Former Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) alleged that a hidden hand was controlling the mind of lawyer Prasant Bhusan appearing for the NGO Common Cause. He submitted this before the Supreme Court of
India on 16 March 2015.
What he meant by ‘hidden hand’ is
the ruling class- mentioned in Chapter 337.
The same hand exploits the pliant
nature of the Supreme Court of India to subdue its own will to enforce freedom
of expression. Otherwise, the people might have got the message of this work
long ago.
Curiously, the court did not want
to know the nature of the hidden hand.
The Supreme Court of India, on 17
March 2015, quashed the decision of the Union Government to include the Jats in the quota for the Other Backward
Classes (OBC) category.
It is a ticklish problem.
Therefore, the court could have considered the suggestions given by this man earlier in this work.
Further, there are reports about
malpractices during examinations. Therefore, all selected Class I officers must
be screened through another examination.
Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi failed to live up to
the expectations of the people.
His brother, Mr. Prahlad Modi, said this on 17 March 2015.
Prahlad Modi
is an M.P. He belongs to the BJP.
The prime minister believes that the
people must hear the words of his brother. Therefore, his words became all
India news.
In fact, the people hear the words of
the relatives of the present political leaders. It is the only qualification of
many political leaders.
This work shows that this writer is a
very important person in India. Yet the prime minister does not allow the
people to hear his words.
Thus, he stands in the way of the
happiness of the children.
The Union Government, on 21 March
2015, cancelled the winning bids of the Jindal
and the BALCO alleging cartelisation.
These companies had won four coal blocks.
The present man alone predicted
cartelisation. No other political leader uttered any word in this context.
Behind every auction, there exists a
Even if a bank auctions jewels or
confiscated properties, there forms a cartel.
A similar cartel exists in the auction
of the spectrum also.
No wonder, all coal blocks are being usurped through a cartel.
In the present auction, the people
from in and around Gujarat cornered important blocks. This is deeper than
simple cartelisation.
The government did not publish the
terms and conditions of auction because they were set to favour the ruling
It did not allow the people to see
this work either.
Everything shows that the prime
minister is wary of generating an intellectual climate in the country.
In fact, physical prowess rather than
intellectual greatness reigns supreme.
This is unconstitutional.
This is letter No.357.
This letter is
being submitted to His Excellency the President of India, Supreme Court of
India, Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Indian Army and the Indian Air Force, and
posted in the blog: www.howeverythinghappenedinindia.blogspot.com on 23 March 2015.
23- 3-2015.
V. Sabarimuthu,
26-3 Thattamkonam, Vellicode,
Mulagumoodu PIN: 629167, India.
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