Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Letter No.719

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
Mulagumoodu P.O.
All judges
Supreme Court of India
New Delhi
Your Excellency
Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress Party, on 26 March 2019, said that he would ensure Re. 6000/- per month to 20% of the poorest Indians.
It was the headline news of many newspapers in India.
It is a good idea although he might have distilled it out of this work. So, all people all over India would be lifted out of the poverty line immediately after the election. Even the NDA would be forced to follow it. Really, happy days are ahead of everyone.
The media reported his words because he allowed the then Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, to send the money in the Provident Fund and the Pension Fund to unknown destinations. Besides, he helped alienate the natural assets.
The present man has been giving far more valuable ideas for the last 18 years. But the media is not ready to report them. The reason is that they think that the present man did not do anything profitable to them. Moreover, the present man says that the newspapers and the TV channels must be handed over to the voluntary organizations. They cannot fire at themselves.
No wonder that they do not report the views of the present man. When some good things happen due to this work, the media simply attribute it to others.
The political leaders must have the courage to tell the media houses that they should publish news and views according to degree. The leaders should not think that the ideas of others would diminish their importance. In fact, any name one gets after concealing the names of others, is not a name.
Therefore, all political leaders must face ideas with ideas, opinions with opinions and views with views. They must understand that politics is the war between ideas. It is not necessary that one must conduct public meetings or carry out processions and agitations. The present man said this repeatedly.
It is said that ‘politics is nothing but war without bloodshed’. A political leader in India, Mr. Seeman, accepted it quoting a political leader from China. All others must accept it. Therefore, the present man is the No.1 political leader in India. This work is simply an exhaustive war against the present unconstitutional system. The weapon is not gun but the Constitution of India. Either the system or the Constitution of India will survive.
How can the present man claim this? The present man says that he fairly and adequately represents the 1300 absent class citizens. To know this, one must place the ideas and achievements of the present absent class citizen and those of Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi or any other talented political leader in India before the people. One would find to his amazement that there are not even 10 right thinking people in India to support Mr. Narendra Modi or any other leader in India.
How can a citizen of India place his ideas before the people if the media houses refuse to divulge his views?
The refusal to publish the meritorious views is an offence because it is in conflict with Article 19.
It is not an imaginary grievance to be rejected. It is a real grievance.
To remedy the grievances, one would approach the courts. For this, the courts must be Constitutional in their ways. How can a court be constitutional in its ways?
The court is said to be constitutional in its ways when it functions in a transparent way. When it functions in a transparent way, it cannot go astray. It is said that a judge functions in a glass bowl. The conduct of the hearing is observed by sophisticated advocates and knowledgeable people. The judgements that are not based upon logical and sound interpretation of the constitution would make the judge unacceptable to the people. The people are always concerned with the quality of the decisions.
For this to happen, a judge need not be an expert in law but he must have enough knowledge of law.
When the judges of the Supreme Court of India destroyed the Constitution of India from within on 10 -12-2001, the present man pointed out it to the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India. Any one of the courts should have accepted it as a writ petition or sought a clarification from the present man. It should have shown the letters and the action taken by it to the people. But the judges all over India pretended that they did not receive the letters. They did not consider a man without money as a citizen of India or even a human being.
The present man then sent letters to all political leaders, 250 Members of Parliament, several newspapers, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the President of India. After accepting about 250 letters continuously, the CBI refused to accept the letters sent by post. Now, even the email addresses of the NHRC and CVC are not – apparently- in the public domain.
Thus, the judicial system in India previously and consistently failed to protect the democratic rights of the people in civil life. The court is now over burdened with 719 letters. It refuses to adjudicate them under Article 39(a) and promulgate to the people as per Article 19.
The High Courts in India and the Supreme Court of India can no longer settle this issue due to conflict of interests. Therefore, the present man approached the President of India.
The source of authority of the President of India is the Constitution of India. He is the only competent authority to protect it. He could have asked the Government to file a First Information Report (FIR) for failing to act in conformity with Article 39(a) or against the media houses for their failure to act in conformity with Article 19.
This is letter No. 720
This letter is being submitted to the President of India and to all judges of the Supreme Court of India.
V. Sabarimuthu

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