Tuesday, July 12, 2016




          A leader of a political party, on 7 July 2016, said that the three trucks detained recently in the Tamil Nadu state contained not Re.570 crore but over Re.5000 crore.
          The Supreme Court of India did not rebut his statement!
          The Government of India, on 7 July 2016, decided to sell its holdings in the 51 private companies.
          The Government invested public money in many private companies. If there is freedom, the Supreme Court of India would attach all such companies.
          It, further, decided to invest a part of the Provident Fund (PF) into the stock market.
          All companies that receive this money belong to the government.

A bench of the Supreme Court of India, on 8 July 2016, said that the armed forces are not expected to use excessive power in Tripura. The court added that the people have certain rights.
Many people are being killed in fake encounters. According to one report, 1528 fake encounters occurred in Tripura alone in the last 20 years. But these are not being reported as and when they happen.
16 writ petitions have been filed – in this connection- in the Supreme Court of India in the last 5 years.
The court does not report violent protests of the people.
It does not report peaceful demands for freedom.
We have given freedom to the people to post their views in any blogs. If anyone wants to air his views through the TVs, he must own them. Or he must earn the trust of their owners.
The owners of the TV channels and the newspapers have the freedom to deny freedom. The court has no power to interfere in their rights. It has no power to protect the rights of the people to know news and views according to degree. This is what the court says.
Evidently, the court exists to cheat the people of their assets, seats and rights.

The Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, on 10 July 2015, said that Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi is trying to reconstruct the economy. He added that he is the hope of the nation.
Apparently, he says that he inherited a flawed economy.
But his Government made it worse. It simply cheats the people of their assets and rights.
A citizen of India repeatedly says this. But neither does the Government correct its ways nor does it allow the people to know this.
This is the sign of a lower level of existence.
This condition exists in Great Britain too. Yet it refuses to remove this from its system.
This is letter No. 515
This letter is being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com  on 12 July 2016.

12 July 2016.

V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode, Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India. 

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