other PSUs.
On 19 October, 2004 the Tamil Nadu Special Task Force shot dead the forest brigand, “Veerappan”, and three of his associates. The public sector TV declared that such “elements” would be killed! This prompted this writer to describe the newspapers as media brigands.
The Government on 20 October, 2004 hiked the FDI cap for domestic airlines from 40 to 49 percent.
         On 21 October, 2004 the Union Government requested the Government of Assam to accept the offer of talks by the NDFB militants. A Union Minister went to the extent of saying that the Centre would accept the blame for any failure of talks. This showed that there was a sea change in the attitude of the Government towards the militant people. Surprisingly, on the next day, the Government invited the Naga rebels to New Delhi for talks and the latter accepted the invitation.
At that time, the talks were going on in Bangkok between the Cenre’s interlocutors and General Secretary of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM). In a joint statement issued at the end of the two-day talks, the Naga side said that the invitation of the Government of India to the Naga leaders showed that the Centre was committed to finding an early and mutually satisfactory solution to the issue. The Naga believed that the invitation would give further impetus to the peace talks.
 Obviously, the letter No.41 sent on 10- 10- 2004 had a marvelous effect on the Government. It activated the Government to take concrete steps to solve the vexing problems in the North-East. In this connection, it must be noted that the truce between the NSCN and the Centre was agreed in 1997 and the talks had been going on since then. The leaders of Naga rebels had been living in Thailand and The Hague.
            The Union Government on 25 October, 2004 decided to maintain ‘total secrecy’ regarding the people who were providing information to central agencies probing corruption charges. This decision, presumably, was taken to give legal cover to conceal these letters.
            A former Union Minister, in an obvious reference to this writer, said, “Even if one blinks then nothing moves”. In his reply,  a Union Minister said that the UPA Government was committed to reforms, meaning privatization. This statement confirmed the worst fears of this writer that that the Government would act in bad faith and that the Union Minister was playing a role similar to the one a former Union Minister had been playing during the NDA rule.



            On 28 October, 2004 the letter No.42 was sent to His Excellency the President of India. The letter requested the Government not to use the mandate of the people against the mandate of the Constitution. Further, the letter requested the Government to consider the question of apportioning the foreign exchange in the ratio 25:75 between the Centre and the States. Besides, the letter said that the people should not be prevented from doing anything, that does no harm to others. The letter follows.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why there must be constitutionalism in India.
1.         A written constitution limits the powers and functions of the various organs of the state as opposed to arbitrary, authoritarian or totalitarian rule of the manipulators. Adopting the Constitution, a Member of the Constituent Assembly on 26 November, 1949 said, “If the people who are elected are capable men of character and integrity, they would be able to make the best even of a defective Constitution”.
2.         The Preamble was fully discussed, duly enacted and adopted by the Constituent Assembly. It is said that the words used in the Preamble are some of the noblest. It is the key to the Constitution (Berubari case). The Preamble “epitomized” the principle on which the Government was to function. The Preamble was very “soul of the Constitution-eternal and unalterable” (Golak Nath   v. State of Punjab). The Preamble is an integral part of the Constitution ( Bommai v Union of India case-1994 SC 1918).
3.         Democracy in the Preamble meant rule by people. Here, it is said that ballot substitutes bullet. In essence, it substitutes armed conflicts by discussion and persuasion. Therefore, one must win not by the force of armed forces but by the force of conviction. The word democracy in the Constitution is reinforced by the word Republic meaning that people are supreme and that there is no privileged class. In a “Republic” it is said that a “Government exists for a limited period or during good behaviour”.
4.         The Preamble promises to secure ‘JUSTICE, Social, Economic and Political”. The goal of economic operation should not be to promote accumulation of wealth in less than ten hands. This boils down to the question of equitable distribution of “seats and assets”. This would save the political system from cracking because “the Prime Minister cannot be glorious, or secure if his people are poor, contemptible, or weak”. The BALCO and Petrol Pump judgements of the Supreme Court are pernicious and exploitative judgements that attacked its own Constitutional Benches, Constitution, President and the people. These judgements are “like commanding a man to kill himself”.
5.         The words Liberty, Equality and Fraternity present in the Preamble are to preserve and promote the dignity of the individual and to protect the unity and integrity of the Nation. So long as there is Equality of opportunity, there will be Fraternity and Friendship. All arbitrary and unfaithful actions of the Government undermine Liberty, Fraternity and Equality. According to several judgements “equality and arbitrariness are sworn enemies” and all arbitrary actions are violative of article 14 and therefore unconstitutional (1. AIR 1974 SC 555, 2.AIR 1978 SC 597, 3.AIR 1979 SC 1628, 4. AIR  1981 SC 487). The Government must promote a common feeling of brotherhood not only in words but also in deeds. For this, one man or a few people from one region or one class should not be blindly encouraged to exploit other men or classes. Incidentally, this is the dominant theme of these letters.  In this connection, those who invoke China would tell that it adopts “one nation two systems” concept for fraternity and therefore for the unity of their nation. The USA allows separate state citizenship for unity. The states in the USA rigourously monitor flight of capital from state to state for friendship. Obviously, if there were Fraternity and Friendship, there will be unity and integrity.
6.         The previous NDA Government was broadminded enough to rescind hundreds of decisions of the Union Cabinet based on these letters. However, ignoring the letters, the NDA Government had taken some arbitrary decisions. Thus, the decisions taken: sell the PSUs to private parties, reserve 5% of bank funds to brokers, finance individuals and companies to buy PSUs, release foreign exchange against public funds to buy assets and companies abroad, allow mutual funds to play with foreign exchange that too in the order of US$ one billion, permit private individuals to distribute petrol pumps and throw away the shares of the PSUs on the roads of Mumbai were against equality. It must be noted that the above privileges are not granted even to State Governments that take care of millions of people. Thus, less then ten stakes, leading to economic deprivation, daily remove foreign exchange in millions of dollar. A Constitution Bench (AIR 1981 SC487) declared, “Whenever there is arbitrariness in state action whether it be of the legislative or of the executive or of an ‘authority’ under article 12, article 14 immediately springs into action and strikes down such state action”. Obviously, all the above decisions were unconstitutional in nature.
7.         The new Government must have annulled all the above arbitrary decisions within 24 hours of assuming office just for equality, fraternity and friendship and above all for unity and integrity of the Nation. However, as if these were not sufficient, the new Government quite arbitrarily asked the LIC to release Re.9000 crore into the stock market. Then the Government asked the banks and the LIC to finance chosen people to buy the shares of a private company at the rate of over Re.800/- per share, the net asset value or the face value of which was Rs.1/-! Apparently, the Prime Minister did it under a contractual obligation to enable a stake to take public money abroad. Therefore, the letter Nos 19 and 20 dated 5-6-2003 and 8-7-2003 respectively are more applicable to the present Prime Minister of India than to his predecessor. If, however, the above decisions were taken by the Union Cabinet after due discussion, all right thinking people would think that the Government used the mandate of the people against the mandate of the Constitution.
8.         The militants do not know anything other than their own land. Yet, they act like cannibals. The Government, in turn, kills them ruthlessly. Did the British kill so many Indians in the 50 years preceding independence? Would such cannibalism and counter cannibalism continue if the foreign exchange reserve earned by various States were shared between the States and the Union Government in the ratio, say 75:25? Now, the State Governments -unlike the mutual funds- have no foreign exchange reserve of their own to exhibit their competitiveness and industry and for the unity of the Nation. It is said that men can expect liberty from even the absolute Government, (Hobbes calls it Leviathan) “to buy and sell and otherwise contract with one another to choose their own diet and their own trade of life”. No wonder, there would be a twenty-fold increase in the number of export houses and businessmen provided the buying and selling were delegated to the State Government. If it were not done, less than ten stakes would continue to accumulate wealth in Re.thousands of crore by granting petrol pumps/manipulating the stock exchanges/banks and plunder foreign exchange daily in millions of dollars.
9.         It is heartening to note that a Union Minister, immediately after the letter No.41 dated10-10-2004 went to the extent of saying that the Government would accept the blame for any failure in the talks with the militants. This must be a turning point. However, 41 letters lead to the realization that the killings are nothing but appropriatocide- killing ones own people for exploitation and appropriation. Therefore, it would be a good sign if appropriation of the people that undermine unity, ceases before any meaningful talks.
10.       This is letter No.42. The desire for writing the letters might have originated in the mind of the universe. Otherwise, why did the universe supply knowledge and badly needed reference materials so lavishly and extravagantly? The universe might be conspiring to conceal these letters to enable this common man to achieve his destiny. However, the reluctance of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to publish these letters in all newspapers is the proof of the absence of equality and constitutionalism in India.
Vellicode                                                                                                     Yours faithfully

            On the next day, a Union Minister said that public sector banks must become a power house by themselves and they would be allowed to buy private banks. He said that a bill to remove the 10% cap on voting rights of shareholders of banks would be reintroduced in the Parliament. He cautioned the brokers that if they damage the market, they damage themselves and the economy. He wanted them to keep this in mind. When he was asked whether the shares of the Public Sector Banks would be sold as in the case of the NTPC, the Minister said that there was not much headroom available for such a sale.
            A Union Minister on 30 October, 2004 said that he was sidelined in the Cabinet. He added that he had “comprehensively” lost the battle” and he did not figure in the “consciousness” of his own Government.
            The Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) on 31 October, 2004 at Chennai said that ensuring more transparency and simplicity in Government procedures could check corruption. He said that according to Transparency International (TI) Perception Index, India stood at the 55th position. He deplored that the CVC was unable to act on all the complaints because most of them were ambiguous in nature and pertained to the officers outside the jurisdiction of the CVC. He said that in order to combat corruption, the CVC had taken up intensive audit of public offices, evaluation of annual reports and identification of areas, which needed improvement. This was the answer of the CVC to the 42 letters before him.
            A ten-member team of the Apunba Lup, an apex body of 32 organizations involved in the prolonged agitation against the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA)- met the Prime Minister of India on November 1, 2004 at New Delhi. The Prime Minister readily agreed to review and if necessary replace the AFSPA. Then the Prime Minister asked the delegation to meet the Home Minister on the next day. Further, the Prime Minister said that he believed that the meeting would add a new chapter to the history of Manipur.
            In this connection, it must be noted that their earlier meeting with the Home Minister in Impal had ended in disaster as they had decided to intensify their movement against the Act by taking the agitation to all parts of Manipur.
 Addressing the Pondicharry State Assembly, the President of India on 1 November, 2007 said that Pondicharry must be converted into another Singapore. This was consistent with the letters of this writer. He showed them how computer could be used to show the data of all Departments of Pondicharry. Talking to students, the President pledged to abolish corruption. For this, he said that that there would be about 25 crore families in India and every son or daughter must prevail upon their parents to shun corruption. All those who saw the letter No. 42 dated 28- 10- 2004, including the Prime Minister of India, would have understood the message of these words. He then asked the students to take a pledge to live as a model to others.
            A private company on 1 November, 2004 informed its decision to buy  one of the world’s most advanced and extensive submarine cable system, for $130 million (600 crore) subject to the approval of the Government of the USA, India and other countries. The statement said that the acquisition was funded through internal accruals. The statement added that the company had formed a special purpose vehicle for that purpose. The tendency to convert the money collected through public issues into private assets abroad could be discerned. If all the foreign exchange were available, the manipulators in India would buy the entire world! 
            On 2 November, 2004 protesting against the decision of Government of Orissa to grant permission to a private company to establish an alumina plant at Lanjigarh, the opposition Congress Members of the Assembly charged towards the Chief Minister. In the ensuing scuffle, the leg of the Chief Minister came under his own desk and he was injured.
            The focus of the conference of the State Chief Secretaries that held on 2 November, 2004 was evolving of a model code of good governance, protection of civil servants for their bonafide decisions and freedom of information for transparency. The theme obviously indicated that the investigating agencies were taking some feeble actions against the officers. Further, a Union Minister in a statement said that the Government wanted a transparent, decentralized, and corruption-free administration at all levels. He added that people’s faith in the administration had eroded
            The Prime Minister on 3 November, 2004 said that reservation would not be imposed on the private sector. The Prime Minister enjoyed the support of the media brigands in this matter.
            On 5 November, 2004 a five judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court  held that a Governor of a State could independently accord sanction for prosecution of a Minister in prevention of corruption cases “without the aid and advice” of the Council of Ministers.  This judgement was the repercussion of 42 letters of this writer. This judgement could be construed as the reward for the 42 letters. But none utilized the advantages of this judgement.
            Again on 5 November, 2004, another five judge Constitution Bench held that micro classification of Scheduled Castes into subgroups and fixing different percentage of reservation for them within the overall Scheduled Caste quota was unconstitutional. 
            It must be noted that both the above judgements were delivered on the same day by the same learned judges and the public were not aware of the existence of these cases.
            The High Court, Delhi on 5 November 2004 directed a private company to pay by the 8 th November 2004 Re.40 crore to the BSNL for illegal routing of international calls.
            A Congress leader on 5 November, 2004 categorically denied that the Congress party was the real power center behind the Prime Minister.
            The President of India on 5 November, 2004 said, “Education transforms human beings into a noble soul and an asset to the Universe. The colleges should produce learners who will have capacity to both respect authority at the same time capable of questioning authority in an appropriate manner. These are the leaders who transform any nation into a developed nation in a time bound manner. The higher education system must create enlightened citizens, who in turn will transform India into a prosperous, happy, strong and safe nation.  The accreditation committees must have found that there is a college or university whose practices are the best and would stand out as a symbol of that practice. The committees may select 30 such colleges all over India and come out with a book of experience titled “Great Institutions of Higher Learning” This speech of the President of India was not published by the media syndicate for obvious reasons. This writer got this from a bulletin that came to Lekshmipuram College of Arts & Science, Neyyoor, where this writer was working. Any one could discern that the letters of this writer were weighing heavily with the President. 
            On 6 November, 2004 a Congress leader said that India had a bright future because the younger generations were bold and open-minded. The leader said that they had a goal”.
            In the meantime, the Union Government announced troop reduction in Jammu and Kashmir. There were over 5,00,000 troops in Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan, besides all sections of the people in Jammu and Kashmir, welcomed the decision. They wanted the Government to withdraw the Armed Special Forces Power Act and improve the human rights report card in the State.
            A leader of the opposition criticized the dialogue between the militants and the Union Government. He described that the decision of the Government to start a dialogue with the militant people in Jammu and Kashmir, North East and Andra Pradesh as not a well thought out one. He warned that the Congress party was putting in jeopardy the internal security of the country. But the Government said that it would talk to anyone who was ready to talk.The President on 10 November, 2004 asked the banks to devise ways to utilize the foreign exchange reserves in high yielding enterprises.


            As no tangible steps were taken to cancel the arbitrary decisions of the previous Government, the letter No. 43 was sent on 13 November, 2004 through email.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why the Constitution of India should solve most of the problems of 1000 million people.
1.         A five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on 5 November, 2004 held that the Governor of a State could independently accord sanction for prosecution provided there is a prima facie case. This judgement must be read and interpreted in the light of the 42 letters sent to His Excellency the President of India. Now, the investigating agencies could no longer plead that they have no powers to proceed, in good faith; against anyone provided there is a prima facie case. The judgement shows that “even the absolute Government should be subject to the law of the Nation”.
2.         The HPCL/BPCL judgement also is a good judgement because the secondary consequences of the judgement are good. The Government is duty bound to take back the privatized PSUs based on the judgement. The procrastination undermines rule of law.
3.         The petrol pump judgement was described as a “False and Wicked” judgement because the secondary consequences of the judgement were bad. In that case, the learned judges played their part and left the rest to the Government. The Government, instead of devising a better guideline, divested the Members of Parliament of their privilege and permitted less than ten stakes to distribute thousands of petrol pumps all over India. Ironically, a Member of Parliament (who happened to be a businessman) is now granting permission for petrol outlets and the entire rest including the Ministers is forced to bow before him to get one or two petrol outlets! Alternatively, a citizen of India from the North-East is forced to pay about Re.30 lakh to a citizen of India from the North-West to get a petrol outlet! Thus, the Court and the Government “forbid activities which are not dangerous to the peace”. What would the boys do? Is this the meaning of reform, privatization, globalization, deregulation and liberalization?  Is this the way to generate wealth? The petrol pump judgement presumably was the result of a conspiracy hatched by the Universe to tarnish the image of the judiciary. Now, the Government could cancel forthwith all petrol outlets sanctioned since that judgement and put in place a new system. Alternatively anyone could be allowed to trade in this business subject to safety standards alone.
4.         A five-judge Bench of the Supreme Court, again on 5 November, 2004 ruled against quota within quota in the matter of employment. One would think that the Constitution is not equitable in this matter. In this connection, it must be noted that though the Supreme Court declared the fixation of district-wise quota on the ratio of district population to the total population of the State as discriminatory (P.Rajendran v.Madras, AIR 1971 SC 2303), in another Case, the University-wise allocation of seats for admission to Medical Colleges in the State of Kerala was held to be valid(1.D.N. Chanchala v.Mysore, AIR 1971 SC 1762 and 2.Ajay Kumar v.State of Bihar, JT (1994)3SC 662 holding reservation in Medical Colleges valid). Therefore, the Union Cabinet could make the fixation of State wise quota on the ratio of State population to total population possible through legislation for public employment and for admission into the IITs. However, everything depends on the mind of the Union Cabinet.
5.         State wise quota for selling the shares of the PSUs also is possible. In this connection, it must be acknowledged that Indians have an instinct for gambling. Some people relish share ownership. Some people want diverse investment opportunities. Therefore, there could be a vibrant Stock Exchange in every State. If the Government could think of reserving the shares of the PSUs for the NRIs, IPOs and workers, the same could be reserved for various States. This would save the PSUs from the onslaught of the stakes thereby contributing to the unity of the Nation.
6.         When this writer clubbed the sale of a PSU with the Re. 845 crore deal of Bank of India (BoI), former Prime Minister described this writer as a “demon”. Naturally, he was startled by the allegation. However, this allegation enabled him to escape from for greater manipulations. Thus, the bids for selling the SCI were received on 15 April and 7 May, 2004. The sale did not materialize presumably because the former Prime Minister did not permit the banks to pay for buying the SCI. All other PSUs like Nalco also might have escaped privatization due to similar reasons.
Further, a RBI Governor was asked to quit office and later he was given a membership of the Upper House only. The portfolio of a Finance Minister was also changed. These changes, apparently, indicated that the money from the BoI went in the hands of the manipulators without the prior knowledge of the former Prime Minister. On the other hand, the decision to sell many PSUs was taken, apparently, in his absence. As the Supreme Court has now demanded rule of law consistent with letter No.42 dated 28-10-2004, the responsibility for the above conversion of public property into private property using public funds could be fixed by the new Government through the aid of investigating agencies.
7.         Apparently, the new Government enabled the some manipulators to utilize the deposits in the banks and the LIC not as loan but in the name of buying shares. The people suspect that the file for releasing the money might have originated from the manipulators. Tomorrow a manipulator with ten bank branches or a manipulator with a compound wall for a plant would come out with a public issue and someone in power would direct the banks and the LIC to release money. Therefore, in this matter also the responsibility for the flight capital should be fixed without delay. It is very vital for the Nation. Even otherwise, it is said that “the concern of political thought is nothing less than the moral phenomena of human behaviour in society”.
8.         One would tell that the fate of the “cash rich enterprises” should not be utilized to annoy the present Government. It is very vital for rule of law because the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) was silent in this matter. It is said that every political problem demands immediate pragmatic and practical investigation mainly to prevent its recurrence.
9.         All the letters contribute to rule of law in one-way or other. The moment there is rule of law the donor acceptor relationship between citizen and citizen would tend to disappear and everyone in India would struggle to remain with the Indian Union with FRATERNITY. Further, the moment there is rule of law; all the manipulations would come to light. The rule of law, according to Hobbes (1588-1679) “consists in certain rules, as doth arithmetic and geometry; not, as tennis-play, on practice only: which rules, neither poor men have had the leisure, nor men that have had the leisure hitherto had the curiosity, or the method to find out”.
10.       This is letter No.43. The system, that includes the National Human Rights Commission, forbids even this limited knowledge, which is not at all dangerous to peace. However, the new Government is now taking some sincere steps hitherto unknown to Indians to solve militancy. There is a feeling that the Government is breeding militancy and the military in some parts of India is “forcing men to obey a de facto sovereign power. But they have no moral obligation-according to Hobbes- to do so in the sense that they have a moral obligation to obey the Government that they have authorized to act for them”. Therefore, only the Constitution and therefore the rule of law would easily solve the problem with the militants and other inequalities that breed militancy. However, everything depends on the mind of the Union Cabinet.
Vellicode                                                                                            Yours faithfully,
            The Government on14 November, 2004 asked the bureaucrats to keep away from the agents of business houses.
            The Prime Minister on 14 November, 2004 said that the time was ripe to heal the wounds of the Kashmiris who had suffered a great deal due to militancy during the past decade. He expressed his hope that his impending visit to Jammu and Kashmir would start a new chapter of peace. While the Prime Minister said this at Hyderabad, militants gunned down three policemen in Jammu and Kashmir State.
            President of India on 14 November, 2004 said that competitiveness was the key to the transformation of India. Perhaps the President was echoing the paragraph No.8 of the letter No.42 dated 28-11-2004. The President further said that the dream of the children was to build a new India - prosperous, happy and safe. In order to make this dream a reality he said that the citizens must have certain unique qualities. He said that successful leaders could never be defeated by problems. They would become masters of the situation and defeat the problems”. 
            In the meantime, a young Member of Parliament undertook a private visit to the North-East. He mingled with the IITans and other people. He said that he appreciated the problems of the people. The media brigands gave wide publicity to it as if they were under a contractual obligation to do so.
            On 16 November, 2004 a Public Interest Litigation petition was filed in the Supreme Court seeking a direction to the Union Government to notify the Freedom of Information Act, 2002 passed by both Houses of Parliament. The petitioner said that as per Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone had every right to receive and impart information and the ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The petitioner said that free flow of information was necessary for stable governance. The verdict of this was not published.
            A famous writer from Assam, on 16 November, 2004 said that United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) leaders would come for talks only if “sovereignty” was the core subject on the agenda.
            A Union Minister on 16 November, 2004 said that the economic policies of the Centre favoured the rich and discriminated against the poor. He added that the Finance Ministry had no clue on how to draft the policies, the basic principle of which should be to hike the prices of luxury items and reduce the prices of products used by the poor.
            The Union Government  expressed its willingness to talk with all those who abjure violence, promised “peace with dignity”, agreed to lift the ban on job recruitment and announced Re.24,000 crore schemes for the economic revival of  Jammu and Kashmir.
            The security forces killed two militants in Jammu and Kashmir near the stadium where the Prime Minister was to address a rally. The incident occurred just before the arrival of the Prime Minister.
            A Union Minister on 17 November, 2004 said that the Government was committed to strengthening, broadening and deepening reforms but added that it was absorbing all views and ideas. He added that the views of the Economic Editors, at times, become the view of the Government. The words were reminiscent of the bank amalgamation proposal by the Union Government.
            Now, the media brigands requested the Prime Minister not to relinquish power.
            The Supreme Court on 19 November, 2004 cancelled the allotment of a plot to a former High Court judge. The judges observed that he misused his divine judicial duty to accomplish his personal ends and betrayed the trust reposed in him by the people. The judgement said that it was high time that the judiciary took outmost care to see the temple of justice did not crack from inside. The Court said that there was an unholy nexus between the passing of the judicial order and granting order of allotment.



            On 20 November, 2004 the letter No.44 was sent to His Excellency the President of India. The letter sought the President to open the border with Pakistan for the free movement of bonafide citizens. Further, the President was requested to consider the question of equitable distribution of “seats and assets”. The letter follows.

Thattankonam,Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
                        Kindly consider a few immediate mandatory constitutional duties and responsibilities of the new system.
            1.         Restoration of the privatized Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)  that were sold after giving money from the public sector banks.
            2.         Restoration of the public sector Indian Petro Chemical Corporation Limited (IPCL), as it was sold to a charge sheeted company. Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) also must be restored for the same reason.
            3.         Rescinding the privilege granted to the brokers to avail themselves of 5% bank deposits. The permission granted to the companies to buy PSUs in India and assets abroad using public funds and the privilege granted to Mutual Funds to avail themselves of the Foreign Exchange could be revoked in public interest.
            4.         Giving answer to four unanswered questions in letter No.32 dated 31 May, 2004. Further, there are reports that rice could be exported without giving any subsidy. Therefore, the names of those who received huge subsidy in the Re. 9000 crore rice scandals may be disclosed. The reason for the resignation of the former RBI Governor and the Finance Director of the BSNL also could be exposed. These are very important elements for rule of law because the CBI often tends to retreat if the amount involved were, say, more than Re.200 crore.
            5.         Releasing the details regarding the amount released by various banks and the LIC to buy the shares of the private companies and the name of the competent authority that issued orders for the same. In this matter, all right thinking people feel that the Cabinet Ministers failed to control the self-interest of those who possessed power. Similarly, the fate of the money collected by State Bank of India in the name of Resurgent India Bond could be made known.
            6.         The Banking Service Recruitment Board could be restored to streamline the appointments in Public Sector Banks.
            7.         It is extremely heartening to note that the letter Nos.41 and 42 dated 10-10- 2004 and 30-10-2004 respectively together with other letters is producing momentous changes and giving great impetus to peace talks with militants in the North-East, Jammu and Kashmir and Andra Pradesh.
 In this connection, it must be noted that a porous border with Bangladesh resulted in a violent reaction from the people of Assam. Similar resentment would have happened in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), had there been an open border. On the contrary, the terrorists are now moving like fish in water. Obviously, the militancy would continue so long as the local people refuse to turn against them. An open border, which allows free movements of bonafide citizens of India and Pakistan would result in the migration of people from Pakistan to India for jobs, provided J&K is wealthier than the Pak occupied Kashmir (PoK). It may not result in net increase in population because many would marry and go back to Pakistan. The probability for increased militancy and chaos in such a situation is less than 10%. This would save precious human lives and precious money of all people all over India besides ensuring peace. The only condition is that the Nation must be fully alert to frustrate any surprise attacks. John Locke (1632-1704) says that people will put up with many ills before they will embark on the dangerous course of revolution. It is said that the end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. Even otherwise, “it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”.
            8.         It must be noted that United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) is demanding sovereignty. The Government could have very easily pre-empted this demand by announcing State-wise reservation for the shares of the PSUs and for public employment and education. The problem occurs only when someone oppresses others for their “assets and seats”. It is said that there is one thing only, which gathers people into seditious commotions, and that is oppression. All right thinking people would tell that the act of killing people on one side and allowing less than ten people to convert public funds into foreign exchange through other side is nothing but vicious oppression. If the ‘seats and assets’ were apportioned equitably, there would be a virtual struggle to remain with Indian Union because the advantages of remaining with India would far outweigh all other advantages put together. Therefore, the moment the Union Cabinet decides, the militancy-perhaps barring isolated incidents- would cease to exist.
            9.         The permission granted by the Supreme Court on 5 November, 2004 to the Governors to sanction prosecution must be fully appreciated. It is an extraordinary judgement consistent with the letter No. 30 dated 12 March, 2004 and many other letters to meet an extraordinary situation. It is the will of the Nation and the will of the Constitution. In the judgement lays the hopes and aspirations of the Nation at present. Through this judgement, the learned judges have identified themselves with the Real Will of the Nation and obeyed the dictates of the Nation and the Constitution. Now, it is the overriding duty of the Government, investigation agencies and the President of India to give answers to all unanswered questions. Only then there will be rule of law. It must be noted that in a True Democracy there will be rule of law. It is said, “a State that undermines rule of law would collapse”.
10.     Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) says that the “age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection’ was the answer to all the problems that have ever perplexed mankind.  The media syndicate that includes the public sector TV has blacked out all these letters to the detriment of 1000 million people. Now, they find it difficult even to repudiate the unacceptable points in these letters because doing so would amount to acknowledging these letters. Therefore, it is the paramount duty of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to publish all the letters one by one in all English newspapers and translated versions in other newspapers along with important developments that prompted those letters. In order to enable the NHRC or the competent authority to publish these letters, the first 20 letters and the important developments are being sent as ‘attachments’.
            Vellicode                                                                                              Yours faithfully,

            A Union Minister on 21 November, 2004 openly requested the Prime Minister to consider the question of granting more autonomy to Jammu & Kashmir State. He sought a discussion over it.
            At Assam, the Prime Minister issued an open request to the militants to come to the negotiation table. He said that there was nothing that could not be solved through dialogue. He said that human knowledge was growing in an unprecedented pace. He added that power flowed from ballot box and not through the barrel of the gun.
            Now, a Supreme Court advocate said that though freedom of expression was a vital fundamental right, it was not an absolute one. He said that censorship was inevitable in certain cases. In this way he wanted the Government to conceal the letters of this writer. Obviously, he must be the head of the “Think Tank” of the stakes.
            The news papers on 25 November, 2004 reported that Allahabad Bank- a public sector bank- would come out with a public issue in January 2004 to mobilize Re. 500 crore. Obviously, the stakes were operating through the bureaucracy to the detriment of the people.
            In the third week of November 2004, the copies of letters Nos. from 39 to 43 were sent to various Chief Ministers.
Interestingly, the Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir State on 29 November, 2004 sought compensation for the “losses” suffered by the State due to the Indus Water Treaty signed between India and Pakistan in the 1960s. He said that economic self-reliance was the key to the problem confronting his State, and invited suggestions from experts and economists for a strategy for its economic resurgence.
            On 27 November, 2004 copies of five letters each from letter Nos.31 to 43 were sent randomly to 25 Members of Parliament.
            A Congress leader on 30 November said that India had proved that all prophets of doom wrong and it was standing tall among the fastest growing economies of the world.
            A student requested the President of India to tell his weakness during a Video Conferencing. The President said that if someone said that something is impossible he used to get angry. He described that as his weakness. A Tamil daily reported it.
            A newspaper on 29 November, 2004 said “Those who know do; those who do not know teach”. Those who can’t teach, teach- insert the name of your college here-” It must be noted that this writer is a lecturer in a private college.
            The Government now said that the outdated laws must be repealed and the industries must be freed from the “inspector kingdom”. On the same day, the owner of a private company called on a Congress leader. Further, there was a meeting of the industrialists with the Prime Minister. The media portrayed this as something connected with the management problem in a private company. However, it could be discerned that some feeble enquires were going on in New Delhi.
            The militant people killed five soldiers by carrying out a suicide attack on a Special Operation Group camp in Jammu & Kashmir State on 2 December, 2004.
            The President of Russia, Mr. Vladimir Putin, came to India on 3 December, 2004. The President of India or Prime Minister of India did not go to the airport to receive him. On his arrival he said that his country did not favour veto power to India saying that the Organization would be reduced to a discussion club. On the next day, Mr. Putin backed veto right for India. The newspapers on 6 December,2004 said that some blunt talking from the Vice President of India did the trick. It was not in good taste. The Russian President should not have been forced to retract from his words.
            A blast in Jammu & Kashmir killed nine soldiers including a Major on 5 December, 2004.
            The Union Government on 6 December, 2004 announced the formation of a three member “Investment Commission” under the Chairmanship of an industrialist. The objective was to attract $150 billion foreign investment in sectors like road, power, petroleum, telecom, ports and airports. The Commission would act as an interlocutor for promoting foreign investments. However, the Commission did not do anything for India.
            The President on 6 December, 2004 requested the media persons to publish the positive points.
            The Economic Times on 7 December, 2004 reported that the Union Government had decided to sell 5% shares of the ONGC in December 2004.
            The Naga rebel leaders met the Prime Minister on 7 December, 2004. The Naga leaders wanted, among other things, a special say for them in the foreign policy pertaining to their neighbouring countries. The Prime Minister could have accepted this demand, as they would be in a better position to deal with the neighbouring countries. This could be discerned from the fact that the Prime Minister expressed the fervent hope that a mutually acceptable settlement would be reached. In fact, the Prime Minister again made an appeal to all rebels all over India to come to the negotiating table. The developments in peace talks showed that the letters of this writer, particularly letter No.41 dated 10 October 2004, had a marvelous effect on the new Government and it appeared for the first time that India would make steady progress in peace.



The decision to throw away the shares of the public sector Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) and the unwillingness to annul the arbitrary decisions of the previous NDA Government indicated that neither the new Government would prevent unconstitutional manipulations nor would it ensure equitable distribution of “seats”. The secrecy of the letters also was a disturbing one. Therefore, one more letter was sent on 8 December 2004.The letter follows.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi
Your Excellency
                        Kindly consider a few constitutional anomalies in India.
            1.         The Union Cabinet on 4 July, 2001 issued a guideline for selling the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Violating this guideline, many PSUs, including the IPCL and the HZL, were sold. Even the Samatha Party - a partner in the NDA Government - on 6 November, 2002 said that the IPCL was sold to a stake charged with violation of the Official Secrets’ Act. In this connection, it must be noted that a Chief Minister had to surrender certain assets for violating a code of conduct while buying a piece of land. Therefore, the competent authority in India must have confiscated all assets sold through the manipulation of the guidelines. The President of India could have removed this anomaly.
             2.        It is now more or less certain that the Bank of India gave Re.845 crore to a stake to buy a PSU without the prior knowledge of the former Prime Minister of India. The CBI must have identified the “chosen man” who recommended this huge amount. The name of the chosen man must be disclosed, lest he would become the next Prime Minister of India and that he would enable the stakes to usurp the PSUs through some ingenious ways. Further, the disclosure would save democracy, as it would dispel the darkness surrounding some leaders.
            3.         Similarly, if the “cash rich” enterprises had deposited any amount in the UTI, one would imagine that the money was given, in bad faith, to some stakes sacrificing the interests of the whole society. Therefore, the competent authority could reveal the truth to prove the point that the then Government was clean in this matter.
            4.         Again, it is more or less certain that the present Government asked the financial institutions to release money to buy the shares of a private company presumably as a reward for keeping it in power. If it were so, someone from that company might have met the present rulers long before the General Election. If the rulers had any such understanding with the stakes, the competent authorities shall not hesitate to confess it to the people.
            5.         The petrol pump judgement was a product of the conspiracy hatched by the learned judges of the Supreme Court against the victims- the Constitution of India, rule of law and the society. The learned judges dreamt that no man would be found in India to redress the error. The President of India could have rendered fruitful services in this matter. Now it appears that all competent authorities in India would continue to remain as the conspirators till the victims were killed!
            6.         Bentham (1748-1832) justifies democracy because of the nature of man, regarding him as so inherently selfish that any other form of government will be government in the sinister interest of the governing class. However, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), while not denying that no other form of government other than democracy can be trusted to keep the interest of the people always before it, says that democratic institutions cannot be recommended for a society whose citizens have not got the requisite quality of character. He says that a man must give his vote according to his best and most conscientious opinion of the public good. The disqualification of the letters of this writer proved that the Indian system would try to deceive the voters. Despite this, the Indian voter, as a rule, considers the interest of the public and not his private advantage. However, now it appears, that “the Members of the Parliament”- as Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) says- “may be prompted by ambition to intrigue against the State in the hope of seizing power, to the great danger of the community”.
            7.         The media brigands in India always insinuate one thing or other against this writer without mentioning the name even once. Thus on 29 November, 2004  a newspaper said, “Those who know do, those who do not know teach”. According to Hobbes, though the faculty of reasoning distinguishes man from the brute, reasoning, however, is artificial, while the passions are natural. Therefore, he says that man is not primarily a creature of reason but of passions. Moreover, man’s reasoning is fallible-“as in arithmetic, unpracticed men must, and professors themselves may often err, and cast up false; so also in any other subject of reasoning, the ablest, most attentive and most practiced men may deceive themselves and infer false conclusions”. Therefore, the writers of the media syndicate must come forward to publish the ideas of the people and see whether the ideas of this writer survive in the competition of ideas. The media syndicate could now consider this at least as “an appeal of the drunk to the sober” and discuss the contents of these letters. 
            8.         The President of Russia came to India on 3 November, 2004. The Prime Minister or the President did not go to the airport to receive him. When the USA threatened India, “Indo-USSR Friendship Treaty” was signed. The USSR gave huge amount as loan and helped India for its industrialization. A large number of Indians live in the UK. The USA, in the past, supplied wheat and gee under PL 480 and prevented starvation deaths in India. Further, the USA came to the rescue of India when China attacked India. Furthermore, Indians take great pride in sending their children to the USA. Several European countries gave money as aid or grant when Indians were in distress. Many Arab countries provide jobs for millions of Indians. The Government of India need not think that the dignity or reputation of India would be diminished if the Prime Minister or President goes to the airport to receive the heads of these countries. The practice of the Prime Minister going to the airport was discontinued when some boys of the media syndicate demanded that India must extend this hospitality only on reciprocal basis. Surely, the amount of harm the media syndicate causes to 1000 million people cannot be estimated. In this matter, it appears that we are deceiving ourselves.
            9.         It was reported to the President that two newspapers indirectly threatened to eliminate this writer. Highly powerful people with unlimited men and material threatening a common man are equivalent to murder. It is highly disturbing to note that the editor of one of these papers accompanied the Prime Minister and posed for photograph along with him during his recent foreign tour. Is it not equivalent to harbouring criminals?
10.      This is letter No.45. The DD is a TV channel of the Government of India. The people, without knowing its nature, trust it. All the letters are now being sent to the President, CVC, CBI and the NHRC as an attachment to this letter. The DD could publish it, lest the people might think that the hired men of the stakes controlled the DD. Contrasting men with bees and ants, Hobbes says, “Men are continually in competition for honour and dignity, which these creatures are not; consequently amongst men there ariseth on that ground, envy and hatred and finally war.” However, this is not a matter of this writer alone. The people- not this writer- must continue this work. Therefore, the Members of Parliament have a right to know the circumstances that led a person to write 45 letters. All college teachers must know this because they would be thrilled to know that one among them has done it. Actually, it is a credit to the entire collegiate service in India. Everyone, even children, must know this because writing down the day-to-day events, in their leisure time, would enable them to save India in times of crisis. In fact, “The worth of the state in the long run”, Mill writes in a noble passage, “ is the worth of the individuals composing it”.
Vellicode                                                                                                  Yours faithfully

            Around the year 1991 the Universe prompted the stakes to hatch a conspiracy to usurp the Public Sector Undertakings in India. They dreamt of accomplishing it by manipulating the financial institutions and circumventing the Constitution of India through the aid of mass media and chosen men in the Government, judiciary, investigation agencies and bureaucracy. However, the “SOUL” of the Universe, apparently, conspired against this catastrophe after ten years. Otherwise, why did everything happen like this?

            As the above letter conveyed the message that some leaders might intrigue against the nation to seize power, a Congress leader on the next day said that all decisions were taken following their inner voice.
            On the same day, a leader of the opposition said that one should not compromise his principles to seize power. The message was that some leaders intrigued against the Nation to seize power. It has reference to the above letter.
Addressing the soldiers, the President of India said that by protecting the borders, they had allowed the Government to focus on developmental works in the country.
            There was great improvement in the peace talks with the Naga rebels.  The five-member Naga delegation, after their talks with the Government, said that the attitude of the Government had undergone a change than before. They expressed their satisfaction over all their meetings. They said that they respected Indian leadership and they saw a “ray of hope”. This was the repercussion of the latter letters.
              Though it is a digression, it must be pointed out that a three member “peer team” of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of Universities and Colleges visited the College of this writer on 10 December, 2004. One of the members of the peer team said, “Sir, we are proud of you!” Then the same member said,  “This College has done some wonders!” It was a source of satisfaction as the words came from a member of the peer team. The college was later accredited with B+ grade.
            In the meantime, an officer said that the airports would be modernized entirely with new injection of private funds.
In a democracy, the elected representatives must sit in a place, discuss various ideas and take necessary decisions. The bureaucracy must implement the decisions thus taken. In contrast, the words of officer shows that the stakes are still sitting on the top of the Indian pyramid of governance and take policy decisions leaving the implementation to the Union Cabinet.
            On 12 December, 2004 some newspapers, presumably keeping the letters of this writer in mind, said that the Government had become dysfunctional and all that it was doing was coping with one crisis of low intensity after another. Apparently, each letter was triggering a crisis. In fact, the newspapers were aware of the letters of this writer.
            On the same day, a Chief Justice of a High Court said, “The authority of judiciary rests only on public confidence and the moment the confidence ceases, judiciary would not be tolerated and thrown aside by society. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that judges maintain very high standards of integrity. Please understand if you were doing things wrong public will definitely get to know and everybody has to know about the integrity of a judge. Akbar had mentioned that if ever he gave a decision and later thought it to be wrong, his conscience would start fighting against him. This was the sense of justice in the Emperor. His son Jehangir also had a very high sense of justice and this is why the Mugal emperors survived so long”. The speech could be construed as the reflection of the 45 letters. Again on the same day, the leaders of bank trade unions urged the employees to oppose the move of the Government to privatize or merge banks. They said that there was a calculated attack on the country’s financial sector. They said that there was not much difference between the NDA and the UPA Governments.
             A two judge Bench of the Supreme Court on 13 December, 2004 asked the Petroleum Ministry to give the reasons why 295 petrol pumps that did not fulfill eligibility criteria as per the finding of the High Powered Committee (HPC) should not be cancelled. This question was against the ruling of the Supreme Court that the Courts should not interfere in the policy decision of the Government. The Government pleader submitted that it would file an affidavit in this regard later. 
It must be noted that it was the second case in which the advocate sought time to take instruction from the Government. Earlier, the advocate had sought time to take instruction from the Government in the HPCL/BPCL case. It must be noted that even after 6 months of assuming office, the UPA Government did not take a clear policy decision in these vital matters.
Further, it must be noted that one of the judges in the Bench had functioned as the instrument of the stakes in the “Petrol Pump” case. In that case, neither did he direct the Government to devise a better guideline for sanctioning the petrol pumps nor did he abstain from interfering in the policy decision of the Government. Therefore, the Chief Justice of India should not have allowed him to hear this crucial case. There is nothing wrong in changing any convention to the advantage of mankind. Apparently, the Chief Justice of India acted in bad faith in this matter. The President of India could have directed the Chief Justice of India to substitute him with another judge to meet the ends of justice. Thus the President of India failed to control the private interest of the Chief Justice of India.
            On the same day, a private company confessed that it had picked up substantial stake in the public sector ONGC public issue through the aid of some unknown companies. The company disclosed that it would benefit from any gains that would come through those investments. This showed that some companies- not the public or people- cornered the public issues of the PSUs by simple manipulations. Obviously, the NDA Government sold the shares of the PSUs in naked selfish interests to the detriment of 1000 million people. Thus the premonitions of this writer, which might have been rejected as something ridiculous, are proving correct. The President alone knows whether the present Government too is turning a blind eye to these manipulations or not.
            In its daily joke, a newspaper on 14 December, 2004 said, “The master is servant when he fears those he rules”. This was to stimulate the Prime Minister to take action in their favour. In fact, it was a signal of an impending manipulation.   
            On the same day, the public sector TV channel said that some investigations were going on with regard to the share of a private company.
            On 14 December, 2004 The Prime Minister and the President were seen at a ceremonial guard of honour given to Siovakian President. The media did not give the venue of the guard of honour.
            A Union Minister informed the Parliament that the Government had not taken any decision on the sale of its equity in oil PSUs. This indicated that the Union Cabinet was finding it difficult to control the self-interest of a few. The inability of the Union Cabinet to discuss this matter conveyed the impression that the Government wanted to procrastinate this matter to the detriment of 1000 million people.
            The President of India on 15 December, 2004 said that the administration of law and justice should take into account the overall impact of the judgements on the process of societal transformation. Further he said that power should not be used in private interests and the existence of the investigation agencies was not for protecting those in power. Furthermore, he said that the increasing intolerance of views of others could not be justified in any context.
It must be noted that the words of the President is the dominant theme of many of these letters. The words show that all the contentions of this writer are well founded and he was echoing the views of the political philosophers as represented by this writer. In fact, the meaning is so obvious to ignore it. The fact that the learned judges ignore it is another matter.  The Supreme Court and the CBI must have taken remedial measures immediately.
            A Union Minister on 16 December, 2004 said that the Members of Parliament alone should have the right to question the Prime Minister of India. He described this as his own suggestion.
            A private company on 16 December, 2004 expressed its inability in the Supreme Court to pay by cheque or draft Re. 84 crore to the BSNL towards charges on incoming international calls. The answer of the Court was not known to anyone immediately.
In this connection, it must be noted that even children would follow the observations of the learned judges. Leaving the cases in a half-baked condition or conducting cases in camera would affect their intellectual development. The President of India could have done fruitful service in this regard for the benefit of the children.
            Now, the newspapers reported that the Prime Minister offered to resign on four occasions. However, a Union Minister dismissed it as “completely fabricated and without any truth”. The story concocted by the media was that the Prime Minister was anguished over the attitude of the senior Ministers and allies. The actual reason was the letters of this writer.
            A Judge of the Madras High Court on 19 December, 2004 said, “When an affluent person commits some wrong society does not consider it serious. But when a poor person commits the same crime, it is blown out of proportion”. He, further, asked the prisoners to be true to themselves and transform themselves into men of principles.
            The above statement was a reflection of the 45 letters. Whether the President of India transmitted the letters to all judges all over India was not known to anyone.
            A Supreme Court Bench asked the High Courts to be careful while entertaining Public Interest Litigations (PILs) pleas as some persons indulged in the pastime of meddling with the judicial process either by force of habit or from improper motives.
            Now, the Government was embarrassed by the feeble moves of the CBI against the letters of this writer. In order to pin down the CBI, the Government questioned its integrity in pursuing a demolition case.
            A newspaper in a cartoon on 23 December 2004 said, “DEMOCRACY BY FEAR, OF   FEAR, FOR FEAR…” This was presumably to induce the Prime Minister to take certain actions as contemplated by the manipulators.
            The President of Russia, Mr. Putin, on 23 December, 2004 told the  Indian Ambassador to Russia  that he was moved by the genuine warmth and regard showed to him during his stay in India. The newspapers reported this, perhaps, as an answer to the letter No.45.
            A media brigand on 23 December, 2004 said that blocking of vital information led to adverse impact on economy and society. He added that information on corruption should flow unblocked. He acknowledged that the suppression of freedom of speech had a chilling effect and that the media paid a heavy price for neglecting mass deprivation.
 It must be noted that these letters have not seen the light of the day till date. Thus, what he said was for public consumption.
            The President of India on 24 December, 2004 said that honesty is the best policy. He added that the students must have a goal and they must try to achieve their objectives with perseverance. This was, again, a reflection of 45 letters.
            A newspaper on 26 December, 2004 said, “No chair can trust greatness upon a small person, and no great person will ever need a chair to establish his greatness”.
            A private company signed a $750 million (about 3400 crore-loan agreement with a consortium led by Export Import Bank of the US (Exim Bank).
            The world’s biggest earthquake in 40 years hit Sumatra in Indonesia on 26 December 2004 unleashing a “tsunami” that crashed into India and Sri Lanka besides many other countries including Indonesia and Malaysia. It affected the coastal belt, particularly eastern coastal belt, in India. About 15,000 people were killed in India alone. The UN immediately sent a disaster assessment and coordination team to the Asian region. India immediately announced an assistance of Re.100 crore to Sri Lanka besides sending relief teams to it. Relief teams were sent to Indonesia also. Within four or five days many countries announced disaster assistance to India. However, India politely declined international offers of assistance.  However, the Prime Minister wanted the people to send money to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund. The voluntary agencies also were permitted to receive disaster assistance from foreign countries till March 2005.   
            A Union Minister said that money would not be a constraint for relief works. On 29 December, 2004 he said that houses would be constructed for the victims. Simultaneously, the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) announced that it would extend loans for fishermen to buy nets and boats. The RBI also asked the banks to give liberal loans to fishermen for the construction of houses.
            The announcement of the NABARD and the RBI did not enjoy the support of the Union Cabinet. Apparently, the “think tank” of the manipulators floated this idea to pre-empt the Government from constructing houses for the fishermen in the Gujarat pattern. The public sector TV and the print media did not give sufficient coverage to the construction of houses although the offer of loan was given wide coverage. This shows that the stakes have become powerful to the extent of making the commitment of the Government in fructuous.  In contrast, when tragedy struck, the former Prime Minister said that earthquake resistant houses would be constructed to the earthquake affected people of Gujarat and he completed the work in record time with single-minded devotion.
In this connection, it appeared that the Government was not free to talk anything contrary to the views of the manipulators even in the matter of disaster assistance. Thus, on 30 December, 2004 a newspaper said that though the right to housing in India is a fundamental right, the Government   demolished thousands of houses without relocating even one fifth of the residents. The paper cited the Yamuna Pushta demolition to make way for a tourist complex, the Lajpat Nagar demolition for the installation of a statue of Lala Lajpat Rai and Mumbai demolition for no reason. The message was that a Government that was delinquent in providing shelter to demolition victims could be excused if it failed to construct houses for the tsunami victims. The article was conspicuously silent about the reconstruction work undertaken in Gujarat.
A voluntary organization, for public consumption pledged to adopt all children, who lost both their parents in the tsunami disaster. On 31 December, 2004 the Governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu and even the Government of India talked of adopting children whose parents were no more due to the calamity. But, nothing materialized.
The political leaders demanded the Union Government to construct houses for the tsunami victims. But the mass media did not give any importance to their demands. The newspapers, particularly the English newspapers, did not publish their words. In fact, the media sent everyone into oblivion in this matter.
Ultimately, the Union Government did not bother to construct houses for them as was done in the case of the earthquake victims in Gujarat. The construction of the houses for the tsunami victims was left to the charity of voluntary organization and private individuals in India. Noticing the interest taken by the voluntary organization, the Prime Minister requested the State Governments to convert the disaster into opportunity. At the same time, the Union Government refused to accept assistance from other countries. Had the present Government been not in place, the tsunami victims would have got better relief. Thus, even in this matter, the will of the manipulators alone worked. 
            On 28 December, 2004 the newspapers reported that the Dena Bank- a Public Sector Bank- would be merged with Bank of Baroda. The total asset of the two banks would be Re. 1,07,269 crore.
 It must be noted that the Union Cabinet did not apply its mind over this matter. Obviously, the crucial decisions pertaining to the economy are still being taken not by the Union Cabinet but buy the manipulators only. The origin of this idea could be traced to the manipulators as the paper quite unwittingly disclosed that the NDA Government had explored the feasibility of this merger. It is clear that “the ground is slipping away from under the feet of the Union Cabinet and the members of the Union Cabinet have no firm soil to build their idea”.
            As if to reinforce the above view, the newspapers reported that the Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) would come out with a public offer to raise Re. 1300 –1500 crore. According to the report, the bank would offer five crore shares. 
It must be again noted that the Union Cabinet did not take any decision to sell the shares of the OBC. The Government also did not direct the OBC to sell its shares. They would not have recommended the OBC to sell its shares to any favoured people because of the 45 letters before them. The sale of shares of the OBC before apportioning them to various States would vitiate the “unity and integrity” present in the Constitution of India. Surely, it was a decision taken at the behest of manipulators. Thus, the manipulators act against the will of the Union Cabinet and therefore against the will of the Nation just to appropriate public assets.
            India and Pakistan on 28 December, 2004 decided to promote regular contacts between the people of Kashmir along the international border through five designated places and explore further Confidence Building Measures (CBMS). This is consistent with this work.
            The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 29 December, 2004 approved a Re. 691.83 crore investment for expansion of the Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) in Tamil Nadu. The NDA Government had been shelving many expansion plans of the NLC in the hope of privatizing it. The Union Cabinet on the same day decided to permit Indian private airlines to operate on international routes, except Gulf countries. The restriction on flight to Gulf is for the next three years. Just like the Supreme Court on 5 November, 2004 balanced one fair judgement with another foul judgement, the Union Cabinet balanced one positive decision with another negative decision.
            The media syndicate welcomed the decision to permit the private airlines to operate on international routes. The newspapers described this as the way to fly.
            In this connection, one would describe this as a virtuous decision taken in good faith in the best interest of the Nation. One would say that the decision was taken in public interest. One would say that the decision was consistent with the Constitution of India and the recent mandate of the people.  One would say that this decision would lead to progress and development of the Nation. One would say that the decision would lead to plenty and prosperity. One would even say that the black money would come for development of the Nation.
On the other hand, some others would consider this as an arbitrary and therefore anti-constitutional decision. The private airlines have now come out with public issues and would collect Re. thousands of crore not from the public but from the public sector financial institutions. Thus the banks and the LIC would be secretly asked to buy their shares saying money should not stagnate in banks. Less than ten privileged people would become multibillionaires just to desert India at an appropriate time.
 This is not to say that there shall be no high class or low class of people in India. But, this policy causes flight of capital. It would weaken the Public Sector Undertakings. This would lead to economic deprivation of the people. It would add to the misery and poverty. It would create payment problem to the States. In fact, State Government employees have not received Pay Commission benefits because of similar policies. The payment crisis of 2001 was also due to similar policies pursued from 1991 to 1995. How the Nation survived the crisis could be gauged from the letters.
Therefore, the Government could have started a few new Corporations for air services and reserved their shares for various States. The Government could have taken the money from the financial institutions. Alternatively, the Union Government could have permitted the States to start air services. Private individuals could also start air services by taking loan from the banks. But, they must be precluded from taking public funds from the financial institutions in the pretext of selling shares.
 Further, many States like Kerala, Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland would see no multimillionaires of their own. This would strike at the root of “unity and integrity” of the Nation present in the Preamble. This would breed militancy and therefore create law and order problem to the States. In order to perpetuate this policy the Government would have to imprison and even kill several people.  Some leaders would continue to intrigue with the multimillionaires to seize power and to remain in power. The former Prime Minister, being a mass leader, had to abandon several such decisions because his reputation was at stake. Respecting the Constitution of India, the Union Cabinet could now annul the decision. The Union Ministers must always see that the peace in India does not corrupt them in any way.
On 31 December, 2004 a student wanted to know from the President what to do to become a person like him. The President advised him to acquire knowledge.
The two judge Supreme Court Bench on 3 January, 2005 issued notice to the Union Government on a petition for direction to delete the word “Sindh” from the National Anthem. It may be pointed that this writer had mentioned about this in his book titled “Momentous Months” in 2003. The Minerva Press gave an excellent review report on 1 July 2003. However, the book was not published as the Minerva Press sought Rs.1,20,000/- as co-contribution.
A Union Minister on 4 January, 2004 insinuated that India had been liberalized from the ‘prison of philosophies’. He did not say how and when the Constitution of India was changed. In this connection, it must be pointed out that this writer did not purchase any book from anyone for writing letters. Some books came naturally. So it must be a conspiracy of the Universe! This writer found that the things happening in India fit so well with the thinking of the political philosophers, who lived hundreds of years even thousands of years ago. Therefore, their words are given in inverted coma in these letters, as ordinary mortals should not usurp their words. Their names could not be given in all places although important names could be found.
The Supreme Court on 4 January, 2005 accepted a PIL petition to know the manipulation worth thousands of crore in the HUDCO.  The public sector TV channel reported it on the same day. But the newspapers did not report it. The media syndicate is thus using its freedom to deny knowledge to 1000 million people. Naturally, thousands of manipulations go unnoticed everyday. It is clear that the media brigands facilitate plunder and pillage while the armed forces concentrate on militancy and disaster assistance.



    The preceding letter was sent on   8 December, 2004. This writer wanted to stop sending letters to His Excellency the President of India. Therefore, a conclusion had been written in that letter.
However, the decision to allow private individuals to run air services by lavishly buying their shares using the public funds in the financial institutions appeared as an unconstitutional decision. There was no popular opinion against it. Further, the decision was taken when India was reeling under tsunami disaster. In this matter, the Government distinguished earth quake victims from tsunami victims. In other words, the Government distinguished between citizens and citizens. There was a right for the President to do something in this matter. In these circumstances, it appeared that remaining quiet would be a grave injustice to the society. Therefore, this writer was constrained to resume writing. The letter No.46 follows.

Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why the elected representatives of India must seize power from the manipulators.
1.         It was submitted to His Excellency the President of India that a stake took Re.845 crore from the Bank of India to convert a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) into private asset. It was against the Preamble and several other Articles, including Article 15, of the Constitution of India. If Indians had the fortune to enjoy a constitutional government, the PSU must be taken back immediately. Those who want to buy the PSUs and those who want privatization must put up with objectionable laws until they can repeal them constitutionally. At present, the Constitution does not permit conversion of public assets into private assets in any way. The system could strive to give the impression that it is not intriguing against the Nation in this matter.
2.         It was submitted to the President of India that the public sector IPCL was sold to a charge sheeted company violating the guidelines devised in public interest. None has any right to disobey or evade any particular guidelines because it would lead to Anarchy. It would not be compatible with the general well being of the Nation.
3.         It was submitted to the President that the consequences of the Petrol Pump case conveyed the impression that the learned judges of the Supreme Court intrigued against the Nation. It is true that the people are not aware of the harm done by the learned judges of the Supreme Court to the Nation. Every man in India, worthy of the name, must be prepared to rise against such judgements. Now, the Chief Justice of India has constituted a Bench to hear the Petrol Pump appeal case. The President could have requested the Chief Justice of India to substitute a controversial judge by another judge, who has allegiance to equality and socialism to meet the ends of justice.  This writer writes this again and again because “when popular sentiment is apathetic, it is the duty of the citizen to act in the interests of the common good”. According to Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882), it is something like a doctrine of Natural Rights on behalf of individuals within the State.
4.         It is true that there is no popular and widespread discontent against the Union Ministers. This could be justified only if the system were ready to give answers to the four unanswered questions in letter No.32. In the existing circumstances, the full moral development of the President of India would be impossible so long as the four questions remain unanswered.    
5.    It was submitted to the President that, according to some newspaper reports, some manipulators amassed Re. 9000 crore through the subsidy given for exporting rice. Enormous manipulated wealth and commanding the influence and power, which goes with it, is a real threat to democracy. As the CBI must know the facts about this matter, this must be exposed.
6.       It was submitted to the President that the State Bank of India (SBI) collected huge amount in the name of “Resurgent India Bond”. The President of India could have asked the SBI to disclose the purpose of collecting the amount and the way in which the money was utilized.
7.       It is well known to the President that the banks released money to buy the shares of a private company notwithstanding several letters against it. It is more or less now certain that this happened only at the instance of the Union Government. If it were true, it is certain that the present Prime Minister of India, in the ambition of seizing power, intrigued against the Nation. It is said, “Men habitually obey only those institutions which, perhaps unconsciously, they feel represent the General Will, which is usually defined as common consciousness of the common good. And this is true irrespective of the form of government the State may possess, since even an absolute monarchy must inspire loyalty and voluntary submission in its subjects”.
8.         It is shocking to note that the present Government has permitted some private parties to operate air services in international routes. It seeks to create some multibillionaires in one or two States at the expense of all other States. This would lead to flight of capital. It would affect the unity of India. It would cause economic deprivation, as the private parties would mobilize money through public issues. The financial institutions would be forced to buy their shares. It is as illegal as ignoring these letters. It is not something that runs against personal inclinations but against the Constitution of India. This writer “could probably be wrong and the State almost certainly right, for the State will be speaking with the wisdom of the ages, and that may be presumed to be greater than the wisdom of individual men. Further, ‘where there are many persons their prestige is great’. However, the Union Cabinet could consider the question of annulling the decision to bless Indians with a constitutional rule”.
9.         It could be noticed that the media syndicate is working against the ideal of common good even in the case of giving relief to tsunami victims. They are concertedly working to deny tsunami threat-free houses to them in the Gujarat pattern. Thus, they cunningly suppress even the commitment of the Union Ministers and political leaders. But the media syndicate has sent all leaders into oblivion in this matter. The way in which the manipulators have sized power from the Government could be discerned. If the Government were ready to come out of the clutches of the manipulators, tsunami threat free houses could be constructed incorporating voluntary agencies for supervision to maintain quality. Re. Twenty five thousand crore could be utilized from the foreign exchange immediately for tsunami related works. Alternatively, 0.1 per cent transaction charge as suggested by this writer earlier would meet this besides giving huge surplus amount for the development of infrastructure. A few economists, who ridiculed this writer indirectly, would have noticed that some banks have started collecting transaction charge. It is the duty of the Government to act on this suggestion, although it has a sinister privilege to ignore it in the name of preparation of software or otherwise.
10.       This is letter No.46. This writer wanted to stop sending letters to His Excellency the President of India partly because one must finish his journey at some place and partly because, for a time, everything seemed relatively bright and prosperous to this writer’s dream. In fact, a conclusion too was written after letter No.45. However, the developments since the letter No. 45 dated 8 –12-2004 indicate that “the entire New Delhi honeycombed with petty manipulators, who collecting around themselves bands of brigands/media persons, subsist on pillage and plunder and harass the leaders and their people by turns frustrating all attempts to establish constitutional order or any”. The concealment of these letters is the proof for this. In fact, in this matter, the entire system is intriguing against the Nation.  “The danger is that man, in these circumstances, would lose his moral courage and his pride of independence”. In order to prevent this, the letters could be published in all newspapers at National expense. President of India could show all the facts comprising 217 pages including 46 letters,  that is sent along with this letter as attachment, to all Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, the learned judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts and the Members of Parliament so that they would seize power from the manipulators to save the Nation.
Vellicode                                                                                  Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                (V. SABARIMUTHU)



            The newspapers on 6 January, 2005 reported that 5 per cent shares in the public sector Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) and 18.24 per cent equity in Maruti Udyog (MUL) would be sold before March 2005. They also said that the money would be utilized for social sector schemes. This piece of information reinforced the view that it was not the Union Cabinet but the manipulators, who took the decision. They did it mainly for cornering the shares of these companies presumably with manipulated money or public funds. As the elections are going on in some States and as the attention of the army and the people remain focused on the tsunami disaster, such manipulations could be expected. However, the decision had been taken before the letter No.46. The approval of the Union Cabinet would be a formality in the absence of these letters.
            Seven policemen were killed in landmine blast triggered by the militant people in Bihar state on 5 January, 2005. The media brigands would never agree that militancy in India is a repercussion of the policies of the Government.
            People in Europe on 5 January, 2005 stopped work and stood still for three minutes as a mark of respect to the victims of the tsunami disaster. Special prayers were also held in all places of worship throughout Europe. The President of USA, Mr. George W.Bush, visited Indian Embassy on 3 January, 2005 and signed a condolence book. The people in France could not digest the real reasons for the refusal of India to accept contributions towards tsunami disaster.  France, in fact, expressed its willingness to work with India with regard to tsunami disaster. Japan came forward to help construct an early warning system.
            An army officer on 6 January, 2005 said that a large number of battalions had been de-inducted from Jammu & Kashmir State and more de-induction would be carried out as the condition was returning to near normalcy. The first part of the comment of the officer showed that the letters of this writer, particularly letter No. 40 onwards, have a marvelous effect on the system.
            The newspapers on 7 January, 2005 reported that the Public Sector Dena Dank would sell its shares on January 24. It appears that this decision too does not belong to the Union Cabinet. It must be a manipulation in private interest because banks at one time buy the shares of private companies at inflated prices and at another time they sell their own shares to the preferred buyers. It is a deception although dictionary has harder words. If the Public Sector Banks were in need of money, the best way is to reserve their shares to various States. This is to preserve the unity of the Nation. Assuming that the people of Manipur have the freedom to transact 10, 000 shares of the Dena Bank among themselves perpetually with a ceiling of certain shares per individual, will they ever want separation from India? It appears that the manipulations take place due to an alien force or some contractual obligations.
            As anticipated, the newspapers on 8 January, 2005 reported that a private airways company would sell 1.73 crore equity shares. Obviously, the public sector financial institutions would buy the shares to enable it to buy several aircraft. Apparently, a pressure group in the Government has got its pound of flesh in return for the amount given to some other private companies. The tendency to divide the bank funds among some pressure groups could be discerned. However, the world would consider this as something done under business principle.
Further, this was the reason for shelving all expansion plans of the AI and IA for several years. This sows the seeds of militancy. The armed forces would be utilized on a perennial basis to control the militant people. Therefore, the banks and financial institutions must be restrained from buying the shares of the Jet Airways or any other companies. Those in power should not undermine the equality present in the Constitution and commit deception just because people are long fast asleep.
            According to the newspapers, a private company of India held some shares in British Virgin Island (BVI). According to the paper BVI allowed companies to issue shares to an unnamed bearer along with voting rights and the current position of these holdings is still not in the public domain. It is an admission that these companies have unfathomable manipulated wealth in their hands. It is strange that India openly allows such manipulations.
            The newspapers now demanded the Government to allow private parities to compete with “Indian Airline” and “Air India” in all routes. The message was that the Government must have done more than what it has done for private parties. This was to deceive the people by conveying the impression that the Government was very judicious and miserly in bestowing benefits to the stakes.
            On 7 January, 2005 Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) raised Re. 150 crore through bonds. Why does the IOB with all its huge deposits raise Re. 150 crore? Are the Public Sector Banks in the red due to manipulations in shares? The President of India alone knows the answer.
            From the reports appearing in the second week of January 2005, this writer could discern that the letters of this writer, particularly the letter No.46 dated 2005, aborted the idea to merge banks. The media brigands, as usual, did not give any credit to this writer for this.  A reason very reluctantly disclosed was that the UPA allies - knowing the repercussion of such a step-did not support the Government in this regard.
In this connection, the newspapers had said that the employees of the public sector Bank of India and the Union Bank of India were assured promotion in the event of merger. Further, the reason for selecting above two banks for merger was that both banks being Mumbai based, the merger issue would come under the jurisdiction of the same High Court, which would speed up matters. It is clear that behind all giant manipulations in India, there are courts, with bands of amenable judges. It is also clear that media brigands are behind such well thought out long-range manipulations. How the letters prevented plunder and robbery could be discerned.
The fact that the letters enjoyed the support of the President and the Union Ministers also could be discerned. Naturally, a few possessing power are fast losing their moral lusture in the eye of the other Union Ministers. This is the first clear indication that the Union Cabinet would try to control the self-interest of a few.
An army officer and a soldier died in a gun battle in Jammu and Kashmir on 13 January, 2005.
            Two militant people were killed in Andra Pradesh State in an encounter on 16 January, 2005.
            A Union Minister said that the Centre might transfer about 300 schemes like social welfare to States and that it would utilize five of the $130 billion foreign exchange reserve for funding the “Accelerated Irrigation Development Programme” (AIDP). These pieces of information are consistent with the work of this writer although not less than $ 30 billion could be utilized immediately. However, the stakes would not allow the Government to do this is another matter. 
            The newspapers on 17 January, 2005 said that the public sector Gas Authority of India (GAIL) and a charge-sheeted private company would be allowed to retail the LPC.  In this connection, it must be stated that a company charge-sheeted under the Official Secrets’ Act should not have been granted permission to sell the LPC through retail outlets. In fact, the bids of a few companies for buying the IA and AI were rejected because they were charge sheeted in different cases. The action of the present Government is, therefore, illegal and immoral. The reason for not allowing the States to retail LPG is not known to anyone. If permission were granted to the State Governments, the States will be better equipped to fight militancy. This is precisely the reason why the people believe that the Union Government is breeding militancy on one side and supplying arms to the states to fight militancy on the other side.
            On 17 January, 2005, a Union Minister said that the time was not ripe to increase the FDI limit in private banks.
            The Union Government on the same day said that it would immediately set up a three-member committee to talk with political parties in Jammu and Kashmir on the issue of autonomy. This was also consistent with the letters of this writer although the Union Government could have done more by doing something for the equitable distribution of “seats and assets”.
The Union Government, again on the same day, said that the decision to impose 150 crore penalty on a private company for the illegal routing of international calls as local calls would not be reviewed. What happened afterwards is not known to anyone.
The newspapers on 17 December, 2005 said that the main demand of the militants in Andra Pradesh was to establish a new democratic society. Usually, the media brigands do not publish the real demands of the militants. It could be seen that only rule of law and not anarchy would solve all the problems of the militants. The moment there is constitutionalism in India, such militancy would disappear and a new class of small manipulators would emerge.
On the same day, the newspapers said that the public sector Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCI) and Power Finance Corporation (PFC) would sell their shares before March 2005. This decision was not taken by the Cabinet and therefore it belonged to the media brigands.
The Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Paul Martin, came to India mainly to convey his condolences and very deep regret on the deaths and devastation caused by the tsunami. During his visit, India and Canada agreed to develop a tsunami early warning system. He said that India and Canada would iron out differences in the nuclear field. 
Succumbing to the pressure of the media brigands and manipulators, the boards of the “IDBI Ltd” and “IDBI Bank” on 20 January, 2005 approved the merger of the IDBI Bank with IDBI Ltd. This decision would enable the manipulators to remove huge amounts in one go. Naturally, this would undermine the Unity of India present in the Constitution.
The newspapers reported that a private company sought legal opinion from a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and a former Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court for its investments. There is nothing wrong in getting legal opinion from close friends or erudite judges. However, it confirms the worst fears of the writer that the learned judges of the Supreme Court in the BALCO case broke the Constitution of India from within.
The newspapers on 22 January, 2005 reported that the employees of the Dena Bank would strike work on January 24 opposing the move of the Government to reduce its holding in the bank to 51 per cent. The employees described the contention of the Government- that the disinvestments would strengthen the capital base- as a hoax.
The Prime Minister speaking to the CEOs said that Indian companies must be globally competitive and all barriers for their growth would be removed.
On 25 January, 2005 unidentified gunmen shot dead a Member of the Andra Pradesh (AP) State Assembly and two others in the AP.
In his Republic Day address, the President of India gave great importance to employment generation in his 10-point suggestion. As the fourth point he said that tsunami reconstruction work must contribute to prosperity in the coastal areas. As the tenth point he wanted nobility in the administration of justice. These points are consistent with the letters of this writer. 
300 people were killed in a temple stampede in Maharashtra on 26 January, 2005.
The SEBI on 26 January, 2005 said that it would ensure 25 per cent shareholding of all private companies in the hands of the public in the next few years. It would be good if these shares were reserved to various States.
Despite 46 letters, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 27 January, 2005 decided to sell up to 49 per cent of shares of all PSUs in the name of utilizing the amount for social sector schemes and to revive sick PSUs.
The newspapers applauded the above decision. They said that the sale of shares to the public, including to the workers of the enterprise, should not make the Left parties see red.
The experience shows that the above decision belongs to the manipulators, including the Left parties, and not at all to the Union Government. The media brigands had said that the Government was giving top priority for social sectors. Obviously, the Government has borrowed one more trick from the media brigands. The Government is not ready to utilize the huge deposits in banks or the accumulated foreign exchange or the surplus money in the profit making PSUs for the development of the sick PSUs. Instead, the Government is advancing money to the manipulators to buy the shares of the PSUs. Asking the public sector banks to release money for buying the shares of favoured companies; and at the same time asking them to sell their own shares to favoured people under any pretext is a vicious crime against the Constitution and the society. Due to these circumstances, one more letter (Letter No.47) was sent on 28 January,2005 at 11.30 P.M.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reason why His Excellency the President of India should follow not his ordinary but his best self.
1.         A stake removed Re.845 crore from Bank of India to buy a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU). When this was reported to the former Prime Minister of India, the portfolio of the then Finance Minister was changed and the RBI Governor had to quit office. Further, the former Prime Minister had to rescind hundreds of decisions taken by the Union Cabinet on privatization. Thus, these letters achieved more than what a great mass resistance accompanied by thousands of deaths would have achieved. The letters could realize so much because there is a will FOR the Nation. It is enshrined in the Constitution of India. The will FOR the Nation is distinct from the will OF the Government. According to T.H. Green the civil society ought to leave its members alone, each to look after their several interests provided they do not employ direct fraud or force against their neighbour and the Constitution. There must be a realization of the majesty and might of the Constitution. Therefore, the above PSU must be taken back forthwith.
2.         The NDA Government disqualified the bids of two companies for Indian Airline (IA) and Air India (AI) because they were charge-sheeted in different cases.  As such, the IPCL must be restored forthwith. This is not to say that the progress and development of the inhabitants of this land should depend entirely on good actions. This is only to say that the man in India today is obtaining salvation by mere wealth or birth irrespective of his actions. A Government in its wisdom might conceive of certain rights, which are not in the Constitution but are nevertheless very essential for the progress and development of the Nation. However, only if such rights were patently or latently present in the Constitution do they become real rights.
3.         So long as the Constitution is not offended, a Union Minister has the natural right to do anything and only when it became offended did the Minister lose that moral right. The reliability of a Union Minister is doubtful because he exhorted the NDA Government to privatize the important PSUs.  Therefore, everyone including the President of India,  must have the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead.
4.         The Supreme Court must remain as a security for equality and socialism. Instead, the learned judges became an instrument of disguised oppression. It is incredible that so many judges of the Supreme Court remain in the arm’s length of the private companies. What all one could discern is many learned judges remain very close to private companies after their stint in the Supreme Court. This is not to say that they must forgo their friendship with private companies. This is only to say that such friendships shall not result in miscarriage of justice.  Whatever be the nexus between the judges and manipulators, the present Chief Justice of India should not have allowed a tainted judge to hear the petrol pump appeal case. On March 2002 a learned judge of the Supreme Court - after receiving the first eight letters - clearly said that the faith reposed by the common man in administration of justice should be sustained without any room for any aberration or erosion. Obviously, the Chief Justice of India acted in bad faith in this matter. The President of India should have put down with the mandate of the Constitution all the disloyal judges for the benefit 1000 million people.
5.         The Constitution does not confer any right on the Prime Minister to manipulate the deposits in the banks. The former Prime Minister did not allow anyone to remove the deposits from the banks to buy PSUs after the Bank of India episode although the Union Cabinet and the Parliament permitted the same. Obviously, the Government derives the right from the Constitution and, despite the mandate and majority in Parliament, has no right against it. The system must clearly look upon the Constitution of India, “not as an evil made necessary because of its inherent viciousness, but as a good made indispensable because of its own inherent virtue”.
6.         The media brigands are not allowing the Government to give effective relief to the victims of the tsunami disaster. The President could visit tsunami-affected areas after three to six months to compare the plight of tsunami victims to that of their counterparts in Gujarat for protecting Article 15 of the Constitution. Further, the Union Government has allotted about Re.3000 crore for tsunami disaster. Even the compensation for fishing equipments is given from this amount only as loan. A victim in Vedaranyam in Tamil Nadu has committed suicide, as he did not get relief. The media brigands are not reporting it. The President could dispassionately compare the amount allotted for tsunami disaster with the Re. 30,000 crore (Re. Thirty thousand crore) silently allotted to the UTI with the open permission of the Parliament as bail out package. Clearly, the Government is under the control of the media brigands.
7.         Unless otherwise prevented, the IDBI Ltd is going to be merged with the IDBI Bank. This idea belongs to the stakes. In this connection, the Chairman of a private company alone amassed Re.1,300  crore from Indian Bank. The CBI filed a case in 2001.The CBI did not recover it, as the amount is not in lakhs. The President could compare this to the amount given for tsunami relief. If two banks were merged, Re 13,000 crore could be removed in one go. The driving force behind merger is obvious.
8.         The media brigands had been tormenting the former Prime Minister to dilute the Government’s holdings in the PSUs to favoured people.  Now the Government has decided to sell 49% shares of the PSUs under the pretext of allotting the amount for social sector. However, it must be noted that advancing money to brokers and favoured people through one hand and giving the shares of PSUs through another hand against this money is offending the Constitution. If the Government needs money, why does it advance money to buy shares? This is not to say that the Government is not free to buy or sell anything. The proposed 49% shares of the PSUs could be reserved for the people of various States equitably for the unity of the Nation and for the safety of the individuals. By selling the shares of the PSUs against bank funds or manipulated funds to the people of one or two regions, the Government is selling democracy to the buyers and denying social, economic and political justice to the people. The Government is selling Liberty, Equality and Fraternity  to the buyers of the shares. At present, the buyers predetermine the nature of the Government at the Centre whatever way the people cast their vote thereby cutting the root of democracy.
9.    The Government is not taking any concrete action to take back the lost PSUs and is concealing all the letters of this writer. In this way, the Government is denying the dignity and safety of the individuals and the Unity of the Nation. Thus, the Government is refusing to give obedience to the Constitution of India. Perhaps, the Government is resisting the Constitution of India believing that it must. The Government may be justified in disobeying the Constitution of India. Such resistance can never be justified simply because the Constitution runs against personal inclination. The common good would suffer far more from resistance than from conformity to even a bad Constitution. The resistance cannot be justified on social grounds also. The Government could think of changing the Constitution only if it could prove that the Constitution is so bad because it is perverted by private interest.
10.   This is letter No.47. Green says everyman should devote himself to the furtherance of human happiness. Arnold’s plea that men should follow not their ordinary but their best self is very relevant here. For this, the President of India must be prepared to give more to democracy than what he takes out of it.
Vellicode                                                                                  Yours faithfully



The Union Government on 31 January, 2005 issued an ordinance with powers to modify past excise rules to recover the arrears of Re.803 crore from a private company. The ordinance did not give any room to the courts to interfere in this matter. This has the effect of negating the benefits granted to the company by the Supreme Court in a recent judgement. This decision indicates that the new Government has taken control of the system. The decision shows that the Government could annul any unfaithful action by any competent authority including the Supreme Court. This is the majesty and might of the Constitution of India. However, whether the Government gave effect to the ordinance  or not is known to the President of India only.
On the same day, the Union Government granted permission to Jet Airways and Air Sahara to start operating on IndiaLondon sector. Thus another pressure group has cemented its position in the political scene. This pressure group would remain quiet only if the Union Government were ready to direct the financial institutions to buy their shares worth Re.1/- at a price of, say, Re.800/-. Naturally, these two airlines would beat all other airlines in the world with this money. Another opportunity of private companies is that they could infuse black money like commissions with their income and show huge profits. However, it is not to say that the above air operators have such opportunity. No wonder that the newspapers on 31 January, 2005 certified the Civil Aviation Minister as the best aviation minister in a decade!
In this connection, one may argue that granting private parties to run air services is a way to bring out the manipulated money or black money for the progress and development of the Nation. The President of India alone knows whether it is good or bad. However, asking the public sector financial institutions to buy the shares of these companies would be like abducting children for money.
Further, there were reports that the Union Government granted permission to invest 5 per cent of the provident funds in equities. Foisting concepts and practices alien to the Constitution of India on the people is unconstitutional. The Principal reason for the misfortune of Indians is the flight of capital and as such it is a decision taken in bad faith.
The newspapers now said that the bids for the privatization of Delhi and Mumbai airports were underway and the plans of Bangalore airport had been finalized but not signed yet. No Union Minister or any other leader has talked about this matter. Surely, the Union Ministers must be unaware of the developments. Before the media brigands, the Union Ministers are like touring groups. The media brigands are the permanent in the changing Governments. Thus, the stakes working in a place in New Delhi had taken the decision. It would be placed before the Union Cabinet at an appropriate time.. The only force that stands on their way is the letters of this writer.

The President on 2 February, 2007 said that someone told him that he chose cinema as his career because he believed that he could fight corrupt politicians through cinema world. The President wanted the people in the film world to create good political leaders. The words of the President should have sent shock waves across the system. However, the Prime Minister did not react to the words of the President.
The utterance of President of India indicates that he is relentlessly contributing his share to eliminate manipulations subject to his limitations and that all allegations mentioned in these letters are well founded. Further, the speech indicates that the Government is not living up to his expectations. In this connection, it must be noted that there is no limit for the power of the President of India to curb corruption. Actually, a President free from corruption wields enormous influence on the system, as it is very difficult for manipulators to visit Presidential Palace. However, it is strange that mega manipulations have been resumed with renewed vigour to the detriment of 1000 million people.
A newspaper on 4 February, 2005 came out with an editorial titled “Balance this equation”. It must be noted that this writer is a lecturer in chemistry, which is a subject known for equations.
The militant people killed 19 people, including six policemen,  in the first phase of election to Haryana, Jharkhand and Bihar States.
A three judge Bench of the Supreme Court accepted a petition to quash the condition imposed on the CBI in the CVC Act 2003 to seek prior permission of the Government to proceed against anyone above the rank of Joint Secretary. Actually, corruption in India takes place in the Prime Minister or Union Cabinet Minister level.
The Department of Telecommunication (DoT) on 4 February, 2005 informed the Telecom Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) that a private company had “deceived” it by routing international long distance calls as local calls. It appears that the DoT acted on merits. The fact that the Government has used the word “deceived” against a private company must be noticed. This writer used this word several times, although appropriate words would appear harder.
The newspapers on 5 January, 2005 reported that the public issue of Dena Bank was oversubscribed by 12 times. Thus, despite several letters, the Government sold the shares of a nationalized bank to the enlightened people of a few States. In this matter, many Union Ministers failed to control the self-interest of a few Union Ministers.  The decision to sell the shares of the Dena Bank was an arbitrary one. Re.27/- was also fixed arbitrarily. One fine morning the manipulators would say that they were holding 49 per cent of the shares of the Dena Bank. None knows whether the nationalized banks advanced money to buy the shares of the Dena Bank to favoured people or not. It is now very difficult to eke out such pieces of information. Anyhow, the Government showed to the world that it was not keen to ensure the welfare of 1000 million people.
In this connection, if the shares had been split equitably among all States, Assam would have got, say, 30 lakh shares. The Government of Assam could have kept the shares for itself or it could have reserved the shares among its various districts to be sold to the people subject to a ceiling. This would have enabled everyone in India to envisage each State in India as another Thailand, Japan or Korea. However, the way in which the shares were actually sold showed that the Government had a purely abstract code to sell the shares. It is not clear whether the President could understand this abstract code or not. It is not to say that the various Articles of the Constitution of India should always influence all actions of the Union Government. It is only to say that the Union Government should not undermine equality and unity for cornering National assets or to create a few multimillionaires. It is also only to say that the President of India shall not facilitate this kind of unconstitutional manipulations because the Constitution envisages that the system under him is free from such manipulations.
Now, the Union Government is utilizing the army and paramilitary forces just to plunder National assets like this. In fact, the Government is selling the shares by force and ruling the Nation by force. It is not for the individual conscience to declare what actions are in the National interests and Constitutional. The Government must always see that the Constitution, the will and the moral conscience of the community are not offended by its decisions. In contrast to a few States, the sale of the shares of the Dena Bank did not benefit the people of Assam in any way. Thus the Government has hoodwinked the people in naked self-interest, as the good of others is not realized. It is the paramount duty of the President of India to see that the Union Government does not destabilize the unity of the Nation through the translation of public assets into private assets. By doing so, the President of India is not obeying any individual but the Constitution “to remove the obstacles which prevent men becoming moral”.
Some newspapers now said that privatization as the remedy for all the ills of the Nation. They said that there was practically no opposition or protest across the political system for the increase in the FDI limit in the telecom sector and for the permission granted to private parties to fly overseas. They ascribed the progress and development of the Nation to privatization and to the creation of several Multi National Corporations (MNCs).
 In this connection, it must be noted that the telephone companies are tapping even private conversations jeopardizing all legally permitted privacies. This writer has reasons to believe that private companies are tapping his conversations. Thus, whether the FDI would be a threat to the security of India or not, it would be a threat to the safety and security of individuals so long as the telecom sector remains in private hands. Thus the Government is abdicating its responsibility of protecting the life and security of the people.
Further, the theory that there is no money for large-scale development of India cannot be believed. This is because the Government did not tap the resources cited by this writer. Furthermore, it must be noted that the Union Government is reluctant to hand over telecom sector to the State Governments.
The CBI on 5 February, 2005 arrested a former officer for possessing wealth disproportionate to his known sources of income. Earlier in this month, the CBI had raided hundreds of houses to unearth black money. There were reports that the CBI could seize about Re. two crore. The CBI could seize assets worth thousands of crore from four or five big manipulators alone is another matter.
A newspaper on 7 February, 2005 said that the Budget would be presented on 28 February, 2005 “as if the entire population consists of conmen, fraudsters and cheats”. The words of Green present in the first paragraph of the letter No. 47 dated 28-1-2005 might have prompted the paper to write like this.
The newspapers on 8 February, 2005 reiterated that private airways company would come out with a public issue to mobilize Re. 7,700 crore. The decision to come out with a public issue might have been taken by the private company. However, it might have reached an understanding with one or two political leaders even before the election.  Naturally, the Government, unless otherwise prevented, would ask the Public Sector Banks and the LIC to advance money to buy the shares of this company. This would be like sucking the lifeblood of Indians. This would lead to economic deprivation of 1000 million people. This would undermine the Constitution of India. This would breed militancy.  It is a crime against 1000 million people. It is a betrayal of the mandate and the Nation. Thus the Government deprives people of their money by force and controls them by force. It is the paramount duty of the President, Judiciary, Human Rights Commission, Vigilance agencies and investigation agencies to restrain the financial institutions from releasing pubic money to buy the shares of the Jet Airways or any other company “above its net asset value” under any principle to uphold the Constitution of India. This is not to say that the people must be forbidden from buying shares using their hard earned money at all.
The Union Cabinet on 9 February, 2005 mandated the petroleum ministry to negotiate with Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh and Myanmar for constructing cross-country gas pipeline. The decision would do huge benefit to India and Pakistan. A rich Pakistan would lead to the migration of people from India to Pakistan for jobs. Similarly, a rich Bangladesh might weaken the foreign national issue in Assam.
The dreaded gangster, prime accused in the kidnapping of a student, was killed in an encounter with the police at Patna on 9 January, 2005. It must be noted that those who are not intelligent enough to abduct money from the banking system, indulge in kidnapping children. On the same day the Prime Minister said that Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore were the political, financial and information technology capitals respectively of India.
On 12 February, 2005 the Prime Minister said that there was no threat to the stability of his Government. Apparently, the system is not tolerating mega manipulations and that the Union Ministers refuse to stand by the Prime Minister.
On the same day, the Prime Minister ascribed corruption to over-regulation. In this connection, it must be noted that petrol pumps were distributed through over 700 Members of Parliament. Today, the same is distributed through a handful of people. They simply abduct money for granting petrol pumps. Can anyone believe that the Prime Minister does not know this? Is this the meaning of deregulation?
Again on the same day, the Prime Minister said that no political party in India was free from black money. These words are reminiscent of the words of a former Chief Justice of India, who after receiving the first few letters from this writer said that 20 per cent of the learned judges were corrupt. The then Chief Justice of India covered up his guilt through that statement. Today, the Prime Minister is covering up his guilt by saying that all political leaders receive black money. The people would think that the Prime Minister of India alone is immaculate and virtuous as he is a former teacher and  bureaucrat and not a pure politician. In fact, all those who have not seen these letters would think that all political leaders in India minus the Prime Minister are corrupt.
 The disclosure of the Prime Minister shows that he is fighting tooth and nail for his survival. By belittling the dignity of the political leaders, the Prime Minister strives to boost his image. In this connection, it may be pointed out that black money holders knock at the doors of all political parties during election time as if they were the sympathizers of their party. However, the crucial question is whether the political leaders see reason and change the society or not. Surely, they see reason and bring social and economic change. Thus:
1.      The former Prime Minister imposed service charges.
2.      The interest rates lowered and loans rescheduled.
3.      Hundreds of decisions on privatization reversed and several PSUs saved.
4.      The leaders ignored the dictates of the black money holders during the recent Presidential election
5.      The former Chief Justice of India was prevented from hearing the BPCL-HPCL appeal case.
6.      The present Government has started several peace moves and abandoned a few privatization moves.
               The list goes endlessly. However, a quintessence is the former Prime Minister of India. Thus, after the Bank of India episode, the former Prime Minister did not oblige any large-scale manipulations. Surely, a few manipulations did take place to his discomfiture. However, this writer could discern that he understood the meaning of every letter sent to the President of India and, based on the letters, made several corrections in his approach to the problems before him. The banks apparently refused to advance money for giant manipulations mainly because of his instructions. Otherwise, a private company would have come out with the public issue during his tenure.
Further, usually, the Prime Ministers do not rescind Cabinet decisions even if the political parties and the people launch hundreds of agitations. However, the former Prime Minister ignored several decisions of the Union Cabinet on privatization because of these letters.
Now the newspapers disclosed that an Indian private company won the bid to acquire 26 percent stake in South Africa’s Second Network operator (SNO). On 17 February, 2005 they said that the company bought Singapore’s Natsteel Ltd for $ 364.8 million. As said earlier, this company is subjugating the world! Those who keep the shares of this company would definitely welcome it. In fact, everyone could welcome it. However, with which money this company is buying the assets abroad? Is this the money mobilized through the public issues?  If so, the action of the Government would not result in the realization of the dream of all others. Thus, the Government has offended the Constitution and the community at large. It is an offence.  This is not to say that a company should not take the money of its shareholders to buy assets. This is only to say that public money in the financial institutions should not have been advanced to buy the shares.
A Union Minister on 16 February, 2005 said that there was no threat to the stability of the Union Government.
Another Union Minister, on the same day, said that he was prepared to talk to any militant groups to solve their problem. He further said that a new Commission would examine the Centre –State relations and the question of devolution of powers. In this connection, it must be noted that many problems in India would disappear if everybody renounced the ambition to usurp the “assets and seats” of others. The Commissions would only delay or deny everything. If the banks were directed to seek the permission of the Chief Ministers before removing money from various States, a new Nation would emerge. A simple notification alone is sufficient.
The body of a 16-year schoolboy was found on a field near Hoshiarpur (Punjab) on 15 February, 2005, a day after kidnappers abducted him. Parents alone know the pain. The Union Government considers this as a State problem. However, prosperity or otherwise of the State is determined by the Union Government. It must be noted that those who do not know manipulations alone abduct children. If there were some people to teach the technique to abduct money from the banks, abduction of children might cease. This is not to say that all killings would cease the moment the manipulations cease. This is only to say that those intelligent people who abduct money from the banks are committing a similar crime.
India and Pakistan on 16 February, 2005 signed an agreement to allow travel across the Line of Control (LoC) by bus between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad by adopting an entry permit system for bonafide citizens. This is a momentous experimental decision whatever be the consequences. The Government might have done this even without the letters from this writer. However, none would deny that the letter no 41 onwards particularly the point No.7 in letter No. 44 dated 20-11-2004 changed the perception of the Government towards the peace talks. The letter transformed the foe into friend. Naturally, it prompted the some political leaders to question the necessity of fencing the border. Thus, this day must be one of the happiest days of this writer. Thus, the Nobel Peace Prize cannot be far away from this writer. Many would have come forward to nominate this writer, if the media brigands had published the letters or at least informed the existence of these letters is another matter.
The newspapers on 17 February, 2005 deplored the inability of the Government to privatize the Mumbai and Delhi airports. On the same day, they said that the Government would trim holdings in all public sector banks to 51%. How the media brigands balance the good with evil could be discerned.
 No wonder, that the wealth of the manipulators is not a function of their industry and hard work but a function of the deposits in the banks. A son would give money to his father only up to his marriage. But most of the savings of 1000 million Indians go into the hands of about a hundred manipulators! While all others including the tsunami victims are asked to take loan from the banks, the Government is broad minded enough to give Re. thousands of crore to a few in the name buying shares! That too to translate into assets abroad at a time of tsunami! Due to these disquieting developments the letter No.48 was sent on 18 February, 2005 at 7. 30 A.M. through e mail to His Excellency the President of India extending copies to the CBI, CVC and the NHRC. The immediate objective of the letter was to force the Government to abandon its earlier decision to sell 49 per cent shares of the Public Sector Undertakings.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider how the manipulators suck the lifeblood of 1000 million people by force and control them by force.
1.         A stake in India abducted Re. 845 crore from Bank of India to buy a PSU. Former Prime Minister was disturbed by this allegation and took several remedial measures. When the people raise the opposition party to the status of the ruling party, its principal function is to undo the harm done to the community by its predecessor. However, the new Government is unable to do even one tenth of what the preceding Government could do after the Bank of India episode. It is clear that the transformation of a PSU, into private entity took place not because the NDA was in power or because of the policy of buying and selling but because the stakes forced the Government of India to sign the dotted lines. This is presumably the reason why the media brigands are keeping the entire operation as a tight secret. Thus, the stakes are sucking the lifeblood of 1000 million Indians by force and controlling them by brute force. For every bullet of the army and paramilitary forces, a stake in India in another place, apparently, gains hundreds of crore through simple manipulations.
2.         Some PSUs were sold to charge sheeted companies. These acts were abduction by mere force because a simple three-point rule devised for the privatization was not followed.  The abduction gives pain to all right thinking people as it offends the Constitution. They must be regained.  Even Bentham (1748-1832) says that it is always bad to produce more pain than pleasure.
3.         The matter regarding the so-called “cash rich enterprises” too is not connected with this Government directly. Apparently, money was abducted from the cash rich enterprises after conferring autonomous status to them. In this matter, a Union Minister must be above suspicion. To leave not the shadow of doubt and to prove that the new system does not want to protect the abductors of public property, answers could be given to the four unanswered questions in the letter No. 32.
4.         The petrol pump case indirectly enabled a new Member of Parliament to distribute 5000 petrol outlets on his own! In other words, the Government, in the name of deregulation, faithlessly regulated petrol distribution through a few hands. The Government shall not use the judgment of the Supreme Court for a bad action as it could be construed as contempt of court. Even the simple rules that existed before the judgement have vanished!  All right thinking people consider this as a crime equivalent to abduction of the Constitution as it leads to abduction of money from all over India by mere force. It must be noted that the Constitution of India was enacted not only for the past or present but also for all future times.
5.         The President of India might have noticed that the CBI in this month raided the houses of hundreds of people all over India and got disproportionate assets worth Re. 2 crore! The list included a police official. In this connection it must be noted that the CBI on 21December, 2001 arrested a person for removing $ 29 million from Bank of India in foreign exchange and nothing is heard about it afterwards. The CBI could have, at least, revealed the technique of removing foreign exchange from nationalized banks so that the youth would think of abducting money from banks rather than abducting children. Alternatively, they would think of opposing the policy of amalgamation of PSUs and the cunning ways to abduct money from the banks.
6.         Everyone in India wants to “become rich or perish”. In this situation, the Prime Minister must be a neutral umpire. The new Prime Minister, however, allowed the abduction of Re. 5000 crore from the nationalized banks for buying shares of a private company without following any rule. If the NDA Government had succeeded in privatizing the banks, the Prime Minister would not have got this chance to give this huge amount. Now, these shares could be sold for Re. 7500 crore due to willful boosting of share prices. Thus, some intelligent people have apparently gained Re. 2500 crore without burning a drop of midnight oil or paying any tax! The collected money is being quickly translated into assets abroad. Obviously, the public deposits in the banks are utilized not for the development of the infrastructure or to remove the physical and mental malnutrition of Indians. Naturally, some of those who do not know these manipulations join militant groups. Some indulge in breaking houses. Some snatch chains and some abduct children. Thus, who is the actual abductor of children? All right thinking people would tell the President that the present Prime Minister of India, with help of the media brigands, has done “about as much harm as it is possible for an individual Indian to do”.
7.         The banks are a sacred institution. However, it is the root of all evils in India. The people all over India perish or flourish by availing themselves of loan from the banks. This must be the rule for all. However, a few entrepreneurs, say about 100, are permitted to manipulate Re.thousands of crore. This undermines rule of law because it offends equality. Now, one Public Sector Bank sells its shares and another bank viciously advances money to buy the shares! Will such manipulations enhance the dignity of the Prime Minister of India? Is this the way to make India rich? All right thinking people consider this as an abduction of money by force.
8.         The Prime Minister would again silently ask the banks to buy or advance money to buy the shares of several companies. All right thinking people feel that competent authorities must prevent it. This is to prevent plunder and pillage. This is for a healthy Stock Market. The share prices must be a function of the ability and enthusiasm of the people to invest in shares. It shall not be a function of the deposits in the banks. To make sure that the funds from the banks are not abducted, Government could direct the financial institutions to seek the permission of the State Governments for removing any money from any State for any purpose. This step would create a new India.  The fact that the State Governments and the political parties are long asleep shall not be an excuse to remove money from various States inhumanly. This is the reason why the changes in history are often sudden.
9.       The Prime Minister has a supreme duty to see that the office of the Prime Minister is not destabilized by corruption charges.  It is his duty to see that his actions realize the good of others. It must be noted that abduction of any money from any bank is an act of naked corruption and the Prime Minister himself is bound by oath to remain under law. A Prime Minister who facilitates manipulations cannot remain in power by belittling the political leaders.
10.     This is letter No.48. Carlyle says, “ that one man should die ignorant who has the capacity of knowledge, that I call a tragedy, though it should happen, as by some computations it does, a thousand times a minute”. The Government must intervene to prevent that tragedy. It must ensure that everyone should be qualified to contribute something to the common good. The state can do every thing, which will help, but it must do nothing, which will hinder the free development of moral personality. Its office is to make people good and to promote morality by maintaining conditions of life in which morality shall be possible. The concealment of these letters confirms that the media brigands still control the Government and 1000 million people by mere force. Is it not worse than abduction of children?
Vellicode                                                                                  Yours faithfully



            The initial public offering (IPO) of a newly formed private airways company on 18 February, 2005 received bids eight times the maximum allocable shares. The newspapers reported that the domestic and international institutional investors took part in bidding.
 Belying all expectations the public sector financial institutions either bought the shares or advanced money to buy the shares of the above company. The Union Cabinet would not have discussed the pros and cons of this policy. It is not clear whether the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs or any Group of Ministers discussed it or not. Even if discussed, a decision of a Group of Ministers or even the decision of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs cannot be equivalent to the decision of the Union Cabinet because these Committees are at best parts of the Union Cabinet only and “the parts can have no real power”. The President of India could have asked the Prime Minister to discuss these matters in the Union Cabinet when all members were present.          
            If the financial institutions had advanced money to buy the shares of the above company, it must be construed as an arbitrary and therefore an anti constitutional decision. The fact that these intrigues have been going on for the past several years shall not be an excuse for their repetition as the action does not seek to realize the good of others. It must be noted that the pressure group in Union Cabinet that enabled the above company to collect these huge amount from Indian banks might get benefits worth hundreds of crore  so long as this company exists.
            A suspended IAS officer (Rajastan State) accused the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) of “dishonesty” for raiding his house.  On 21 February a Supreme Court Bench asked the CBI not to proceed against him based on the raids. What happened to the case later was not known to anyone.
            The newspapers on 19 February, 2005 reported that petrol was sold in petty shops in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu State. The report pointed out that as per rules, petrol must be kept at least 100 metre from the nearest residence. The message was that the masters of the newspapers alone should sell petrol. The truth is that many petrol outlets started recently are located as close as 10 metre from the nearest residence.
            The newspapers on 19 February, 2005 reported that the public sector Punjab National Bank (PNB) would sell eight crore equity shares to collect about Re. 3000 crore. Due to this sale the Government’s holding in the bank would come down to 57 per cent. The reason cited was that the bank wanted to increase its capital base. None knew the abstract code for selling the shares. Someone would corner the major portion of the shares using bank funds.
 Further, the manipulators and the media brigands say that all Public Sector Banks must have private character consistent with the private holding in them. Now, these letters are the only force that stands in the way of the sale of these shares of the PNB. It is the duty of the President of India to veto it, as the Constitution demands that the Government must act in the interest of the Nation itself rather than in the personal interest of those wielding the Nation’s power.
            The owner of the biggest private company in India on 18 February, 2005 said that time had come for Indian companies to think differently. He added that cautious movements and incremental improvements had become the things of the past. True to his words, he bought several companies all over the world with in a span of one year.
            Supreme Court on 18 February, 2005 dismissed a petition seeking the removal of four Union Ministers from the Union Cabinet because they were charge sheeted in corruption cases. A Bench said that the issue was entirely within the domain of Parliament to discuss and debate and not for courts to decide. Later, the Speaker said that the Courts could not direct the Parliament to discuss anything.
            The militant people in Andra Pradesh (AP) State killed two TDP party workers on 19 February, 2005.
            On 20 February, 2005, a Congress leader said that the political parties after coming to power must strive to fulfill the dream of the people. This appears as a positive comment for the letter No.48. 
            A Cabinet meeting was convened on 20 February, 2005 presumably to discuss the letter No.48. The media brigands said that the meeting was convened to discuss the Budget Session of Parliament.  The discussion was inconclusive. Another meeting on the next day followed. The newspapers did not report anything about the second meeting.
            The Tamil Nadu State Anti-corruption Police on 22 February, 2005, arrested a Foreman of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board working in Kanyakumari District, for demanding and accepting a bribe of Re.600/- for giving electricity connection to a house. Usually, a foreman accepts Re.50/- to 200/- while giving new electricity connection. The amount sought by this particular foreman is relatively high and this might have prompted the customer to inform the matter to the Anti Corruption Wing (ACW). He might have demanded this amount due to object poverty. In some cases, the people book the employees with the help of the ACW due to personal enmities. Just compare this amount with the amount given to the private companies by the Government of India! Does the Government care for others?
            On 24 February, 2005 eight letters from letter No.41 to letter No. 48, were posted to randomly selected 17 Members of Parliament. The letters were not sent to the leaders of political parties of the ruling coalition and the Union Ministers, as they might have seen the letters from the Prime Minister of India.   
            On 25 February, 2005 the Prime Minister talked about the virtues of socialism, equality, federalism, pluralism, unity and even rule of law. Anyone hearing this would think that the Prime Minister is working for equitable distribution of  “assets and seats”. It is clear that the Prime Minister, at times, lives within the society. Therefore, he talks about the virtues of socialism and pluralism and acts as the champion of the neglected sections of the people. Thus, on 24 June, 2004 he said that the people wanted a change in the manner in which the country was run. Similarly,  on 15 August, 2004 the Prime Minister said, “ Our Nation is what we are, it will become what we make ourselves”. He called for reform at all levels, Centre, State and local bodies.
            The President on 25 February, 2005 told the members of Parliament that truth must prevail. He added that the people demanded prosperity to their nation. It must be noted that his words are a simple reflection of the letter No.48. His words convey the impression that almost all the points contained in these letters are correct.
            Some newspapers on 27 February, 2005 said that the trade unions had developed into a vested interest that often holds others to ransom. They said that the trade unions behave as if they had rights without responsibilities while others had responsibilities without rights. They added that their watchword is more wages for less work- a recipe for any country’s decline. A paper asked all others to listen to General Vo Nguyen Giap, the architect of Vietnams military victory over superpower America, who said, “In order to have socialism, we must first have wealth”. Obviously, the newspapers use the manipulated money to brainwash Indians.
            One newspaper said, “Every citizen of India thinks he/she heads the Finance Minister”.
            On 28 February, 2005 the Union budget for 2005-2006 was presented. An outstanding future of the budget was the commitment to construct 60 lakh houses in one year. Apparently, the Government, on seeing the plight of the homeless people on the roadsides, has taken this decision. The huge allotment to give mid-day meal to children was another important future. These measures have a touch of humanity, as these commitments would eliminate the problem of shelter on one side and the malnutrition of children on the other side. Later, it was found that the proposal to construct houses was not implemented honestly.
 Another salient future of the budget was 0.1% transaction tax for cash withdrawals exceeding Re.100,000/- per day from banks.
            In this connection, though it is a digression, it must be noted that this writer demanded the imposition of service tax in India on 1 June, 2001 through his letter No.1.The previous NDA Government implemented it in July 2001. It was a great treasure that was lying within this writer. The suggestion to impose transaction tax was given on 21-12-2001 through letter No.4. Later, the importance of this tax was mentioned in several letters. The acceptance of the suggestions of this writer is a giant step for 1000 million people, which could be ordinarily achieved only through revolution. This shows that a body of committed leaders, perhaps including the President of India, was pursuing the matter relentlessly. These leaders would, no doubt, command great respect and reverence from one and all as they unearthed another great treasure that was lying within this writer.  This decision would give a new direction to budget making as it could be extended in so many ways depending on the demands of the Nation.  No wonder, India must be a ‘New Nation’ from this day onwards. 1000 million people and particularly the employees all over India owe a debt of gratitude to all those who possess power. However, the media brigands and the back room players would undermine the importance of this tax is another matter.
           Now, it is the question of discovering another treasure, which is lying within this writer. It is the question of realizing 1% interest on all deposits and credits or any one of these. It is like transforming lead into gold! In fact, the path followed by this writer and the ecstasies and disappointments of this writer during this long journey is reminiscent of the boy in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, the only difference being that The Alchemist is a magical fable and this one is a real story.
If the above suggestion were implemented today, the Government could construct several world-class airports within this year through the Airport Authority of India or through similar Corporations. There could be a ten-fold increase in the beneficiaries of old age pension. The Government could even consider the question of giving direct salary to all teachers working in all self-financing educational institutions after asking the students to remit the regulated fee into the treasury.
            In this connection, it must be noted that if the media brigands had discussed the pros and cons of these letters, the public opinion would have forced the Government to implement this suggestion. The media brigands must have even recommended the Government to give Re. 10 crore to this writer for each concrete suggestion so that people all over India would have vied with one another to contribute their share for Nation building and for resource mobilization from untapped sources. Instead, the chief of the media brigands indirectly threatened to eliminate this writer. Now, they are relentlessly trying to undermine Transaction Tax. Further, the Government must be always ready to introduce innovative methods for resource mobilization. The excise duty on all items in the long run could be eliminated to make Indian products competitive. Thus the resource mobilization would be financial institutions centred rather than commodities centred.
            Coming back, the logical extension of the rapid change in the policy of the Government is that it would take back the privatized PSUs, annul some unjust judgments and stop the arbitrage trading in the PSU shares. These demands are more important than others.
            The newspapers said that the budget was framed to deceive even the intelligent. Actually, they are in a catch-22 situation. On one side they want to support the Prime Minister to extract the huge deposits in the banks. On the other side, the extraction is becoming harder and harder every day.
            Incidentally, seminars are being conducted in colleges to discuss the importance & consequences of transaction tax.
            In the meantime, militants shot dead eight villagers in Andra Pradesh on 1 March, 2005. Just as the Government gives no answer to several unanswered questions so as the militants give no answer for killing innocent people.
            The newspapers said that a private company amassed Re.100 crore in a span of 18 months by buying and selling the shares of the public sector ONGC. The previous Government, while selling the shares, said that it was selling shares to the public. But what happened? A private company cornered it! It might have availed itself of loan from the banks with the help of someone. Therefore, an enquiry is needed to know the circumstances that led to the cornering of shares.
            The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) on 3 March, 2005 wanted the Government to extend credit to other countries to encourage growth in exports and to increase employment. It also wanted the Government to retire high cost external debt. These suggestions would be welcomed by one and all. However, the Assocham wanted the Government to invest the foreign exchange in highly rated corporate bonds overseas. This is a ploy to encourage the Government to enter arbitrage trading, which is very dangerous. This is the reason why only an alert President could save the bank funds and the accumulated foreign exchange.
            On 5 March, 2005 the newspapers reiterated that the Union Government would sell its stakes in BHEL, Maruthi Udyog Ltd, BALCO, Power grid Corporation and Oil India Ltd. This shows that the Union Government, despite an excellent budget, would not prevent arbitrage trade that jeopardizes the interest of 1000 million people. It must be noted that even the previous Government refused to sell the residual shares in the BALCO to a charge sheeted company. Therefore the President of India and the Union Ministers must stop the sale of shares in the present form.
          In this connection, it must be noted that the Union Budget humbled this writer. One should not think of achieving more. On the other hand, remaining quiet would go down as a disservice to the Nation.
            On 6 March, 2005 the President of Venezuela, Mr. Hugo Chavez, served mid-day meal to schoolchildren in a village near Kolkata. Some newspapers published a photograph of it in their front page on 7 March, 2005. What prompted him to do this was not known. Is it right on the part of the Government to cause economic deprivation? Everyone must ponder over it.
            A private Company on 7 March, 2005 paid Re.150 crore for illegal routing of international calls.
             The second public offering of Punjab National Bank (PNB) was oversubscribed by over two times within minutes of its opening on 7 March, 2005.There were reports that one or two other nationalized banks advanced money to some favoured people to buy the shares of the PNB. Thus one Public Sector bank sold its shares and another Public Sector bank gave money to selected people to buy the shares. It is illegal and unconstitutional as it is arbitrage trading. It is like PNB itself giving money to enable the buyers to buy its own shares.  Why does the system hesitate to reserve the shares among various States? If the money were siphoned off like this, where would the State Government go for money? Thus 48 letters, written with the backing of the Constitution of India, failed to restrain the Government from selling the shares of the PNB to the favoured people!
         The newspapers on 9 March, 2005 reported that the Union Government would sell the remaining stake in public sector railway wagon manufacturer Jessop and Company, to meet the target of raising Re.5000 to 7000 crore through disinvestments in 2005-06. This report belongs to the media brigands. Naturally, the media brigands must have given direction to the Government to do this. It is against rule of law. It looks like an individual rule, as the Union Cabinet did not take any such decision.
        In the meantime, the newspapers reported that the public sector Indian Overseas Bank (IOB)- a very big public sector bank - would borrow Re. 650 crore to 700 crore from Singapore. Besides, the paper informed that the above bank would come out with a public issue to sell 10.23 % of its shares to the public just to bring its holding to 51 percent.
         In this connection it must be noted: 1. The decision for mobilizing Re. 650 crore from Singapore was not taken by the Union Cabinet.2. The decision to sell the shares was also not taken by the Union Cabinet.3.The money collected by the State Bank of India in the name of ‘Resurgent India Bond’ was not apparently utilized for the slated purpose. 4. The reason for not reserving the shares for various States was also not revealed.5. When the NDA Government sold the shares of the GAIL to the public, major portion was cornered by a private company. Thus, the NDA proved that it was unfaithful to its own words. Similar manipulations could be anticipated during the sale of the IOB shares also. The way in which the shares are being sold indicates that, unless otherwise prevented, the system would not hesitate to dissociate itself from society. Therefore, it is the duty of the President of India and other committed leaders to prevent this arbitrage trading.
      From the above, one could apparently infer that a small gang of manipulators has decided to usurp the shares of the IOB with the help of the media brigands.
           A Union Minister on 18 March, 2005 said that the Government was examining if any law were violated in the allocation of one crore shares of a private company to three unlisted firms. Now, it is imperative that the Government must examine the question of recovering the money collected by different firms through public issues during 1991 to 1996, if they did not use the money for the slated purpose.
        The President of India on 15 March, 2005 said that teachers could transform India into a prosperous country.
        The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 17 March, 2005 requested the Union Government to either supply sufficient quantity of kerosene or allow his Government to sell it. In this connection, it must be noted that there is no problem of foreign exchange and therefore any amount of kerosene could be imported. There is no scarcity for petrol and diesel. Then, why is there scarcity for kerosene? The Government is ready to allow private parties to sell petrol. Why does the Union Government refuse to allow State Governments to sell kerosene? Does the Union Government act in good faith in this matter? Whatever are the compulsions of the Union Government, all right thinking people feel that the Union Government acts in bad faith in this matter.
          In the mean time, the Union Government handed over the new international airport at Hyderabad to private parties. With regard to this decision, two Members of Parliament said, “1. The present airport is sufficient for the next 12 years. 2. The Airport Authority of India (AAI) had paid 90 crore for further expansion and rehabilitation. 3. The AAI had spent Re. 800 crore for expansion. 4. The builder would spend only Re.250 crore while the Government would arrange Re. 450 crore as soft loan, Re 250 crore as Government grant and Re.50 crore as grant from the AAI. 5. The builder is also granted 500 acre of free land and 6. The existing airport at Begumpet must be closed down within three years by which time the Shashabad Airport would be operational”.
              The new builder would offer 10 per cent of its share to mobilize Re. 10,000 crore from the market and the financial institutions would be asked to buy the shares leading to economic deprivation all over India. This is unconstitutional arbitrage trading. All decisions taken in bad faith are unconstitutional in nature and the President of India is duty bound to veto them. If the President of India wants, the Supreme Court, the CBI, the Members of Parliament and the people all over India would stand by the President to stop this anti-constitutional arbitrage trading.
                   The militants on 18 March, 2005 killed a policeman and burnt six buses in Andra Pradesh State.
         If the unconstitutional arbitrage trading were not vetoed, it would lead to the exploitation of 1000 million people. Therefore, the letter No. 49 was sent to his Excellency the President of India on 19 March, 2005. The letter follows.

Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
             Kindly consider the reasons why arbitrage trading must be vetoed for rule of law.
  1.         It is said that family is the only “natural” society. All other society is man’s making and “artificial”. Men register their agreement to come together as a society or a Nation. It is said that it is a contract whereby a right Nation will be set up -in the future, not in the past. It is said that it is not a contract, which men make with their future ruler. If it were so, it would place men under the rule of some individuals or groups, which would be nothing but slavery. Then, how is it possible for men to remain as free as he was before? This is possible, Rousseau says where the law leads and men do not obey other men but obey only the law.  48 letters lead to the conclusion that the stakes snatched away some PSUs under gun point without obeying any law. This is the reason why the PSUs must be taken back forthwith. This should not give any pain to anyone, as the retrieval of PSUs is not at all breach of trust.
 2.         How can it happen that men obey without having anyone above them to issue commands? How will men serve without having a master? It is said that when a man acts under an apparent compulsion in a Nation, he loses only that part of his freedom with which he can injure others. It is clear that either a private company or the system itself injured 1000 million people by violating three simple rules framed for privatization.
3.         The present situation proves that each Member of Parliament granting a few petrol pumps based on a guideline would not have done much harm to the society at all.  What would the MPs offer to the people surrounding them? Will it not weaken political power? The direct consequence of this policy is that the people are not free as they were before. It is a challenge to the Constitution of India and to the perception of public reason. Therefore, new guidelines must be issued for starting petrol outlets.
 4.        By framing suitable questions and based on the responses the President of India could determine whether he could trust his Government in the matter of “cash rich” enterprises or should be wary of it. There may not be any perfect, correct, satisfactory or final answer to the four questions in the letter No.32. However, all Indians are entitled to have at least an approximation of the perfect answer through the mass media.
  5.        It is now more or less certain that the former Prime Minister was aware of the intrigues and manipulations underway in the back rooms of power. He might have realized that their objective was not managing what they had seized but conquering entire India using his name. Therefore, former Prime Minister might have refused to advance bank funds to the public issues. Naturally, the stakes forced him to advance the General Election just to remove the money from the banks by denying him the throne. The media brigands played their sinister role to the satisfaction of their masters. The public sector TV too played a similar role because neither is it free nor is it under the control of the Government. Alternatively, former Prime Minister must have decided to abdicate power out of frustration.
  6.         When the NDA Government sold certain percentages of shares of the public sector GAIL and the ONGC to the public in 2004, a private company cornered major portion of the shares. It is nothing but betrayal although the former Prime Minister had by that time lost his control over the system. Therefore, the abstract code followed to plunder India’s wealth must be deciphered.
 7.         The owners of the private companies must have easy access to a sufficiently long line of RBI Governors, Bank Managers, inside traders and balance-sheet manipulators. However, what is the real reason behind extracting Re.5000 crore from the Indian Banking system by a private company? It is because deposits of people all over India reach a single point. This point is very susceptible for the attack of the stakes. Besides, the huge foreign exchange reserve would allure anyone. In order to prevent such misuses, the banks must be directed to seek the permission of the State Governments for removing money to other areas.
  8.         As if the money given to the private company were not sufficient, the Government advanced money to buy the shares of a newly formed airways company. The Government could have permitted the Airways to mobilize money from the public. Or it could have been given the same money directly as loan following usual rules. Alternatively, the Government could have started a few more air services, as there is sufficient foreign exchange to buy aircraft. Instead, the Government reinforced this policy by directing the Punjab National Bank to come out with a public issue simultaneously asking one or two other Public Sector Banks to advance money to some clever people. This is unconstitutional arbitrage trading. The new system is depicting it as wisdom and is constructing it as a new system or art that facilitate arbitrage trading. This process would go on uncorrected and even it would be made worse by the CBI, CVC, the learned judges of the Supreme Court and the President of India. Even if they wanted, they would fail to decipher the abstract code followed by the system. It is like placing 1000 million people under the rule of some individuals and not law. Therefore, it is the overriding duty of the President of India to veto it to protect the Constitution lest tomorrow the system would allow ‘X’ to remove Re.50,000 crore and day after tomorrow Re.5,00000 (Five lakh crore) by offering 20 or 30 percent   shares of its company leading to economic deprivation all over India. Voices that oppose these would be ruthlessly suppressed like these letters.
  9.              The new Government is so kind to introduce transaction tax consistent with the letters of this writer. 1000 million people owe a debt of gratitude to the committed leaders for this. Further, huge allotment in some social sectors shows that there is a touch of humanity in the budget. When the Government promotes the interest of others, it will discover its own! In this connection, it is said that if someone possesses great treasures within him, and tries to tell others of them, seldom are he believed. However, when this writer wanted the former Prime Minister to collect service charges through the letter No.1 dated 1-6-2001, the Government issued a notification for it in July 2001 itself. The quick action and the deliberation that ensued for over four months were the beginner’s luck.  The question of Transaction Tax was proposed to the former Prime Minister on 21 December 2001 through the letter No. 4.  The NDA Government ignored it. When the UPA Government came to power this matter was pursued as stubbornly as possible through several letters. Now the UPA Government has discovered this although the back room manipulators try to make this a day dream. The Government must discover one more great treasure. For this, the Government must realize 1% interest on all deposits and credits or any one of these. The yield would be about Re. 100000 crore (One lakh crore) per year! Is it not a wonder? What all the Government could do with this money? It is a ten-year-old demand and is like transforming lead into gold using ‘Philosopher’s stone’. In this connection, when the NDA Government reduced interest rates from 16% to 8%, again consistent with the letter No.4, the Nation did not collapse but was rejuvenated only. Now, increasing the deposit rates to about 7 % without transferring the benefit to depositors would not affect any one. The banks could compensate the loss by effecting minor changes in the service charges.
 10.         This is letter No. 49. Even now all letters remain as secret documents. All Governments must accept very gladly challenges to authority, governance, public policy, justice and ideas, and publish them. Members of Parliament must look for facts and patterns to shape the future of this Nation. Therefore, all letters and the finer facts that generated these letters comprising 240 pages are again sent to His Excellency the President of India.
Vellicode                                                                             Yours faithfully
19-3-2005                                                                             (V.SABARIMUTHU)



                  The President of India on 21 March, 2005 gave the “Outstanding Parliamentarian Awards”  to some Members of Parliament, including the Prime Minister of India. Speaking on that occasion, the President said,   There are many national issues. The Parliamentarians must pursue them. The discussions, debates, generation of alternative ideas and the consensus arrived at towards those goals through the Parliamentary process would certainly make India a developed India even before 2020. People are yearning for lifestyle change and expect Parliamentarians to bring smile on their faces through appropriate policies, laws and facilitating societal transition. We seem to have been working with policies and procedures, which are at times based on mistrust. It is time all of us did introspection and grew up to the expectations that were enshrined so diligently and optimistically by the founding fathers in our Constitution so that India sustained itself and grew as a mature, healthy, vibrant democratic nation”.
             The words of the President have a direct reference to the Prime Minister. However, the Prime Minister showed to the world that the President was referring to all others except himself. Thus, as if complementing the speech of the President, the Prime Minister regretted the decline in the general atmosphere in Parliament and standard of debate and called for introspection before people lost faith in the institution. Thus, the Prime Minister of India outwitted the President of India in the public eye.
            In this connection, it must be reiterated that the President of India is a rubber stamp only when things proceed as per the provisions of the Constitution of India. Whenever there is a marked deviation, that too to the detriment 1000 people, it is the onerous duty of the President of India to correct it.
            The Left parties opposed the proposal of the Government to invest 5 % of the pension fund in the stock market. The people, if they were not slaves by nature, would not recognize such legislation as a valid one in the light of the fundamental nature of the Constitution of India.
              The militant people killed the brother of the Home Minister of Jammu and Kashmir on 24 March, 2005.
            Some newspapers 25 March, 2005 said that the policies in India remain hostage to the whims of “veto” groups who refuse to take an all- things-considered view. Some other papers said, “ No Veto on VAT”. It may be noted that the letter No. 49 dated 19-3-2005 wanted the President to “veto” arbitrage trading.
            The CVC and the CBI started to investigate about 100 corruption cases at the instance of the President of India. A Tamil newspaper reported this on 28 March, 2005. The paper said that the President entrusted this to some selected officers in the investigating agencies. The future alone would tell the veracity of the news.
            A Congress leader said that the Government would give top priority for social sectors but it would not do anything to dampen the spirit of entrepreneurs. The apparent meaning of this is that the NDA Government sold some PSUs to some entrepreneurs due to the circumstances prevailing then and restoring them would dampen their spirit. However, it must be noted that men change circumstances and as such if the Congress leaders want to take back the lost PSUs “the entire universe will conspire in helping them to achieve it”.         
            In this connection, it must be noted that the people all over India repose their faith and hope on the Congress leaders. They believe that they would not distinguish between citizen and citizen or State and State. They believe that many Congress leaders remain in politics just for the emancipation of 1000 million people. They believe that the Congress leaders would not undermine the Constitution and the unity of India through arbitrage trading.  However, it must be very reluctantly said that the statement of the Congress leader is making the picture a complicated one. Apparently, the stakes, manipulators and the media brigands are exerting insurmountable pressure on the Congress leaders. In fact, the people have not clearly understood:1.The nature of the mysterious forces working in the back rooms of power in New Delhi. 2. The nature of the media brigands and their masters in particular. 3.The mechanism followed to keep these letters as secret documents. 4. The reason for the reluctance of the Union Government to hand over telecommunication and distribution of petroleum products to the State Governments.5. The reason for the unwillingness of the Union Government to hand over the LIC, banks and other PSUs to State Governments.6.The reason for the refusal of the Union Government to permit the State Government to grant export-import licenses or to keep separate foreign exchange accounts- just like private mutual funds.7.The reason for the reluctance of the Government to restore the illegally privatized PSUs. 8. The reason why the Union Government hesitates to abolish the policy of bulk buying. 9. The reason for the reluctance of the Union Government to apportion the seats in IITs, NITs and other all India services among various States.  However, they hope that they would get the answer from the President although some believe that they would get the answer from the investigation agencies and the Members of Parliament.
            Though it is a digression, it must be mentioned that this writer sent the following letter to His Excellency Mr.Nelson Mandela on 29 March, 2005.

Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167
Qunu, Transkei

Your Excellency,

            When the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) resorted to large-scale privatization of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in 2001, the public opinion in India remained apathetic. Therefore, this writer sent ten suggestions to him on 1 June, 2001 to save the PSUs and hence the Nation. Though some highly positive steps were taken immediately, the Government relapsed to privatization due to the onslaught of the stakes (Stakes = Corporate houses that amass wealth through large scale manipulations). This led to 48 more letters to His Excellency the President of India to take on the judiciary, investigation agencies, Government and above all the news media. The letters now lead to the realization that in India, the stakes subvert democracy with the help of the media to appropriate 1000 million people.

 All letters still remain concealed. However, the letters saved India from a grave fiscal crisis in 2001. Moreover, the letters saved almost all PSUs in India. The letters, in fact, vetoed large-scale transformation of public assets into private assets through public money and manipulated money. The letters now control flight of capital, large-scale manipulations and arbitrage trading to some extent.  Above all, the letters contributed greatly to peace in India. In fact, the letters would enable any nation to make steady progress in peace and prosperity. Therefore, this work would fetch Nobel Peace Prize for this writer.

All the letters and the facts that generated these letters are sent herewith to Your Excellency in a CD under the title “How Everything Happened in India!” Your Excellency may kindly consider the question of proposing this writer for the Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination would go down as a great service to humanity because these ruthlessly suppressed letters would reach all habitable places on earth thereby changing the systems everywhere.

                                                Thanking your Excellency

Vellicode                                                                                              Yours faithfully
29 - 3 -2005.



           Coming back, the newspapers on 30 March, 2005 indirectly reported that Allahabad Bank, a nationalized bank, would, on 7 April 2005, come out with a public issue to sell one crore shares.
            On 31 March, 2005, the Allahabad Bank gave wide publicity to the public issue through newspaper columns. Unlike in other public issues, the forms for applying to the issue could be seen on the hands of a few people associated with stock market activities.
            Four militants’ organizations in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State  on 30 March, 2005 threatened to disrupt the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service and urged the people not to board that coffin (bus). They said that the bus service was not in the interest of the ongoing “jihad” in Kashmir. They described this as a deep conspiracy of the Government of India and a lethal weapon to cause damage to the very foundation of the freedom struggle. They criticized the Pakistani President for helping India to fulfill its desire.
            Indian Airlines on 31 March, 2005 decided to tap the capital market under the pretext of fleet acquisition.
            In this connection, none in India is opposing the sale of minority shares of any PSUs. However, they insist that the PSUs are national assets and the sale of its shares must reach all people all over India through proper reservation.
            A Union Minister on 31 March, 2005 informed the decision of the Government not to invest the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in the stock market or mutual funds. How many days this decision would stand is not known to anyone.
            A private company, on 1 April, 2004 divested management control over 55,529 acre of tea estates in Kerala state to a newly formed company comprising 12,770 workers. Each worker would be entitled to 300 shares for which the company would be providing a loan. The loan could be repaid in installments. This would give the company a truly participatory nature, as it would be run on participatory management lines. The company might have got the property free of cost. However, the step taken by this company in this matter is something consistent with the letters of this writer provided there is no arbitrage trading.
            A Supreme Court Bench came down heavily on the Chief Secretary of the J & K State for not appearing before them under the pretext of a function. The Bench said that the Chief Secretary was bound by oath to obey the order of the High Court.  In the course of the hearing the Bench said, “If judges commit some mistakes then everybody is up in arms and no one comes to their rescue”. Apparently, the Bench was offended by the third paragraph of the letter No.46 dated 5-1-2005 and the fourth paragraph of the letter No.47 dated 28-1-2005 of this writer. It must be noted that, apparently, the above letters had forbidden a judge from hearing the petrol pump appeal case. Finally, the Bench asked the counsel of the Chief Secretary to give a written explanation to the High Court and act as per the direction of the High Court.
            In this connection, it must be noted that the utterances of the Bench, perhaps, indicate that the learned judges of the Supreme Court are atoning for the error they committed through some judgements.
            A former Union Minister described the Cash Transaction Tax (CTT) as a “mad tax”. He wanted to completely eradicate the CTT. He said that CTT had no relevance to India at all. This proved that even if this writer had pressed for the implementation of this tax during the rule of the previous Government, nothing would have happened. Earlier, he had said that reform, meaning privatization, would continue. He said that a train once started could not be stopped. This indicates that the top leaders of the BJP minus the former Prime Minister and perhaps the former Home Prime Minister would strive for the privatization of the PSUs with full vigour as and when they come to power and perpetrate total slavery.
            The newspapers on 2 April, 2005 said that a private company would surrender 773 acre of surplus land valued at Re.2000 core to the Government of India. This company had bought a PSU for Re 1436 crore in 2002. The surplus land belonged to this PSU. Obviously, the remaining land value of the PSU alone would be more than Re.1436 crore. The President and the Supreme Court are remaining as silent spectators!
 In this connection, one would think that the Government would not have taken back this land but for these letters. Apparently, the Government felt that there must be a limit for the day light robbery.
            The IDBI Bank Ltd was merged with Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) on 2 April, 2005.The Government would hold 51 per cent stake in the merged entity. As on March 31, 2005 the asset base of the IDBI stood at Re. 18000 crore. The new bank would have an asset base of Re.80,000. Many people might have been benefited from this merger. The President of India alone knows everything. Preference of the Government for more and more centralization could be discerned.
            The CBI on 3 April, 2005 arrested the main accused in the Indian Bank scam. He was arrested when he tried to enter Dubai recently. It is consistent with the seventh paragraph of letter No.47 dated 28-1-2005. On his arrest, he disclosed that he was living in France with the knowledge of the CBI. The meaning is obvious. A Tamil daily reported it.
            The Union Government on 4 April, 2005 introduced a Reorientation Course to the senior IAS officers presumably to refresh them with the pit falls of Governance.
            On 7 April, 2005 the Prime Minister flagged off Srinagar- Muzaffarabad bus service. On the penultimate day, the militants had attacked the Tourists Reception center, a stone’s through away from the venue of the function. The Prime Minister said that the important aspect of the bus cooperation was that the two Governments had bowed to the sentiments of their people. The Prime Minister hoped that the new bus route would promote trade links for Kashmiri handicrafts and fruits for markets in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
            The Prime Minister of China, Mr.Wen Jiabao, paid a four-day visit to India from 9 April, 2005. During his visit, he handed over to the Government of India the new Chinese map showing Sikkim as part of India.
            A leader of the RSS –a religious organization-  on 11 April, 2005 all on a sudden said that the former Prime Minister of India and the then Home Minister of India  did not do a good job when they were in power and advised them to make way for a younger leadership. A few other leaders in the VHP –another religious organization- supported this. The media brigands gave wide publicity to it. These developments were consistent with the hypothesis given in paragraph five of the letter No.49 dated 19-3- 2005.
 The first reaction of the former Prime Minister to the above criticism was that he did not possess any power. Immediately, the media brigands pointed out that he was the Chairman of the NDA. After a careful thought, the former Prime Minister on 15 April, 2005 retorted that he would embrace death rather than allowing his name to be maligned. This reply reinforced the hypothesis of this writer that the former Prime Minister advanced the General Election just to enable a few companies to remove money from the Indian banking system by availing themselves of the services of some others and never through him. Therefore, the retreat from the policy of privatization was not at all a pretended one.
            The fact that the RSS and the VHP clubbed the former Home Minister along with the former Prime Minister for their attack strengthens the hypothesis that the former stood by the latter. However, future alone would tell whether the former Home Minister would act in good faith in the best interest of 1000 million people  or not. Whatever happens in the future, one would infer that not only the former Prime Minister but also the former Home Minister refused to subvert democracy although political parties abdicating power is new to democracy. The way in which the former Home Minister deserted New Delhi in the name of Rath Yatra reinforces the view that he too was fed up with the rule. In this connection, it must be noted that he did not remain in Delhi even for the selection of candidates during the last election! This discussion gains importance because the people must know whether the leaders are “for the pursuit of a moral end or not”.
            The manipulators would not simply give present leaders of the BJP another chance to rule India without reaching an understanding with it is another matter.
While criticizing the former Prime Minister and the then Home Minister, the media brigands started praising the present Prime Minister endlessly. Thus The New Indian Express on 18 April, 2005 deplored that none had proposed the name of the present Prime Minister for a national award for changing the course of India in the midst of a terrible economic crisis. The Business Line on 20 April, 2005 praised the Prime Minister for his “dedication to public weal and desire to do the right thing in the right manner by the right means”. The Business Line described this as “an incomparably precious asset that scores over all the transient ups and downs in the process of governance”. On 25 April, 2005 The Hindu said that the Prime Minister enjoyed an enviable reputation for personal integrity. On the same day The New Indian Express said that the Prime Minister possessed a clean image and he posed no threat to the Congress President. The paper added that the Prime Minister continued to remain as the best bet of the Congress President. On 24 April, 2005 the newspapers reported the view of Mr. V.P.Singh, a former Prime Minister, that the Prime Minister’s efforts were laudable.
            Though it is digression, Mr.Nelson Mandella, Nobel Laureate, in an interview to Reader’s Digest said, “There are so many men and women who hold no distinctive positions but whose contribution towards the development of society has been enormous. Some of them are not known even in their own countries, but when you come across them you are very impressed. Those are heroes and heroines we must never forget. Because of their service to society, you can’t really help but admire them”. This came in the April 2005 issue of the Reader’s Digest.
            Coming back, on 15 April, 2005 this writer dispatched his letters to 19 randomly selected Members of Parliament through book post. Four to eight letters were sent to each of these 19 Members of Parliament. This was done in the profound hope that the letters would move the Members of Parliament, as it is equivalent to moving 1000 million people. The letters, apparently, reached their hands on 19 April, 2005. On that day, the Parliament was not allowed to function over certain allegations in connection with the defense purchases. The other things that happened in Parliament were not published as the public sector TV cut the 8.10 P.M. Parliament news due to strange reasons.
            On 25 April, 2005 an employee of a jail in Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu State was arrested for receiving Re.1000/- as bribe.
Coming back,  on 19 April, 2005 the Prime Minister told the IAS officers that the people should have no fears about any arbitrary action from them. It must be noted that the letter No.49 demanded the President to veto arbitrage trading.
The President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, came to India for talks with the Prime Minister of India on 16 April, 2005. Now, India and Pakistan decided to maintain a soft border to facilitate trade using trucks and to promote people to people contact between the peoples of J7KState and Pak occupied Kashmir in particular and the peoples of India and Pakistan in general. For this, they agreed to open more bus routes and rail routes. They pledged not to allow terrorism to impede what they called the “irreversible” peace process and decided to pursue the Kashmir issue “in a purposeful and forward looking manner”. Thus, a great problem that was puzzling the world for over 50 years was solved and made “irreversible” through a simple momentary decision of maintaining a soft border between India and Pakistan! Is it not a wonder? This could be achieved due to the change in the perception of the Government of India to militancy belying the theory that “only force can produce serious social change”. The President of Pakistan declared that he achieved more than what he had expected. He said that India and Pakistan were moving from the management of the problem to solution of the problem. He, later, called on the President of India, Congress leader,   former Prime Minister and the former Home Minister. All leaders endorsed the decision.
Immediately, the UN General Secretary, Mr. Kofi Annan,   congratulated the two leaders for the momentous decision. The USA, UK, China and many other countries commended the decision.
In this connection, the above momentous decision must be read and judged in the light of the latter letters of this writer in general and the paragraph No. 7 of the letter No.44 dated 20- 11-2004 in particular. The letters wanted the Government not to restrain but enlarge freedom of the people. The Government has accepted this to some extent. The letters wanted the Government to have an open border. Now there is a soft border. The letters sought the Government to permit the boys to do any lawful activity. Now, they can cross the border to sell their products. In fact, the Government has fulfilled many demands of the people. Obviously, prosperity brings unity.   The Prime Minister of India, presumably keeping the letters of this writer in mind, said that the people of both the countries needed a positive outcome from the talks.  While discussing this matter, Business Line on 19 April, 2005 used the word “chemistry” in a remote corner perhaps because this writer is a lecturer in chemistry.
Further, there were reports that the Prime Minister of India offered to reserve 100 seats in the IITs to the students from Pakistan, a privilege not enjoyed by Indian States. The logical extension is that there would be an Indian Union just like European Union.
Obviously, anyone would now envisage that the so-called Kashmir issue would not be a problem although the militants would try to disrupt peace till they find some gainful employments. However, the Chief operational commander of the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen said that he would very seriously consider any truce offer of the Government. This means, the army in J& K State could be there as in any other Border States.
      However, the peace initiative would remain as an irreversible one only so long as the leaders of India and Pakistan were true to themselves. How will a leader be true to him? It is said that anyone who is true to himself will not be false to humanity. From the Indian side; the Government could give shares of the PSUs rather than bullets to the people of J&K States. The Government could allow the boys to cross the border for jobs or for education, without hurting the interests of others. In fine, the Union Government could achieve everything if it had political freedom, financial independence and control over the executive. For this, the Union Government must be reasonable to take actions consistent with this work.
Coming back, the Left parties on 20 April, 2005 wanted the Union Government to stop iron ore and other mineral exports. This is consistent with the paragraph No.6 of the letter No.38 dated 27-8-2004. Apparently, India has been exporting huge quantities of iron ore due to the pressure from some private parties.
On 21 April, 2005 there were reports that the Syndicate Bank –A Public Sector Bank- would come out with a public offer in May 2005. This is reminiscent of the financial plundering that took place during 1991-1996 when the present Prime Minister was functioning as the Finance Minister of India. There are reasons to believe arbitrage trading, as the public issues do not follow any law decipherable to the common man. There are reasons to believe that the shares are not equitably distributed throughout the length and breadth of India but are going in the hands of a few people. Therefore, there are reasons to believe that the Government is depriving the people of their property. It would become apparent when the abstract code followed to sell the shares of PSUs is deciphered.
 Assuming that the financial institutions do take part in arbitrage trading in other parts of the world, such trading could be delegated to the State level leaderships so that the Centre could enact sufficient laws to supervise such trading. This would enable the State level entrepreneurs to tap the capital market in their States. The criminals that snatch chains and break houses would while away their time in the stock exchanges of their region. Above all, forcing 1000 million people to pay for public issues through financial institutions is exploitation.
On the same day, there were reports that the ONGC, a Public Sector Undertaking, showed a profit of Re.12,725 crore for 2004-2005, excluding Re.3114 crore transferred to other oil companies.  During this time, the turn over increased from Re. 32,927 crore to Re.47,025 crore.  Thus, the profit is roughly one third of the total turn over! It is attributed to increased production.
In this connection, it must be noted that the IPCL, a PSU, privatized for about Re.1500 crore three years ago, recorded a profit of Re. 786 crore during 2004-2005! Its profit was Re.273 crore for 2003-2004. Usually, the profit or loss of a PSU is linked more on the policies of the Government rather than on its performance. In fact, the ONGC itself on the very next day said that the profit declined by Re. 600 crore due to a direction from the Government. As the minority shares of the PSUs are in the private hands, the right thinking people would attribute the disproportionate profits to some unfaithful policies of the Union Government.  Whether the Union Cabinet is helping any private company to plunder India’s wealth or not is known to His Excellency the President of India only. In this connection, the media brigands constantly follow the Minister for Petroleum and the latter constantly talks of the Union Cabinet
 Further, one should ponder whether privatizing the shares of such companies is in public interest or in private interest.
In this connection, it must be pointed out that the media brigands were telling the world until 2001, that all PSUs would perish due to the competition from private companies. Now, a PSU does not show Re. one or two crore or hundred or two hundred crore or one thousand or two thousand crore- but has shown more than Re. 15000 crore as profit! The media brigands have been saying that high international oil prices have been affecting the profits of the oil companies. Yet, there is huge profit! The President of India alone knows the answer.
Now, other PSUs also do not lag behind the oil companies. Thus, the National Aluminium Company (Nalco) has shown a profit of Re.1222.43 crore for a turn over of Re.4,437.97 crore. It must be noted that three years ago, the then Minister for Disinvestments had been threatening the nation telling that the Nalco would become unviable and would have to be shut down.  Now, even the SAIL is showing profit. Is it due to the reduction in interest rates? Is it due to higher prices? Is it due to the workers? Is it due to the changes in policies of the Government? Above all, is it because the concept of privatization is no longer in the air?
Coming back, the South African newspaper, Cape, on 21 April ,2005 disclosed that Denel, a state-owned South African armaments company, paid 13 % commission to British Isles based Varas Associates to sell 400 bunker buster and anti-material rifles and its technology to India although trials showed that the guns of SWS Defense of Sweden and Soltan of Israel were superior. Immediately, the Ministry of Defense ordered a CBI enquiry. Obviously, the system is so porous that even the Union Government could not find out the real culprits immediately. The CBI would take its own time to file the charge sheet and in most of the cases the money would not be recovered at all. In this connection, it must be noted that the first demand of this writer was abolishing the policy of bulk buying.
Further, it is a well-known fact that several NRIs in England became multimillionaires through the commission received for buying various commodities for India or for striking various deals. People believe that they have great control over the media brigands in India.
On 25 April, 2005 a women in Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu State fainted when the Municipal Authorities dismantled her unauthorized Telephone Booth. 
The public issue of Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC), a Public Sector Bank, was oversubscribed on the first day of its opening itself. As shares had not been reserved for various States, one would think that the sale was in private interest. Some unfaithful arbitrage trading also might have taken place. A few clever people would one day say that they hold certain percentage of the OBC’s shares. The unabated public issues of PSUs convey the impression that the Government has no control over the executive. It appears that a mysterious force is governing India.
The Prime Minister on 30 April, 2005 said that laws and judgements did not help the Scheduled Tribes and the Backward Classes. He said that the interests of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the Backward Classes in the “Temple of Modern India” would be protected. In this connection, it must be noted that the proportion of the backward classes among the IITans in India is negligible.
The Minister for Petroleum on 30 April 2005 said that the proposal for increasing the prices of petroleum products was pending before the Union Cabinet. He added that the oil companies were incurring losses. It must be noted that if the profits of the oil companies were linked to the petroleum prices, the Union Minister could have waited till the profits obtained during 2004-2005 were wiped out. Otherwise, one would think that the Union Government is sucking the lifeblood of Indians quite arbitrarily to give Re. thousands of crore to some oil companies.
Now, it is more or less certain that the Government would not part with arbitrage trading and unethical manipulations unless the Members of Parliament and the President of India intervene effectively. It is very difficult to contact all Members of Parliament directly. In India, even the professionals suppress the contribution of people to nation building. Therefore, it is not a wonder that the media brigands suppress these letters.
 However, it is strange that the system refuses to detract from manipulations. It is a very disappointing one. The unabated arbitrage trading forced this writer to send the following letter to His Excellency the President of India. This letter No.50 was sent on 1 May, 2005 in the  hope that the President of India and the Members of Parliament would stop all arbitrary actions of the Judiciary, Government and the Executive to curtail flight of capital and to ensure a reasonable share in India’s “wealth and seats” to all States and to all Parliamentary Constituencies.

Thattankonam,Vellicode,Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency

      Kindly consider the reasons why all arbitrary actions of the Judiciary, Government and the Executive must be vetoed to protect the Constitution of India.

1.         As early as in 1788 Edmund Burke, during the impeachment of Warren Hastings, said, “ The arbitrary power is not to be had by conquest. Nor can any sovereign have it by succession; for no man can succeed to fraud, rapine, and violence. Those who give and those who receive arbitrary power are alike criminal; and there is no man but is bound to resist it to the best of his power, wherever it shall show its face to the world”.  Obviously, the Supreme Court has no arbitrary power to give arbitrary power to anyone. Yet, the Supreme Court has indirectly but quite arbitrarily given arbitrary power to grant petrol pumps.
2.         It is again said, “We have no arbitrary power to give, because arbitrary power is a thing which neither any man can hold nor can any man give”. The private individual shall not hold the IPCL because it was arbitrarily given, violating three simple rules for privatization.
3.         Just as there are a definite number of Members of Parliament for every State, there must be a definite number of seats in IITs, NITs and in “services” for every State or Parliamentary Constituency. This is not to say that 95% mark is equivalent to 65% mark. This is only to say that there is no practical difference between 95% and 90%. In many cases, those who secure 90% and less overtake those who secure 95% and more in the long run. The so-called merit is an arbitrary invention of the judiciary for the domination of man over man. It is said that the judge who substitutes “will” in the place of “law” is an enemy of society.
4.         Inexorable laws govern the 1000 million people in India. The people are not ready to keep even a telephone wire in their campus. The law does not spare even the Union Ministers and political leaders. False cases, due to the arbitrary actions of IPS officers, haunt many innocent people. Therefore, the arbitrary method adopted to sell the PSUs defeats the ends for which 1000 million people remain as a Nation. Though it could be attributed to the political arrangement existing then,  the privatized PSUs must be taken back immediately.
5.       Even in politics no man can have arbitrary power. Therefore, the money, if any, given by the “cash rich” enterprises to the UTI is an arbitrary one. The decision to give Re. 5000 crore to the private company is another arbitrary action. The money collected by various others and the sister companies of present companies during the period from 1991 to1996 are all arbitrary in nature.
6.         The new Government has decided to sell 49% of the shares of the PSUs. However, the method adopted to sell the shares is quite arbitrary.  Further, the previous NDA Government arbitrarily gave money to buy the majority shares of the VSNL. The present Government arbitrarily gives money to buy the minority shares of other PSUs. The only difference is that the NDA Government understood the meaning of the letters and retracted from its policy whereas the present Government proceeds as if the executive did not obey the elected leaders.
7.         There must be a wise partition of powers between the Union Government and the States. All States in India must enjoy a just proportion of sovereignty also. However, the States have no arbitrary right against the Constitution of India. The guidelines issued for privatization are applicable to the States also. Therefore, all PSUs privatized by the State Governments, including those privatized by the Government of Orissa, must be taken back, if they had violated the above guidelines.   
8.         The recent peace moves of India and Pakistan are consistent with the latter letters of this writer. In this connection, it must be noted that the causes for the partition of India were: 1.Absence of political freedom and political liberty. 2. Lack of power of the purse. 3. Absence of financial control and control over the executive. 4. The prevailing race distinction. 5. The then prevailing continual slavish conditions mainly because of the coercive measures adopted to curtail freedom of expression. “ If you write anything” a leader in India on 12 December, 1917 said, “we will, they say, strange you”. The above arbitrary condition exists today, but with greater intensity.  In fact, this condition has existed in India for more than 150 years.   
9.         The media brigands, as in any other nation, played a decisive role in the previous election. What is repugnant is that the public sector TV, quite arbitrarily, contributed to the subversion of democracy in India. Everyone might have noticed in the video clippings selected and shown by the public sector TV just before the election, the “Rath Yatra” of former Home Minister in Madya Pradesh (MP) State drew very thin crowds. In sharp contrast, a Congress leader, according to the selected clippings, got huge crowds in the MP State. This conveyed the impression that the BJP was losing even in the M.P. When the votes were counted, the Congress got a few seats only in the MP Stae.  Obviously, either the electronic voting machine or the public sector TV went astray.  The system could prove or disprove this hypothesis, if it “really” wants, through the aid of the Election Commission. It is very important because, tomorrow, the above TV would undermine the interest of the present Government in a similar way. This does not mean that the TV shall directly or indirectly support the ruling parties. The UPA might have own the election even without the support from the media brigands is a different matter.
10.     This is letter No.50. A mysterious force in India is making all these letters “strange”.  However, the political philosophers say that it is slavery. They say that it is the reason for militancy. It is true that some posts, memberships and even the Prime Minister ships are given. However, they are given without any real power. The objective of the letters is that each Parliamentary Constituency or at least each State must get a reasonable share in India’s “wealth” and “seats”. For this the Members of Parliament must “have their finger in the pie”. Then, 1000 million people will not have to pay through financial institutions for the public issues in one or two States. The Members of Parliament could see whether these letters are consistent with their objective.  For this, all the letters and the facts that generated them are again sent to His Excellency the President of India.
Vellicode                                                                         Yours faithfully



The preceding letter was sent on 1-5-2005.
The Union Cabinet on the next day cancelled all privatization plans!
The Government had earlier decided to sell the shares of many PSUs after retaining 51% shares and management control. Thus, the shares of 13 PSUs selected for partial privatization would continue to remain with the Government unless the “mysterious force” acts on it with greater vigour. Thus, National Aluminium Company (Nalco), Shipping Corporation of India (SCI), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), State Trading Corporation, Engineers India, Palma Larry, National Fertilizers, Rastria Chemicals & Fertilizers, Manganese Ore India, Sponge Iron India, National Building Construction, Engineering Projects India and Hindustan Paper Corporation once again got instant life. The public sector banks were not included in the list. A Union Minister on 3 May, 2005 disclosed it in the Parliament. Is it not a wonder? However, many media brigands did not publish it. However, three days later, The Economic Times reported it.
In this connection, it must be noted that the knowledge that a letter had been sent to His Excellency Mr. Nelson Mandela had a telling effect on the Government. What ever the world leaders do, it indicated that the Government would be wary of the letters to world leaders.
A major decision taken by the present Government earlier based on the letters was the introduction of transaction tax.  It must be noted that as early as on April 14, 1865 Mr. Abraham Lincoln said that “a majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does, of necessity, fly to anarchy or to despotism”. Obviously one could notice the weakening of the “mysterious force” in India.
In another decision, the Union Cabinet deferred the proposal from the Petroleum Ministry to affect a steep increase in the prices of petrol and diesel. It was a crucial decision taken in response to the above letter. In this matter, the view that the prices should not be raised till the profits of the oil PSUs were wiped out prevailed. This was consistent with the letter No.50. The postponement confirmed that the demand of the Ministry of Petroleum was to enable private parties to mint money. The President and a few Union Ministers, apparently, must have played a crucial role in this matter.
Though it is a digression, it must be mentioned that the following letter was sent to His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General, UNO, in the fond hope that some benefits would accrue to this writer and to the Nation. Even otherwise, there was a feeling that the Secretary General, UNO, must know the plight of the 1000 million people in India.

Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167,
Email :  Phone: 04651 275520
Your Excellency,

            When the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), resorted to large-scale privatization of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in 2001, the public opinion in India remained apathetic. Therefore, this writer sent ten suggestions to him on 1 June 2001 to save the PSUs and hence the Nation. Though some highly positive steps were taken immediately, the Government relapsed to privatization due to the onslaught of the stakes (Stakes = Corporate houses that amass wealth through large scale manipulations). This led to 49 more letters to His Excellency the President of India to take on the judiciary, investigation agencies, Government and above all the news media. The letters now lead to the realization that in India, the stakes subvert democracy with the help of the media to appropriate 1000 million people.
 All letters still remain concealed. However, the letters saved India from a grave fiscal crisis in 2001. Moreover, the letters saved almost all PSUs in India. The letters, in fact, vetoed large-scale transformation of public assets into private assets through public money and manipulated money. The letters now control flight of capital, large-scale manipulations and arbitrage trading to some extent.  Above all, the letters contributed greatly to peace in India. These letters catalyzed the recent peace moves of India and Pakistan. In fact, the letters would enable any nation to make steady progress in peace and prosperity. Therefore, this work would fetch Nobel Peace Prize for this writer.
All the letters and the facts that generated these letters are sent herewith to Your Excellency in a CD under the title “How Everything Happened in India!” Your Excellency, as a nominator for the Nobel Peace Prize, may kindly consider the question of proposing this writer for the Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination would go down as a great service to humanity because these ruthlessly suppressed letters would reach all habitable places on earth thereby changing the systems everywhere.

                                                Thanking your Excellency

Vellicode                                                                                              Yours faithfully
2-5 -2005.




The Business Line on 3 May, 2005 came out with an abstract article titled “Every hero becomes a bore at last”. It appears like an insinuation for the letter No.50.  In this connection, it must be accepted that it is very difficult to continue writing like this. In fact, these letters are written with the help of the computer, books, periodicals and newspapers.  Further, the nature of the letter depends on the nature of the circumstances.
In the Parliament, the members demanded the Government to disclose the names of two senior NDA leaders who wrote a letter asking the Government to withdraw the ordinance promulgated to recover Re.803 crore from a private company. All right thinking people felt that the Government should have disclosed their names.
The General Secretary of the BSNL’S Executive Association said that a private company got benefits worth Re.7000 crore by paying Re.500 crore to the BSNL. He added that the BSNL lost another Re. 4400 core to private players all due to the Telecom Dispute Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). No one denied it. It is clear that just as the Supreme Court destroyed the Constitution of India, the TRAI destroyed the BSNL. This is the reason why the “mysterious force” is reluctant to split the PSUs and hand over them to various States. The magnitude of the manipulations going on in India could be gauged. How various wings of the Government deprive the people of their assets could be also understood.

              There was a heated discussion in the Upper House on 4 May, 2005 on militancy. The Home Minister described it as a complex problem. He said that the state Governments had been asked to distribute surplus lands on a war footing to contain militancy. In this connection, it must be noted that it is not only an era of lands but also it is an era of “shares and seats”. The people could be offered proportionate number of shares of some PSUs. As there are1000 million people, none shall be allowed to hold not more than, say, 0.01 percent of shares of any PSUs. The shares disproportionately given to any stakes shall be recalled or bought back. This would create vibrant stock exchanges in all districts. There could be, say 500, listed companies in every State besides the present 500 listed companies.. More companies could be added every year in every State. This would make the villages reverberate with life and economic activity. Now villages have no means of existence.
A definite number of seats in the IITs and NITs also could be given to the people of all districts or Parliamentary Constituencies. In this matter, India is practicing apartheid in its worst form.  If others do not deprive the people of their “assets or seats” why should anyone wage war against others?
Now, who is the real enemy of India? Can anyone say that the enemy is not within the system? The enemy is the “mysterious force” that conceals these letters. This mysterious force wants the voices of its representatives heard all over the world. This mysterious force shows the faces of its representatives in the TV screen “making the people regard as a stranger and almost as an enemy any who is not their representative”. This force believes that “ a child when first opening its eyes should see their representatives, and should be able to see nothing else until its death”. Naturally, the question of showing the faces of others in the TV screen depends entirely on the grace or disgrace of this mysterious force.
            The Union Minister for Petroleum on 5 May, 2005 declared in the Parliament that all purchases on the oil PSUs were transparent in nature. It has been proved beyond all doubts that even the defense deals are associated with huge commissions. Therefore, oil purchases also have their associated commissions. This is apparently the reason why the Union Government is not ready to delegate buying & selling to the State Governments. The delegation to the State level would lead to tremendous increase in economic activity. There will be a twenty-fold increase in the negotiating officers alone. The commission, if any, would be apportioned among larger number of people. The Union Government would be in a better position to monitor the situation. For this, everyone in the Union Cabinet must be prepared for some sacrifice. The Union Cabinet must have the power of decision also.
            In a significant ruling, a five-Judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on 5 May, 2005 held that erring companies are liable for criminal prosecution and could be punished with imposition of fine for fraud and financial irregularities. However, the Bench said that only fine could be imposed on the companies, as imprisonment could not be awarded to a company. The reason given is that the companies are only juristic and not natural persons. The majority view held “the law equally applies to actual and juristic persons. The law does not grant blanket immunity to companies if found guilty of offences”.  A judge in his concurring judgement said that in view of the large-scale financial irregularities witnessed in the country and its bad effects on the country’s economy as well on the society, it was necessary that companies should also face prosecution along with those who committed the offences. Two learned judges differed with the majority. It must be noted that the three learned judges who broke the Constitution of India from within were conspicuous by their absence in the Bench.
Further, it must be noted that the Court quite unequivocally admitted the large-scale financial irregularities that that took place in India.
 None knew who filed the above case. The media did not disclose the arguments in the case. The print media reported the judgement only. The TV did not show the faces of the learned judges although the Supreme Court building was shown as usual. The practice of showing the faces of the learned judges of the Supreme Court in the TV screen occasionally could be resumed.
            It must be noted that the Supreme Court had been ruined by some wicked judges. Now it is comparably stronger in its convictions and is growing day by day. However, only if the Supreme Court comes forward to give justice to innocent children by introducing reservation for the seats in the IITs and NITs to each Parliamentary Constituency, one would think that it is really just. It must come forward to annul some “false and wicked” judgements. Further, it is its duty to direct the Government to restore the PSUs given as spoils for joining Indian Union. In this connection, it must be noted that Cyrus the Great returned to the people of Jerusalem the valuable furniture and fittings that had been brought back to Babylon as spoils of war. It is said that those who rule must present themselves as liberators and not as conquerors of public property.

            It must be noted that, in order to deny justice, the learned judges at times keep the cases pending. The BPCL/HPCL privatization case is one such case. Apparently, this did not happen in this case.
Further, it must be noted that the judgement is consistent with the letter No.50 dated 1-5- 2005. His Excellency the President of India might have transmitted the copies of all the letters to the learned judges of the Supreme Court. The judges proved that they have no arbitrary power to give arbitrary power to anyone.
The recent decision of Air India to buy 50 aircraft from Boeing disappointed the Airbus Industries, France. Airbus attributed the deal to the growing Indo-US relations politically. Perhaps, India could prevail upon the USA to lift all visa restrictions imposed when India expressed its reluctance to send its armed forces to Iraq. Had “Air India” been privatized in 2001, India would not have been in a position to influence the USA now is another matter. The dangers of privatizing the present PSUs could be gauged.
There were reports that the privatized VSNL and Cable &Wireless of the USA reached an agreement to provide enhanced global connectivity services to Indian Corporate customers.
The Parliament on 5 May, 2005 passed the Finance Bill after exempting Small Saving Accounts from the Cash Transaction Tax. In this connection, it must be noted that this writer suggested the Transaction Tax mainly to mobilize revenue because people are dying in starvation. But, the Government said that this tax was imposed to check black money. The money once enters the bank; could be monitored even without any tax. Therefore, the transaction tax could not be construed as a measure to check black money at all. Thus the Government has made this tax an “awkward tax”.

The transaction tax could have been imposed uniformly to all transactions above Re.1000/- and for all accounts.  In order to accomplish it, the Union Government could have discussed the pros and cons of this tax openly and freely as soon as the new Government assumed charge. Further, it must be noted that only if the Governments were rich, the people would become rich. For this, money must be pumped into the economy. Obviously, the Union Government succumbed to the pressure of the backroom players in this matter.
A former Union Minister said that he was ready to face any enquiry into the sale of the public sector Hotel Juhu Centaur in Mumbai. This was his response to the remark of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India that the Hotel was given to the sole bidder. Apparently, the Hotel was purchased using bank loan. It is repugnant to the Constitution. It must be noted that the former Prime Minister and the Home Minister did not come to the support of this Minister. This conveys the impression that some of the second-generation leaders of the BJP, the media brigands and the executive were responsible for privatization. If some Union Ministers were to deprive the people of their properties like this, what would the people do? Is it difficult for a Union Minister to amass Re. 10,000 crore by selling the properties of the Union Government?
Curiously, as expected, the media brigands alone supported the Minister. Thus, some newspapers beseeched the Prime Minister to show real statesmanship by sparing the former Ministers from frivolous investigations. They added that the UPA Government was also not free from tainted Ministers.
The CAG had also said that a private company gained due to the absence of competitive tendering in the item supplied to the Defense Ministry.
The Communist Party of India (M) demanded the Government to revoke the privatization of hotels. It is the first time that the CPI (M) is demanding the Government to take back a privatized PSU. But they did not demand the Government to take back all privatized PSUs. In contrast, the BJP on 16 May, 2005 said that the party favoured an inquiry into the sale of the public sector ITDC hotels. But the Government was wary of it. This indicates that the “mysterious force”- hereafter also called “fifth force” - was responsible for the privatization carried out during the NDA rule. And this force carried out the job by utilizing the image of the former Prime Minister. Obviously, the fifth force must have placed suitable candidates in all political parties.
The Chief Election Commissioner came to Chennai in connection with the by election to two Assembly Constituencies on 6 May, 2005. He did not meet the media brigands at Chennai. In fact, he left the place without the knowledge of the media brigands.
A Union Minister on 8 May, 2005 said that corruption posed a big challenge to society and the country would not prosper until it was rooted out. In the light of the 50 letters of this writer, one would construe that the Prime Minister does not enjoy the support of many Union Ministers in the Re.5000 crore issue. No Member of Parliament is openly supporting the Prime Minister in this issue.
On 10 May, 2005 a Union Minister disclosed in Parliament that the Indian Financial institutions were investing in the stock market.
The Parliament adopted the Right to Information Bill on 12 May, 2005 with 146 amendments. The number of amendments indicated that the bill was passed in a hurry that too in a half baked condition. In a democratic country, the right to information is natural and is associated with the Constitution. Therefore, this is a needless Act. If any one were not obeying the dictates of the Constitution of India, a notification would serve the purpose. Therefore, the Act is, apparently, enacted to incapacitate the seekers of truth.
The public sector TV on 12 May, 2005 reported that the Indian Bank would come out with a public issue very soon. This would have the effect of annulling the decision taken on 2 May, 2005. Obviously, the Union Government or better the system is inflicting great wrong on its own 1000 million ignorant people. It is a time of tribulation. The silence of the Members of Parliament, despite 50 letters, is amazing.
A parcel bomb blast killed three people in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State on 13 May, 2005.
The present UPA Government, apparently, decided to enact a law to ensure the accountability of judges and discipline erring judicial officers by making some changes in the Judges inquiry Act, 1968. This must be read and interpreted in the light of 50 letters. The law might curtail the tendency of the learned judges to foist “false& wicked” judgement on the people. The law might place the judges under law. Even now they are not above law because it is the duty of the President to render justice to all.
On 15 May, 2005 the person who bought a public sector hotel at Mumbai said that a then Union Minister telephoned to the banks and asked them whether they would advance money to him to buy the hotel. One would say that this Union Minister misused his official position to favour a stake. The truth is that the Government of India illegally helped a stake to buy a PSU! The person must be a friend or relative of a Union Minister.
In this connection, it must be noted that though this writer smelt a rat in this matter, there was no proof against this Minister at that time. Now, this is the proof for this. This act of corruption is like cutting the throat of Indians.  The investigation agencies must have taken immediate action, at least after this confession. Or the present Union Government must have immediately taken action. Or, His Excellency the President of India must have asked the reason for the inaction of the Government. The fact that the present Government itself is facilitating the conversion of public funds into private assets shall not be cited as the reason for the inaction of the Government in this matter.
It must be pointed out that this revelation strengthens the hypothesis that the back room manipulators and the media brigands seized pubic assets using the name of the former Prime Minister. This revelation also shows that some senior ministers in the NDA Government were deeply involved in the manipulations without the proper knowledge of the then Prime Minister.
Further, the inaction of the Government shows that anyone who enjoys the support of the media brigands would be above law in India.
The Prime Minister of India on 16 May, 2005 said that his Government gave the weaker sections of society a new sense of belonging and ownership in the destiny of the nation. He said that he brought to the nation the economics of equity. He narrated the steps taken to empower the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, minorities, women, children, the disabled and the senior citizens. He considered this as the most important achievement of his Government. He awarded himself 60 percent on his performance.
The Prime Minister has made it a custom to talk about social justice and equity almost on a daily basis although he did not do anything to put an end to the unequal competition that blocks the students from entering the IITs and NITs.  Further, his speech gives the impression that he is willing to do everything for achieving social justice but for the “mysterious force” that stands in his way. On hearing his words, one would think that he was not instrumental in removing Re.5000 crore meant for public investment from the Indian Banking system.
 Later, a Congress leader firmly said the Prime Minister would remain in office for four more years. The leader said a decision once taken would never be reversed. The reason for such a statement was that the Members of Parliament belonging to the Congress Party itself began to doubt the credibility of the Prime Minister. They did not want him to sit in front of them in the front bench in Parliament presumably because the Prime Minister was not providing dignified leadership.
The Coordination Committee meeting of the UPA was held in New Delhi on 18 May, 2005. The deliberation must have centred round the letters of this writer. This could be gauged from the fact that a prominent leader in the UPA demanded reservation for backward communities in the IITs NITs and others.
On the same day, the former Home Minister expressed the readiness of the BJP to support the Government on any reform vital for India’s economic progress. He exhorted the Prime Minister not to depend on the Left parties for this.
On 22 May, 2005 the Prime Minister said, “The people of the country are impatient for change. We will be failing them if we do not think out of the box and act with courage. Bold initiatives are called for in the economic front. The challenge before us is to combine the economics of growth with the economics of equity”.
The Congress leader congratulated the Prime Minister for providing “dignified leadership” to the Government and for enhancing India’s prestige abroad. The leader added that his actions were louder than the words.
A newspaper on 23 May, 2005 described the Prime Minister and his friends as “                                     a star economic team”. But the paper lamented that the Public sector disinvestments had “slowed down to a crawling pace”. The paper said that everyone must be prepared for delays. This shows they would usurp all public assets if the Members of Parliament fail to take some concrete remedial measures.
The fact that the disinvestments have slowed down shows the unconstitutional nature of the policy. If the disinvestments were constitutional, the letters of this writer would not have halted the disinvestments. Now the system realizes that giving money through one hand and selling the PSUs through the other hand is out and out unconstitutional and, therefore, could not be pursued further.
It must be noted that these letters- at least temporarily- stopped privatization.
The militants on 23 May, 2005 killed six security personnel at Raipur.
On 24 May,  2005 the newspapers said that the Ministry of Finance granted permission to the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) to decrease its own holding from the present 80.12 percent to 65.12 percent and then to 51 percent. On the same day, the Prime Minister declared that reforms, perhaps meaning privatization, must be accelerated to eradicate poverty.
It could be discerned from the above that on 3 May, 2005  a Union Minister disclosed in Parliament the decision to defer the disinvestments in 13 PSUs including the SCI. Now- i.e. within a span of 20 days- the media brigands say that the Government has changed its decision! What does this mean? One would say that the history of Indians is the history of oppressed people. The system continues to keep 1000 million people as slaves for more than 150 years. What wrong did 1000 million people do? The system very cleverly deprives 1000 million people of their legitimate share in the IITs and NITs in the name of an unequal competition. The same system deprives the people of their assets in the name of a policy called reform which is not found anywhere in the Constitution.
The people in India continue to believe that they determine their destiny during elections. The truth is that the “mysterious force” never transfers the real power to the elected representatives as the executive obeys this force rather than the Government. Naturally, the amount manipulated daily runs into Re. thousands of crore. The mysterious force always apparently preserves about 10% of the Members of the Parliament at any given time. It gives Prime-minister ship, Finance-minister ship, Commerce-minister ship, Civil Aviation-minister ship, Education-minister ship, Petroleum-minister ship and if possible President ship to its own representatives only. Those who sit in the backbenches do ask some questions but are usually outwitted by the efficient articulations of these members and ministers. The same mysterious force takes care to see that the Directors in the CBI, CVC, Chairman of the NHRC, the RBI Governor and the learned judges of the Supreme Court and even the President of India play a complementary role. Naturally, the administrative, the legislative, and the judicial functions still continue to reel and roll in the hands of this mysterious force. A well-organized band of ruthless media brigands protects this system from cracking.
The Union Government and the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) on 23 May, 2005 signed an agreement for cessation of hostilities for a period of one year beginning June 1, 2005. This was a significant development. It must be assessed in the light of these letters
The President of India on 25 May, 2005 paid a visit to Russia. On that occasion both India and Russia pledged not to interfere in the internal affairs of either country. One hears these words after a very long time.
The Union Cabinet on 26 May, 2005 decided to sell 10% of the shares of the public sector Bharath Heavy Electrical Ltd (BHEL) after reserving 15% of the 10% shares to its workers. Government did it after consulting the Left parties although they voiced their opposition saying people- presumably people like this writer- would oppose it. The media brigands were very jubilant. The title of the editorial of a newspaper on 27 May, 2005 was “BHEL the cat”. The Government said that there would be wide dispersion of ownership. However, all shares would be swept to Mumbai within one or two years. It is nothing but the extremity of evil because the shares are not reserved for various States to make the sales a Constitutional one. There was no attempt to fix a ceiling for maximum holding either.
 However, today - on 27 May, 2005 - the Union Government handed over its two Textile Mills to the Government of Pondicherry. It is a positive development consistent with the letters. The only condition is it should not be a ploy to transmit them to private parties. Thus many disappointments and some pleasant surprises await the people.
In view of the decision of the Government to sell the shares of the BHEL to private parties, the letter No.51 was sent on 27 May, 2005 urgently even though His Excellency the President of India was on a four-day tour of Switzerland. Mr. Nehru was extensively quoted in this letter partly because everyone must remember the past and partly because of the fond hope that all those who possess power would hesitate to denounce his words. Incidentally, today is the death anniversary of Mr. Nehru.
Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
            Kindly consider the reasons why depriving 1000 million people of their reasonable share in India’s “assets & seats” are a Human Rights problem.
1.         On 15 May, 2005 the person who bought the Public Sector Hotel at Mumbai said that a Union Minister telephoned to the banks and asked them whether they would advance money to him to buy the hotel. This is the proof for the theory that the privatization in India was nothing but the conversion of public assets into private assets using public funds. Obviously, the Union Government illegally helped a stake to remove Re. 845 crore from a bank to deprive the people of a valuable PSU. Yet the Government has not taken back this PSU. This is because a few stakes are governing India. Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru on 13 June 1921 said, “There can also be a self Government where three or four men of the country are made Rajas and Maharajas to rule over others. I do not want such a kind of self-government, where three or four Indians or Englishmen are made our rulers to oppress us. In my opinion, every Indian who is proud of calling it his motherland should be free and should have a right to take part in the government of the country. This I consider to be self-government”
2.         The people were deprived of the public sector IPCL violating a guideline devised for privatization. The new Government has not yet taken this back. Even the President of India fails in this matter.  Nehru said, “Brothers, we cannot gain anything if you are given high posts under this Government. In the province next to UP there is an Indian Governor but the people are put to more hardships than before”.
3.         The Supreme Court has ruined the Constitution through the petrol pump case because it resulted in the subjugation of 1000 million people to a few individuals. Any judgement could be reversed, if it did not enjoy the support of the majority of the judges in the Supreme Court at any time. Yet, the Supreme Court refuses to annul it.
4.        Nehru said that the Englishmen reduced Indians to mere beasts. However, they allowed every petty shop in India to sell kerosene. Now, there is no scarcity for petrol, diesel or foreign exchange. But there is ration for kerosene! People have no freedom to sell even kerosene thereby reducing them to mere beasts! The State Governments have no power to grant petrol outlets but some private individuals do, all for amassing wealth by depriving the people of their livelihood.
5.         Mr. Winston Churchill on December 26, 1941 said that the people in England had a right to ask him any question on his governance. He said that he was proud to be the servant of the state. He added that in his country public men should be ashamed to be its masters. It must be noted that he uttered these words during the Second World War while explaining the reason for sending the army to Malaya and Libya. The Union Ministers sit in the front row in the Parliament. They shall not hesitate to give answers to the four questions on the “cash rich enterprises” because people suspect that a present Union Minister, in bad faith, deprived the people of their money.
6.         Perhaps, the Congress Members of Parliament believe that the Prime Minister, who sits in front of them, must have used the Re.5000 crore given to a private company for investments in India. Their resentment towards the Prime Minister was that he was instrumental in giving this money. Plato’s voice that subjection to the State is a matter of ethics rather than of law perhaps rings strongly in their mind.    
7.         Nehru said, “Indians cut the throats of Indians and serve the cause of the enemy”. The tragedy is that 1000 million blacks in India cut the throat of their own children by subjecting them to the unequal competition for the IITs and NITs. It is not to say that the IIT Joint Entrance Examinations are not necessary. It is only to say that this examination could be used for selecting toppers in various Parliamentary Constituencies. In South Africa the whites inflicted segregation on the blacks. Here, the 1000 million blacks themselves block the entry of majority of the blacks into the IITs. It is a heinous crime against children. It is a human rights problem. The data, if released, would speak for itself.
8.         The Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission has received all letters. Yet, he is sitting like a rock to deny human rights to 1000 million people.
9.         The Union Cabinet on 26 May, 2005 decided to sell 10% shares of the BHEL. It is out and out unconstitutional because the shares are not reserved for various States. Many kingdoms in India refused to join Indian Union fearing such asset stripping. They feared that their subjects would be reduced to mere slaves under the Indian Union. Their fears have come true! Therefore, it is not the purpose for which 1000 million people remain under Indian Union. This policy defeats the purpose of the Constitution. Even otherwise, if 1.5% shares of the BHEL could be reserved for its workers, it is preposterous to say 1.5% shares could not be reserved for a particular State. If the President of India were to permit the sale of shares in the present arbitrary method, all right thinking people would assume that the present President himself has condemned the Constitution to die!
10.       Nehru said, “Brethren, the English have maintained their rule in this country for the last 150 years by creating disunion here, by making Indians quarrel with each other. If you want to quarrel, we shall do so against our enemy who is oppressing us. Fight with him who has made a slave of you. It is your duty”. Now, the mysterious force that governs India is the real enemy of the Nation. This very strong force would defend its interests by destroying all values enshrined in the Constitution. The representatives of this force are within our ranks, even within the Parliament. If anyone could deny this, this writer is writing evil. If it weretrue, it is the duty of everyone to unite without changing even political loyalty. If all the Members of Parliament minus the representatives of the stakes unite, India would be free and a new scene would open. 1000 million people would be grateful to their elected leaders, if they were ready to see this matter through constitutional and human rights angles. Therefore, this letter No.51 is sent to His Excellency President of India along with the facts comprising twelve pages.
Vellicode                                                      Yours faithfully                                                                                                                                                        27-5-2005                                                                                                                       (V.SABARIMUTHU).



The President of India on 29 May, 2005 paid a visit to a fishing village in Switzerland. On seeing the children there, the President said, “Here the children are all in smiles. When the children are happy, the village is happy. When the village is happy, the State or the Province is happy. When the Provinces are happy, the country is happy” These words are a reflection of the letter No.51 dated 27-5-2005. However, is it sufficient? Why does the President fail to bring the Constitution on its rails?
The Prime Minister on the same day said that the Government was committed to the Common Minimum Programme (CMP) of the UPA. It is his stock reply for all letters.
On the same day, a Union Minister said that Re.1,00, 000 crore ( lakh core) was disbursed as loan to farmers during 2004-2005. During 2005-2006 this amount would increase to about Re.1,40,000 crore, he said. Besides, he said that huge amount was disbursed to students as loan. However, the Union Ministers never disclose the amount being spent to sustain shares prices daily and the amount being harvested by the listed companies through this way, all without any repayment obligation.
In the meantime, the newspapers put the total debt of Kerala State as on June 2005 as Re.45,000 crore. In this connection, it must be noted that had the foreign exchange of India been apportioned between the Centre and the States in the ratio 1:3, Kerala would have had a huge foreign exchange reserve. The State would have been that much prosperous.
A newspaper on 29 May, 2005 wanted the Government to privatize all PSUs with “ruthless” determination to eradicate poverty in India. The paper calculated the present market capitalization of the PSUs as approximately Re.4,00,000 crore ( Re. Four lakh crore).
 If the PSUs were given to private parties, he said that their market cap would soar, return of equity would rise from the present 2% to 10% and both employees and shareholders of these privatized PSUs would benefit and the economy would grow at 10.5 percent. He said that several hundred million Indians continue to suffer because of the narrow tunnel vision of the Left parties. He added that their policy is dragging everyone down to the lowest economic benchmark rather than dragging everyone including the poor and the middle class to the highest economic benchmark.
Obviously, this is the reply to the letters of this writer. The paper did not tell what the Government must do with the Re.4, 00,000 crore garnered through privatization. The well thought out plan of the paper is as follows.
1.                           What is meant by private parties is about 50 of the about 500 listed companies.
2.                           The PSUs must be sold to these companies only and not to the people, entrepreneurs in other states or to new entrants.
3.                           These 50 companies, in the initial stages would form a cartel and avail themselves of the public money from the banks as loan to buy the PSUs apportioned among them.
4.                           Later, they would offer 10 % or 15% of the shares of these companies to the public and ask the banks to buy the shares, the value of the shares would be about 500 to 1000 times greater than the net asset value. Alternatively, the banks would be asked to give money as loan to the buyers of shares.
5.                           The companies would use the amount so garnered to buy other PSUs.
6.                           In the event of dearth of funds in the banks, the Government would be asked to privatize the banks and thus all banks would go into their pocket.
7.                           The policies of the Government would be suitably changed so that these companies would show at least 100 % increase in profit every year. As a result, the share prices would soar to a new high and the market capitalization would increase tremendously.
8.                           All other funds like Provident Fund and the proceeds from privatization would have to be deposited in the privatized banks. Then the entire amount in the co-operative banks also would have to be utilized to sustain share prices.
9.                           These companies would distribute all licenses. The Government would appoint all ministers, judges and senior officers. This would speed up accumulation and centralization of capital, thereby ensuring a bright and prosperous future to all Indians!
10.                       Thus, about 50 entrepreneurs would become owners of all assets and all others would become efficient wage earners.
            It is the grand plan of the manipulators. It is clear that at least Re. four lakh crore is rotting in the banks and the Government could avail itself of this amount for the development of the infrastructure or for exploring the mineral wealth of India. The only condition is that the Government must act in good faith.
            The previous Government had permitted the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) to divert Re. 8500 crore meant for housing loan to the stock market. According to the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), the exchequer lost heavily. The HUDCO said its Board had the power to divert the money. The news came out on 29 May, 2005 when a Public Interest Petition, (PIL), was filed in the Supreme Court. What wrong did the 1000 million people do? Will anyone accept responsibility for it? Even if someone accepted responsibility, what is the use? Thus, all those who took housing loans must repay the amount with interest but the intelligent men who sold their real or imaginary shares to the HUDCO need not repay it. Do the elected representatives keep their fingers in the pie?
            In this connection, it must be noted that the UTI, which was created to play on the floor of the stock market, lost heavily due to stock market manipulations. The LIC and several banks must have also suffered some losses. Now, the HUDCO says that it knowingly diverted the money to the stock market. This shows that all financial institutions  must be debarred from spending money for sustaining share prices.. Asking the financial institutions to advance money into the stock market is unconstitutional. It takes place secretly. The manipulators suck the money from all over India. This policy has a crippling effect on the stock market because the value of the shares depends on the willingness of those in power to invest in shares. Indians lack a common future because of this policy. This money makes the leaders slaves, and the leaders in turn make the people slaves. This public money must be used for public investments or for private investments in India with a uniform obligation to repay it. When the leaders become free, the people become free.
            Due to this work, the Government found it difficult to sell the shares of the BHEL. Therefore, a newspaper put the profit after tax of BHEL as Re. 10,000 crore. Besides, it was in possession of Re.50000 crore as surplus funds. The Government wants to garner Re. 2000 crore by selling 10% of its shares! What is this? Can anyone believe this? How could such exploitations by a few groomed people take place in the glare of over 500 elected Members of Parliament that too in the year 2005 A.D.? What all the Government could do with the surplus funds of one PSU alone? 
            Now, some Indian companies were buying companies in other countries almost on a daily basis. There was a premonition that the Government of India was facilitating conversion of public funds into foreign exchange. This writer considered this as the greatest misfortune that could befall on 1000 million people. Naturally, things were going away from the hands of the President of India. Despite several letters none in India- President, political parties or individuals- are raising this matter. Letters could be written to Members of Parliament but the Parliament is not in session. If the transformation of bank funds into foreign exchange were allowed, the stakes in India would exhaust one half of the foreign exchange within one or two months. One way to stop this treachery, misrule and financial extractions is informing the plight of Indians to the world leaders.
In this connection, it must be noted that the world leaders have their own problems. They would not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries easily. But, they cannot remain immune to the plight of 1000 million people in another part of the Globe for long. They would have to express their concern to the President of India. Therefore, the following letter was sent to His Excellency the President of the USA on 30 May 2005. Similar letters were sent to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of England and to His Excellency the President of Pakistan. 

Mulagumoodu P.O. 629167

His Excellency the President of United States of America
White House

Your Excellency

51 letters addressed to His Excellency the President of India and the facts that generated these letters are sent in a CD under the title “How Everything Happened in India!” The letters would show how 1000 million people in India are reduced to mere slaves.

There is a feeling that this bit of information would lead to the emancipation of 1000 million people in the long run.

This letter is sent in good faith, as human rights recognize no borders.

                                                Thanking your Excellency

Vellicode                                                                                              Yours faithfully
30-5 -2005.


            There were reports on 1 June, 2005 that a private company would come out with a Re.300 crore public issue through book building route to fund its expansion plans. In this connection, it must be submitted that there is nothing wrong in coming out with public issues. However, as the financial institutions come under the Constitution of India, they must be debarred from buying shares directly. They must be also restrained from advancing money to buy the shares directly or indirectly. The President of India must ensure transparency in this matter. This is because the people suspect that the above company amassed thousands of crore- even in the order Re.10000 crore- through public issues from 1991 to 1996 and disappeared. The Government did not take any step to recover the money.
            The former Home Minister on 1 June, 2006 said that the Barbi Masjid demolition day was the saddest day of his life. In this connection, it must be noted that the leaders very rarely atone for their mistakes in public.
            The High Court, Delhi quashed all charges against the accused in the Bofors case. The Court said that the CBI failed to prove the case.
            The Chief Minister of Andra Pradesh, on 3 June, 2005 vetoed the sale of all temple lands in Andra Pradesh.
            Criticizing a High Court judgement a former judge of the Supreme Court quoted from the Bible: “Ye, are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?”
            On 5 June, 2005 the CPI and the CPI (M) opposed the proposed disinvestments in the BHEL. Both the parties opposed any hike in petroleum prices also. A novelty was that the TV gave great importance to their words. This could have been due to the decision of the Government to defer the disinvestments in the BHEL in deference to the letter No.51dated 27-5-2005. Otherwise, the DD would have played down their protest.
            The Government of Tamil Nadu, in the first week of June 2005, scrapped the entrance test for professional courses. The decision gave a level playing field for all students in Tamil Nadu. This is a highly commendable decision taken in good faith. This shows that good till exists and there is a way to escape from the predicament. The decision is consistent with the letters of this writer. The Government of Tamil has proved that the people have a right against exploitation. However, it could have introduced “Educational District” wise reservation to avoid tie in marks and to make the selection more equitable. The logical extension of this scheme is State- wise reservation for the IITs and IIMs. Then Tamil Nadu State would get around 300 seats in the IIT alone. Kerala would get 150 seats and so on thereby strengthening UNITY of the Nation present in the Constitution. It would never affect the quality or standard of the IITs because toppers in each state alone would enter them.
            In the meantime, a newspaper published from Delhi reported that the people of a village in Gujarat have deposited   Re.1800 crore in a local bank! 
            Some newspapers on 9 June, 2005 commended the recent decision of the Government of India, to give financial assistance to Indian companies for acquisition of companies abroad. They proudly proclaimed that India’s outward FDI stock grew from $0.6 million in 1996 to $ 5.1 billion in 2003 and it took India to 14th place in terms of outward FDI flow. None in India- political parties or individuals – opposed it.
            In this connection, it must be stated that the Government   has no absolute power over public deposits in the banks and over the foreign exchange. The Constitution of India limits its power. The permission arbitrarily granted to remove the deposits from the Indian banks and allowing the money to be converted into dollar is out and out unconstitutional. In the words of Mr. Nehru it is like cutting the throat of 1000 million people. That this is happening even after 51 letters makes this all the more serious. In fact, it is nothing but rank betrayal. An analogy could be found in some countries where oligarchies in the past were always selfish and cruel.  It is the paramount duty of the President of India to veto the present conversion of public money into private assets abroad.           
In this connection, it must be noted that when a stake buys a company abroad, he clears the apprehension of the people of the host country by saying that the nature of the company would not undergo any change. The workers would not lose any job. Workers from India would not be imposed save one or two individuals for initial guidance. The profits would not be repatriated to India but reinvested in the host country only. Even the nomenclature in many cases would not undergo any change. The ownership alone would change. Will the people of India get anything in return? Should 1000 million people in India pay their deposits and the foreign exchange earned by them to the stakes as tribute to buy assets abroad?
            Further, some great men say that the bank funds are for similar banking purposes. It must be noted that the total debt of Kerala is Re.45,000 crore (Re.Forty five thousand crore).  Assuming that the interest rate is 7%, Kerala will have to pay back about Re.90,000 core (Re.Ninety thousand crore) in 10 to 15 years to clear its debt. In direct contrast, if a stake is permitted to convert the Re.45,000 crore- removed from the Indian banking system as loan- into $ 1000 crore, he will have to pay back less than Re.45000 crore in 10 to 15 years due to the depreciation of the Indian currency. Alternatively, if Kerala State were permitted to park $1000 crore abroad today, it could pay Re.3000 crore as interest in Indian currency, without spending a paise from its own pocket! Speaking still clearly, if a portion of the foreign exchange were given to or apportioned among the States, all States in India could utilize the money paid as interest-in the case of Kerala Re.3000 crore for every year- for poverty alleviation measures or for developmental purposes. In other words all States in India would become free from debt from tomorrow onwards! This is really the mystery of economics!
            One would say that the Indian currency would not depreciate. The truth is that as soon as the entire foreign exchange is removed in this way, the media brigands would discuss the pros and cons of devaluation and succeed in devaluing Indian currency by 50%. Alternatively, in the event of hardening of Indian currency, the media brigands would demand the Government to spare the stakes from repayment obligations, saying hardening of the Indian currency was not envisaged by anyone.
            Are the corporate houses in India not free to buy assets or companies abroad? They are 100% free to buy provided they do not take the money of 1000 million people who die in starvation. In other words public money must be distinguished from private money. They could avail themselves of the loan facilities in the host countries, World Bank or other international financial agencies for this purpose.
            Are the corporate houses in India not free to take their profits to other countries? The Constitution of India might permit it, provided they furnish a no due certificate from the banks and other financial institutions in India. The act of diverting the foreign exchange earned by them to buy assets abroad is a different matter.
            Is it not a narrow-minded attitude? Never. This is not a narrow-minded policy at all. The conversion of public assets into private assets by a few individuals is against the Constitution of India. This policy breeds corruption, militancy and regionalism. This policy corrupts the politicians, destroys democracy and reduces the people into slaves. 
            Not withstanding everything, if the Government wanted to hand over the foreign exchange to enable some one to buy assets abroad, a portion of the foreign exchange could be given to others including this writer. The assets purchased could be pledged as security.
            The G-7 countries are writing off the debt of many African countries. If the Government of India were ready to clear the debts of the States in India using the foreign exchange, they would very gladly give old age pension to all and undertake huge development activities.
            Coming back, is the Prime Minister of India oblivious of this elementary economics? If a person who studied chemistry could write this, what all the Prime Minister of India could do? The truth is that the Prime Minister, apparently, knows everything. That is why he, as soon as meeting the President of India after assuming power, asked the stakes not to utilize him as the cheque-spinning machine. As things take place with his knowledge, he is constantly and continuously intriguing against the Constitution, Nation and 1000 million inhabitants to amass Re. thousands of crore. If the Prime Minister of India could deny this, this writer need not write these letters at all.
            Can the Prime Minister of India stop these manipulations? It is not at all easy. It is said that the leaders could lead their people to happiness or to disaster. The Prime Minister could either veto the conversion of public money into private assets abroad or he could encourage the same. The former option would lead to happiness but the latter option would lead to disaster. The Prime Minister cannot continue as Prime Minister of India even for 24 hours if he were to choose the former option because the stakes would not hesitate to use even ribald language against him. In fact, it is their most sensitive place.
It must be noted that when his predecessor decided to utilize the surplus deposits in the banks for public investment, the media brigands described him as “whale” on 25 June, 2001. Neither did the stakes allow him to sleep for two days nor did they allow him to talk in the Economic Advisory Council. It could be discerned from these letters. Later, on 4 February, 2002 they threatened to engineer a crisis to the Nation. If a Prime Minister with a mass base could not withstand the onslaught of the stakes for two days, would the present Prime Minister withstand them for 24 hours? This is the reason why his actions do not care for others and hence lead the people to disaster.
            In this connection, it must be noted that the Prime Minister of India does not enjoy the support of Members of Parliament. However, the future alone would prove or disprove this hypothesis. What all the people expect the Government to do for this miserable country is to bring the Constitution on its rails, annul all unconstitutional decisions and take other necessary actions in good faith.
            Now, the people of France rejected the European Union Constitution. There was a feeling that they did the right thing. As the experience with the Constitution of India might remain as an eye opener, the following letter was sent to the President of France on 9 June, 2005.


Mulagumoodu P.O. 629167 Email:


Mr. Jacuous Chirac

His Excellency the President of France


Your Excellency

51 letters addressed to His Excellency the President of India and the facts that generated these letters are sent in a CD under the title “How Everything Happened in India!” The letters would show how 1000 million people in India are being reduced to mere slaves.
This bit of information would lead to the emancipation of 1000 million people in the long run.
This letter is sent in good faith, as human rights recognize no borders.

The Indian Experience with a Constitution shows:
1.      Ambitious men usually pull down well-framed Constitutions.
2.      Men intrigue against the Constitution and the Nation to seize power.
3.      The media defeat the purpose of the Constitution.
4.      There would be no power of positive decision and those who possess power would act in bad faith to the detriment of the society
5.      All those who are expected to protect the Constitution including the courts would give different interpretations in private interest.
6.       Non-implementation of the provisions of the Constitution would lead to flight of capital and economic deprivation.
7.      Money would be siphoned off through financial institutions and through middlemen.
8.      All solemn assurances given at the time of framing the Constitution would become words without meaning.
9.       The people would be reduced to mere slaves.
Not withstanding everything, unity is very good. However, when some States join to form a Nation, some States stand to gain at the expense of others. Such a gain must be abhorred. Therefore, unity based on trust and understanding but without a written Constitution would do wonders.
                                                Thanking your Excellency

Vellicode                                                                                              Yours faithfully
                                                                                                                                                                                    9-6-2005                                                                                    (V.SABARIMUTHU).

            On the same day a letter - similar to the one sent to the President of USA- was sent to the President of Russia.
                 On 10 June, 2005 there were reports that  a Korean steel company would sign an agreement with the Government of Orissa for a mine to export 600 million tonne steel per year. In this connection, it must be pointed out that the Union Government or the President of India could permit it provided there is dearth of funds or lack of knowhow in India to undertake such extraction. The common man believes that both are available in plenty in India. Therefore, Government invites foreign companies in bad faith. All actions taken in bad faith are unconstitutional in nature. Apparently, some stakes want to convey the message that just as foreign companies come to India with their money, Indian companies are taking Indian money abroad. Thus the stakes want to make everything complicated. Any one could discern that ground under the feet of the President of India is slipping away.
            On 13 June, 2005 the President of Pakistan said that the people of both countries wanted peace. On the next day he said that he wanted to solve the problem during their tenure meaning his tenure and the tenure of the present Prime Minister of India. On 19 June, 2005 he said that the people of the two countries had overtaken the leadership in their desire for peace. He wanted to grasp the peace opportunity lest the future generation would not forgive them.
            On the same day a powerful bomb blast killed fifteen people including two school children and three soldiers in the J& K State.
            Again, on the same day, accepting the invitation of the Russian President, a  leader of the Congress party paid a four-day visit to Russia. There were reports that the leader traveled in a plane belonging to a private company. Some newspapers on 17 June, 2005 justified it saying that many other leaders had been using the planes of private companies. The message was that the corporate houses and the political leaders care for one another and they exist for one another. In this connection, it must be noted that according to some reports a former Prime Minister was forced to board a plane belonging to the above private company when he went to the Bangalore airport to catch a plane to New Delhi.  
            The President of India on 14 June, 2005 asked the Governors not to take any partisan stand lest the people might hesitate to approach them with their suggestions and problems.
            A group of experts appointed by the Government gave a recommendation to form an independent Board to run each PSU. According to the recommendation, the management of the PSU should be accountable to the Board and not to the ministry. The recommendation is consistent with the suggestion of this writer that the Union Ministers should not carry out anything directly but must be effective supervisors.  However, the Constitution of India must always bind all PSUs.
            The High Court, Madras defended the abolition of common entrance test (CET) for professional courses saying that when a system affected majority of the students, the Government, as a guardian must take remedial action. The learned judge added that urban students cornered maximum number of seats in higher education, because their parents were able to spend more money for giving them extra coaching. It must be noted that the observation of the learned judge was consistent with the letters of this writer. It was the success of the constructive forces over destructive forces. It must be noted that the Government must act in good faith to take such decisions. Other judges in the High Courts and Supreme Court, the Union Government and the President of India must also abide by this observation.
            In the meantime, there were reports that the National Judicial Academy decided to conduct a three-day refresher course to the learned judges of the Supreme Court. This is consistent with this work.
            On 18 June, 2005 two brothers amicably split their Re.100000 crore companies into two. The stamp duty paid was not mentioned. A Union Minister welcomed it taking into account the welfare of the shareholders.
            On 18 June, 2005, the private petrol dealers struck work demanding more profit margins. However, the State owned companies did not participate in it. Why is this anomaly? Did the dealers give Re.30 lakh each to start petrol outlet? The President of India alone knows the truth.
            On 19 June 2005, the Indian Overseas Bank dropped its plan to bring down Government holding from 61.23 percent to 51 percent through global depository receipts (GDR) route by raising $120 million. No reason was given for the retraction of the policy. None other than this writer had opposed it. On the same day, the Left parties wanted the Prime Minister to shelve the plan to sell 10% shares of the BHEL.
            In view of the large-scale transformation of public funds into private assets abroad, the following letter No.52 was sent to His Excellency the President of India on 22 June, 2005.

Thattankonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu, 629167
His Excellency the President of India
Presidential Palace, New Delhi
Your Excellency
      Kindly consider the reasons why the system that works in bad faith is the worst of all.
1.     The newspapers on 9 June, 2005 reported that the Governor, RBI, has, granted permission to the corporate houses to convert bank funds into foreign exchange to buy assets abroad. The RBI Governor has taken this arbitrarily decision without any discussion or debate.  It is, apparently,  due to an understanding between some leaders - including the Prime Minister- and the stakes. This is the real cause for economic deprivation, poverty, militancy and regionalism.  It is out and out unconstitutional because to give or not to give money depends upon the nature of the Government. A Government that serves the money would give money. In contrast, a Government that serves the people would never give money. It is against article 38, Directive Principles, Forty-fourth amendment and Preamble. It is the paramount duty of the President of India to veto it, lest the entire foreign exchange would go as tribute within days.
2.        Re.5000 crore was given to a private company thanks to a foul understanding reached between the Prime Minister and the private companies long before the General Election. However, if the Union Cabinet had given the money after a well thought out decision, any criticism against the Prime Minister might go down as an unjust one. Therefore, whether the money was given at the instance of the Prime Minister or not could be made known.
3.          The sale of the shares of the BHEL, apparently, has been deferred. One reason for this could be that if the Government were not free to sell the shares to its own privileged people, it would not sell the shares at all. If money were the motive behind selling the shares of the BHEL, the Government could apportion the shares among various States.
4.         The letters would show that an important PSU was sold by reason of a deep-rooted foul understanding of some of the Union Ministers in the NDA Government, some Ministers and leaders in the UPA Government, RBI Governor,  learned judges in the Supreme Court, CBI Director, Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC), Chairman, National Human Rights Commission with the owner of a  private company. Therefore, it must be taken back immediately.
5.         The IPCL was given to a private company due to a similar sinister understanding. According to Gaya Pratap Singh v. Allahabad Bank case (AIR 1955 SC 765, Gopalan v. State of Madras, 1950, S.C.R. 88), case, if part of a provision in the Constitution were found to be invalid, the validity of the remaining part need not be affected. This doctrine could have been extended to the guideline followed for sanctioning petrol outlets. In the petrol pump case, the learned judges refrained from asking the Government to devise a better guideline. Naturally, as soon as the judgement was delivered, a private company invited application from all over India for petrol outlets. Therefore, the Government is duty bound to take back the IPCL immediately.
Various kingdoms in India surrendered their rights- including commercial interests- to the Union Government. It is nothing but breach of trust to hand over this right to private parties of other regions. The Government must endeavor to honour all assurances given to the people and various kings at the time of framing the Constitution. The Government could even think of establishing separate hierarchies of State Courts, as in the USA, if the Supreme Court were likely to act in bad faith.
6.         The four questions regarding the “cash rich” enterprises remain unanswered because of similar understanding in the higher level.
7.         The old age pension is the only poverty alleviation measure that reaches the targeted people directly. In order to prevent the starvation deaths of old people, there must be a ten-fold increase in the beneficiaries of old age pension scheme. This writer is repeating this again and again not to become a hero or Good Samaritan. If there were any doubts, the individuals dying in starvation in the relatively rich village of this writer for want of Re.200 or Re. 300 per month could be identified. The Government on one side refuses to give old age pension to these people and on the other side discourages international agencies from supplying wheat or milk powder to them. In the Chandra Bhavan Boarding and Lodging Bangalore Vs The State of Mysore and others,(1970, 2 S.C.R.600),case, the Supreme Court said that the hopes and aspirations aroused by the Constitution will be belied if the minimum needs of the lowest of the citizens were not met.
8.         Responding to the agitation launched by the PMK and the DMK parties, the Government of Tamil Nadu Sate has scrapped the entrance test for professional courses to give a level playing field to the students. The PMK and the DMK are constituents of the Union Cabinet. Yet, the Union Government has not implemented even State-wise reservation for admission to the IITs.
9.       Anyone could see that the system has been subverted through a mere understanding between some political leaders, judges, officials and the media brigands. As per the Kesavanand Bharti v. State of Kerala (19730 4SCC 225) case, every word in the Constitution should be given the plain common sense meaning. The act of ignoring the articles advantageous for the people on one side and implementing the articles that keep the people under chains on the other side is very harmful. Obviously, anyone could discern that in all the above matters the system is acting in bad faith. By acting in bad faith, the system is seeking to deny basic human rights and jeopardize freedom. Surely, a system that works in bad faith is the worst of all.
10.         This is letter No. 52. It gives great pain to write like this. However, imagine the plight of the people without this letter No.52! Will the stakes leave any foreign exchange? When a citizen talks of misrule, treachery and financial extractions, the President must be in a position to deny the same. As per the Principles of Harmonious Construction everyone must ensure smooth and harmonious operation.  It is the duty of the Prime Minister to inform all decisions of the Government to the President. However, it is said that the king is the first servant of the people. Therefore, President shall not hesitate to tell - through competent authorities or media - whether his Government acts in good faith or bad faith. If it were not done, it would disturb the entire world because people would begin to think that the Constitution is for slavery and not for salvation.
Vellicode                                                                              Yours faithfully

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