Saturday, November 6, 2010




          An industrialist on 31 October 2010 disclosed that his company was in possession of over $ 3 billion as on 30 September 2010. This was part of the profit from a gas reserve. Another industrialist also said that he was getting a huge profit from an oil well.
The Government has not quantified their real income. The nature of their investments in other countries also is not known.
          Despite this work, the ruler of India gives this much money to about ten people. She gives Right to Information Act, Right to Education Act, and Right to Employment Act besides gratis like food grains and houses to all others.  She proclaims that due to her ability the Upper House had passed a Bill for the reservation of seats for women in Parliament.
          In the economic front, the Government has no money to give a decent salary even to the President of India.  It has no money to fill up regular vacancies in the Government or for public investments. In fact, it is borrowing money for day to day expenses. At times, it is borrowing money from the World Bank.
In the past, a Union Government had pledged even the gold reserves in England.
The Government does not possess even $1 billion as surplus money. The various State Governments do not possess even $1 million as surplus money.
Now, it is selling Government properties or its shares. The Government would fall, if it could not sell the shares of a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) on 8 November 2010.

But a boy is in possession of over $ 3 billion as liquid cash. He possesses this even after buying many assets in India and abroad. In fact, he does not know where to invest his money.
This shows that the submission of a boy in the Supreme Court that his brother was getting a profit of over $16 billion per year must be a correct one. If he had inflated the amount to win the case, the Supreme Court would have punished him.  
How does this happen?
About ten people in India have been instituting the Union Government with the help of their media wing. Naturally, they secured the right to exploit the natural assets, including the spectrum, through auction or licenses. They did not reveal the real potential of these assets.
In order to exploit these assets, they needed money. For this, they directed the Government to invest the money - in the public sector financial institutions - in the shares of their companies. The public also invested a small amount in shares. Thus for investments, they got money without any interest payments. They could ensure adequate return to the money because they knew that there were unlimited natural assets. As a result, their revenue started increasing.
  In order to invest their profit, they dissuaded the Government from exploiting natural assets. For this, they propounded the theory that the Government should not do business. The Government gradually shelved many public investment plans. The Government withdrew from some others.
Then they wanted the Government to part with the assets in its hands. Thus they cornered some mines.
On 1 June 2001 the present writer gave 10 suggestions to the then Prime Minister of India. The action taken by him disturbed them. They quickly extracted a judgment from the Supreme Court. This judgment placed economic policy beyond judicial review. As a result, some more assets went into their hands.
Naturally, their revenue increased by leaps and bounds.  As they did not get sufficient assets within India mainly due to this work, they invested their surplus money all over the world and in numbered accounts.
They then asked the Government to scrap the pension scheme and put the money in their companies. 
Their strength increased to such an extent that China achieved its economic and strategic objectives through them. China even gave a loan of $12 billion to a boy in India.
They are ready to do anything to enjoy this. They are ready even to kill thousands of people.
However, their ability to manipulate the system got a blow when the armed forces lighted fire as in Chapter-135. This saved thousands of human lives. At the same time, this unnerved the ruler.
 The people should not know everything mentioned above. Therefore, they deny FREEDOM to Indians. This is the real reason behind the denial of FREEDOM to Indians. This writer began to realize this only gradually and now it is clear. This must be the emerald mentioned in Chapter 56.
     Evidently, they deny FREEDOM not because of the thinking that this writer would become the Prime Minister of India tomorrow but because of the thinking that this work would inhibit their ability to remove public assets.
     The political leaders willing to expose this are very rare because the media is keeping their weak points –public and private. They are even shadowing the army officers. Anyone exposing the real nature of the system would lose one thing or other.
However, the former Prime Minister of India, Sri. A.B. Vajpayee, must be an exceptional political leader. The moment he realized that he was heading a Government instituted by about ten men, he decided to quit politics. He proclaimed –Chapter 50- that he would embrace death rather than allowing his name to be maligned. He simply refused to be attracted by the impermanent and quit politics for good.
Some people would question the above conclusion. They could meet the former Prime Minister to accept or reject the conclusion.

The ruler on 31 October 2010 paid floral tribute to her mother-in-law and former Prime Minister of India. The people all over India watched it. The ruler had been living in the house of her grand-mother since her marriage. If she had uttered one or two appropriate words on one or two appropriate occasions, her life would have been saved.
The standing Committee Member of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Zhou Yong Kang, called on the ruler and the General Secretaries/Presidents of several political parties on 1 October 2010. He told them that development was the sole core interest of China. He requested them to consider the development of China as an opportunity rather than a threat to India. The media did not publish the reaction of the political leaders.
In this connection it must be noted that China has been achieving its economic and strategic objectives through the ruler and through some back room players. Now it is contacting even the leaders of small political parties.
After penetrating deep into the Indian system, China moved its armed forces inch by inch without taking even a gun. This is like the ruler deploying the Chinese forces around the neck of the Indians forces. As the ruler did not utter any word against this, she committed a treasonable offence. She has successfully converted India into a vassal of China is another matter.
Nepal said that it would not allow anti -China activities. This shows that all the peripheral countries of India are now loyal to China rather than to India.
The ruler on 2 November 2010 addressed the All India Congress Committee (AICC) meeting. She did not utter any word in favour of the FREEDOM of the people. The dominant theme of her speech was abuse of religion. In which way it is relevant today is known to her only. However, it must be noted that Mussolini had captured power only by attacking the clergy.

A van driver abducted two school going children for money. Then he panicked. There was no one to give him good advice. He pushed them into a canal when they were washing their hands after taking lunch. The police later recovered their body.
The children, perhaps, did not suspect the van driver. They did not commit any offence. Yet they did not get FREEDOM even to cry.
When arrested, the van driver wanted to see his 11 month old child.
Within two days another boy was abducted for money. The boy was rescued and the abductors captured. Both incidents occurred in the Tamil Nadu State in this week. The people are endlessly discussing the gravity of the crime committed by the abductors.
The present writer had compared the removal public assets to abduction of children – Chapter 48.
The ruler and the learned judges of the Supreme Court have the FREEDOM to go through 159 letters in a span of nine years. In fact, no ruler or court in any country would have gained this much knowledge from a citizen. Yet, 1000 million people are not getting FREEDOM even to cry under the present Supreme Court and the ruler. 
Now there are three options before the learned judges of the Supreme Court and the ruler. They are:
 1. Ruling the country by enforcing FREEDOM of expression.
2. Ruling the country without giving FREEDOM and removing the public assets.
3. Ruling the country without giving FREEDOM but by recovering all public assets.

It is said that the demons are attracted by the impermanent.

     The facts from 31 October 2010 to 2 October 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 3 November 2010.


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