Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi, on 2 June 2015,
requested the people to judge him based on the actions taken by him.
He assured that he would uplift the
social and economic condition of 125 crore people.
He said the above spurred on by the
instinct of self-preservation.
The Government enacted an
unconstitutional law for recruiting judges.
It handed over the public resources
to the private parties.
It virtually made China the
sovereign of India.
It imports many things purely for commission.
It extracts money and hands over it
to a few private parties.
These are the major decisions of
the present government.
Naturally, the people judge him
based on the above decisions.
He is not ready to give a straight
Instead, he wriggles into and out
of every hole.
The people think that the new
judges would never speak the truth.
The consequences are disastrous.
Further, if he could take away one
mine, he could alienate the rest.
He now diverts 15 per cent of the Provident Fund to stock market.
This shows that he can divert the
entire amount.
China says that there is commission
for telecom equipment..
Therefore, the people guess that
all the rest are imported for Commission only.
The imports for commission play
havoc with the life of the people.
The people moan that China wants to
make in India what the Indians had been making.
The Income Tax Officers descend on
the middle class.
The officers have been almost doubled
in this department alone.
They refuse to uplift the middle
Seldom have the people known that
he rules the nation under the power of darkness.
He comes across this work, by
virtue of his position.
He knows the action taken by the
President of India.
It is his responsibility to share
this knowledge with his people.
But he does not.
After concealing this work, he
cannot speak the truth.
But it is imperative that he must
speak the truth.
Why is it so important?
Then only, the commission for
buying would be curtailed.
There would be no imports for free
The invaded public resources would
be restored.
The people would taste Freedom.
What is he going to gain by
concealing this work from the people?
Will he give a straightforward answer?
is letter No.381
This email is being submitted to
His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of India, Chief Vigilance
Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and posted in the
blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 4 June 2015
V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode,
Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India.
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