Friday, November 19, 2010




          The President of the USA came to India on 6 November 2010. In a meeting in Mumbai many importers shared the dais with him. All importers must be directed to obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Indian industries.
          Further, the State Governments do not maintain any foreign exchange account. But a few industrialists do. This shows that the rulers are not the true representatives of the people.

The Union Government on 9 November 2010 arbitrarily sold 20 per cent shares of the public sector Power Grid Corporation of India. This time, the Government did not give much publicity to this. However, the Government reiterated its decision to sell the shares of other Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) one by one at a regular interval of 16 days. The political leaders and the leaders of the Trade Unions did not talk anything. In fact, there was no public opinion for or against this. This shows that the ruler of India is acting harmfully without the consent of the people.

          A political leader on 9 November 2010 predicted in the Indian Parliament that China might attack India at any time. He added that China was occupying an inch of Indian Territory every day.
          The ruler of India should have openly asked the neighbouring countries not to give any naval bases to China. She should have done this without expecting any result. They might have defied her is a different matter.  In this matter, she did not do her duty.
          Similarly, the ruler should have openly asked China not to establish naval bases around India. China might have ignored this is a different matter. She should have done her duty without being attached to the fruits of her activities. However, in this matter also, she did not do her duty.
          Thus, the silence of the ruler had the effect of deploying the Chinese forces against the Indian forces. In fact, while China was fast establishing naval bases, the ruler asked the Indian forces to conduct joint military exercises with China.
The above odd behavior cannot be noticed in the leaders of other countries. This happens in India because the manipulators dragged her to politics for achieving their objectives.
          577 civilians, 260 security force personnel and 137 militant people were killed from 1 January 2010 to 8 November 2010. The Union Government informed this in Parliament on 9 November 2010.  If the armed forces had not lighted fire as in Chapter 135, not less than 10000 people would have died in this year alone.        
In this connection, it must be reiterated that about 10 people remove the public assets. This is against all provisions of the Constitution of India. Yet, the Supreme Court (SC) allows this because it does not recognize the Constitution of India as the supreme authority. However, the militant people use force to prevent this. This is the inference of the people sitting away from the jungles.
Who is standing for justice? Is it the Supreme Court or the militant people? All right thinking people would tell that the militant people -and not the Supreme Court – want to establish justice in India.

          The Indian Air Force (IAF) did not kill any militant people although helicopters were being used to help the paramilitary forces. The IAF disclosed this on 9 November 2010. The nation does not realize the significance of the action of the armed forces is a different matter.
          In this connection, it must be stated that the moment the armed forces lighted fire the Union Government should have resigned.

          Now the media is giving vent to its pent up anger against the armed forces. Thus, The New Indian Express - in a centre page article – on 7 November 2010 said:
1.     Unlike in Pakistan and Bangladesh, no Indian General wanted to access political power.
2.     No Indian General wanted to become the military dictator of India.
3.     The army officers –under the influence of whiskey- view the political leaders with contempt.
4.     However, even during the period of Emergency the Army did not take any interest in running the country.
5.     This is due to an unspoken social contract between the Indian Army and the people.
6.     The people give respect to the Indian Army. The Army, in turn, guarantees   the security and integrity of India.
7.     The army had been used for fighting insurrections in Nagaland, Mizoram, Punjab and Kashmir.
8.     When the Army demands pay revision, it usually gets its own way.
9.     In 1962, China thrashed India.  The people believed that the politicians had lost the war but the brave Indian soldiers had done their best.
10.               The army sometimes appears to live in a state within a state.
11.               Corruption has spread in India. Even the civil servants and lower judiciary are tainted.
12.               The people could tolerate kickbacks in arms deals and scandals in canteen purchases because it is restricted to Army itself.
13.               In the Adarsh Housing Society scandal the Army is encroaching into the civilian space.
14.               Senior Army officers are seen conniving with politicians, bureaucrats and contractors to make millions.
15.               Now there is a cynical abuse of the social contract because senior officers grabbed flats in the name of Kargil martyrs.
16.               The Army Chief spoke about his resolve to cleanse his force but he is not grasping the seriousness of the situation.
17.               It is not a question of ‘a few bad apples’.
18.               Army Generals are exploiting the regard the people have for their heroism.
19.               Hereafter, the press will begin looking critically at the Army as and when such instances come to light.
20.               The politicians will have an excuse to delve deep into the workings of the officer corps.
21.               The people also would support them.
22.               The social contract would not survive.
23.               The image of the Army will not recover.
24.               The perfect balance built between the Army and the Indian people will topple over.
25.               So the Army must urgently crack down on corruption, identify the guilty men and act swiftly against them.
26.               It must do so now. Tomorrow will be too late.
In this connection, it must be stated: 1.The media is attacking the armed forces only because they lighted fire.
2. But for this work, the media would have gone beyond this.
3. The media exposed the Housing Society scandal only to curtail the role of the armed forces to prevent the manipulations.  This is the reason why the media considers the acts of corruption in canteen purchases more dangerous than the removal of the public assets by about ten people.
4. The media must have some more scandals to fix the Army Officers.
5. Unlike the armed forces of Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Indian armed forces are a heterogeneous one. Therefore, no Army General could easily become the military dictator of India.
6. However, the armed forces could force the Government to take over public assets for the welfare of 1000 million people.
7. After lighting fire the armed forces should have taken the first step badly needed to establish justice in India. Then the 1000 million people would have noticed the armed forces with curiosity.
8. For this, the armed forces could have forwarded the letters of this writer to Her Excellency the President of India, the learned judges of the SC, senior military officers and the Government. Now, it is all a question of getting ten men in the SC, armed forces and Government put together.
9. Alternatively, the armed forces could have requested the SC to tell the reason why the public assets should not be taken over for public welfare.
10. The armed forces could have taken any other step to establish justice in India.
Renouncing the fruits of action, the armed forces must contribute their share to establish justice in India. The media would try to implicate the Army Officers in one case or other. They must have many other weapons in their armory.

The Union Government now decided to borrow $2.96 billion from the World Bank (WB) for road projects. The Government hands over the revenue from the natural assets to ten people. At the same time, it borrows money from the WB. This shows that the representatives of the people are not ruling the country. 

The arbitrary nature of the 2G spectrum allocation resulted in loss of over $39 billion to the exchequer.   The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) said this in a report submitted to the Government on 10 November 2010.
On the next day, the Union Government submitted in the SC that the CAG had no authority to question the policy decision of the Government.
The Government, further, said that the 2G spectrum was allocated based on the norms devised by the NDA Government in 1999. The CAG had said that the NDA Government had committed fraud in spectrum allocation. The media at that time concealed this because the guidelines were to their advantage.
The SC should have cancelled the spectrum allocation in 1999. Instead, the SC perpetrated the so called fraud through the BALCO judgment. Thus the SC built a system under unconstitutional principles.
Instead of pointing out the BALCO judgment, the Union Government and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had been seeking more time to probe the 2G spectrum allocation. The SC, in turn, had been giving time to the CBI to come out with a plan to protect the Prime Minister.
 Now, the Government says that that the CAG has no power to question the policy decision. Thus the Government indirectly says that the SC has no power to question the policy decision of the Government.
The message of the stand taken by the Government is that it was the SC that perpetrated fraud on the Constitution of India through the BALCO judgment and not the Government.
Evidently, the Government refuses to give even one square inch of space to the people.
Why did the present Government follow the 1999 norms?
If the Government had not followed the 1999 guidelines, about ten people alone would have been benefitted. Now - conceding the demands of various pressure groups - the Government added three or four more manipulators. The existing de-facto rulers hesitate to admit them in their club.
As the Prime Minister of India is involved, the SC would try to wriggle out from this case. However, it has two options before it. 1. Allowing the Government –consistent with the BALCO judgment - to apportion the public assets among ten people. 2. Cancel the 2G spectrum allocation consistent with the 7 May 2010 judgment.
The people expect the SC to obey the Constitution of India –without ill will or good will - in this matter and take over all natural assets.
For this the SC must act by renouncing the fruits of action. The learned judges might have to sacrifice post retirement positions.   
It is said that there is nothing better than the renunciation of the fruits of action.
The facts from 3 November 2010 to 12 November 2010 are being submitted to Her Excellency the President of India on 13 November 2010.


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