Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Letter No.723

V. Sabarimuthu
26-3 Vellicode
Mulagumoodu P.O. 629167
All judges
The Supreme Court of India
New Delhi

        The ZEE TV- an Indian TV channel- on 29 March 2019, reported that Pakistan committed three ceasefire violations in the Poonch district of Jammu & Kashmir. The Times of India reported that there were 12 violations. The Indian army spokesperson did not report anything.
        It is pertinent to recall the word of Boland that “It is the mark of civilization that men present reasons rather than arms”. India and Pakistan must disclose their reasons for their stand in this matter to the public inspection.

Union Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely, on 30 March 2019, said, “A strong economy can enable redistribution of its large resources in order to reduce poverty. Only growth can service the poor”.
        He does not represent even 10 right thinking people in India. He cannot continue as a minister in an atmosphere of freedom. He says that India would flow with honey and milk if he is allowed to plunder the public resources for some more time.
        He talks like a stranger to the Constitution of India
        1300 million people of India do not expect redistribution of money earned by anyone by his own merit.
 But the Government should not deprive 1300 million people of their benefits in violation of Article 39(b) of the Constitution of India. In fact, the people are entitled to restitution of the lost benefits. A fair and efficient adjudication is the only need of the hour. Until then, all Union Ministers – present and past-must be detained.
        Some construct stories like this. “The Constitution of India was not drafted by the people for the benefit of the people. It was drafted by seven men. They were:
1.      Dr. B R Ambedkar (chairman)
2.     N Gopalaswamy Ayyangar
3.     Alladi Krinshnaswamy Ayyar
4.     Dr. K M Munshi
5.     Syed Mohammad Saadullah
6.     N Madhav Rau (he replaced B L Mittal who resigned due to ill health)
7.     T T Krishnamachri (he replaced D P Khitan who died in 1948).

 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar – a person from the Scheduled Caste was the chairman. The Muslim member, Mr. Syed Mohamed Saadullah, went to Pakistan. The rest were Brahmins. Therefore, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had to obey them. The pen alone belonged to Dr. Ambedkar and the ink belonged to them. Even Ambedkar said that he would be the first person to set fire to the Constitution of India, if permitted”.
But it is a unique constitution. No other constitution bestows benefits to the whole as the Indian constitution. Article 39 alone is sufficient to prove it.  Therefore, all the seven members are like saints and they must be worshipped. One shall not take a prejudiced view against the members of the Brahmin community in this matter. The Indians do not know this. The Supreme Court of India would not allow the people to know it because the opinion emanates from the present man. It is simply individualizing everything.
Article 39 is the nerve centre of the Constitution of India. It has six Sections. For the time being, let us take 39(b) and 39(a)
According to the Section 39(b) “the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to sub-serve the common good.”
As per this section, the natural resources must remain with the government.
The Supreme Court of India must give effect to this. It has no right to modify, correct or change this section.
   When the judges obliterate this section, the people can write it to the Supreme Court of India and obtain relief.  The court must adjudicate it under Section 39(a). Only if it is adjudicated, the judges can be called justices.
Further, their opinion will become law - called judges law or common law- only when it is duly promulgated.
When the BALCO judgement defrauded the people of benefits under the Constitution of India, the present man told the then Chief Justice of India that he broke the Constitution of India from within. The court should have adopted a single test to determine whether issues applicable to all citizens predominated over individual issues or not. But he individualized the issue and hesitated to administer the benefits of the Constitution to the people.
If the people had known this, they might have thrown the judges and the government into the Indian Ocean long ago.
The court is individualizing the issues even after 722 letters.
1300 million people would place the demand before the President of India, provided they know this. They would seek an injunctive relief to protect their constitutional benefits
The present man fixed the omnipotent judges of the Supreme Court of India because they refused to adjudicate the letters although the strength of Article 39 (a) of the Constitution of India, hard work, perseverance, intuition and the chances bestowed by nature contributed to it. Anyhow, a citizen of India – an ordinary man in the street- has achieved the ultimate in the Indian politics. Anything to be achieved would be a bonus. Everyone can be proud of it. That is why, the present citizen is now the sovereign of the nation. The Chief Justice of India need not envy at this.
There can be no doubt that the judges of the Supreme Court of India refuse to act on grounds generally applicable to the judges. Therefore, they seek the help of the media mafia for their survival. They must introspect, whether they should remain for the promotion of the media mafia or for the 1300 million people.
Their acts and omissions affected all citizens as a whole in the same manner.
   Now, the issue arises out of a single act of the defendants ie judges – the refusal to adjudicate 722 petitions.
A single action of the President of India under the Constitution of India will provide the most effective and efficient mechanism for redressing the defendants (judges) unlawful conduct.
This Letter No.723
V. Sabarimuthu
2-4- 2019.


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